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Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
This file configures Ogre's memory allocators. More...
#include "OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h"
#include "OgreHeaderPrefix.h"
#include "OgreMemorySTLAllocator.h"
#include "OgreMemoryStdAlloc.h"
#include "OgreHeaderSuffix.h"
Classes | |
class | Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy< Cat, align > |
class | Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy< Cat > |
Namespaces | |
Ogre | |
This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ | |
Macros | |
#define | OGRE_ALLOC_T(T, count, category) static_cast<T*>(::Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T)*(count))) |
Allocate a block of memory for a primitive type, and indicate the category of usage. More... | |
#define | OGRE_ALLOC_T_ALIGN(T, count, category, align) static_cast<T*>(::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category, align>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T)*(count))) |
Allocate a block of memory for a primitive type aligned to user defined boundaries, and indicate the category of usage. More... | |
#define | OGRE_ALLOC_T_SIMD(T, count, category) static_cast<T*>(::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T)*(count))) |
Allocate a block of memory for a primitive type aligned to SIMD boundaries, and indicate the category of usage. More... | |
#define | OGRE_DELETE delete |
#define | OGRE_DELETE_ARRAY_T(ptr, T, count, category) if(ptr){for (size_t b = 0; b < count; ++b) { (ptr)[b].~T();} ::Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<category>::deallocateBytes((void*)ptr);} |
Free the memory allocated with OGRE_NEW_ARRAY_T. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used, count and type to call destructor. More... | |
#define | OGRE_DELETE_ARRAY_T_ALIGN(ptr, T, count, category, align) if(ptr){for (size_t _b = 0; _b < count; ++_b) { (ptr)[_b].~T();} ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category, align>::deallocateBytes((void*)ptr);} |
Free the memory allocated with OGRE_NEW_ARRAY_T_ALIGN. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used, count and type to call destructor. More... | |
#define | OGRE_DELETE_ARRAY_T_SIMD(ptr, T, count, category) if(ptr){for (size_t b = 0; b < count; ++b) { (ptr)[b].~T();} ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category>::deallocateBytes((void*)ptr);} |
Free the memory allocated with OGRE_NEW_ARRAY_T_SIMD. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used, count and type to call destructor. More... | |
#define | OGRE_DELETE_T(ptr, T, category) if(ptr){(ptr)->~T(); ::Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<category>::deallocateBytes((void*)ptr);} |
Free the memory allocated with OGRE_NEW_T. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used. More... | |
#define | OGRE_DELETE_T_ALIGN(ptr, T, category, align) if(ptr){(ptr)->~T(); ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category, align>::deallocateBytes((void*)ptr);} |
Free the memory allocated with OGRE_NEW_T_ALIGN. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used. More... | |
#define | OGRE_DELETE_T_SIMD(ptr, T, category) if(ptr){(ptr)->~T(); ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category>::deallocateBytes((void*)ptr);} |
Free the memory allocated with OGRE_NEW_T_SIMD. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used. More... | |
#define | OGRE_FREE(ptr, category) ::Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<category>::deallocateBytes((void*)ptr) |
Free the memory allocated with OGRE_MALLOC or OGRE_ALLOC_T. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used. More... | |
#define | OGRE_FREE_ALIGN(ptr, category, align) ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category, align>::deallocateBytes((void*)ptr) |
Free the memory allocated with either OGRE_MALLOC_ALIGN or OGRE_ALLOC_T_ALIGN. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used. More... | |
#define | OGRE_FREE_SIMD(ptr, category) ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category>::deallocateBytes((void*)ptr) |
Free the memory allocated with either OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD or OGRE_ALLOC_T_SIMD. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used. More... | |
#define | OGRE_MALLOC(bytes, category) ::Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(bytes) |
Allocate a block of raw memory, and indicate the category of usage. More... | |
#define | OGRE_MALLOC_ALIGN(bytes, category, align) ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category, align>::allocateBytes(bytes) |
Allocate a block of raw memory aligned to user defined boundaries, and indicate the category of usage. More... | |
#define | OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(bytes, category) ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(bytes) |
Allocate a block of raw memory aligned to SIMD boundaries, and indicate the category of usage. More... | |
#define | OGRE_NEW new |
#define | OGRE_NEW_ARRAY_T(T, count, category) ::Ogre::constructN(static_cast<T*>(::Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T)*(count))), count) |
Allocate a block of memory for 'count' primitive types - do not use for classes that inherit from AllocatedObject. More... | |
#define | OGRE_NEW_ARRAY_T_ALIGN(T, count, category, align) ::Ogre::constructN(static_cast<T*>(::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category, align>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T)*(count))), count) |
Allocate a block of memory for 'count' primitive types aligned to user defined boundaries - do not use for classes that inherit from AllocatedObject. More... | |
#define | OGRE_NEW_ARRAY_T_SIMD(T, count, category) ::Ogre::constructN(static_cast<T*>(::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T)*(count))), count) |
Allocate a block of memory for 'count' primitive types aligned to SIMD boundaries - do not use for classes that inherit from AllocatedObject. More... | |
#define | OGRE_NEW_T(T, category) new (::Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T))) T |
Allocate space for one primitive type, external type or non-virtual type with constructor parameters. More... | |
