OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::v1::OverlayManager Class Reference

Manages Overlay objects, parsing them from .overlay files and storing a lookup library of them. More...

#include <OgreOverlayManager.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::v1::OverlayManager:

Public Types

typedef map< String, OverlayElement * >::type ElementMap
typedef map< String, OverlayElementFactory * >::type FactoryMap
typedef map< String, Overlay * >::type OverlayMap
typedef MapIterator< OverlayMapOverlayMapIterator
typedef MapIterator< ElementMapTemplateIterator

Public Member Functions

 OverlayManager ()
 ~OverlayManager () override
void _queueOverlaysForRendering (RenderQueue *pQueue, Viewport *vp)
 Internal method for queueing the visible overlays for rendering. More...
void _releaseManualHardwareResources ()
 Notifies that hardware resources were lost. More...
void _restoreManualHardwareResources ()
 Notifies that hardware resources should be restored. More...
void addOverlayElementFactory (OverlayElementFactory *elemFactory)
 Registers a new OverlayElementFactory with this manager. More...
OverlayElementcloneOverlayElementFromTemplate (const String &templateName, const String &instanceName)
Overlaycreate (const String &name)
 Create a new Overlay. More...
OverlayElementcreateOverlayElement (const String &typeName, const String &instanceName, bool isTemplate=false)
 Creates a new OverlayElement of the type requested. More...
OverlayElementcreateOverlayElementFromFactory (const String &typeName, const String &instanceName)
OverlayElementcreateOverlayElementFromTemplate (const String &templateName, const String &typeName, const String &instanceName, bool isTemplate=false)
void destroy (const String &name)
 Destroys an existing overlay by name. More...
void destroy (Overlay *overlay)
 Destroys an existing overlay. More...
void destroyAll ()
 Destroys all existing overlays. More...
void destroyAllOverlayElements (bool isTemplate=false)
 Destroys all the OverlayElement created so far. More...
void destroyOverlayElement (const String &instanceName, bool isTemplate=false)
 Destroys a OverlayElement. More...
void destroyOverlayElement (OverlayElement *pInstance, bool isTemplate=false)
 Destroys a OverlayElement. More...
OverlaygetByName (const String &name)
 Retrieve an Overlay by name. More...
Real getLoadingOrder () const override
 Gets the relative loading order of scripts of this type. More...
OverlayElementgetOverlayElement (const String &name, bool isTemplate=false)
 Gets a reference to an existing element. More...
const FactoryMapgetOverlayElementFactoryMap () const
 Get const access to the list of registered OverlayElement factories. More...
OverlayMapIterator getOverlayIterator ()
const StringVectorgetScriptPatterns () const override
 Gets the file patterns which should be used to find scripts for this class. More...
TemplateIterator getTemplateIterator ()
 Returns an iterator over all templates in this manager. More...
Real getViewportAspectRatio () const
int getViewportHeight () const
 Gets the height of the destination viewport in pixels. More...
int getViewportWidth () const
 Gets the width of the destination viewport in pixels. More...
bool hasOverlayElement (const String &name, bool isTemplate=false)
 Tests if an element exists. More...
bool isTemplate (String strName) const
void parseScript (DataStreamPtr &stream, const String &groupName) override
 Parse a script file. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Singleton< OverlayManager >
 Singleton ()
 ~Singleton ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::ScriptLoader
virtual ~ScriptLoader ()

Static Public Member Functions

static OverlayManagergetSingleton ()
 Override standard Singleton retrieval. More...
static OverlayManagergetSingletonPtr ()
 Override standard Singleton retrieval. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Singleton< OverlayManager >
static OverlayManager & getSingleton ()
static OverlayManager * getSingletonPtr ()

Public Attributes

uint8 mDefaultRenderQueueId

Detailed Description

Manages Overlay objects, parsing them from .overlay files and storing a lookup library of them.

Also manages the creation of OverlayContainers and OverlayElements, used for non-interactive 2D elements such as HUDs.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ElementMap

◆ FactoryMap

◆ OverlayMap

◆ OverlayMapIterator

◆ TemplateIterator

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OverlayManager()

Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::OverlayManager ( )

◆ ~OverlayManager()

Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::~OverlayManager ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _queueOverlaysForRendering()

void Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::_queueOverlaysForRendering ( RenderQueue pQueue,
Viewport vp 

Internal method for queueing the visible overlays for rendering.

◆ _releaseManualHardwareResources()

void Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::_releaseManualHardwareResources ( )

Notifies that hardware resources were lost.

◆ _restoreManualHardwareResources()

void Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::_restoreManualHardwareResources ( )

Notifies that hardware resources should be restored.

◆ addOverlayElementFactory()

void Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::addOverlayElementFactory ( OverlayElementFactory elemFactory)

Registers a new OverlayElementFactory with this manager.

