| CocoaWindow (const String &title, uint32 widthPt, uint32 heightPt, bool fullscreenMode) |
virtual | ~CocoaWindow () |
void | _initialize (TextureGpuManager *textureManager) override |
void | _setVisible (bool visible) override |
| Internal method to notify the window it has been obscured or minimized.
void | create (const String &name, unsigned int widthPt, unsigned int heightPt, bool fullScreen, const NameValuePairList *miscParams) |
void | destroy () override |
void | getCustomAttribute (IdString name, void *pData) |
float | getViewPointToPixelScale () const override |
| Turns VSync on/off.
bool | isActive () const |
bool | isClosed () const override |
| Indicates whether the window has been closed by the user.
bool | isDeactivatedOnFocusChange () const |
bool | isHidden () const override |
| Indicates whether the window was set to hidden (not displayed)
bool | isVisible () const override |
void | reposition (int leftPt, int topPt) override |
void | setActive (bool value) |
void | setDeactivateOnFocusChange (bool deactivate) |
void | setHidden (bool hidden) override |
| Hide (or show) the window.
void | setVisible (bool visible) |
void | swapBuffers () override |
void | windowMovedOrResized () override |
| Notify that the window has been resized.
| Window (const String &title, uint32 widthPt, uint32 heightPt, bool fullscreenMode) |
virtual | ~Window () |
virtual void | _initialize (TextureGpuManager *textureGpuManager, const NameValuePairList *ogre_nullable miscParams)=0 |
void | _setPrimary () |
| Indicates that this is the primary window.
virtual bool | canDownloadData () const |
| Returns true if you can download to CPU (i.e.
bool | getBorderless () const |
TextureGpu *ogre_nullable | getDepthBuffer () const |
uint32 | getFrequencyDenominator () const |
uint32 | getFrequencyNumerator () const |
uint32 | getHeight () const |
virtual void | getMetrics (uint32 &width, uint32 &height, int32 &left, int32 &top) const |
| Overloaded version of getMetrics from RenderTarget, including extra details specific to windowing systems.
PixelFormatGpu | getPixelFormat () const |
uint32 | getRequestedHeightPt () const |
uint32 | getRequestedWidthPt () const |
SampleDescription | getSampleDescription () const |
TextureGpu *ogre_nullable | getStencilBuffer () const |
TextureGpu *ogre_nullable | getTexture () const |
| WARNING: Attempting to change the TextureGpu (e.g.
const String & | getTitle () const |
bool | getVSync () const |
uint32 | getVSyncInterval () const |
uint32 | getWidth () const |
bool | isFocused () const |
bool | isFullscreen () const |
| Returns true if we are currently in fullscreen mode.
virtual bool | isManualSwapRelease () const |
| Returns the value set by setManualSwapRelease when supported.
bool | isMultisample () const |
bool | isPrimary () const |
virtual void | performManualRelease () |
| See Window::setManualSwapRelease.
virtual void | requestFullscreenSwitch (bool goFullscreen, bool borderless, uint32 monitorIdx, uint32 widthPt, uint32 heightPt, uint32 frequencyNumerator, uint32 frequencyDenominator) |
| Requests to toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode.
virtual void | requestResolution (uint32 widthPt, uint32 heightPt) |
| Requests a change in resolution.
virtual void | setBorderless (bool borderless) |
virtual void | setFocused (bool focused) |
virtual void | setFsaa (const String &fsaa) |
| Set the FSAA mode to be used if hardware support it.
virtual void | setManualSwapRelease (bool bManualRelease) |
| Metal doesn't want us to hold on to a drawable after presenting.
virtual void | setTitle (const String &title) |
virtual void | setVSync (bool vSync, uint32 vSyncInterval) |
| Turns VSync on/off.
virtual void | setWantsToDownload (bool bWantsToDownload) |
| On Metal you must call this function and set it to true in order to take pictures.
bool | wantsToGoFullscreen () const |
| Returns true if we are in windowed mode right now, but want to go fullscreen.
bool | wantsToGoWindowed () const |
| Returns true if we are in fullscreen mode right now, but want to go windowed mode.
float Ogre::CocoaWindow::getViewPointToPixelScale |
( |
| ) |
const |
overridevirtual |
Turns VSync on/off.
- Parameters
vSync | |
vSyncInterval | When true, specifies how often the screen should be updated. e.g. at 60hz: vSyncInterval = 1 then update at 60hz vSyncInterval = 2 then update at 30hz vSyncInterval = 3 then update at 15hz vSyncInterval = 4 then update at 7.5hz |
If the 31st bit is set, i.e. 0x80000000, then lowest latency mode, aka mailbox, will be used (which doesn't limit the framerate)
Many windowing systems that support HiDPI displays use special points to specify size of the windows and controls, so that windows and controls with hardcoded sizes does not become too small on HiDPI displays.
Such points have constant density ~ 100 points per inch (probably 96 on Windows and 72 on Mac), that is independent of pixel density of real display, and are used through the all windowing system.
Sometimes, such view points are choosen bigger for output devices that are viewed from larger distances, like 30" TV comparing to 30" monitor, therefore maintaining constant points angular density rather than constant linear density.
In any case, all such windowing system provides the way to convert such view points to pixels, be it DisplayProperties::LogicalDpi on WinRT or backingScaleFactor on MacOSX. We use pixels consistently through the Ogre, but window/view management functions takes view points for convenience, as does the rest of windowing system. Such parameters are named using xxxxPt pattern, and should not be mixed with pixels without being converted using getViewPointToPixelScale() function.
Sometimes such scale factor can change on-the-fly, for example if window is dragged to monitor with different DPI. In such situation, window size in view points is usually preserved by windowing system, and Ogre should adjust pixel size of RenderWindow.
Reimplemented from Ogre::Window.