OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::StringConverter Class Reference

Class for converting the core Ogre data types to/from Strings. More...

#include <OgreStringConverter.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static String getDefaultStringLocale ()
static bool isNumber (const String &val)
 Checks the String is a valid number value. More...
static bool isUseLocale ()
static Radian parseAngle (const String &val, Radian defaultValue=Radian(0))
 Converts a String to a Angle. More...
static bool parseBool (const String &val, bool defaultValue=0, bool *error=NULL)
 Converts a String to a boolean. More...
static ColourBufferType parseColourBuffer (const String &val, ColourBufferType defaultValue=CBT_BACK)
 Converts a String to a ColourBufferType. More...
static ColourValue parseColourValue (const String &val, const ColourValue &defaultValue=ColourValue::Black)
 Parses a ColourValue out of a String. More...
static int parseInt (const String &val, int defaultValue=0)
 Converts a String to a whole number. More...
static long parseLong (const String &val, long defaultValue=0)
 Converts a String to a whole number. More...
static Matrix3 parseMatrix3 (const String &val, const Matrix3 &defaultValue=Matrix3::IDENTITY)
 Parses a Matrix3 out of a String. More...
static Matrix4 parseMatrix4 (const String &val, const Matrix4 &defaultValue=Matrix4::IDENTITY)
 Parses a Matrix4 out of a String. More...
static Quaternion parseQuaternion (const String &val, const Quaternion &defaultValue=Quaternion::IDENTITY)
 Parses a Quaternion out of a String. More...
static Real parseReal (const String &val, Real defaultValue=0)
 Converts a String to a Real. More...
static short parseShort (const String &val, short defaultValue=0)
 Converts a String to a whole number. More...
static size_t parseSizeT (const String &val, size_t defaultValue=0)
 Converts a String to size_t. More...
static StereoModeType parseStereoMode (const String &val, StereoModeType defaultValue=SMT_NONE)
 Converts a String to a StereoModeType. More...
static StringVector parseStringVector (const String &val)
 Parses a StringVector from a string. More...
static unsigned int parseUnsignedInt (const String &val, unsigned int defaultValue=0)
 Converts a String to a whole number. More...
static unsigned long parseUnsignedLong (const String &val, unsigned long defaultValue=0)
 Converts a String to a whole number. More...
static unsigned short parseUnsignedShort (const String &val, unsigned short defaultValue=0)
 Converts a String to a whole number. More...
static Vector2 parseVector2 (const String &val, const Vector2 &defaultValue=Vector2::ZERO)
 Parses a Vector2 out of a String. More...
static Vector3 parseVector3 (const String &val, const Vector3 &defaultValue=Vector3::ZERO)
 Parses a Vector3 out of a String. More...
static Vector4 parseVector4 (const String &val, const Vector4 &defaultValue=Vector4::ZERO)
 Parses a Vector4 out of a String. More...
static void setDefaultStringLocale (const String &loc)
static void setUseLocale (bool useLocale)
static String toString (bool val, bool yesNo=false)
 Converts a boolean to a String. More...
static String toString (ColourBufferType val)
 Converts a ColourBufferType to a String. More...
static String toString (const ColourValue &val)
 Converts a ColourValue to a String. More...
static String toString (const Matrix3 &val)
 Converts a Matrix3 to a String. More...
static String toString (const Matrix4 &val)
 Converts a Matrix4 to a String. More...
static String toString (const Quaternion &val)
 Converts a Quaternion to a String. More...
static String toString (const StringVector &val)
 Converts a StringVector to a string. More...
static String toString (const Vector2 &val)
 Converts a Vector2 to a String. More...
static String toString (const Vector3 &val)
 Converts a Vector3 to a String. More...
static String toString (const Vector4 &val)
 Converts a Vector4 to a String. More...
static String toString (Degree val, unsigned short precision=0, unsigned short width=0, char fill=' ', std::ios::fmtflags flags=std::ios::fmtflags(0))
 Converts a Degree to a String. More...
static String toString (double val, unsigned short precision=0, unsigned short width=0, char fill=' ', std::ios::fmtflags flags=std::ios::fmtflags(0))
 Converts a double to a String. More...
static String toString (float val, unsigned short precision=0, unsigned short width=0, char fill=' ', std::ios::fmtflags flags=std::ios::fmtflags(0))
 Converts a float to a String. More...
static String toString (int val, unsigned short width=0, char fill=' ', std::ios::fmtflags flags=std::ios::fmtflags(0))
 Converts an int to a String. More...
static String toString (long val, unsigned short width=0, char fill=' ', std::ios::fmtflags flags=std::ios::fmtflags(0))
 Converts a long to a String. More...
static String toString (Radian val, unsigned short precision=0, unsigned short width=0, char fill=' ', std::ios::fmtflags flags=std::ios::fmtflags(0))
 Converts a Radian to a String. More...
static String toString (size_t val, unsigned short width=0, char fill=' ', std::ios::fmtflags flags=std::ios::fmtflags(0))
 Converts a size_t to a String. More...
static String toString (StereoModeType val)
 Converts a StereoModeType to a String. More...
static String toString (unsigned long val, unsigned short width=0, char fill=' ', std::ios::fmtflags flags=std::ios::fmtflags(0))
 Converts an unsigned long to a String. More...

