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Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
This is the complete list of members for Ogre::D3D11Mappings, including all inherited members.
_getAccessFlags(HardwareBuffer::Usage usage) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
_getAccessFlags(TextureUsage usage) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | inlinestatic |
_getClosestSupportedPF(PixelFormat ogrePF) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
_getGammaFormat(DXGI_FORMAT format, bool appendSRGB) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
_getPF(DXGI_FORMAT d3dPF) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
_getPF(PixelFormat ogrePF) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
_getTextureBindFlags(DXGI_FORMAT format, TextureUsage usage) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
_getTextureMiscFlags(UINT bindflags, TextureType textype, TextureUsage usage) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
_getTexType(D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION type) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
_getUsage(HardwareBuffer::Usage usage) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
_getUsage(TextureUsage usage) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | inlinestatic |
_isBinaryCompressedFormat(DXGI_FORMAT d3dPF) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
_isDynamic(HardwareBuffer::Usage usage) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
_isDynamic(TextureUsage usage) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | inlinestatic |
get(TextureAddressingMode tam) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
get(SceneBlendFactor sbf, bool forAlpha) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
get(SceneBlendOperation sbo) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
get(CompareFunction cf) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
get(CullingMode cm, bool flip=false) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
get(PolygonMode level) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
get(StencilOperation op, bool invert=false) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
get(const FilterOptions minification, const FilterOptions magnification, const FilterOptions mips, const bool comparison=false) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
get(HardwareBuffer::LockOptions options, HardwareBuffer::Usage usage) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
get(VertexElementType vType) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
get(VertexElementSemantic sem) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
get(LPCSTR sem) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
get(const ColourValue &inColour, float *outColour) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
getFormat(HardwareIndexBuffer::IndexType itype) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
getPixelBoxWithMapping(D3D11_BOX extents, DXGI_FORMAT pixelFormat, const D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE &mapping) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |
setPixelBoxMapping(PixelBox &box, const D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE &mapping) | Ogre::D3D11Mappings | static |