OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::v1::OldBone Class Reference

A bone in a skeleton. More...

#include <OgreOldBone.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::v1::OldBone:

Public Member Functions

 OldBone (const String &name, unsigned short handle, Skeleton *creator)
 Constructor, not to be used directly (use OldBone::createChild or Skeleton::createBone) More...
 OldBone (unsigned short handle, Skeleton *creator)
 Constructor, not to be used directly (use OldBone::createChild or Skeleton::createBone) More...
 ~OldBone () override
const Quaternion_getBindingPoseInverseOrientation () const
 Gets the inverted binding pose orientation. More...
const Vector3_getBindingPoseInversePosition () const
 Gets the inverted binding pose position. More...
const Vector3_getBindingPoseInverseScale () const
 Gets the inverted binding pose scale. More...
void _getOffsetTransform (Matrix4 &m) const
 Gets the transform which takes bone space to current from the binding pose. More...
OldBonecreateChild (unsigned short handle, const Vector3 &translate=Vector3::ZERO, const Quaternion &rotate=Quaternion::IDENTITY)
 Creates a new OldBone as a child of this bone. More...
unsigned short getHandle () const
 Gets the numeric handle for this bone (unique within the skeleton). More...
bool isManuallyControlled () const
 Getter for mManuallyControlled Flag. More...
void needUpdate (bool forceParentUpdate=false) override
void reset ()
 Resets the position and orientation of this OldBone to the original binding position. More...
void setBindingPose ()
 Sets the current position / orientation to be the 'binding pose' ie the layout in which bones were originally bound to a mesh. More...
void setManuallyControlled (bool manuallyControlled)
 Sets whether or not this bone is manually controlled. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::v1::OldNode
 OldNode ()
 Constructor, should only be called by parent, not directly. More...
 OldNode (const String &name)
 Constructor, should only be called by parent, not directly. More...
virtual ~OldNode ()
virtual const Quaternion_getDerivedOrientation () const
 Gets the orientation of the OldNode as derived from all parents. More...
virtual const Vector3_getDerivedPosition () const
 Gets the position of the OldNode as derived from all parents. More...
virtual const Vector3_getDerivedScale () const
 Gets the scaling factor of the OldNode as derived from all parents. More...
virtual const Matrix4_getFullTransform () const
 Gets the full transformation matrix for this OldNode. More...
virtual void _setDerivedOrientation (const Quaternion &q)
 Sets the final world orientation of the OldNode directly. More...
virtual void _setDerivedPosition (const Vector3 &pos)
 Sets the final world position of the OldNode directly. More...
virtual void _update (bool updateChildren, bool parentHasChanged)
 Internal method to update the OldNode. More...
virtual void addChild (OldNode *child)
 Adds a (precreated) child scene OldNode to this OldNode. More...
virtual void cancelUpdate (OldNode *child)
 Called by children to notify their parent that they no longer need an update. More...
virtual Quaternion convertLocalToWorldOrientation (const Quaternion &localOrientation)
 Gets the world orientation of an orientation in the OldNode local space useful for simple transforms that don't require a child OldNode. More...
virtual Vector3 convertLocalToWorldPosition (const Vector3 &localPos)
 Gets the world position of a point in the OldNode local space useful for simple transforms that don't require a child OldNode. More...
virtual Quaternion convertWorldToLocalOrientation (const Quaternion &worldOrientation)
 Gets the local orientation, relative to this OldNode, of the given world-space orientation. More...
virtual Vector3 convertWorldToLocalPosition (const Vector3 &worldPos)
 Gets the local position, relative to this OldNode, of the given world-space position. More...
virtual OldNodecreateChild (const String &name, const Vector3 &translate=Vector3::ZERO, const Quaternion &rotate=Quaternion::IDENTITY)
 Creates a new named OldNode as a child of this OldNode. More...
virtual OldNodecreateChild (const Vector3 &translate=Vector3::ZERO, const Quaternion &rotate=Quaternion::IDENTITY)
 Creates an unnamed new OldNode as a child of this OldNode. More...
virtual OldNodegetChild (const String &name) const
 Gets a pointer to a named child OldNode. More...
virtual OldNodegetChild (unsigned short index) const
 Gets a pointer to a child OldNode. More...
virtual ChildOldNodeIterator getChildIterator ()
 Retrieves an iterator for efficiently looping through all children of this OldNode. More...
virtual ConstChildOldNodeIterator getChildIterator () const
 Retrieves an iterator for efficiently looping through all children of this OldNode. More...
virtual bool getInheritOrientation () const
 Returns true if this OldNode is affected by orientation applied to the parent OldNode. More...
virtual bool getInheritScale () const
 Returns true if this OldNode is affected by scaling factors applied to the parent OldNode. More...
virtual const QuaterniongetInitialOrientation () const
 Gets the initial orientation of this OldNode, see setInitialState for more info. More...
virtual const Vector3getInitialPosition () const
 Gets the initial position of this OldNode, see setInitialState for more info. More...
virtual const Vector3getInitialScale () const
 Gets the initial position of this OldNode, see setInitialState for more info. More...
virtual ListenergetListener () const
 Gets the current listener for this OldNode. More...
