![]() |
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
This is the complete list of members for Ogre::NULLTextureManager, including all inherited members.
_notifyResourceLoaded(Resource *res) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
_notifyResourceTouched(Resource *res) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
_notifyResourceUnloaded(Resource *res) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
AllocatedObject() | Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc > | inlineexplicit |
create(const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, const NameValuePairList *createParams=0) | Ogre::TextureManager | |
createManual(const String &name, const String &group, TextureType texType, uint width, uint height, uint depth, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, int usage=TU_DEFAULT, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, bool hwGammaCorrection=false, uint fsaa=0, const String &fsaaHint=BLANKSTRING, bool explicitResolve=false, bool shareableDepthBuffer=true) | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |
createManual(const String &name, const String &group, TextureType texType, uint width, uint height, int numMipmaps, PixelFormat format, int usage=TU_DEFAULT, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, bool hwGammaCorrection=false, uint fsaa=0, const String &fsaaHint=BLANKSTRING, bool explicitResolve=false, bool shareableDepthBuffer=true) | Ogre::TextureManager | inline |
createOrRetrieve(const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, const NameValuePairList *createParams=0, TextureType texType=TEX_TYPE_2D, int numMipmaps=MIP_DEFAULT, Real gamma=1.0f, bool isAlpha=false, PixelFormat desiredFormat=PF_UNKNOWN, bool hwGammaCorrection=false) | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |
Ogre::ResourceManager::createOrRetrieve(const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, const NameValuePairList *createParams=0) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
createResource(const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, const NameValuePairList *createParams=0) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
destroyAllResourcePools() | Ogre::ResourceManager | |
destroyResourcePool(ResourcePool *pool) | Ogre::ResourceManager | |
destroyResourcePool(const String &name) | Ogre::ResourceManager | |
getByHandle(ResourceHandle handle) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
getByName(const String &name, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME) | Ogre::TextureManager | |
getDefaultNumMipmaps() | Ogre::TextureManager | inlinevirtual |
getLoadingOrder(void) const | Ogre::ResourceManager | inlinevirtual |
getMemoryBudget(void) const | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
getMemoryUsage(void) const | Ogre::ResourceManager | inlinevirtual |
getNativeFormat(TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, int usage) | Ogre::NULLTextureManager | virtual |
getPreferredFloatBitDepth(void) const | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |
getPreferredIntegerBitDepth(void) const | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |
getResourceByName(const String &name, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
getResourceIterator(void) | Ogre::ResourceManager | inline |
getResourcePool(const String &name) | Ogre::ResourceManager | |
getResourceType(void) const | Ogre::ResourceManager | inline |
getScriptPatterns(void) const | Ogre::ResourceManager | inlinevirtual |
getSingleton(void) | Ogre::TextureManager | static |
getSingletonPtr(void) | Ogre::TextureManager | static |
getVerbose(void) | Ogre::ResourceManager | inlinevirtual |
isEquivalentFormatSupported(TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, int usage) | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |
isFormatSupported(TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, int usage) | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |
isHardwareFilteringSupported(TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, int usage, bool preciseFormatOnly=false) | Ogre::NULLTextureManager | virtual |
load(const String &name, const String &group, TextureType texType=TEX_TYPE_2D, int numMipmaps=MIP_DEFAULT, Real gamma=1.0f, bool isAlpha=false, PixelFormat desiredFormat=PF_UNKNOWN, bool hwGammaCorrection=false) | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |
Ogre::ResourceManager::load(const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, const NameValuePairList *loadParams=0, bool backgroundThread=false) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
loadImage(const String &name, const String &group, const Image &img, TextureType texType=TEX_TYPE_2D, int numMipmaps=MIP_DEFAULT, Real gamma=1.0f, bool isAlpha=false, PixelFormat desiredFormat=PF_UNKNOWN, bool hwGammaCorrection=false) | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |
loadRawData(const String &name, const String &group, DataStreamPtr &stream, ushort width, ushort height, PixelFormat format, TextureType texType=TEX_TYPE_2D, int numMipmaps=MIP_DEFAULT, Real gamma=1.0f, bool hwGammaCorrection=false) | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |
NULLTextureManager() | Ogre::NULLTextureManager | |
OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX | Ogre::ResourceManager | |
operator delete(void *ptr) | Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc > | inline |
operator delete(void *ptr, void *) | Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc > | inline |
operator delete(void *ptr, const char *, int, const char *) | Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc > | inline |
operator delete[](void *ptr) | Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc > | inline |
operator delete[](void *ptr, const char *, int, const char *) | Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc > | inline |
operator new(size_t sz, const char *file, int line, const char *func) | Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc > | inline |
operator new(size_t sz) | Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc > | inline |
operator new(size_t sz, void *ptr) | Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc > | inline |
operator new[](size_t sz, const char *file, int line, const char *func) | Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc > | inline |
operator new[](size_t sz) | Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc > | inline |
parseScript(DataStreamPtr &stream, const String &groupName) | Ogre::ResourceManager | inlinevirtual |
prepare(const String &name, const String &group, TextureType texType=TEX_TYPE_2D, int numMipmaps=MIP_DEFAULT, Real gamma=1.0f, bool isAlpha=false, PixelFormat desiredFormat=PF_UNKNOWN, bool hwGammaCorrection=false) | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |
Ogre::ResourceManager::prepare(const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, const NameValuePairList *loadParams=0, bool backgroundThread=false) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
reloadAll(bool reloadableOnly=true) | Ogre::ResourceManager | inline |
reloadAll(Resource::LoadingFlags flags) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
reloadUnreferencedResources(bool reloadableOnly=true) | Ogre::ResourceManager | inline |
remove(const ResourcePtr &r) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
remove(const String &name) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
remove(ResourceHandle handle) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
removeAll(void) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
removeUnreferencedResources(bool reloadableOnly=true) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
ResourceCreateOrRetrieveResult typedef | Ogre::ResourceManager | |
resourceExists(const String &name) | Ogre::ResourceManager | inlinevirtual |
resourceExists(ResourceHandle handle) | Ogre::ResourceManager | inlinevirtual |
ResourceHandleMap typedef | Ogre::ResourceManager | |
ResourceManager() | Ogre::ResourceManager | |
ResourceMap typedef | Ogre::ResourceManager | |
ResourceMapIterator typedef | Ogre::ResourceManager | |
ResourceWithGroupMap typedef | Ogre::ResourceManager | |
setDefaultNumMipmaps(size_t num) | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |
setMemoryBudget(size_t bytes) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
setPreferredBitDepths(ushort integerBits, ushort floatBits, bool reloadTextures=true) | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |
setPreferredFloatBitDepth(ushort bits, bool reloadTextures=true) | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |
setPreferredIntegerBitDepth(ushort bits, bool reloadTextures=true) | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |
setVerbose(bool v) | Ogre::ResourceManager | inlinevirtual |
Singleton(void) | Ogre::Singleton< TextureManager > | inline |
TextureManager(void) | Ogre::TextureManager | |
unload(const String &name) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
unload(ResourceHandle handle) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
unloadAll(bool reloadableOnly=true) | Ogre::ResourceManager | inline |
unloadAll(Resource::LoadingFlags flags) | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
unloadUnreferencedResources(bool reloadableOnly=true) | Ogre::ResourceManager | inline |
~AllocatedObject() | Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc > | inline |
~NULLTextureManager() | Ogre::NULLTextureManager | virtual |
~ResourceManager() | Ogre::ResourceManager | virtual |
~ScriptLoader() | Ogre::ScriptLoader | inlinevirtual |
~Singleton(void) | Ogre::Singleton< TextureManager > | inline |
~TextureManager() | Ogre::TextureManager | virtual |