Should be used by plugins or other apps wishing to provide a new OverlayElement subclass.

◆ cloneOverlayElementFromTemplate()

OverlayElement* Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::cloneOverlayElementFromTemplate ( const String templateName,
const String instanceName 
Creates a new OverlayElement object from the specified template name. The new object's name, and all of it's children, will be instanceName/orignalName.

◆ create()

Overlay* Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::create ( const String name)

Create a new Overlay.

◆ createOverlayElement()

OverlayElement* Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::createOverlayElement ( const String typeName,
const String instanceName,
bool  isTemplate = false 

Creates a new OverlayElement of the type requested.

The type of element to create is passed in as a string because this allows plugins to register new types of component.
typeNameThe type of element to create.
instanceNameThe name to give the new instance.

◆ createOverlayElementFromFactory()

OverlayElement* Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::createOverlayElementFromFactory ( const String typeName,
const String instanceName 

◆ createOverlayElementFromTemplate()

OverlayElement* Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::createOverlayElementFromTemplate ( const String templateName,
const String typeName,
const String instanceName,
bool  isTemplate = false 

◆ destroy() [1/2]

void Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::destroy ( const String name)

Destroys an existing overlay by name.

◆ destroy() [2/2]

void Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::destroy ( Overlay overlay)

Destroys an existing overlay.

◆ destroyAll()

void Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::destroyAll ( )

Destroys all existing overlays.

◆ destroyAllOverlayElements()

void Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::destroyAllOverlayElements ( bool  isTemplate = false)

Destroys all the OverlayElement created so far.

Best to leave this to the engine to call internally, there should rarely be a need to call it yourself.

◆ destroyOverlayElement() [1/2]

void Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::destroyOverlayElement ( const String instanceName,
bool  isTemplate = false 

Destroys a OverlayElement.

Make sure you're not still using this in an Overlay. If in doubt, let OGRE destroy elements on shutdown.

◆ destroyOverlayElement() [2/2]

void Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::destroyOverlayElement ( OverlayElement pInstance,
bool  isTemplate = false 

Destroys a OverlayElement.

Make sure you're not still using this in an Overlay. If in doubt, let OGRE destroy elements on shutdown.

◆ getByName()

Overlay* Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::getByName ( const String name)

Retrieve an Overlay by name.

A pointer to the Overlay, or 0 if not found

◆ getLoadingOrder()

Real Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::getLoadingOrder ( ) const

Gets the relative loading order of scripts of this type.

There are dependencies between some kinds of scripts, and to enforce this all implementors of this interface must define a loading order.
A value representing the relative loading order of these scripts compared to other script users, where higher values load later.

Implements Ogre::ScriptLoader.

◆ getOverlayElement()

OverlayElement* Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::getOverlayElement ( const String name,
bool  isTemplate = false 

Gets a reference to an existing element.

◆ getOverlayElementFactoryMap()

const FactoryMap& Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::getOverlayElementFactoryMap ( ) const

Get const access to the list of registered OverlayElement factories.

◆ getOverlayIterator()

OverlayMapIterator Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::getOverlayIterator ( )

◆ getScriptPatterns()

const StringVector& Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::getScriptPatterns ( ) const

Gets the file patterns which should be used to find scripts for this class.

This method is called when a resource group is loaded if you use ResourceGroupManager::_registerScriptLoader.
A list of file patterns, in the order they should be searched in.

Implements Ogre::ScriptLoader.

◆ getSingleton()

static OverlayManager& Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::getSingleton ( )

Override standard Singleton retrieval.

Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll.
This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors.

◆ getSingletonPtr()

static OverlayManager* Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::getSingletonPtr ( )

Override standard Singleton retrieval.

Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll.
This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors.

◆ getTemplateIterator()

TemplateIterator Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::getTemplateIterator ( )

Returns an iterator over all templates in this manager.

◆ getViewportAspectRatio()

Real Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::getViewportAspectRatio ( ) const

◆ getViewportHeight()

int Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::getViewportHeight ( ) const

Gets the height of the destination viewport in pixels.

◆ getViewportWidth()

int Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::getViewportWidth ( ) const

Gets the width of the destination viewport in pixels.

◆ hasOverlayElement()

bool Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::hasOverlayElement ( const String name,
bool  isTemplate = false 

Tests if an element exists.

◆ isTemplate()

bool Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::isTemplate ( String  strName) const

◆ parseScript()

void Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::parseScript ( DataStreamPtr stream,
const String groupName 

Parse a script file.

streamWeak reference to a data stream which is the source of the script
groupNameThe name of a resource group which should be used if any resources are created during the parse of this script.

Implements Ogre::ScriptLoader.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mDefaultRenderQueueId

uint8 Ogre::v1::OverlayManager::mDefaultRenderQueueId

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