virtual Matrix3 getLocalAxes () const
 Gets a matrix whose columns are the local axes based on the OldNodes orientation relative to it's parent. More...
const StringgetName () const
 Returns the name of the OldNode. More...
virtual const QuaterniongetOrientation () const
 Returns a quaternion representing the OldNodes orientation. More...
virtual OldNodegetParent () const
 Gets this OldNode's parent (NULL if this is the root). More...
virtual const Vector3getPosition () const
 Gets the position of the OldNode relative to it's parent. More...
virtual const Vector3getScale () const
 Gets the scaling factor of this OldNode. More...
virtual Real getSquaredViewDepth (const Camera *cam) const
 Helper function, get the squared view depth. More...
virtual const AnygetUserAny () const
UserObjectBindingsgetUserObjectBindings ()
 Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
const UserObjectBindingsgetUserObjectBindings () const
 Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
virtual unsigned short numChildren () const
 Reports the number of child OldNodes under this one. More...
virtual void pitch (const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL)
 Rotate the OldNode around the X-axis. More...
virtual void removeAllChildren ()
 Removes all child OldNodes attached to this OldNode. More...
virtual OldNoderemoveChild (const String &name)
 Drops the named child from this OldNode. More...
virtual OldNoderemoveChild (OldNode *child)
 Drops the specified child from this OldNode. More...
virtual OldNoderemoveChild (unsigned short index)
 Drops the specified child from this OldNode. More...
virtual void requestUpdate (OldNode *child, bool forceParentUpdate=false)
 Called by children to notify their parent that they need an update. More...
virtual void resetOrientation ()
 Resets the OldNodes orientation (local axes as world axes, no rotation). More...
virtual void resetToInitialState ()
 Resets the position / orientation / scale of this OldNode to it's initial state, see setInitialState for more info. More...
virtual void roll (const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL)
 Rotate the OldNode around the Z-axis. More...
virtual void rotate (const Quaternion &q, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL)
 Rotate the OldNode around an arbitrary axis using a Quarternion. More...
virtual void rotate (const Vector3 &axis, const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL)
 Rotate the OldNode around an arbitrary axis. More...
virtual void scale (const Vector3 &scale)
 Scales the OldNode, combining it's current scale with the passed in scaling factor. More...
virtual void scale (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Scales the OldNode, combining it's current scale with the passed in scaling factor. More...
virtual void setInheritOrientation (bool inherit)
 Tells the OldNode whether it should inherit orientation from it's parent OldNode. More...
virtual void setInheritScale (bool inherit)
 Tells the OldNode whether it should inherit scaling factors from it's parent OldNode. More...
virtual void setInitialState ()
 Sets the current transform of this OldNode to be the 'initial state' ie that position / orientation / scale to be used as a basis for delta values used in keyframe animation. More...
virtual void setListener (Listener *listener)
 Sets a listener for this OldNode. More...
virtual void setOrientation (const Quaternion &q)
 Sets the orientation of this OldNode via a quaternion. More...
virtual void setOrientation (Real w, Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Sets the orientation of this OldNode via quaternion parameters. More...
virtual void setPosition (const Vector3 &pos)
 Sets the position of the OldNode relative to it's parent. More...
virtual void setPosition (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Sets the position of the OldNode relative to it's parent. More...
virtual void setScale (const Vector3 &scale)
 Sets the scaling factor applied to this OldNode. More...
virtual void setScale (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Sets the scaling factor applied to this OldNode. More...
virtual void setUserAny (const Any &anything)
virtual void translate (const Matrix3 &axes, const Vector3 &move, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT)
 Moves the OldNode along arbitrary axes. More...
virtual void translate (const Matrix3 &axes, Real x, Real y, Real z, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT)
 Moves the OldNode along arbitrary axes. More...
virtual void translate (const Vector3 &d, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT)
 Moves the OldNode along the Cartesian axes. More...
virtual void translate (Real x, Real y, Real z, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT)
 Moves the OldNode along the Cartesian axes. More...
virtual void yaw (const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL)
 Rotate the OldNode around the Y-axis. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Ogre::v1::OldNode
typedef MapIterator< ChildOldNodeMapChildOldNodeIterator
typedef unordered_map< String, OldNode * >::type ChildOldNodeMap
typedef ConstMapIterator< ChildOldNodeMapConstChildOldNodeIterator
enum  TransformSpace { TS_LOCAL , TS_PARENT , TS_WORLD }
 Enumeration denoting the spaces which a transform can be relative to. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::v1::OldNode
static void processQueuedUpdates ()
 Process queued 'needUpdate' calls. More...
static void queueNeedUpdate (OldNode *n)
 Queue a 'needUpdate' call to a OldNode safely. More...

