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Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
This is the complete list of members for Ogre::D3D9Mappings, including all inherited members.
_getClosestSupportedPF(PixelFormat ogrePF) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
_getPF(D3DFORMAT d3dPF) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
_getPF(PixelFormat ogrePF) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
convertD3DXMatrix(const D3DXMATRIX &mat) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
D3D_FUSAGE_MAG enum value | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | |
D3D_FUSAGE_MIN enum value | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | |
D3D_FUSAGE_MIP enum value | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | |
D3D_TEX_TYPE_CUBE enum value | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | |
D3D_TEX_TYPE_NONE enum value | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | |
D3D_TEX_TYPE_NORMAL enum value | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | |
D3D_TEX_TYPE_VOLUME enum value | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | |
eD3DFilterUsage enum name | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | |
eD3DTexType enum name | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | |
get(ShadeOptions so) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(Ogre::Light::LightTypes lightType) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(TexCoordCalcMethod m, const D3DCAPS9 &caps) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(TextureUnitState::TextureAddressingMode tam, const D3DCAPS9 &devCaps) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(LayerBlendType lbt) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(LayerBlendOperationEx lbo, const D3DCAPS9 &devCaps) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(LayerBlendSource lbs, bool perStageConstants) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(SceneBlendFactor sbf) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(SceneBlendOperation sbo) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(CompareFunction cf) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(CullingMode cm, bool flip) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(FogMode fm) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(PolygonMode level) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(StencilOperation op, bool invert=false) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(FilterType ft) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(FilterType ft, FilterOptions fo, const D3DCAPS9 &devCaps, eD3DTexType texType) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(TextureType ogreTexType) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(HardwareBuffer::Usage usage) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(HardwareBuffer::LockOptions options, HardwareBuffer::Usage usage) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(HardwareIndexBuffer::IndexType itype) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(VertexElementType vType) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
get(VertexElementSemantic sem) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |
makeD3DXMatrix(const Matrix4 &mat) | Ogre::D3D9Mappings | static |