OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::HlmsComputeJob Class Reference

#include <OgreHlmsComputeJob.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::HlmsComputeJob:

Public Types

enum  ThreadGroupsBasedOn { ThreadGroupsBasedOnNothing , ThreadGroupsBasedOnTexture , ThreadGroupsBasedOnUav }
- Public Types inherited from Ogre::TextureGpuListener
enum  Reason {
  Unknown , FromStorageToSysRam , FromSysRamToStorage , GainedResidency ,
  LostResidency , PoolTextureSlotChanged , ResidentToSysRamSync , MetadataCacheOutOfDate ,
  ExceptionThrown , FsaaSettingAlteredByApi , ReadyForRendering , Deleted

Public Member Functions

 HlmsComputeJob (IdString name, Hlms *creator, const String &sourceFilename, const StringVector &includedPieceFiles)
 ~HlmsComputeJob () override
void _calculateNumThreadGroupsBasedOnSetting ()
uint8 _getRawGlTexSlotStart () const
ShaderParams_getShaderParams (IdString key)
 Gets a shader parameter with the given key. More...
void _setSamplerblock (uint8 slotIdx, const HlmsSamplerblock *refParams)
 Sets a samplerblock directly. More...
void _setUavBuffer (uint8 slotIdx, const DescriptorSetUav::BufferSlot &newSlot)
 Sets an UAV buffer at the given slot ID. More...
void _setUavTexture (uint8 slotIdx, const DescriptorSetUav::TextureSlot &texSlot)
 Sets an UAV texture. More...
void _updateAutoProperties ()
void analyzeBarriers (ResourceTransitionArray &resourceTransitions, bool clearBarriers=true)
 Checks every regular texture and every UAV (texture and buffers) bound and resolves transitions. More...
void clearTexBuffers ()
 Sets all texture buffers to nullptr. More...
void clearUavBuffers ()
 Sets all UAV buffers to nullptr. More...
HlmsComputeJobclone (const String &cloneName)
void cloneTo (HlmsComputeJob *dstJob)
void createShaderParams (IdString key)
 Creates a set of shader paramters with a given key, e.g. More...
HlmsgetCreator () const
uint8 getGlTexSlotStart () const
IdString getName () const
String getNameStr () const
size_t getNumSamplerUnits () const
 See setNumSamplerUnits. More...
size_t getNumTexUnits () const
const uint32getNumThreadGroups () const
uint32 getNumThreadGroupsX () const
uint32 getNumThreadGroupsY () const
uint32 getNumThreadGroupsZ () const
size_t getNumUavUnits () const
int32 getProperty (IdString key, int32 defaultVal=0) const
ShaderParamsgetShaderParams (IdString key)
 Gets a shader parameter with the given key. More...
TextureGpugetTexture (uint8 slotIdx) const
const uint32getThreadsPerGroup () const
uint32 getThreadsPerGroupX () const
uint32 getThreadsPerGroupY () const
uint32 getThreadsPerGroupZ () const
UavBufferPackedgetUavBuffer (uint8 slotIdx) const
TextureGpugetUavTexture (uint8 slotIdx) const
void notifyTextureChanged (TextureGpu *texture, TextureGpuListener::Reason reason, void *extraData) override
 Called when a TextureGpu changed in a way that affects how it is displayed: More...
void removePiece (IdString pieceName)
 Removes an existing piece. More...
void removeTexUnit (uint8 slotIdx)
 Destroys a given texture unit, displacing all the higher tex units. More...
void removeUavUnit (uint8 slotIdx)
 Destroys a given texture unit, displacing all the higher tex units. More...
void setConstBuffer (uint8 slotIdx, ConstBufferPacked *constBuffer)
 Sets a const/uniform bufferat the given slot ID. More...
void setGlTexSlotStart (uint8 texSlotStart)
 By default HlmsComputeJob::setTexture and HlmsComputeJob::setTexBuffer are in range [0; getNumTexUnits) More...
void setInformHlmsOfTextureData (bool bInformHlms)
 The Hlms has the ability to pass data to the shader source code via its syntax system to add hardcoded values. More...
void setNumSamplerUnits (uint8 numSlots)
 This value is overriden by setNumTexUnits to be compatible with OpenGL. More...
void setNumTexUnits (uint8 numSlots)
 Creates 'numSlots' number of slots before they can be set. More...
void setNumThreadGroups (uint32 numThreadGroupsX, uint32 numThreadGroupsY, uint32 numThreadGroupsZ)
 Sets the number of groups of threads to dispatch. More...
void setNumThreadGroupsBasedOn (ThreadGroupsBasedOn source, uint8 texSlot, uint8 divisorX, uint8 divisorY, uint8 divisorZ)
 Instead of calling setNumThreadGroups, Ogre can automatically deduce them based on the Texture resolution and the threads per group. More...
void setNumUavUnits (uint8 numSlots)
 Creates 'numSlots' number of slots before they can be set. More...
void setPiece (IdString pieceName, const String &pieceContent)
 Defines a piece, i.e. More...
void setProperty (IdString key, int32 value)
 Sets an arbitrary property to pass to the shader. More...
void setSamplerblock (uint8 slotIdx, const HlmsSamplerblock &refParams)
 Sets a samplerblock based on reference parameters. More...
void setTexBuffer (uint8 slotIdx, const DescriptorSetTexture2::BufferSlot &newSlot)
 Sets a texture buffer at the given slot ID. More...
void setTexture (uint8 slotIdx, const DescriptorSetTexture2::TextureSlot &newSlot, const HlmsSamplerblock *refParams=0, bool bSetSampler=true)
 Sets a texture buffer at the given slot ID. More...
void setThreadsPerGroup (uint32 threadsPerGroupX, uint32 threadsPerGroupY, uint32 threadsPerGroupZ)
 Sets the number of threads per group. More...
void setupRootLayout (RootLayout &rootLayout)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::TextureGpuListener
virtual ~TextureGpuListener ()
virtual bool shouldStayLoaded (TextureGpu *texture)
 Return true if this TextureGpu should likely stay loaded or else graphical changes could occur. More...

