static void * | advancePointerToMip (void *basePtr, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 depth, uint32 numSlices, uint8 mipLevel, PixelFormatGpu format) |
| Takes an image allocated for GPU usage (i.e.
static void | bulkPixelConversion (const TextureBox &src, PixelFormatGpu srcFormat, TextureBox &dst, PixelFormatGpu dstFormat, bool verticalFlip=false) |
static size_t | calculateSizeBytes (uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 depth, uint32 slices, PixelFormatGpu format, uint8 numMipmaps, uint32 rowAlignment=1u) |
static void | convertForNormalMapping (TextureBox src, PixelFormatGpu srcFormat, TextureBox dst, PixelFormatGpu dstFormat) |
static float | fromSRGB (float x) |
static uint32 | getBytesPerPixel (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static uint32 | getCompressedBlockHeight (PixelFormatGpu format, bool apiStrict=true) |
| See getCompressedBlockWidth.
static size_t | getCompressedBlockSize (PixelFormatGpu format) |
| Returns in bytes, the size of the compressed block.
static uint32 | getCompressedBlockWidth (PixelFormatGpu format, bool apiStrict=true) |
| Returns the minimum width for block compressed schemes.
static PixelFormatGpu | getEquivalentLinear (PixelFormatGpu sRgbFormat) |
static PixelFormatGpu | getEquivalentSRGB (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static PixelFormatGpu | getFamily (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static uint32 | getFlags (PixelFormatGpu format) |
| See PixelFormatFlags.
static PixelFormatGpu | getFormatFromName (const char *name, uint32 exclusionFlags=0) |
| Makes a O(N) search to return the PixelFormatGpu based on its string version.
static PixelFormatGpu | getFormatFromName (const String &name, uint32 exclusionFlags=0) |
static uint8 | getMaxMipmapCount (uint32 maxResolution) |
| Returns the maximum number of mipmaps given the resolution e.g.
static uint8 | getMaxMipmapCount (uint32 width, uint32 height) |
static uint8 | getMaxMipmapCount (uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 depth) |
static uint32 | getNumberOfComponents (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static PixelFormatLayout | getPixelLayout (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static size_t | getSizeBytes (uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 depth, uint32 slices, PixelFormatGpu format, uint32 rowAlignment=1u) |
static bool | hasAlpha (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static bool | hasSRGBEquivalent (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static bool | isAccessible (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static bool | isCompressed (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static bool | isDepth (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static bool | isFloat (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static bool | isFloatRare (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static bool | isHalf (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static bool | isInteger (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static bool | isNormalized (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static bool | isPallete (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static bool | isSigned (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static bool | isSRgb (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static bool | isStencil (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static void | packColour (const ColourValue &rgbaPtr, PixelFormatGpu pf, void *dstPtr) |
static void | packColour (const float *rgbaPtr, PixelFormatGpu pf, void *dstPtr) |
static bool | supportsHwMipmaps (PixelFormatGpu format) |
| For SW mipmaps, see Image2::supportsSwMipmaps.
static float | toSRGB (float x) |
static const char * | toString (PixelFormatGpu format) |
static void | unpackColour (ColourValue *rgbaPtr, PixelFormatGpu pf, const void *srcPtr) |
static void | unpackColour (float *rgbaPtr, PixelFormatGpu pf, const void *srcPtr) |