Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
This is the complete list of members for Ogre::UpdateLodRequest, including all inherited members.
addToRenderQueue | Ogre::CullFrustumRequest | |
camera | Ogre::CullFrustumRequest | |
casterPass | Ogre::CullFrustumRequest | |
CullFrustumRequest() | Ogre::CullFrustumRequest | inline |
CullFrustumRequest(uint8 _firstRq, uint8 _lastRq, bool _casterPass, bool _addToRenderQueue, bool _cullingLights, const ObjectMemoryManagerVec *_objectMemManager, const Camera *_camera, const Camera *_lodCamera) | Ogre::CullFrustumRequest | inline |
cullingLights | Ogre::CullFrustumRequest | |
firstRq | Ogre::CullFrustumRequest | |
lastRq | Ogre::CullFrustumRequest | |
lodBias | Ogre::UpdateLodRequest | |
lodCamera | Ogre::CullFrustumRequest | |
objectMemManager | Ogre::CullFrustumRequest | |
ObjectMemoryManagerVec typedef | Ogre::CullFrustumRequest | |
UpdateLodRequest() | Ogre::UpdateLodRequest | inline |
UpdateLodRequest(uint8 _firstRq, uint8 _lastRq, const ObjectMemoryManagerVec *_objectMemManager, const Camera *_camera, const Camera *_lodCamera, Real _lodBias) | Ogre::UpdateLodRequest | inline |