Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
This is the complete list of members for Ogre::NULLVertexArrayObject, including all inherited members.
clone(VaoManager *vaoManager, SharedVertexBufferMap *sharedBuffers, int vertexBufferType=-1, int indexBufferType=-1) const | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | |
findBySemantic(VertexElementSemantic semantic, size_t &outIndex, size_t &outOffset, size_t repeat=0) const | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | |
getBaseVertexBuffer() const | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | inline |
getIndexBuffer() const | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | inline |
getInputLayoutId() const | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | inline |
getOperationType() const | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | inline |
getPrimitiveCount() const | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | inline |
getPrimitiveStart() const | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | inline |
getRenderQueueId() const | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | inline |
getVaoName() const | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | inline |
getVertexBuffers() const | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | inline |
getVertexDeclaration() const | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | |
getVertexDeclaration(const VertexBufferPackedVec &vertexBuffers) | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | static |
mapAsyncTickets(ReadRequestsVec &tickets) | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | static |
msDummyVertexBuffer | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | static |
NULLVertexArrayObject(uint32 vaoName, uint32 renderQueueId, const VertexBufferPackedVec &vertexBuffers, IndexBufferPacked *indexBuffer, OperationType opType) | Ogre::NULLVertexArrayObject | inline |
readRequests(ReadRequestsVec &requests, size_t elementStart=0, size_t elementCount=0, bool skipRequestIfBufferHasShadowCopy=false) | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | |
ReadRequestsVec typedef | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | |
setPrimitiveRange(uint32 primStart, uint32 primCount) | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | |
unmapAsyncTickets(ReadRequestsVec &tickets) | Ogre::VertexArrayObject | static |
VertexArrayObject(uint32 vaoName, uint32 renderQueueId, uint16 inputLayoutId, const VertexBufferPackedVec &vertexBuffers, IndexBufferPacked *indexBuffer, OperationType operationType) | Ogre::VertexArrayObject |