Detailed Description

A bone in a skeleton.

See Skeleton for more information about the principles behind skeletal animation. This class is a node in the joint hierarchy. Mesh vertices also have assignments to bones to define how they move in relation to the skeleton.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OldBone() [1/2]

Ogre::v1::OldBone::OldBone ( unsigned short  handle,
Skeleton creator 

Constructor, not to be used directly (use OldBone::createChild or Skeleton::createBone)

◆ OldBone() [2/2]

Ogre::v1::OldBone::OldBone ( const String name,
unsigned short  handle,
Skeleton creator 

Constructor, not to be used directly (use OldBone::createChild or Skeleton::createBone)

◆ ~OldBone()

Ogre::v1::OldBone::~OldBone ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _getBindingPoseInverseOrientation()

const Quaternion& Ogre::v1::OldBone::_getBindingPoseInverseOrientation ( ) const

Gets the inverted binding pose orientation.

◆ _getBindingPoseInversePosition()

const Vector3& Ogre::v1::OldBone::_getBindingPoseInversePosition ( ) const

Gets the inverted binding pose position.

◆ _getBindingPoseInverseScale()

const Vector3& Ogre::v1::OldBone::_getBindingPoseInverseScale ( ) const

Gets the inverted binding pose scale.

◆ _getOffsetTransform()

void Ogre::v1::OldBone::_getOffsetTransform ( Matrix4 m) const

Gets the transform which takes bone space to current from the binding pose.

Internal use only.

◆ createChild()

OldBone* Ogre::v1::OldBone::createChild ( unsigned short  handle,
const Vector3 translate = Vector3::ZERO,
const Quaternion rotate = Quaternion::IDENTITY 

Creates a new OldBone as a child of this bone.

This method creates a new bone which will inherit the transforms of this bone, with the handle specified.
handleThe numeric handle to give the new bone; must be unique within the Skeleton.
translateInitial translation offset of child relative to parent
rotateInitial rotation relative to parent

◆ getHandle()

unsigned short Ogre::v1::OldBone::getHandle ( ) const

Gets the numeric handle for this bone (unique within the skeleton).

◆ isManuallyControlled()

bool Ogre::v1::OldBone::isManuallyControlled ( ) const

Getter for mManuallyControlled Flag.

◆ needUpdate()

void Ogre::v1::OldBone::needUpdate ( bool  forceParentUpdate = false)
See also

Reimplemented from Ogre::v1::OldNode.

Reimplemented in Ogre::v1::TagPoint.

◆ reset()

void Ogre::v1::OldBone::reset ( )

Resets the position and orientation of this OldBone to the original binding position.

Bones are bound to the mesh in a binding pose. They are then modified from this position during animation. This method returns the bone to it's original position and orientation.

◆ setBindingPose()

void Ogre::v1::OldBone::setBindingPose ( )

Sets the current position / orientation to be the 'binding pose' ie the layout in which bones were originally bound to a mesh.

◆ setManuallyControlled()

void Ogre::v1::OldBone::setManuallyControlled ( bool  manuallyControlled)

Sets whether or not this bone is manually controlled.

Manually controlled bones can be altered by the application at runtime, and their positions will not be reset by the animation routines. Note that you should also make sure that there are no AnimationTrack objects referencing this bone, or if there are, you should disable them using pAnimation->destroyTrack(pBone->getHandle());
You can also use AnimationState::setBlendMask to mask out animation from chosen tracks if you want to prevent application of a scripted animation to a bone without altering the Animation definition.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: