| ExternalTextureSource () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~ExternalTextureSource () |
| Virtual destructor.
void | addBaseParams () |
| Call from derived classes to ensure the dictionary is setup.
virtual void | createDefinedTexture (const String &sMaterialName, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME)=0 |
| Creates a texture into an already defined material or one that is created new (it's up to plugin to use a material or create one) Before calling, ensure that needed params have been defined via the stringInterface or regular methods.
virtual void | destroyAdvancedTexture (const String &sTextureName, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME)=0 |
| What this destroys is dependent on the plugin... See specific plugin doc to know what is all destroyed (normally, plugins will destroy only what they created, or used directly - ie.
const String & | getDictionaryStringName () const |
| Returns dictionary name.
int | getFPS () const |
| Gets currently set frames per second.
const String & | getInputName () const |
| Gets currently set input file name.
eTexturePlayMode | getPlayMode () const |
| Gets currently set play mode.
const String & | getPluginStringName () const |
| Returns the string name of this Plugin (as set by the Plugin)
void | getTextureTecPassStateLevel (int &t, int &p, int &s) const |
| Get currently selected Texture attribs.
virtual bool | initialise ()=0 |
| Call this function from manager to init system.
void | setFPS (int iFPS) |
| Sets the frames per second - plugin may or may not use this.
void | setInputName (const String &sIN) |
| Sets an input file name - if needed by plugin.
void | setPlayMode (eTexturePlayMode eMode) |
| Sets a play mode.
void | setTextureTecPassStateLevel (int t, int p, int s) |
| Used for attaching texture to Technique, State, and texture unit layer.
virtual void | shutDown ()=0 |
| Shuts down Plugin.
| StringInterface () |
virtual | ~StringInterface () |
| Virtual destructor, see Effective C++.
virtual void | copyParametersTo (StringInterface *dest) const |
| Method for copying this object's parameters to another object.
ParamDictionary * | getParamDictionary () |
| Retrieves the parameter dictionary for this class.
const ParamDictionary * | getParamDictionary () const |
virtual String | getParameter (const String &name) const |
| Generic parameter retrieval method.
const ParameterList & | getParameters () const |
| Retrieves a list of parameters valid for this object.
virtual bool | setParameter (const String &name, const String &value) |
| Generic parameter setting method.
virtual void | setParameterList (const NameValuePairList ¶mList) |
| Generic multiple parameter setting method.
IMPORTANT: Plugins must override default dictionary name! Base class that texture plugins derive from.
Any specific requirements that the plugin needs to have defined before texture/material creation must be define using the stringinterface before calling create defined texture... or it will fail, though, it is up to the plugin to report errors to the log file, or raise an exception if need be.