![]() |
OGRE-Next 4.0.0unstable
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Namespaces | |
namespace | Ogre::MsaaPatterns |
Classes | |
struct | Ogre::_ConfigOption |
Packages the details of a configuration option. More... | |
class | Ogre::AbstractNode |
class | Ogre::AnimationControllerFunction |
Predefined controller function for dealing with animation. More... | |
class | Ogre::Any |
Variant type that can hold Any other type. More... | |
class | Ogre::AnyNumeric |
Specialised Any class which has built in arithmetic operators, but can hold only types which support operator +,-,* and / . More... | |
class | Ogre::AtomAbstractNode |
This is an abstract node which cannot be broken down further. More... | |
class | Ogre::AtomicObject< T > |
class | Ogre::AtomicScalar< T > |
struct | Ogre::Box |
Structure used to define a box in a 3-D integer space. More... | |
class | Ogre::BuiltinScriptTranslatorManager |
This class manages the builtin translators. More... | |
class | Ogre::Codec |
Abstract class that defines a 'codec'. More... | |
class | Ogre::ColourValue |
Class representing colour. More... | |
class | Ogre::CompositorLoadActionTranslator |
class | Ogre::CompositorNodeTranslator |
class | Ogre::CompositorPassTranslator |
class | Ogre::CompositorRenderTargetViewTranslator |
class | Ogre::CompositorShadowMapRepeatTranslator |
class | Ogre::CompositorShadowMapTargetTranslator |
class | Ogre::CompositorShadowMapTargetTypeTranslator |
class | Ogre::CompositorShadowNodeTranslator |
class | Ogre::CompositorStoreActionTranslator |
class | Ogre::CompositorTargetTranslator |
class | Ogre::CompositorTextureBaseTranslator |
class | Ogre::CompositorWorkspaceTranslator |
class | Ogre::ComPtr< T > |
struct | Ogre::ConcreteNode |
class | Ogre::ConfigDialog |
Defines the behaviour of an automatic renderer configuration dialog. More... | |
class | Ogre::ConfigFile |
Class for quickly loading settings from a text file. More... | |
class | Ogre::Controller< T > |
Instances of this class 'control' the value of another object in the system. More... | |
class | Ogre::ControllerFunction< T > |
Subclasses of this class are responsible for performing a function on an input value for a Controller. More... | |
class | Ogre::ControllerManager |
Class for managing Controller instances. More... | |
class | Ogre::ControllerValue< T > |
Can either be used as an input or output value. More... | |
class | Ogre::CreateCompositorScriptCompilerEvent |
class | Ogre::CreateGpuProgramScriptCompilerEvent |
class | Ogre::CreateGpuSharedParametersScriptCompilerEvent |
class | Ogre::CreateHighLevelGpuProgramScriptCompilerEvent |
class | Ogre::CreateMaterialScriptCompilerEvent |
class | Ogre::CreateParticleSystemScriptCompilerEvent |
class | Ogre::DefaultWorkQueueBase |
Base for a general purpose request / response style background work queue. More... | |
class | Ogre::DynLib |
Resource holding data about a dynamic library. More... | |
class | Ogre::DynLibManager |
Manager for Dynamic-loading Libraries. More... | |
class | Ogre::ErrorDialog |
Class for displaying the error dialog if Ogre fails badly. More... | |
class | Ogre::Exception |
When thrown, provides information about an error that has occurred inside the engine. More... | |
class | Ogre::ExceptionFactory |
Class implementing dispatch methods in order to construct by-value exceptions of a derived type based just on an exception code. More... | |
class | Ogre::FactoryObj< T > |
Abstract factory class. More... | |
class | Ogre::FileNotFoundException |
class | Ogre::FloatGpuParameterControllerValue |
Predefined controller value for setting a single floating- point value in a constant parameter of a vertex or fragment program. More... | |
struct | Ogre::FrameEvent |
Struct containing information about a frame event. More... | |
class | Ogre::FrameListener |
A interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of frame events. More... | |
class | Ogre::FrameStats |
All returned values are either in seconds or frames per second. More... | |
class | Ogre::FrameTimeControllerValue |
Predefined controller value for getting the latest frame time. More... | |
class | Ogre::GpuProgramTranslator |
class | Ogre::HashedVector< T > |
A hashed vector. More... | |
class | Ogre::HlmsTranslator |
class | Ogre::ImportAbstractNode |
This abstract node represents an import statement. More... | |
class | Ogre::InternalErrorException |
class | Ogre::InvalidCallException |