Detailed Description

Class for converting the core Ogre data types to/from Strings.

The code for converting values to and from strings is here as a separate class to avoid coupling String to other datatypes (and vice-versa) which reduces compilation dependency: important given how often the core types are used.
This class is mainly used for parsing settings in text files. External applications can also use it to interface with classes which use the StringInterface template class.
The String formats of each of the major types is listed with the methods. The basic types like int and Real just use the underlying C runtime library atof and atoi family methods, however custom types like Vector3, ColourValue and Matrix4 are also supported by this class using custom formats.
Steve Streeting

Member Function Documentation

◆ getDefaultStringLocale()

static String Ogre::StringConverter::getDefaultStringLocale ( )

◆ isNumber()

static bool Ogre::StringConverter::isNumber ( const String val)

Checks the String is a valid number value.

◆ isUseLocale()

static bool Ogre::StringConverter::isUseLocale ( )

◆ parseAngle()

static Radian Ogre::StringConverter::parseAngle ( const String val,
Radian  defaultValue = Radian( 0 ) 

Converts a String to a Angle.

0.0 if the value could not be parsed, otherwise the Angle version of the String.

◆ parseBool()

static bool Ogre::StringConverter::parseBool ( const String val,
bool  defaultValue = 0,
bool *  error = NULL 

Converts a String to a boolean.

Returns true if case-insensitive match of the start of the string matches "true", "yes", "1", or "on", false if "false", "no", "0" or "off".

◆ parseColourBuffer()

static ColourBufferType Ogre::StringConverter::parseColourBuffer ( const String val,
ColourBufferType  defaultValue = CBT_BACK 

Converts a String to a ColourBufferType.

String input format should be "Back", "Back Left", "Back Right", etc.

◆ parseColourValue()

static ColourValue Ogre::StringConverter::parseColourValue ( const String val,
const ColourValue defaultValue = ColourValue::Black 

Parses a ColourValue out of a String.

Format is "r g b a" (i.e. 4x Real values, space delimited), or "r g b" which implies an alpha value of 1.0 (opaque). Failure to parse returns ColourValue::Black.

◆ parseInt()

static int Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt ( const String val,
int  defaultValue = 0 

Converts a String to a whole number.

0.0 if the value could not be parsed, otherwise the numeric version of the String.

◆ parseLong()

static long Ogre::StringConverter::parseLong ( const String val,
long  defaultValue = 0 

Converts a String to a whole number.

0.0 if the value could not be parsed, otherwise the numeric version of the String.

