| D3D11UavBufferPacked (size_t internalBufStartBytes, size_t numElements, uint32 bytesPerElement, uint32 bindFlags, void *initialData, bool keepAsShadow, VaoManager *vaoManager, BufferInterface *bufferInterface, D3D11Device &device) |
virtual | ~D3D11UavBufferPacked () override |
ID3D11UnorderedAccessView * | _bindBufferCommon (size_t offset, size_t sizeBytes) |
void | bindBufferCS (uint16 slot, size_t offset=0, size_t sizeBytes=0) override |
| Binds the texture buffer to the given slot in the Vertex/Pixel/Geometry/Hull/Domain/Compute Shader.
ComPtr< ID3D11UnorderedAccessView > | createUav (const DescriptorSetUav::BufferSlot &bufferSlot) const |
| UavBufferPacked (size_t internalBufferStartBytes, size_t numElements, uint32 bytesPerElement, uint32 bindFlags, void *initialData, bool keepAsShadow, VaoManager *vaoManager, BufferInterface *bufferInterface) |
| ~UavBufferPacked () override |
void | destroyAllBufferViews () |
| See destroyTexBufferView and getAsReadOnlyBufferView, this one does it on all the creates views.
void | destroyReadOnlyBufferView () |
| Frees memory from the view created by getAsReadOnlyBufferView Does nothing if the view wasn't created.
void | destroyTexBufferView (PixelFormatGpu pixelFormat) |
| Frees memory from a view created by getAsTexBufferView Does nothing if a view of the given pixel format did not exist.
ReadOnlyBufferPacked * | getAsReadOnlyBufferView () |
| Returns a ReadOnlyBufferPacked for binding to the GPU as a texture w/ read-only access.
TexBufferPacked * | getAsTexBufferView (PixelFormatGpu pixelFormat) |
| Returns a TexBufferPacked for binding to the GPU as a texture w/ read-only access.
BufferPackedTypes | getBufferPackedType () const override |
| Useful to query which one is the derived class.
| BufferPacked (size_t internalBufferStartBytes, size_t numElements, uint32 bytesPerElement, uint32 numElementsPadding, BufferType bufferType, void *initialData, bool keepAsShadow, VaoManager *vaoManager, BufferInterface *bufferInterface) |
| Generic constructor.
virtual | ~BufferPacked () |
size_t | _getFinalBufferStart () const |
size_t | _getInternalBufferStart () const |
size_t | _getInternalNumElements () const |
size_t | _getInternalTotalSizeBytes () const |
void | _setBufferInterface (BufferInterface *bufferInterface) |
| For internal use.
void | _setShadowCopy (void *copy) |
| This will not delete the existing shadow copy so it can be used for other purposes if it is not needed call OGRE_FREE_SIMD( m->getShadowCopy(), MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY ) before calling this function.
void | advanceFrame () |
void | copyTo (BufferPacked *dstBuffer, size_t dstElemStart=0, size_t srcElemStart=0, size_t srcNumElems=std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max()) |
| Copies the contents of this buffer to another, using GPU -> GPU transfers.
BufferInterface * | getBufferInterface () const |
BufferType | getBufferType () const |
uint32 | getBytesPerElement () const |
MappingState | getMappingState () const |
| Returns the mapping state.
size_t | getNumElements () const |
virtual BufferPacked * | getOriginalBufferType () |
| If this buffer has been reinterpreted from an UavBufferPacked, returns the original version, otherwise returns 'this'.
const void * | getShadowCopy () const |
size_t | getTotalSizeBytes () const |
bool | isCurrentlyMapped () const |
| Returns whether the buffer is currently mapped.
void *RESTRICT_ALIAS_RETURN | map (size_t elementStart, size_t elementCount, bool bAdvanceFrame=true) |
| Maps the specified region to a pointer the CPU can access.
AsyncTicketPtr | readRequest (size_t elementStart, size_t elementCount) |
| Async data read request.
void | regressFrame () |
| Performs the opposite of.
void | unmap (UnmapOptions unmapOption, size_t flushStartElem=0, size_t flushSizeElem=0) |
| Unmaps or flushes the region mapped with.
virtual void | upload (const void *data, size_t elementStart, size_t elementCount) |
| Sends the provided data to the GPU.
virtual | ~GpuTrackedResource () |
virtual bool | isTextureGpu () const |