OGRE 14.3
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
No Matches
HighPy.py File Reference


namespace  Python
namespace  Python.HighPy


 Python.HighPy.camera_intrinsics (str window_name, K, imsize)
 set camera intrinsics
 Python.HighPy.imshow (str window_name, str|os.PathLike img_path)
 show an image in the window
 Python.HighPy.mesh_hide (str window_name, str|os.PathLike mesh_path)
 hide a mesh in the window
 Python.HighPy.mesh_show (str window_name, str|os.PathLike mesh_path, rot_mat=None, position=(0, 0, 0), str|None material_name=None)
 show a mesh in the window
 Python.HighPy.point_light (str window_name, position=(0, 0, 0))
 create a point light in the window
 Python.HighPy.window_compositor (str window_name, str compositor_name)
 set a compositor for the window
 Python.HighPy.window_create (str window_name, window_size, int flags=AXES_ZBACKWARD_YUP)
 create a window
int Python.HighPy.window_draw (str window_name)
 draw the window
 Python.HighPy.window_pixel_data (str window_name, str|None compositor_name=None, str|None texture_name=None, int mrt_index=0)
 get the pixel data from the window or the active compositor
 Python.HighPy.window_use_imgui (str window_name, callback)
 enable imgui for the window


int Python.HighPy.AXES_ZBACKWARD_YUP = 0
 Ogre & OpenGL coordinate system
int Python.HighPy.AXES_ZFORWARD_YDOWN = 1
 OpenCV & colmap coordinate system.
 Python.HighPy.user_resource_locations = set()
 add paths here to override the default resource location "."