class | Ogre::InvalidParametersException |
class | Ogre::InvalidStateException |
class | Ogre::IOException |
class | Ogre::ItemIdentityException |
struct | Ogre::LightClosest |
Used as the light list, sorted. More... | |
struct | Ogre::LightListInfo |
Holds all lights in SoA after being culled over all frustums. More... | |
class | Ogre::LinearControllerFunction |
Predefined controller function based on linear function interpolation. More... | |
class | Ogre::Log |
class | Ogre::LogListener |
class | Ogre::LogManager |
The log manager handles the creation and retrieval of logs for the application. More... | |
class | Ogre::MaterialTranslator |
class | Ogre::NameGenerator |
Utility class to generate a sequentially numbered series of names. More... | |
class | Ogre::NoAddRefRelease< T > |
class | Ogre::ObjectAbstractNode |
This specific abstract node represents a script object. More... | |
class | Ogre::ParamDictionary |
Class to hold a dictionary of parameters for a single class. More... | |
class | Ogre::ParameterDef |
Definition of a parameter supported by a StringInterface class, for introspection. More... | |
class | Ogre::ParticleAffectorTranslator |
class | Ogre::ParticleAffectorTranslator2 |
class | Ogre::ParticleEmitterTranslator |
class | Ogre::ParticleEmitterTranslator2 |
class | Ogre::ParticleSystemTranslator |
class | Ogre::ParticleSystemTranslator2 |
class | Ogre::PassthroughControllerFunction |
Predefined controller function which just passes through the original source directly to dest. More... | |
class | Ogre::PassTranslator |
class | Ogre::PlatformInformation |
Class which provides the run-time platform information Ogre runs on. More... | |
class | Ogre::Plugin |
Class defining a generic OGRE plugin. More... | |
class | Ogre::PreApplyTextureAliasesScriptCompilerEvent |
class | Ogre::ProcessNameExclusionScriptCompilerEvent |
class | Ogre::ProcessResourceNameScriptCompilerEvent |
class | Ogre::Profile |
An individual profile that will be processed by the Profiler. More... | |
struct | Ogre::ProfileFrame |
Represents the total timing information of a profile since profiles can be called more than once each frame. More... | |
struct | Ogre::ProfileHistory |
Represents a history of each profile during the duration of the app. More... | |
class | Ogre::ProfileInstance |
Represents an individual profile call. More... | |
class | Ogre::Profiler |
The profiler allows you to measure the performance of your code. More... | |
class | Ogre::ProfileSessionListener |
ProfileSessionListener should be used to visualize profile results. More... | |
class | Ogre::PropertyAbstractNode |
This abstract node represents a script property. More... | |
class | Ogre::RadixSort< TContainer, TContainerValueType, TCompValueType > |
Class for performing a radix sort (fast comparison-less sort based on byte value) on various standard STL containers. More... | |
class | Ogre::RenderingAPIException |
struct | Ogre::RenderingMetrics |
class | Ogre::Root |
The root class of the Ogre system. More... | |
class | Ogre::RuntimeAssertionException |
struct | Ogre::SampleDescription |
Opaque struct that holds effective FSAA (MSAA, CSAA, etc.) mode. More... | |
class | Ogre::ScaleControllerFunction |
Predefined controller function which simply scales an input to an output value. More... | |
class | Ogre::ScriptCompiler |
This is the main class for the compiler. More... | |
class | Ogre::ScriptCompilerEvent |
This struct is a base class for events which can be thrown by the compilers and caught by subscribers. More... | |
class | Ogre::ScriptCompilerListener |
This is a listener for the compiler. More... | |
class | Ogre::ScriptCompilerManager |
Manages threaded compilation of scripts. More... | |
class | Ogre::ScriptLexer |
class | Ogre::ScriptLoader |
Abstract class defining the interface used by classes which wish to perform script loading to define instances of whatever they manage. More... | |
class | Ogre::ScriptParser |
struct | Ogre::ScriptToken |
This struct represents a token, which is an ID'd lexeme from the parsing input stream. More... | |
class | Ogre::ScriptTranslator |
This class translates script AST (abstract syntax tree) into Ogre resources. More... | |
class | Ogre::ScriptTranslatorManager |
The ScriptTranslatorManager manages the lifetime and access to script translators. More... | |
class | Ogre::Serializer |
Generic class for serialising data to / from binary stream-based files. More... | |
class | Ogre::SharedParamsTranslator |
class | Ogre::SharedPtr< T > |
class | Ogre::Singleton< T > |
Template class for creating single-instance global classes. More... | |
struct | Ogre::SPFMDeleteT |
struct | Ogre::StencilParams |
struct | Ogre::StencilStateOp |
class | Ogre::StringConverter |
Class for converting the core Ogre data types to/from Strings. More... | |
class | Ogre::StringInterface |
Class defining the common interface which classes can use to present a reflection-style, self-defining parameter set to callers. More... | |
class | Ogre::StringUtil |
Utility class for manipulating Strings. More... | |
class | Ogre::TechniqueTranslator |
class | Ogre::TexCoordModifierControllerValue |
Predefined controller value for getting / setting a texture coordinate modifications (scales and translates). More... | |
class | Ogre::TextureFrameControllerValue |
Predefined controller value for getting / setting the frame number of a texture layer. More... | |
class | Ogre::TextureSourceTranslator |
class | Ogre::TextureUnitTranslator |
class | Ogre::Timer |
Timer class. More... | |
struct | Ogre::TRect< T > |
class | Ogre::UnimplementedException |
Template struct which creates a distinct type for each exception code. More... | |
class | Ogre::VariableAccessAbstractNode |
This abstract node represents a variable assignment. More... | |
class | Ogre::WaveformControllerFunction |
Predefined controller function based on a waveform. More... | |
class | Ogre::WorkQueue |
Interface to a general purpose request / response style background work queue. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | OGRE_EXCEPT(code, desc, src) Ogre::ExceptionFactory::throwException( code, code, desc, src, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) |
#define | OGRE_EXCEPT_EX(code, num, desc, src) Ogre::ExceptionFactory::throwException( code, num, desc, src, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) |
#define | OGRE_LOG_THRESHOLD 4 |
Functions | |
Ogre::FrameStats::FrameStats () | |
void | Ogre::FrameStats::addSample (const uint64 timeUs) |
Adds a new measured time, in microseconds | |
template<typename ValueType > | |
ValueType * | Ogre::any_cast (Any *operand) |
template<typename ValueType > | |
ValueType | Ogre::any_cast (const Any &operand) |
template<typename ValueType > | |
const ValueType * | Ogre::any_cast (const Any *operand) |
uint32 | Ogre::FastHash (const char *data, int len, uint32 hashSoFar=0) |
Fast general hashing algorithm. | |
int _OgreExport | Ogre::findCommandLineOpts (int numargs, char **argv, UnaryOptionList &unaryOptList, BinaryOptionList &binOptList) |
Locate command-line options of the unary form '-blah' and of the binary form '-blah foo', passing back the index of the next non-option. | |
double | Ogre::FrameStats::getAllTimeAverage () const |
Returns the average since the last reset(). | |
double | Ogre::FrameStats::getAllTimeAverageFps () const |
Same as getAllTimeAverage(), but expressed as frames per second instead of seconds. | |
double | Ogre::FrameStats::getBestTime () const |
Returns the best frame time in seconds since the last reset(). | |
uint64 | Ogre::FrameStats::getLastTimeRawMicroseconds () const |
double | Ogre::FrameStats::getLatestTimeSinceLast () const |
Returns latest record of the time since last measurement. | |
double | Ogre::FrameStats::getLatestTimeSinceLastFps () const |
Same as getLatestTimeSinceLast() but expressed as frames per second instead of seconds. | |
double | Ogre::FrameStats::getPercentile95th (bool bUseTime) const |
Gets the 95th percentile, since the last reset(). | |
double | Ogre::FrameStats::getPercentile99th (bool bUseTime) const |
Gets the 99th percentile, since the last reset. See getPercentile95th(). | |
double | Ogre::FrameStats::getPercentileNth (double percentile, bool bUseTime) const |
Gets the desired percentile, since the last reset. | |
double | Ogre::FrameStats::getRollingAverage () const |
Returns the rolling average. | |
double | Ogre::FrameStats::getRollingAverageFps () const |
Same as getRollingAverage(), but expressed as frames per second instead of seconds. | |
double | Ogre::FrameStats::getWorstTime () const |
Returns the worst frame time in seconds since the last reset(). | |
template<typename T > | |
uint32 | Ogre::HashCombine (uint32 hashSoFar, const T &data) |
Combine hashes with same style as boost::hash_combine. | |
Ogre::FrameStats::OGRE_DEPRECATED_VER (4) float getFps() const | |
template<class T > | |
bool | Ogre::operator!= (const ComPtr< T > &a, const ComPtr< T > &b) ASSUME_NOEXCEPT |
template<class T > | |
bool | Ogre::operator< (const ComPtr< T > &a, const ComPtr< T > &b) ASSUME_NOEXCEPT |
template<class T > | |
bool | Ogre::operator<= (const ComPtr< T > &a, const ComPtr< T > &b) ASSUME_NOEXCEPT |
template<class T > | |
bool | Ogre::operator== (const ComPtr< T > &a, const ComPtr< T > &b) ASSUME_NOEXCEPT |
template<class T > | |
bool | Ogre::operator> (const ComPtr< T > &a, const ComPtr< T > &b) ASSUME_NOEXCEPT |
template<class T > | |
bool | Ogre::operator>= (const ComPtr< T > &a, const ComPtr< T > &b) ASSUME_NOEXCEPT |
void | Ogre::FrameStats::reset (uint64 timeUs) |
template<class T > | |
void | Ogre::swap (ComPtr< T > &a, ComPtr< T > &b) |
Variables | |
const String | Ogre::BLANKSTRING |
Constant blank string, useful for returning by ref where local does not exist. | |
static const uint8 | Ogre::c_allGraphicStagesMask |
static const uint8 | Ogre::c_computeStageMask = 1u << NumShaderTypes |
const SPFMDeleteT | Ogre::SPFM_DELETE_T |
#define OGRE_EXCEPT | ( | code, | |
desc, | |||
src | |||
) | Ogre::ExceptionFactory::throwException( code, code, desc, src, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) |
#define OGRE_EXCEPT_EX | ( | code, | |
num, | |||
desc, | |||
src | |||
) | Ogre::ExceptionFactory::throwException( code, num, desc, src, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) |
typedef ::std::hash<_StringBase> Ogre::_StringHash |
typedef uint32 Ogre::ABGR |
typedef list<AbstractNodePtr>::type Ogre::AbstractNodeList |
typedef SharedPtr<AbstractNode> Ogre::AbstractNodePtr |
typedef StdMap<String, String> Ogre::AliasTextureNamePairList |
Alias / Texture name pair (first = alias, second = texture name)
typedef uint32 Ogre::ARGB |
typedef uint32 Ogre::BGRA |
typedef StdMap<String, String> Ogre::BinaryOptionList |
typedef list<ConcreteNodePtr>::type Ogre::ConcreteNodeList |
typedef SharedPtr<ConcreteNode> Ogre::ConcreteNodePtr |
typedef struct Ogre::_ConfigOption Ogre::ConfigOption |
Packages the details of a configuration option.
typedef map<String,ConfigOption>::type Ogre::ConfigOptionMap |
typedef SharedPtr<ControllerValue<Real> > Ogre::ControllerValueRealPtr |
typedef TRect<float> Ogre::FloatRect |
Structure used to define a rectangle in a 2-D floating point space.
typedef FastArray<Light *> Ogre::LightArray |
typedef FastArray<LightClosest> Ogre::LightClosestArray |
typedef HashedVector<LightClosest> Ogre::LightList |
typedef StdMap< String, String > Ogre::NameValuePairList |
Name / value parameter pair (first = name, second = value)
typedef map<String,ParamCommand*>::type Ogre::ParamCommandMap |
typedef vector<ParameterDef>::type Ogre::ParameterList |
typedef TRect<Real> Ogre::RealRect |
Structure used to define a rectangle in a 2-D floating point space, subject to double / single floating point settings.
typedef TRect<long> Ogre::Rect |
Structure used to define a rectangle in a 2-D integer space.
typedef vector<RenderSystem*>::type Ogre::RenderSystemList |
typedef uint32 Ogre::RGBA |
typedef vector<ScriptToken>::type Ogre::ScriptTokenList |
typedef vector<String>::type Ogre::StringVector |
typedef SharedPtr<StringVector> Ogre::StringVectorPtr |
typedef int Ogre::TrackVertexColourType |
An enumeration describing which material properties should track the vertex colours.
typedef StdMap<String, bool> Ogre::UnaryOptionList |
typedef StdVector<Window *> Ogre::WindowList |
Render window container.
anonymous enum |
This enum defines the integer ids for keywords this compiler handles.
anonymous enum |
These codes represent token IDs which are numerical translations of specific lexemes.
Specific compilers using the lexer can register their own token IDs which are given precedence over these built-in ones.
Enumerator | |
enum Ogre::ClipResult |
enum Ogre::CullingMode |
Hardware culling modes based on vertex winding.
This setting applies to how the hardware API culls triangles it is sent.
enum Ogre::FilterOptions |
Filtering options for textures / mipmaps.
enum Ogre::FilterType |
enum Ogre::FogMode |
Fog modes.
enum Ogre::IndexType |
Flags for the Instance Manager when calculating ideal number of instances per batch.
enum Ogre::LoggingLevel |
enum Ogre::OperationType |
enum Ogre::ParameterType |
enum Ogre::PolygonMode |
enum Ogre::PrePassMode |
List of reserved profiling masks.