◆ parseMatrix3()

static Matrix3 Ogre::StringConverter::parseMatrix3 ( const String val,
const Matrix3 defaultValue = Matrix3::IDENTITY 

Parses a Matrix3 out of a String.

Format is "00 01 02 10 11 12 20 21 22" where '01' means row 0 column 1 etc. Failure to parse returns Matrix3::IDENTITY.

◆ parseMatrix4()

static Matrix4 Ogre::StringConverter::parseMatrix4 ( const String val,
const Matrix4 defaultValue = Matrix4::IDENTITY 

Parses a Matrix4 out of a String.

Format is "00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33" where '01' means row 0 column 1 etc. Failure to parse returns Matrix4::IDENTITY.

◆ parseQuaternion()

static Quaternion Ogre::StringConverter::parseQuaternion ( const String val,
const Quaternion defaultValue = Quaternion::IDENTITY 

Parses a Quaternion out of a String.

Format is "w x y z" (i.e. 4x Real values, space delimited). Failure to parse returns Quaternion::IDENTITY.

◆ parseReal()

static Real Ogre::StringConverter::parseReal ( const String val,
Real  defaultValue = 0 

Converts a String to a Real.

0.0 if the value could not be parsed, otherwise the Real version of the String.

◆ parseShort()

static short Ogre::StringConverter::parseShort ( const String val,
short  defaultValue = 0 

Converts a String to a whole number.

0.0 if the value could not be parsed, otherwise the numeric version of the String.

◆ parseSizeT()

static size_t Ogre::StringConverter::parseSizeT ( const String val,
size_t  defaultValue = 0 

Converts a String to size_t.

defaultValue if the value could not be parsed, otherwise the numeric version of the String.

◆ parseStereoMode()

static StereoModeType Ogre::StringConverter::parseStereoMode ( const String val,
StereoModeType  defaultValue = SMT_NONE 

Converts a String to a StereoModeType.

String input format should be "None", "Frame Sequential", etc.

◆ parseStringVector()

static StringVector Ogre::StringConverter::parseStringVector ( const String val)

Parses a StringVector from a string.

Strings must not contain spaces since space is used as a delimiter in the output.

◆ parseUnsignedInt()

static unsigned int Ogre::StringConverter::parseUnsignedInt ( const String val,
unsigned int  defaultValue = 0 

Converts a String to a whole number.

0.0 if the value could not be parsed, otherwise the numeric version of the String.

◆ parseUnsignedLong()

static unsigned long Ogre::StringConverter::parseUnsignedLong ( const String val,
unsigned long  defaultValue = 0 

Converts a String to a whole number.

0.0 if the value could not be parsed, otherwise the numeric version of the String.

◆ parseUnsignedShort()

static unsigned short Ogre::StringConverter::parseUnsignedShort ( const String val,
unsigned short  defaultValue = 0 

Converts a String to a whole number.

0.0 if the value could not be parsed, otherwise the numeric version of the String.

◆ parseVector2()

static Vector2 Ogre::StringConverter::parseVector2 ( const String val,
const Vector2 defaultValue = Vector2::ZERO 

Parses a Vector2 out of a String.

Format is "x y" ie. 2 Real components, space delimited. Failure to parse returns Vector2::ZERO.

◆ parseVector3()

static Vector3 Ogre::StringConverter::parseVector3 ( const String val,
const Vector3 defaultValue = Vector3::ZERO 

Parses a Vector3 out of a String.

Format is "x y z" ie. 3 Real components, space delimited. Failure to parse returns Vector3::ZERO.

◆ parseVector4()

static Vector4 Ogre::StringConverter::parseVector4 ( const String val,
const Vector4 defaultValue = Vector4::ZERO 

Parses a Vector4 out of a String.

Format is "x y z w" ie. 4 Real components, space delimited. Failure to parse returns Vector4::ZERO.

