OGRE  1.11.6
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::VectorBase< 3, Real > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Ogre::VectorBase< 3, Real >, including all inherited members.

absDotProduct(const VectorBase &vec) constOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >inline
crossProduct(const Vector3 &rkVector) constOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >inline
directionEquals(const Vector3 &rhs, const Radian &tolerance) constOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >inline
getRotationTo(const Vector3 &dest, const Vector3 &fallbackAxis=ZERO) constOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >inline
midPoint(const Vector3 &vec) constOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >inline
NEGATIVE_UNIT_XOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >static
NEGATIVE_UNIT_YOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >static
NEGATIVE_UNIT_ZOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >static
operator=(const Real fScaler)Ogre::VectorBase< 3, Real >inline
perpendicular(void) constOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >inline
positionCloses(const Vector3 &rhs, Real tolerance=1e-03f) constOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >inline
primaryAxis() constOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >inline
ptr()Ogre::VectorBase< 3, Real >inline
ptr() constOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >inline
randomDeviant(const Radian &angle, const Vector3 &up=ZERO) constOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >inline
UNIT_SCALEOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >static
UNIT_XOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >static
UNIT_YOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >static
UNIT_ZOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >static
VectorBase()Ogre::VectorBase< 3, Real >inline
VectorBase(Real _x, Real _y, Real _z)Ogre::VectorBase< 3, Real >inline
xOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >
yOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >
zOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >
ZEROOgre::VectorBase< 3, Real >static