OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::VisibilityFlags Namespace Reference


_OgreExport const uint32 LAYER_SHADOW_CASTER
 Object casts shadows (is rendered to shadow camera) More...
_OgreExport const uint32 LAYER_VISIBILITY
 When this is bit is clear, the obj is not rendered at all. More...
_OgreExport const uint32 RESERVED_VISIBILITY_FLAGS

Variable Documentation


_OgreExport const uint32 Ogre::VisibilityFlags::LAYER_SHADOW_CASTER

Object casts shadows (is rendered to shadow camera)


_OgreExport const uint32 Ogre::VisibilityFlags::LAYER_VISIBILITY

When this is bit is clear, the obj is not rendered at all.