shiny  0.4
a shader and material management library for OGRE

A common task in shader development is to provide a different set of simpler shaders for all your materials. Some examples:

For this task, the library provides a Configuration concept.

A Configuration is a set of properties that can override global settings, as long as this Configuration is active.

Here's an example. Say you have a global setting with the name 'shadows' that controls if your materials receive shadows.

Now, lets create a configuration for our reflection render targets that disables shadows for all materials. Paste the following in a new file with the extension '.configuration':

configuration reflection_targets
shadows false
You may also create configurations using sh::Factory::createConfiguration.

The active Configuration is controlled by the active material scheme in Ogre. So, in order to use the configuration "reflection_targets" for your reflection renders, simply call

viewport->setMaterialScheme ("reflection_targets");

on the Ogre viewport of your reflection render!