◆ setDefaultStringLocale()

static void Ogre::StringConverter::setDefaultStringLocale ( const String loc)

◆ setUseLocale()

static void Ogre::StringConverter::setUseLocale ( bool  useLocale)

◆ toString() [1/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( bool  val,
bool  yesNo = false 

Converts a boolean to a String.

yesNoIf set to true, result is 'yes' or 'no' instead of 'true' or 'false'

◆ toString() [2/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( ColourBufferType  val)

Converts a ColourBufferType to a String.

String output format is "Back", "Back Left", "Back Right", etc.

◆ toString() [3/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( const ColourValue val)

Converts a ColourValue to a String.

Format is "r g b a" (i.e. 4x Real values, space delimited).

◆ toString() [4/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( const Matrix3 val)

Converts a Matrix3 to a String.

Format is "00 01 02 10 11 12 20 21 22" where '01' means row 0 column 1 etc.

◆ toString() [5/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( const Matrix4 val)

Converts a Matrix4 to a String.

Format is "00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33" where '01' means row 0 column 1 etc.

◆ toString() [6/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( const Quaternion val)

Converts a Quaternion to a String.

Format is "w x y z" (i.e. 4x Real values, space delimited)

◆ toString() [7/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( const StringVector val)

Converts a StringVector to a string.

Strings must not contain spaces since space is used as a delimiter in the output.

◆ toString() [8/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( const Vector2 val)

Converts a Vector2 to a String.

Format is "x y" (i.e. 2x Real values, space delimited)

◆ toString() [9/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( const Vector3 val)

Converts a Vector3 to a String.

Format is "x y z" (i.e. 3x Real values, space delimited)

◆ toString() [10/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( const Vector4 val)

Converts a Vector4 to a String.

Format is "x y z w" (i.e. 4x Real values, space delimited)

◆ toString() [11/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( Degree  val,
unsigned short  precision = 0,
unsigned short  width = 0,
char  fill = ' ',
std::ios::fmtflags  flags = std::ios::fmtflags( 0 ) 

Converts a Degree to a String.

References Ogre::GpuResidency::toString(), and Ogre::Degree::valueAngleUnits().

◆ toString() [12/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( double  val,
unsigned short  precision = 0,
unsigned short  width = 0,
char  fill = ' ',
std::ios::fmtflags  flags = std::ios::fmtflags(0) 

Converts a double to a String.

◆ toString() [13/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( float  val,
unsigned short  precision = 0,
unsigned short  width = 0,
char  fill = ' ',
std::ios::fmtflags  flags = std::ios::fmtflags(0) 

Converts a float to a String.

◆ toString() [14/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( int  val,
unsigned short  width = 0,
char  fill = ' ',
std::ios::fmtflags  flags = std::ios::fmtflags(0) 

Converts an int to a String.

◆ toString() [15/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( long  val,
unsigned short  width = 0,
char  fill = ' ',
std::ios::fmtflags  flags = std::ios::fmtflags(0) 

Converts a long to a String.

◆ toString() [16/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( Radian  val,
unsigned short  precision = 0,
unsigned short  width = 0,
char  fill = ' ',
std::ios::fmtflags  flags = std::ios::fmtflags( 0 ) 

Converts a Radian to a String.

References Ogre::GpuResidency::toString(), and Ogre::Radian::valueAngleUnits().

◆ toString() [17/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( size_t  val,
unsigned short  width = 0,
char  fill = ' ',
std::ios::fmtflags  flags = std::ios::fmtflags(0) 

Converts a size_t to a String.

◆ toString() [18/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( StereoModeType  val)

Converts a StereoModeType to a String.

String output format is "None", "Frame Sequential", etc.

◆ toString() [19/19]

static String Ogre::StringConverter::toString ( unsigned long  val,
unsigned short  width = 0,
char  fill = ' ',
std::ios::fmtflags  flags = std::ios::fmtflags(0) 

Converts an unsigned long to a String.

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