OGRE-Next  4.0.0unstable
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
What's new in Ogre-Next 4.0

Threaded Hlms

We introduced threaded Hlms shader generation, shader compilation, and PSO compilation.

This is used by the new warm_up compositor pass (see Ogre::CompositorPassWarmUp and Ogre::CompositorPassWarmUpDef), the Hlms Disk Cache, and during regular rendering.

This means that most Hlms operations gained a tid parameter, which contains the thread index in range [0; num_threads).

Operations done in Ogre::Hlms::preparePassHash and Ogre::Hlms::calculateHashFor are single threaded and thus should use Ogre::Hlms::kNoTid.

Hlms implementations and listeners

Custom Hlms implementations and listeners must update their virtual overload functions to accommodate the tid parameter.

This is explained in detail the new Multithreaded Shader Compilation section.

Porting tips (from <= 3.0)

Watch out for calls to mSetProperties.clear(); which now must be changed to either mSetProperties[kNoTid].clear(); or mSetProperties[tid].clear();.

The same happens with mSetProperties.empty();.

We strongly recommend you use override C++ keyword to locate the API signatures that have changed (which now require you to add the tid argument).

Once that's done, most Hlms-related compiler errors (if setting `OGRE_SHADER_COMPILATION_THREADING_MODE = 2`) can be fixed by doing a Find & Replace:

Find: Replace with:
setProperty( setProperty( tid,
getProperty( getProperty( tid,
setProperty( setProperty( kNoTid,
getProperty( getProperty( kNoTid,

You should Find & Replace in that order. If you first find all setProperty( and replace them with setProperty( kNoTid,; you will end up with code that compiles but introduces race conditions and no way to identify them.

However if you first find all setProperty( and replace them with setProperty( tid,, you will end up with code that does not compile wherever kNoTid should be used (still exercise care when replacing tid with kNoTid, make sure to be conscious of it. See The tid (Thread ID) argument for details).

Compositor Script changes

Added the not_texture keyword. This can improve performance in scenarios where you don't intend to sample from this texture i.e. usually in conjuntion with either the uav or explicit_resolve keywords:

compositor_node RenderingNodeMsaa
in 0 rt_renderwindow
texture msaaSurface target_width target_height target_format target_orientation_mode msaa 4 not_texture explicit_resolve
rtv mainRtv
colour 0 msaaSurface resolve rt_renderwindow
target mainRtv
pass render_scene
out 0 rt_renderwindow

New initialization step

If you plan on using Alpha Hashing, we provide both blue and white noise.

But blue noise requires you to call mRoot->getHlmsManager()->loadBlueNoise() during start up. See its new section in the manual for more information.

HlmsUnlit changes

HlmsUnlit now behaves like HlmsPbs when it comes to the use of mReservedTexBufferSlots & mReservedTexSlots.

The variable HlmsUnlit::mSamplerUnitSlotStart was removed and HlmsUnlit::mTexUnitSlotStart is now autocalculated every pass, which means users must not rely on overriding this value.

Users deriving from HlmsUnlit must set mReservedTexBufferSlots & mReservedTexSlots instead, like it is done for HlmsPbs.

See Colibri project's commit for an example of how the change was ported.