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ThreadGroupsBasedOn


Disabled. (obey setNumThreadGroups)


Based the number of thread groups on a texture. See setNumThreadGroupsBasedOn.


Based the number of thread groups on a UAV. See setNumThreadGroupsBasedOn.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HlmsComputeJob()

Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::HlmsComputeJob ( IdString  name,
Hlms creator,
const String sourceFilename,
const StringVector includedPieceFiles 

◆ ~HlmsComputeJob()

Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::~HlmsComputeJob ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _calculateNumThreadGroupsBasedOnSetting()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::_calculateNumThreadGroupsBasedOnSetting ( )


Calculates the number of thread groups as specified in setNumThreadGroupsBasedOn, overriding setNumThreadGroups.

◆ _getRawGlTexSlotStart()

uint8 Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::_getRawGlTexSlotStart ( ) const

◆ _getShaderParams()

ShaderParams* Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::_getShaderParams ( IdString  key)

Gets a shader parameter with the given key.

e.g. "default" "glsl" "hlsl". Returns null if doesn't exist. See createShaderParams

◆ _setSamplerblock()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::_setSamplerblock ( uint8  slotIdx,
const HlmsSamplerblock refParams 

Sets a samplerblock directly.

For internal use / advanced users.

slotIdxSee setNumTexUnits.

Must be in range [0; getNumTexUnits) regardless of what getTexSlotStart is

refParamsDirect samplerblock. Reference count is assumed to already have been increased. We won't increase it ourselves.
paramsThe sampler block to use as reference.

◆ _setUavBuffer()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::_setUavBuffer ( uint8  slotIdx,
const DescriptorSetUav::BufferSlot newSlot 

Sets an UAV buffer at the given slot ID.

UAV slots are shared with setUavTexture. Calling this function will remove the settings from previous setUavTexture calls to the same slot index.
May trigger a recompilation if setInformHlmsOfTextureData is enabled.
Be very careful when calling this directly. The Compositor needs to evaluate memory barriers and resource transitions. Leaving inconsistent memory barriers can result in hazards/race conditions in some APIs. If in doubt, change the CompositorPassComputeDef instead.
slotIdxSee setNumUavUnits. The slot index to bind this UAV buffer.

