OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::HlmsDatablock Class Reference

An hlms datablock contains individual information about a specific material. More...

#include <OgreHlmsDatablock.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::HlmsDatablock:

Public Member Functions

 HlmsDatablock (IdString name, Hlms *creator, const HlmsMacroblock *macroblock, const HlmsBlendblock *blendblock, const HlmsParamVec &params)
virtual ~HlmsDatablock ()
void _linkRenderable (Renderable *renderable)
void _unlinkRenderable (Renderable *renderable)
virtual void calculateHash ()
 Calculates the hashes needed for sorting by the RenderQueue (i.e. mTextureHash) More...
HlmsDatablockclone (String name) const
 Creates a copy of this datablock with the same settings, but a different name. More...
CompareFunction getAlphaTest () const
bool getAlphaTestShadowCasterOnly () const
float getAlphaTestThreshold () const
const HlmsBlendblockgetBlendblock (bool casterBlock=false) const
HlmsgetCreator () const
virtual ColourValue getDiffuseColour () const
 Returns the closest match for a diffuse colour, if applicable by the actual implementation. More...
virtual TextureGpugetDiffuseTexture () const
 Returns the closest match for a diffuse texture, if applicable by the actual implementation. More...
virtual ColourValue getEmissiveColour () const
 Returns the closest match for a emissive colour, if applicable by the actual implementation. More...
virtual TextureGpugetEmissiveTexture () const
 Returns the closest match for a emissive texture, if applicable by the actual implementation. More...
void getFilenameAndResourceGroup (String const **outFilename, String const **outResourceGroup) const
const vector< Renderable * >::type & getLinkedRenderables () const
const HlmsMacroblockgetMacroblock (bool casterBlock=false) const
IdString getName () const
const StringgetNameStr () const
virtual bool hasCustomShadowMacroblock () const
virtual void preload ()
 Tells datablock to start loading all of its textures (if not loaded already) and any other resource it may need. More...
virtual void saveTextures (const String &folderPath, set< String >::type &savedTextures, bool saveOitd, bool saveOriginal, HlmsTextureExportListener *listener)
virtual void setAlphaTest (CompareFunction compareFunction, bool shadowCasterOnly=false, bool useAlphaFromTextures=true)
 Sets the alpha test to the given compare function. More...
virtual void setAlphaTestThreshold (float threshold)
 Alpha test's threshold. More...
void setBlendblock (const HlmsBlendblock &blendblock, bool casterBlock=false, bool overrideCasterBlock=true)
 Sets a new blendblock that matches the same parameter as the input. More...
void setBlendblock (const HlmsBlendblock *blendblock, bool casterBlock=false, bool overrideCasterBlock=true)
 Sets the blendblock from the given pointer that was already retrieved from the HlmsManager. More...
void setMacroblock (const HlmsMacroblock &macroblock, bool casterBlock=false, bool overrideCasterBlock=true)
 Sets a new macroblock that matches the same parameter as the input. More...
void setMacroblock (const HlmsMacroblock *macroblock, bool casterBlock=false, bool overrideCasterBlock=true)
 Sets the macroblock from the given pointer that was already retrieved from the HlmsManager. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * getCmpString (CompareFunction compareFunction)

Public Attributes

bool mAllowTextureResidencyChange
 When false, we won't try to have Textures become resident. More...
uint16 mMacroblockHash [2]
float mShadowConstantBias
uint32 mTextureHash
uint8 mType

Detailed Description

An hlms datablock contains individual information about a specific material.

It consists of:

  • A const pointer to an HlmsMacroblock we do not own and may be shared by other datablocks.
  • A const pointer to an HlmsBlendblock we do not own and may be shared by other datablocks.
  • The original properties from which this datablock was constructed.
  • This type may be derived to contain additional information.

Derived types can cache information present in mOriginalProperties as strings, like diffuse colour values, etc.

A datablock is the internal representation of the surface parameters (depth settings, textures to be used, diffuse colour, specular colour, etc). The notion of a datablock is the closest you'll get to a "material"

Macro- & Blendblocks are immutable, hence const pointers. Trying to const cast these pointers in order to modify them may work on certain RenderSystems (i.e. GLES2) but will seriously break on other RenderSystems (i.e. D3D11).
If you need to change a macroblock, create a new one (HlmsManager keeps them cached if already created) and change the entire pointer.
Each datablock has a pair of macroblocks and blendblocks. One of is for the regular passes, the other is for shadow mapping passes, since in some cases you don't want them to be the same. As for blendblocks, with transparent objects you may want to turn off alpha blending, but enable alpha testing instead.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HlmsDatablock()