Enumerator | |
OGREPROF_USER_DEFAULT | User default profile. |
OGREPROF_ALL | All in-built Ogre profiling will match this mask. |
OGREPROF_GENERAL | General processing. |
The types of NodeMemoryManager & ObjectMemoryManagers.
If the static scene node is child of a dynamic parent node, modifying the dynamic node will not cause the static one to notice the change until explicitly notifying the SceneManager that the child node should be updated.
If a static scene node is child of another static scene node, explicitly notifying the SceneManager of the parent's change automatically causes the child to be updated as well
Having a dynamic node to be child of a static node is perfectly pausible and encouraged, for example a moving pendulum hanging from a static clock. Having a static node being child of a dynamic node doesn't make much sense, and is probably a bug (unless the parent is the root node).
Static entities will update their aabb if user calls SceneManager::notifyStaticDirty( myEntity ) or the static node they're attached to was also flagged as dirty. Note that updating the node's position doesn't flag the node as dirty (it's not implicit) and hence the entity won't be updated either.
Static entities can only be attached to static nodes, and dynamic entities can only be attached to dynamic nodes.
Enumerator | |
enum Ogre::ShadeOptions |
enum Ogre::ShaderType |
enum Ogre::SortMode |
Enum describing the various actions which can be taken on the stencil buffer.
enum Ogre::StereoModeType |
High-level filtering options providing shortcuts to settings the minification, magnification and mip filters.
enum Ogre::VertexPass |
enum Ogre::WaveformType |
Enumerates the wave types usable with the Ogre engine.
inline |
inline |
Adds a new measured time, in microseconds
ValueType * Ogre::any_cast | ( | Any * | operand | ) |
ValueType Ogre::any_cast | ( | const Any & | operand | ) |
const ValueType * Ogre::any_cast | ( | const Any * | operand | ) |
Fast general hashing algorithm.
Referenced by Ogre::HashCombine().
int _OgreExport Ogre::findCommandLineOpts | ( | int | numargs, |
char ** | argv, | ||
UnaryOptionList & | unaryOptList, | ||
BinaryOptionList & | binOptList | ||
) |
Locate command-line options of the unary form '-blah' and of the binary form '-blah foo', passing back the index of the next non-option.
numargs,argv | The standard parameters passed to the main method |
unaryOptList | Map of unary options (i.e. those that do not require a parameter). Should be pre-populated with, for example '-e' in the key and false in the value. Options which are found will be set to true on return. |
binOptList | Map of binary options (i.e. those that require a parameter e.g. '-e afile.txt'). Should be pre-populated with, for example '-e' and the default setting. Options which are found will have the value updated. |
inline |
inline |
Same as getAllTimeAverage(), but expressed as frames per second instead of seconds.
inline |
Returns the best frame time in seconds since the last reset().
inline |
inline |
Returns latest record of the time since last measurement.
i.e. the time spent between the last two addSample() calls.
This is the same as getRollingAverage() except this value is too noisy.
inline |
Same as getLatestTimeSinceLast() but expressed as frames per second instead of seconds.
inline |
Gets the 95th percentile, since the last reset().
bUseTime | When true, we divide the total rendering time in percentiles. The advantage is that it is more homogeneous and biases towards slow frames. The disadvantage is that slow loading times can skew the results too much. When false, we divide the total number of samples in percentiles. The disadvantage is that a slow frame (i.e. spikes) matter less when running at 144hz than when running at 60hz. See https://www.yosoygames.com.ar/wp/2023/09/youre-calculating-framerate-percentiles-wrong/ |
inline |
Gets the 99th percentile, since the last reset. See getPercentile95th().
inline |
Gets the desired percentile, since the last reset.
See getPercentile95th().
percentile | Value in range (0; 1) |
bUseTime | See getPercentile95th(). |
inline |
Returns the rolling average.
This is what you want to display for an FPS counter; Since the framerate during the last few seconds are what matter the most.
inline |
Same as getRollingAverage(), but expressed as frames per second instead of seconds.
inline |
Returns the worst frame time in seconds since the last reset().
Combine hashes with same style as boost::hash_combine.
References Ogre::FastHash().
inline |
inline |
References Ogre::ComPtr< T >::Swap().
const String Ogre::BLANKSTRING |
Constant blank string, useful for returning by ref where local does not exist.
Referenced by Ogre::MetalRenderSystem::validateConfigOptions(), and Ogre::NULLRenderSystem::validateConfigOptions().
static |
static |
const SPFMDeleteT Ogre::SPFM_DELETE_T |