#define | OGRE_NEW_T_ALIGN(T, category, align) new (::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category, align>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T))) T |
Allocate space for one primitive type, external type or non-virtual type aligned to user defined boundaries. More... | |
#define | OGRE_NEW_T_SIMD(T, category) new (::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T))) T |
Allocate space for one primitive type, external type or non-virtual type aligned to SIMD boundaries. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef ScriptingAllocatedObject | Ogre::AbstractNodeAlloc |
typedef AnimationAllocatedObject | Ogre::AnimableAlloc |
typedef AnimationAllocatedObject | Ogre::AnimationAlloc |
typedef AllocatedObject< AnimationAllocPolicy > | Ogre::AnimationAllocatedObject |
typedef CategorisedAllocPolicy< Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_ANIMATION > | Ogre::AnimationAllocPolicy |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::ArchiveAlloc |
typedef GeometryAllocatedObject | Ogre::BatchedGeometryAlloc |
typedef RenderSysAllocatedObject | Ogre::BufferAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::CodecAlloc |
typedef ResourceAllocatedObject | Ogre::CompositorInstAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::ConfigAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::ControllerAlloc |
typedef GeometryAllocatedObject | Ogre::DebugGeomAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::DynLibAlloc |
typedef GeometryAllocatedObject | Ogre::EdgeDataAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::FactoryAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::FileSystemLayerAlloc |
typedef SceneObjAllocatedObject | Ogre::FXAlloc |
typedef AllocatedObject< GeneralAllocPolicy > | Ogre::GeneralAllocatedObject |
typedef CategorisedAllocPolicy< Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL > | Ogre::GeneralAllocPolicy |
typedef AllocatedObject< GeometryAllocPolicy > | Ogre::GeometryAllocatedObject |
typedef CategorisedAllocPolicy< Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY > | Ogre::GeometryAllocPolicy |
typedef RenderSysAllocatedObject | Ogre::GpuParamsAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::ImageAlloc |
typedef GeometryAllocatedObject | Ogre::IndexDataAlloc |
typedef SceneCtlAllocatedObject | Ogre::LodAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::LogAlloc |
typedef SceneObjAllocatedObject | Ogre::MovableAlloc |
typedef SceneCtlAllocatedObject | Ogre::NodeAlloc |
typedef SceneObjAllocatedObject | Ogre::OverlayAlloc |
typedef ResourceAllocatedObject | Ogre::PassAlloc |
typedef GeometryAllocatedObject | Ogre::PatchAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::PluginAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::ProfilerAlloc |
typedef GeometryAllocatedObject | Ogre::ProgMeshAlloc |
typedef SceneCtlAllocatedObject | Ogre::RenderQueueAlloc |
typedef RenderSysAllocatedObject | Ogre::RenderSysAlloc |
typedef AllocatedObject< RenderSysAllocPolicy > | Ogre::RenderSysAllocatedObject |
typedef CategorisedAllocPolicy< Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_RENDERSYS > | Ogre::RenderSysAllocPolicy |
typedef ResourceAllocatedObject | Ogre::ResourceAlloc |
typedef AllocatedObject< ResourceAllocPolicy > | Ogre::ResourceAllocatedObject |
typedef CategorisedAllocPolicy< Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_RESOURCE > | Ogre::ResourceAllocPolicy |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::RootAlloc |
typedef AllocatedObject< SceneCtlAllocPolicy > | Ogre::SceneCtlAllocatedObject |
typedef CategorisedAllocPolicy< Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_CONTROL > | Ogre::SceneCtlAllocPolicy |
typedef SceneCtlAllocatedObject | Ogre::SceneMgtAlloc |
typedef AllocatedObject< SceneObjAllocPolicy > | Ogre::SceneObjAllocatedObject |
typedef CategorisedAllocPolicy< Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_OBJECTS > | Ogre::SceneObjAllocPolicy |
typedef ScriptingAllocatedObject | Ogre::ScriptCompilerAlloc |
typedef AllocatedObject< ScriptingAllocPolicy > | Ogre::ScriptingAllocatedObject |
typedef CategorisedAllocPolicy< Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_SCRIPTING > | Ogre::ScriptingAllocPolicy |
typedef ScriptingAllocatedObject | Ogre::ScriptTranslatorAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::SerializerAlloc |
typedef SceneCtlAllocatedObject | Ogre::ShadowDataAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::StereoDriverAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::StreamAlloc |
typedef SceneObjAllocatedObject | Ogre::SubEntityAlloc |
typedef ResourceAllocatedObject | Ogre::SubMeshAlloc |
typedef ResourceAllocatedObject | Ogre::TechniqueAlloc |
typedef ResourceAllocatedObject | Ogre::TextureUnitStateAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::TimerAlloc |
typedef GeneralAllocatedObject | Ogre::UtilityAlloc |
typedef GeometryAllocatedObject | Ogre::VertexDataAlloc |
typedef RenderSysAllocatedObject | Ogre::ViewportAlloc |
Enumerations | |
A set of categories that indicate the purpose of a chunk of memory being allocated. More... | |
Functions | |
template<typename T > | |
T * | Ogre::constructN (T *basePtr, size_t count) |
Utility function for constructing an array of objects with placement new, without using new[] (which allocates an undocumented amount of extra memory and so isn't appropriate for custom allocators). More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | Ogre::deletePtr (T *ptr) |
Function which invokes OGRE_DELETE on a given pointer. More... | |
This file configures Ogre's memory allocators.
You can modify this file to alter the allocation routines used for Ogre's main objects.
When customising memory allocation, all you need to do is provide one or more custom allocation policy classes. These classes need to implement:
Policies are then used as implementations for the wrapper classes and macros which call them. AllocatedObject for example provides the hooks to override the new and delete operators for a class and redirect the functionality to the policy. STLAllocator is a class which is provided to STL containers in order to hook up allocation of the containers members to the allocation policy.