Ogre::HlmsDatablock::HlmsDatablock ( IdString  name,
Hlms creator,
const HlmsMacroblock macroblock,
const HlmsBlendblock blendblock,
const HlmsParamVec params 

◆ ~HlmsDatablock()

virtual Ogre::HlmsDatablock::~HlmsDatablock ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _linkRenderable()

void Ogre::HlmsDatablock::_linkRenderable ( Renderable renderable)

◆ _unlinkRenderable()

void Ogre::HlmsDatablock::_unlinkRenderable ( Renderable renderable)

◆ calculateHash()

virtual void Ogre::HlmsDatablock::calculateHash ( )

Calculates the hashes needed for sorting by the RenderQueue (i.e. mTextureHash)

◆ clone()

HlmsDatablock* Ogre::HlmsDatablock::clone ( String  name) const

Creates a copy of this datablock with the same settings, but a different name.

nameName of the cloned datablock.

◆ getAlphaTest()

CompareFunction Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getAlphaTest ( ) const

◆ getAlphaTestShadowCasterOnly()

bool Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getAlphaTestShadowCasterOnly ( ) const

◆ getAlphaTestThreshold()

float Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getAlphaTestThreshold ( ) const

◆ getBlendblock()

const HlmsBlendblock* Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getBlendblock ( bool  casterBlock = false) const

◆ getCmpString()

static const char* Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getCmpString ( CompareFunction  compareFunction)

◆ getCreator()

Hlms* Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getCreator ( ) const

◆ getDiffuseColour()

virtual ColourValue Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getDiffuseColour ( ) const

Returns the closest match for a diffuse colour, if applicable by the actual implementation.

Note that Unlit implementation returns 0 as diffuse, since it's considered emissive instead due to being bright even in the absence lights.

◆ getDiffuseTexture()

virtual TextureGpu* Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getDiffuseTexture ( ) const

Returns the closest match for a diffuse texture, if applicable by the actual implementation.

See HlmsDatablock::getDiffuseColour

◆ getEmissiveColour()

virtual ColourValue Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getEmissiveColour ( ) const

Returns the closest match for a emissive colour, if applicable by the actual implementation.

See HlmsDatablock::getDiffuseColour

◆ getEmissiveTexture()

virtual TextureGpu* Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getEmissiveTexture ( ) const

Returns the closest match for a emissive texture, if applicable by the actual implementation.

See HlmsDatablock::getDiffuseColour

◆ getFilenameAndResourceGroup()

void Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getFilenameAndResourceGroup ( String const **  outFilename,
String const **  outResourceGroup 
) const
See also
Hlms::getFilenameAndResourceGroup. This operation is NOT fast. Might return null (if the datablock was removed from the Hlms but somehow is still alive) Usage: String const *filename; String const *resourceGroup; datablock->getFilenameAndResourceGroup( &filename, &resourceGroup ); if( filename && resourceGroup && !filename->empty() && !resourceGroup->empty() ) { //Valid filename & resource group. }

◆ getLinkedRenderables()

const vector<Renderable *>::type& Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getLinkedRenderables ( ) const

◆ getMacroblock()

const HlmsMacroblock* Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getMacroblock ( bool  casterBlock = false) const

◆ getName()

IdString Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getName ( ) const

◆ getNameStr()

const String* Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getNameStr ( ) const
See also
Hlms::getNameStr. This operation is NOT fast. Might return null (if the datablock was removed from the Hlms but somehow is still alive)

◆ hasCustomShadowMacroblock()

virtual bool Ogre::HlmsDatablock::hasCustomShadowMacroblock ( ) const

◆ preload()

virtual void Ogre::HlmsDatablock::preload ( )

Tells datablock to start loading all of its textures (if not loaded already) and any other resource it may need.

Useful to cut loading times by anticipating what the user will do.

Do not call this function aggressively (e.g. for lots of material every frame)

◆ saveTextures()

virtual void Ogre::HlmsDatablock::saveTextures ( const String folderPath,
set< String >::type &  savedTextures,
bool  saveOitd,
bool  saveOriginal,
HlmsTextureExportListener listener 
It's possible to set both saveOitd & saveOriginal to true, but will likely double storage requirements (2x as many textures). Setting both to true is useful for troubleshooting obscure Ogre bugs.
folderPathFolder where to dump the textures.
savedTextures[in/out] Set of texture names. Textures whose name is already in the set won't be saved again. Textures that were saved will be inserted into the set.
saveOitdWhen true, we will download the texture from GPU and save it in OITD format. OITD is faster to load as it's stored in Ogre's native format it understands, but it cannot be opened by traditional image editors; also OITD is not backwards compatible with older versions of Ogre.
saveOriginalWhen true, we will attempt to read the raw filestream of the original texture and save it (i.e. copy the original png/dds/etc file).

