Ogre Procedural  0.3.0 unstable
Procedural Geometry & Textures for Ogre3D


class  Procedural::Cell
 Create a texture consisting of cells aligned in a grid, or a chessboard. More...
class  Procedural::Cloud
 Creates a cloud structured image. More...
class  Procedural::Gradient
 Fills full image with given colour gradients. More...
class  Procedural::Image
 Load an image from a resource. More...
class  Procedural::Labyrinth
 Creates a labyrinth structured image. More...
class  Procedural::Marble
 Creates a marble structured image. More...
class  Procedural::Noise
 Fills full image with noise in a given colour. More...
class  Procedural::Solid
 Fills full image with given colour. More...
class  Procedural::Textile
 Creates a textile structured image. More...
class  Procedural::Wood
 Creates a wood slice image. More...
class  Procedural::Abnormals
 Use alpha channel as an mask for an other image. More...
class  Procedural::Alpha
 Colour extraction. More...
class  Procedural::AlphaMask
 Use alpha channel as an mask for an other image. More...
class  Procedural::Blit
 copies a part of the input buffer towards the current buffer. More...
class  Procedural::Blur
 Reduce sharpness on input image. More...
class  Procedural::Channel
 Extract one channel or create gray image. More...
class  Procedural::CircleTexture
 Draw a circle. More...
class  Procedural::Colours
 A colour filter. More...
class  Procedural::Combine
 Combine inputs together. More...
class  Procedural::Convolution
 Convolution filter. More...
class  Procedural::Crack
 Create lines that can be randomly cracked or follow a normal map. More...
class  Procedural::Cycloid
 Draw a cycloid. More...
class  Procedural::Dilate
 Expands bright areas over darker areas. More...
class  Procedural::Distort
 Apply normal (ie. More...
class  Procedural::EdgeDetection
 Edge detection on input image. More...
class  Procedural::EllipseTexture
 Draw an ellipse. More...
class  Procedural::Flip
 Flip the image. More...
class  Procedural::Glow
 Render a glow. More...
class  Procedural::Invert
 Invert image. More...
class  Procedural::Jitter
 Exchange pixels at random positions. More...
class  Procedural::Lerp
 Linear interpolation. More...
class  Procedural::TextureLightBaker
 Apply an illumination on a surface. More...
class  Procedural::Lookup
 Copy pixels from base input (x, y) to given coordinates from parameter image (red, green). More...
class  Procedural::Normals
 Convert height map to normal map. More...
class  Procedural::OilPaint
 Create an oil painted image. More...
class  Procedural::Polygon
 Draw a polygon. More...
class  Procedural::RandomPixels
 Draw a number of pixels at random positions. More...
class  Procedural::RectangleTexture
 Draw a rectangle. More...
class  Procedural::RotationZoom
 Rotate & zoom image. More...
class  Procedural::Segment
 Colours image segments based on threshold. More...
class  Procedural::Sharpen
 Increase sharpness on input image. More...
class  Procedural::Threshold
 Simple threshold filter. More...
class  Procedural::Vortex
 Twist some fragment of input image. More...

Detailed Description

Elements for procedural texture creation.