◆ _setUavTexture()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::_setUavTexture ( uint8  slotIdx,
const DescriptorSetUav::TextureSlot texSlot 

Sets an UAV texture.

UAV buffer slots are shared with setUavTexture's. Calling this function will remove the settings from previous setUavBuffer calls to the same slot index.
May trigger a recompilation if setInformHlmsOfTextureData is enabled.
Be very careful when calling this directly. The Compositor needs to evaluate memory barriers and resource transitions. Leaving inconsistent memory barriers can result in hazards/race conditions in some APIs. If in doubt, change the CompositorPassComputeDef instead.
slotSee setNumUavUnits.

◆ _updateAutoProperties()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::_updateAutoProperties ( )

◆ analyzeBarriers()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::analyzeBarriers ( ResourceTransitionArray resourceTransitions,
bool  clearBarriers = true 

Checks every regular texture and every UAV (texture and buffers) bound and resolves transitions.


◆ clearTexBuffers()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::clearTexBuffers ( )

Sets all texture buffers to nullptr.

◆ clearUavBuffers()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::clearUavBuffers ( )

Sets all UAV buffers to nullptr.

◆ clone()

HlmsComputeJob* Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::clone ( const String cloneName)

◆ cloneTo()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::cloneTo ( HlmsComputeJob dstJob)

◆ createShaderParams()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::createShaderParams ( IdString  key)

Creates a set of shader paramters with a given key, e.g.

"default" "glsl" "hlsl". Does nothing if parameters already exist.

◆ getCreator()

Hlms* Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getCreator ( ) const

◆ getGlTexSlotStart()

uint8 Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getGlTexSlotStart ( ) const

◆ getName()

IdString Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getName ( ) const

◆ getNameStr()

String Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getNameStr ( ) const

◆ getNumSamplerUnits()

size_t Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getNumSamplerUnits ( ) const

See setNumSamplerUnits.

◆ getNumTexUnits()

size_t Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getNumTexUnits ( ) const

◆ getNumThreadGroups()

const uint32* Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getNumThreadGroups ( ) const

◆ getNumThreadGroupsX()

uint32 Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getNumThreadGroupsX ( ) const

◆ getNumThreadGroupsY()

uint32 Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getNumThreadGroupsY ( ) const

◆ getNumThreadGroupsZ()

uint32 Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getNumThreadGroupsZ ( ) const

◆ getNumUavUnits()

size_t Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getNumUavUnits ( ) const

◆ getProperty()

int32 Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getProperty ( IdString  key,
int32  defaultVal = 0 
) const

◆ getShaderParams()

ShaderParams& Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getShaderParams ( IdString  key)

Gets a shader parameter with the given key.

e.g. "default" "glsl" "hlsl". Creates if does not exist.

◆ getTexture()

TextureGpu* Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getTexture ( uint8  slotIdx) const

◆ getThreadsPerGroup()

const uint32* Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getThreadsPerGroup ( ) const

◆ getThreadsPerGroupX()

uint32 Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getThreadsPerGroupX ( ) const

◆ getThreadsPerGroupY()

uint32 Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getThreadsPerGroupY ( ) const

◆ getThreadsPerGroupZ()

uint32 Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getThreadsPerGroupZ ( ) const

◆ getUavBuffer()

UavBufferPacked* Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getUavBuffer ( uint8  slotIdx) const

◆ getUavTexture()

TextureGpu* Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::getUavTexture ( uint8  slotIdx) const

◆ notifyTextureChanged()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::notifyTextureChanged ( TextureGpu texture,
TextureGpuListener::Reason  reason,
void *  extraData 

Called when a TextureGpu changed in a way that affects how it is displayed:

  1. TextureGpu::notifyDataIsReady got called (texture is ready to be displayed)
  2. Texture changed residency status.
  3. Texture is being deleted. It won't be a valid pointer after this call.

Implements Ogre::TextureGpuListener.

◆ removePiece()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::removePiece ( IdString  pieceName)

Removes an existing piece.

See setPiece. Does nothing if the piece didn't exist.

