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OGRE-Next 4.0.0unstable
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
This is the complete list of members for Ogre::StringUtil, including all inherited members.
endsWith(const String &str, const String &pattern, bool lowerCase=true) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |
match(const String &str, const String &pattern, bool caseSensitive=true) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |
normalizeFilePath(const String &init, bool makeLowerCase=true) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |
replaceAll(const String &source, const String &replaceWhat, const String &replaceWithWhat) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |
split(const String &str, const String &delims="\t\n ", unsigned int maxSplits=0, bool preserveDelims=false) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |
splitBaseFilename(const Ogre::String &fullName, Ogre::String &outBasename, Ogre::String &outExtention) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |
splitFilename(const String &qualifiedName, String &outBasename, String &outPath) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |
splitFullFilename(const Ogre::String &qualifiedName, Ogre::String &outBasename, Ogre::String &outExtention, Ogre::String &outPath) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |
standardisePath(const String &init) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |
startsWith(const String &str, const String &pattern, bool lowerCase=true) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |
tokenise(const String &str, const String &delims="\t\n ", const String &doubleDelims="\"", unsigned int maxSplits=0) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |
toLowerCase(String &str) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |
toTitleCase(String &str) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |
toUpperCase(String &str) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |
trim(String &str, bool left=true, bool right=true) | Ogre::StringUtil | static |