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OGRE-Next 4.0.0unstable
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
: Most physically accurate BRDF Ogre has.cook_torrance
: Cook-Torrance implementation of BRDF.blinn_phong
: Implements Normalized Blinn Phong using a normalization factor of (n + 8) / (8 * pi). Looks similar to default
but has increased performance.default_uncorrelated
: Same as Default, but the geometry term is not height-correlated which most notably causes edges to be dimmer and is less correct.default_separate_diffuse_fresnel
: Same as Default but the fresnel of the diffuse is calculated differently. When using this BRDF, the diffuse fresnel will be calculated differently, causing the diffuse component to still affect the colour even when the fresnel = 1 (although subtly). To achieve a perfect mirror you will have to set the fresnel to 1 and the diffuse colour to black; which can be unintuitive for artists.cook_torrance_separate_diffuse_fresnel
: Similar to 'DefaultSeparateDiffuseFresnel' but the Cook Torrance model is used instead.blinn_phong_separate_diffuse_fresnel
: Similar to 'DefaultSeparateDiffuseFresnel' but uses BlinnPhong as base.detail0
to detail3
: Type string. The name of a diffuse map texture. Example: "diffuse_map" : "texture.tga"
OPTIONAL parametermetalness
: Type float. Sets the metalness value of the detail texture. DEFAULT=1.0metalness_map
: Type string. The name of a metalness map texture. Example: "metalness_map" : "texture.tga"
OPTIONAL parameternormal_map
: Type string. The name of a normal map texture. Example: "normal_map" : "texture.tga"
OPTIONAL parameteroffset
: Type Vector2 array. Sets the UV offset of the detail map. DEFAULT=[0,0]scale
: Type Vector2 array. Sets the UV scale of the detail map. DEFAULT=[1,1]roughness
: Type float. Sets the roughness value of the detail texture. Very low roughness values can cause NaNs in the pixel shader. DEFAULT=1.0roughness_map
: Type string. The name of a roughness map texture. Example: "roughness_map" : "texture.tga"
OPTIONAL parametertexture
and sampler
parameter OR a diffuse_map
: Type string. The name of the sampler block definition to apply to the diffuse texture. OPTIONAL parametertexture
: Type string. The name of a texture. Example: "texture" : "texture.tga"
OPTIONAL parametersampler
: Type string. The name of the sampler block definition to apply to the diffuse texture. OPTIONAL parametertexture
: Type string. The name of a texture. Example: "texture" : "texture.tga"
OPTIONAL parametersampler
: Type string. The name of the sampler block definition to apply to the diffuse texture. OPTIONAL parametertexture
: Type string. The name of a texture. Example: "texture" : "texture.tga"
OPTIONAL parametervalue
: Type vector3 array (RGB). Sets the diffuse colour (final multiplier). The colour will be divided by PI for energy conservation. DEFAULT="[1, 1, 1]"sampler
: Type string. The name of the sampler block definition to apply to the diffuse texture. OPTIONAL parametertexture
: Type string. The name of a texture. Example: "texture" : "texture.tga"
OPTIONAL parameter