◆ removeTexUnit()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::removeTexUnit ( uint8  slotIdx)

Destroys a given texture unit, displacing all the higher tex units.

◆ removeUavUnit()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::removeUavUnit ( uint8  slotIdx)

Destroys a given texture unit, displacing all the higher tex units.

◆ setConstBuffer()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setConstBuffer ( uint8  slotIdx,
ConstBufferPacked constBuffer 

Sets a const/uniform bufferat the given slot ID.

slotIdxSlot to bind to. It's independent from the texture & UAV ones.
constBufferConst buffer to bind.

◆ setGlTexSlotStart()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setGlTexSlotStart ( uint8  texSlotStart)

By default HlmsComputeJob::setTexture and HlmsComputeJob::setTexBuffer are in range [0; getNumTexUnits)

However this allows you to offset the range to [texSlotStart; texSlotStart + getNumTexUnits)

This is useful when ReadOnlyBuffers are bound via setTexBuffers, because in OpenGL these will map to uav buffer slots, thus overlapping/conflicting with UAVs

texSlotStartThe offset at which the textures/texbuffers should start being bound

◆ setInformHlmsOfTextureData()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setInformHlmsOfTextureData ( bool  bInformHlms)

The Hlms has the ability to pass data to the shader source code via its syntax system to add hardcoded values.

For example, you may want to unroll a loop based on the width of a texture for maximum performance.

Enabling this feature informs the Hlms to reparse the shader on any change to bound textures that could trigger a recompilation. If you don't need it, keep this feature disabled to prevent unnecessary recompilations.
bInformHlmsTrue to enable this feature, false to disable.

◆ setNumSamplerUnits()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setNumSamplerUnits ( uint8  numSlots)

This value is overriden by setNumTexUnits to be compatible with OpenGL.

However you can later override this behavior to minimize the number of samplers by shrinking (or enlarging?) the sampler units.

This is an advanced function. Don't use it unless you're careful not to assume 1 tex unit = 1 sampler unit

◆ setNumTexUnits()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setNumTexUnits ( uint8  numSlots)

Creates 'numSlots' number of slots before they can be set.

◆ setNumThreadGroups()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setNumThreadGroups ( uint32  numThreadGroupsX,
uint32  numThreadGroupsY,
uint32  numThreadGroupsZ 

Sets the number of groups of threads to dispatch.

Note the actual value may be changed by the shader template using the @pset() function. These values are passed to the template as:

  • num_thread_groups_x
  • num_thread_groups_y
  • num_thread_groups_z
    As an example, it's typical to do: numThreadGroupsX = ceil( threadsPerGroupX / image.width ); numThreadGroupsY = ceil( threadsPerGroupY / image.height );
    May trigger a recompilation if the value changes, regardless of what setInformHlmsOfTextureData says. There may be API / HW limitations on the max values for each dimension.

◆ setNumThreadGroupsBasedOn()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setNumThreadGroupsBasedOn ( ThreadGroupsBasedOn  source,
uint8  texSlot,
uint8  divisorX,
uint8  divisorY,
uint8  divisorZ 

Instead of calling setNumThreadGroups, Ogre can automatically deduce them based on the Texture resolution and the threads per group.

It is calculated as follows: scaledWidth = (textureWidth + divisorX - 1u) / divisorX; numThreadGroupsX = (scaledWidth + threadsPerGroupX - 1u) / threadsPerGroupX;

Unless disabled, this will overwrite your setNumThreadGroups based on the texture bound at the time the job is dispatched.
If no texture/uav is bound at the given slot (or no such slot exists), we will log a warning.
sourceWhat to use as source for the calculations. See ThreadGroupsBasedOn
texSlotIndex of the texture/uav unit.
divisorXdivisorY divisorZ Often compute shaders operate on multiple pixels, thus you need less thread groups. For example if you operate on blocks of 2x2, then you want divisorX = 2 and divisorY = 2.

◆ setNumUavUnits()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setNumUavUnits ( uint8  numSlots)

Creates 'numSlots' number of slots before they can be set.