◆ setAlphaTest()

virtual void Ogre::HlmsDatablock::setAlphaTest ( CompareFunction  compareFunction,
bool  shadowCasterOnly = false,
bool  useAlphaFromTextures = true 

Sets the alpha test to the given compare function.

CMPF_ALWAYS_PASS means disabled.

See also
mAlphaTestThreshold. Calling this function triggers a HlmsDatablock::flushRenderables
It is to the derived implementation to actually implement the alpha test.
compareFunctionCompare function to use. Default is CMPF_ALWAYS_PASS, which means disabled. Note: CMPF_ALWAYS_FAIL is not supported. Set a negative threshold to workaround this issue.
shadowCasterOnlyWhen true, only the caster should use alpha testing. Useful if you want alpha blending (i.e. transparency) while rendering normally, but want semi-transparent shadows.
useAlphaFromTexturesWhether you want the diffuse texture's alpha to influence the alpha test Most likely you want this to be true, unless you're customizing the shader and have special use for alpha testing

◆ setAlphaTestThreshold()

virtual void Ogre::HlmsDatablock::setAlphaTestThreshold ( float  threshold)

Alpha test's threshold.

See also
thresholdValue typically in the range [0; 1)

◆ setBlendblock() [1/2]

void Ogre::HlmsDatablock::setBlendblock ( const HlmsBlendblock blendblock,
bool  casterBlock = false,
bool  overrideCasterBlock = true 

Sets a new blendblock that matches the same parameter as the input.

Decreases the reference count of the previous mBlendblock. Runs an O(N) search to get the right block. Calling this function triggers a HlmsDatablock::flushRenderables

See also
casterBlockTrue to directly set the blendblock to be used during the shadow mapping's caster pass. When false, the value of overrideCasterBlock becomes relevant.
overrideCasterBlockIf true and casterBlock = false, the caster block will also be set to the input value.

◆ setBlendblock() [2/2]

void Ogre::HlmsDatablock::setBlendblock ( const HlmsBlendblock blendblock,
bool  casterBlock = false,
bool  overrideCasterBlock = true 

Sets the blendblock from the given pointer that was already retrieved from the HlmsManager.

Unlike the other overload, this operation is O(1). Calling this function triggers a HlmsDatablock::flushRenderables

blendblockA valid block. The reference count is increased inside this function.
casterBlockTrue to directly set the blendblock to be used during the shadow mapping's caster pass. When false, the value of overrideCasterBlock becomes relevant.
overrideCasterBlockIf true and casterBlock = false, the caster block will also be set to the input value.

◆ setMacroblock() [1/2]

void Ogre::HlmsDatablock::setMacroblock ( const HlmsMacroblock macroblock,
bool  casterBlock = false,
bool  overrideCasterBlock = true 

Sets a new macroblock that matches the same parameter as the input.

Decreases the reference count of the previously set one. Runs an O(N) search to get the right block. Calling this function triggers a HlmsDatablock::flushRenderables

See also
casterBlockTrue to directly set the macroblock to be used during the shadow mapping's caster pass. When false, the value of overrideCasterBlock becomes relevant.
overrideCasterBlockIf true and casterBlock = false, the caster block will also be set to the input value.

◆ setMacroblock() [2/2]

void Ogre::HlmsDatablock::setMacroblock ( const HlmsMacroblock macroblock,
bool  casterBlock = false,
bool  overrideCasterBlock = true 

Sets the macroblock from the given pointer that was already retrieved from the HlmsManager.

Unlike the other overload, this operation is O(1). Calling this function triggers a HlmsDatablock::flushRenderables

macroblockA valid block. The reference count is increased inside this function.
casterBlockTrue to directly set the macroblock to be used during the shadow mapping's caster pass. When false, the value of overrideCasterBlock becomes relevant.
overrideCasterBlockIf true and casterBlock = false, the caster block will also be set to the input value.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mAllowTextureResidencyChange

bool Ogre::HlmsDatablock::mAllowTextureResidencyChange

When false, we won't try to have Textures become resident.

◆ mMacroblockHash

uint16 Ogre::HlmsDatablock::mMacroblockHash[2]

◆ mShadowConstantBias

float Ogre::HlmsDatablock::mShadowConstantBias

◆ mTextureHash

uint32 Ogre::HlmsDatablock::mTextureHash

◆ mType

uint8 Ogre::HlmsDatablock::mType
See also

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