OGRE-Next  4.0.0unstable
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Multithreaded Shader Compilation

Starting OgreNext 4.0, the following features were added:

  • Multithreaded Hlms shader generation.
  • Multithreaded shader compilation.
  • Multithreaded PSO generation.

Actual support depends on RenderSystems & CMake build settings. The user can call Ogre::RenderSystems::supportsMultithreadedShaderCompilation to query whether it is currently supported.

CMake Options

The CMake option OGRE_SHADER_COMPILATION_THREADING_MODE was added. This option is independent of OGRE_CONFIG_THREAD_PROVIDER.

Option Short Description Long Description
0 Disabled. No shader compilation will be supported.
The macro OGRE_SHADER_THREADING_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBLE_API will be defined thus the class Hlms will provide setProperty, getProperty, unsetProperty and co. API calls that do not ask for a tid argument.
If the user calls the functions that ask for a tid argument, the value tid holds must be 0.
1 Use compatible API.
Enable only if supported by compiler and OS.
Default setting.
The macro OGRE_SHADER_THREADING_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBLE_API will be defined thus the class Hlms will provide setProperty, getProperty, unsetProperty and co. API calls that do not ask for a tid argument.

OgreNext will use compiler-assisted TLS (Thread Local Storage) to automatically determine the tid (thread ID) value. In practice OgreNext will only use TLS (and hence enabling multithreading) in fully static builds (i.e. CMake option OGRE_STATIC = TRUE), and disable it in dynamic library builds.

- If the user calls the functions that ask for a tid argument, the tid value will be used.
- If the user calls the functions that don't ask for a tid argument, OgreNext will use TLS to determine the correct tid value.

If OGRE_STATIC = FALSE the behavior is the same as Disabled.
2 Force-enable. The macro OGRE_SHADER_THREADING_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBLE_API will not be defined.
The user must always call setProperty, getProperty and co. that ask for a tid argument.

The default option is 1 because it allows to provide Multithreaded support when possible, while providing backwards-compatible API functions that make porting from OgreNext 3.0 easier. Make sure to read Porting tips (from <= 3.0) section.

New users are encouraged to use option 2 instead to make sure they can maximize performance and avoid confusion over which setProperty, getProperty & co. functions they should use.

This option will not exist forever. See Deprecation Plan.

The tid (Thread ID) argument

Many functions provide or ask for a tid argument. When you're asked for a tid argument, you must pass it along. e.g.:

namespace Ogre
class MyHlmsListener : public HlmsListener
void propertiesMergedPreGenerationStep(
Hlms *hlms, const HlmsCache &passCache, const HlmsPropertyVec &renderableCacheProperties,
const PiecesMap renderableCachePieces[NumShaderTypes], const HlmsPropertyVec &properties,
const QueuedRenderable &queuedRenderable, size_t tid ) override
// We pass along the tid value.
int32_t propertyValue = hlms->getProperty( "MyPropertyName", tid );
@ NumShaderTypes
Definition: OgreCommon.h:417
vector< HlmsProperty >::type HlmsPropertyVec
Definition: OgreHlmsCommon.h:168
map< IdString, String >::type PiecesMap
Definition: OgreHlmsCommon.h:169
bswapNN may be defined as macros in <sys/endian.h> or <sys/bswap.h>
Definition: OgreAndroidLogListener.h:35
Whenever a function provides a tid you must assume it is being executed in a worker thread and thus take all the necessary precautions if your code accesses a shared resource (such as using a mutex, or using the tid parameter to index per-thread storage).

Other functions such as Ogre::HlmsListener::preparePassHash don't ask for a tid. This always means the function is being called from the main rendering thread unless stated otherwise by the documentation. When calling setProperty/getProperty & co. you must use Ogre::Hlms::kNoTid. e.g.:

namespace Ogre
class MyHlmsListener : public HlmsListener
void preparePassHash( const CompositorShadowNode *shadowNode, bool casterPass,
bool dualParaboloid, SceneManager *sceneManager, Hlms *hlms ) override
// We are not being provided a tid value. Therefore we must pass kNoTid instead.
int32_t propertyValue = hlms->getProperty( "MyPropertyName", Hlms::kNoTid );
static constexpr size_t kNoTid
For single-threaded operations.
Definition: OgreHlms.h:147

If you're overriding the Ogre::Hlms class instead of Ogre::HlmsListener, the same rules apply. However you might override a function that is expected to be called from a worker thread but does not pass a tid value because the original Hlms implementations never needed it.

The rule is that anything called as part of Ogre::Hlms::createShaderCacheEntry needs a tid, while everything else is called from the main thread.


This option is used to facilitate porting from OgreNext 3.0.

All listener functions still provide a tid value. However OgreNext provides setProperty/getProperty functions that don't ask for one. Therefore it is possible to do this:

namespace Ogre
class MyHlmsListener : public HlmsListener
void propertiesMergedPreGenerationStep(
Hlms *hlms, const HlmsCache &passCache, const HlmsPropertyVec &renderableCacheProperties,
const PiecesMap renderableCachePieces[NumShaderTypes], const HlmsPropertyVec &properties,
const QueuedRenderable &queuedRenderable, size_t tid ) override
// We are not passing along the tid value and it will compile if OGRE_SHADER_COMPILATION_THREADING_MODE < 2.
// If OGRE_SHADER_COMPILATION_THREADING_MODE == 2, this line will not compile.
int32_t propertyValue = hlms->getProperty( "MyPropertyName" );
// This is always possible, which facilitates porting from OgreNext 3.0.
int32_t propertyValue2 = hlms->getProperty( "MyPropertyName", tid );

How does threaded Hlms work?

Hlms shaders are not randomly generated at any time from anywhere. It's not chaotic.

Shader generation requests can originate from 3 locations:

  1. We're rendering. i.e. we're inside a render_scene compositor pass.
  2. We're warming up the cache. i.e. we're inside a warm_up compositor pass.
  3. We're loading the Ogre::HlmsDiskCache. i.e. we're inside Ogre::HlmsDiskCache::applyTo.

The last two cases are specifically designed to compile shaders and/or generate PSOs. That's its main function.

Those routines will collect as many shader generation requests as possible and then batch-compile them in worker threads.

The first case however, render_scene, is a little different. Normally a render_scene in OgreNext 3.0 looks like this (e.g. see the source code for Ogre::RenderQueue::renderGL3) in pseudo-code and extremely simplified:

for( item : itemsToRender )
Pso *pso = item.getPso();
if( !pso )
pso = createNewPsoFor( item ); // Note that two items may have the same PSO
if( pso != lastPso )
commandBuffer.addCommand( BindPso( pso ) );
commandBuffer.addCommand( DrawCall( item ) );
lastPso = pso;
// We can't execute all commands until we're done compiling all new PSOs.
// All commands we added so far haven't actually been executed yet. Do that now.

When OgreNext is compiling in parallel, the function createNewPsoFor() will actually return immediately with a valid Pso pointer, but it's not ready to be used yet.

That's why we must call waitForHlmsJobs() before calling executeAllCommands().

Therefore OgreNext will process and iterate through many Items while worker threads compile shaders that were seen for the first time.

With a bit of luck, if the worker threads finish compiling before we reach waitForHlmsJobs() then there will be no stalls at all. If not, then the wait has likely reduced by a little. Furthermore, if multiple new PSOs are encountered, they will be delivered to different worker threads thus compiling in parallel.

What is the range of tid argument?

The range is [0; num_threads).