◆ setPiece()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setPiece ( IdString  pieceName,
const String pieceContent 

Defines a piece, i.e.

the same as doing @piece( pieceName )pieceContent@end If the piece doesn't exist, it gets created. If the piece already exists, it gets overwritten.

Because we need to efficiently track changes (to know when to recompile, when we can reuse a cached shader, etc), we store a property of the same name as pieceName with the hash of the piece's content as value. e.g. doing setPiece( pieceName, pieceContent ) implies calling setProperty( pieceName, hash( pieceContent ). Hence you should NOT manipulate mPieces directly, otherwise we won't see changes performed to it, or use shaders from a cache we shouldn't use.
pieceNameName of the piece.
pieceContentThe contents of the piece.

◆ setProperty()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setProperty ( IdString  key,
int32  value 

Sets an arbitrary property to pass to the shader.

Will trigger a recompilation if the value changes, regardless of what setInformHlmsOfTextureData says.
keyName of the property
valueValue to set

◆ setSamplerblock()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setSamplerblock ( uint8  slotIdx,
const HlmsSamplerblock refParams 

Sets a samplerblock based on reference parameters.

slotIdxSee setNumTexUnits.

Must be in range [0; getNumTexUnits) regardless of what getTexSlotStart is

refParamsWe'll create (or retrieve an existing) samplerblock based on the input parameters.

◆ setTexBuffer()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setTexBuffer ( uint8  slotIdx,
const DescriptorSetTexture2::BufferSlot newSlot 

Sets a texture buffer at the given slot ID.

Texture buffer slots are shared with setTexture's. Calling this function will remove the settings from previous setTexture calls to the same slot index.
May trigger a recompilation if setInformHlmsOfTextureData is enabled.
Setting a RenderTarget that could be used for writing is dangerous in explicit APIs (DX12, Vulkan). Use the CompositorPassComputeDef
ReadOnlyBufferPacked can be bound using this function. But please note in certain APIs these type of buffers may end up being bound to UAV slots already taken by _setUav* functions.

See HlmsComputeJob::setTexSlotStart to workaround that

slotIdxSee setNumTexUnits. The slot index to bind this texture buffer In OpenGL, a few cards support between to 16-18 texture units, while most cards support up to 32

Must be in range [0; getNumTexUnits) regardless of what getTexSlotStart is


◆ setTexture()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setTexture ( uint8  slotIdx,
const DescriptorSetTexture2::TextureSlot newSlot,
const HlmsSamplerblock refParams = 0,
bool  bSetSampler = true 

Sets a texture buffer at the given slot ID.

Texture slots are shared with setTexBuffer's. Calling this function will remove the settings from previous setTexBuffer calls to the same slot index.
UAVs and Textures share the same slots in OpenGL, but don't in D3D11. For best compatibility, assume they're shared and put the UAVs in the first slots.
May trigger a recompilation if setInformHlmsOfTextureData is enabled.
slotIdxSee setNumTexUnits. The slot index to bind this texture In OpenGL, some cards support up to 16-18 texture units, while most cards support up to 32

Must be in range [0; getNumTexUnits) regardless of what getTexSlotStart is

samplerblockOptional. We'll create (or retrieve an existing) samplerblock based on the input parameters. When null, we leave the previously set samplerblock (if a texture is being set, and if no samplerblock was set, we'll create a default one)
bSetSamplerIf true, samplerblock will behave as described. When false and samplerblock is nullptr, we won't touch the samplerblock. Only use this with APIs that have separate texturse & sampler (e.g. everyone except GL)

◆ setThreadsPerGroup()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setThreadsPerGroup ( uint32  threadsPerGroupX,
uint32  threadsPerGroupY,
uint32  threadsPerGroupZ 

Sets the number of threads per group.

Note the actual value may be changed by the shader template using the @pset() function. These values are passed to the template as:

  • threads_per_group_x
  • threads_per_group_y
  • threads_per_group_z
    May trigger a recompilation if the value changes, regardless of what setInformHlmsOfTextureData says. There may be API / HW limitations on the max values for each dimension.

◆ setupRootLayout()

void Ogre::HlmsComputeJob::setupRootLayout ( RootLayout rootLayout)

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