| TrayManager (const Ogre::String &name, Ogre::RenderWindow *window, TrayListener *listener=0) |
| Creates backdrop, cursor, and trays. More...
virtual | ~TrayManager () |
| Destroys background, cursor, widgets, and trays. More...
virtual void | adjustTrays () |
| Fits trays to their contents and snaps them to their anchor locations. More...
bool | areFrameStatsVisible () |
bool | areTraysVisible () |
void | buttonHit (Button *button) |
| Destroys dialog widgets, notifies listener, and ends high priority session. More...
void | clearAllTrays () |
| Removes all widgets from all widget trays. More...
void | clearTray (TrayLocation trayLoc) |
| Removes all widgets from a widget tray. More...
void | closeDialog () |
| Hides whatever dialog is currently showing. More...
Button * | createButton (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, const Ogre::String &caption, Ogre::Real width=0) |
CheckBox * | createCheckBox (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, const Ogre::DisplayString &caption, Ogre::Real width=0) |
DecorWidget * | createDecorWidget (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, const Ogre::String &templateName) |
Label * | createLabel (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, const Ogre::DisplayString &caption, Ogre::Real width=0) |
SelectMenu * | createLongSelectMenu (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, const Ogre::DisplayString &caption, Ogre::Real boxWidth, unsigned int maxItemsShown, const Ogre::StringVector &items=Ogre::StringVector()) |
SelectMenu * | createLongSelectMenu (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, const Ogre::DisplayString &caption, Ogre::Real width, Ogre::Real boxWidth, unsigned int maxItemsShown, const Ogre::StringVector &items=Ogre::StringVector()) |
Slider * | createLongSlider (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, const Ogre::DisplayString &caption, Ogre::Real trackWidth, Ogre::Real valueBoxWidth, Ogre::Real minValue, Ogre::Real maxValue, unsigned int snaps) |
Slider * | createLongSlider (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, const Ogre::DisplayString &caption, Ogre::Real width, Ogre::Real trackWidth, Ogre::Real valueBoxWidth, Ogre::Real minValue, Ogre::Real maxValue, unsigned int snaps) |
ParamsPanel * | createParamsPanel (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, Ogre::Real width, const Ogre::StringVector ¶mNames) |
ParamsPanel * | createParamsPanel (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, Ogre::Real width, unsigned int lines) |
ProgressBar * | createProgressBar (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, const Ogre::DisplayString &caption, Ogre::Real width, Ogre::Real commentBoxWidth) |
Separator * | createSeparator (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, Ogre::Real width=0) |
TextBox * | createTextBox (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, const Ogre::DisplayString &caption, Ogre::Real width, Ogre::Real height) |
SelectMenu * | createThickSelectMenu (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, const Ogre::DisplayString &caption, Ogre::Real width, unsigned int maxItemsShown, const Ogre::StringVector &items=Ogre::StringVector()) |
Slider * | createThickSlider (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, const Ogre::DisplayString &caption, Ogre::Real width, Ogre::Real valueBoxWidth, Ogre::Real minValue, Ogre::Real maxValue, unsigned int snaps) |
void | destroyAllWidgets () |
| Destroys all widgets. More...
void | destroyAllWidgetsInTray (TrayLocation trayLoc) |
| Destroys all widgets in a tray. More...
void | destroyWidget (const Ogre::String &name) |
void | destroyWidget (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name) |
void | destroyWidget (TrayLocation trayLoc, size_t place) |
void | destroyWidget (Widget *widget) |
| Destroys a widget. More...
void | frameRendered (const Ogre::FrameEvent &evt) |
| Process frame events. More...
Ogre::OverlayContainer * | getBackdropContainer () |
Ogre::Overlay * | getBackdropLayer () |
Ogre::OverlayContainer * | getCursorContainer () |
Ogre::OverlayElement * | getCursorImage () |
Ogre::Overlay * | getCursorLayer () |
Ogre::Ray | getCursorRay (Ogre::Camera *cam) |
| Returns a 3D ray into the scene that is directly underneath the cursor. More...
TrayListener * | getListener () |
unsigned int | getNumWidgets () |
| Gets the number of widgets in total. More...
Ogre::OverlayContainer * | getTrayContainer (TrayLocation trayLoc) |
virtual Ogre::Real | getTrayPadding () const |
Ogre::Overlay * | getTraysLayer () |
Widget * | getWidget (const Ogre::String &name) |
| Gets a widget by name. More...
Widget * | getWidget (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name) |
| Gets a widget from a tray by name. More...
virtual Ogre::Real | getWidgetPadding () const |
const WidgetList & | getWidgets (TrayLocation trayLoc) const |
| Gets all the widgets of a specific tray. More...
virtual Ogre::Real | getWidgetSpacing () const |
void | hideAll () |
void | hideBackdrop () |
void | hideCursor () |
void | hideFrameStats () |
| Hides frame statistics widget set. More...
void | hideLoadingBar () |
void | hideLogo () |
void | hideTrays () |
bool | isBackdropVisible () |
bool | isCursorVisible () |
bool | isDialogVisible () |
| Determines if any dialog is currently visible. More...
bool | isLoadingBarVisible () |
bool | isLogoVisible () |
void | labelHit (Label *label) |
| Toggles visibility of advanced statistics. More...
int | locateWidgetInTray (Widget *widget) |
| Gets a widget's position in its tray. More...
bool | mouseMoved (const MouseMotionEvent &evt) |
| Updates cursor position. More...
bool | mousePressed (const MouseButtonEvent &evt) |
| Processes mouse button down events. More...
bool | mouseReleased (const MouseButtonEvent &evt) |
| Processes mouse button up events. More...
bool | mouseWheelRolled (const MouseWheelEvent &evt) |
void | moveWidgetToTray (const Ogre::String &name, TrayLocation trayLoc, size_t place=-1) |
void | moveWidgetToTray (TrayLocation currentTrayLoc, const Ogre::String &name, TrayLocation targetTrayLoc, size_t place=-1) |
void | moveWidgetToTray (TrayLocation currentTrayLoc, size_t currentPlace, TrayLocation targetTrayLoc, size_t targetPlace=-1) |
void | moveWidgetToTray (Widget *widget, TrayLocation trayLoc, size_t place=-1) |
| Adds a widget to a specified tray at given position, or at the end if unspecified or invalid. More...
void | refreshCursor () |
| Updates cursor position based on unbuffered mouse state. More...
void | removeWidgetFromTray (const Ogre::String &name) |
void | removeWidgetFromTray (TrayLocation trayLoc, const Ogre::String &name) |
void | removeWidgetFromTray (TrayLocation trayLoc, size_t place) |
void | removeWidgetFromTray (Widget *widget) |
| Removes a widget from its tray. More...
void | resourceGroupLoadStarted (const Ogre::String &groupName, size_t resourceCount) |
void | resourceGroupScriptingStarted (const Ogre::String &groupName, size_t scriptCount) |
void | resourceLoadEnded () |
| This event is fired when the resource has been loaded. More...
void | resourceLoadStarted (const Ogre::ResourcePtr &resource) |
| This event is fired when a declared resource is about to be loaded. More...
void | scriptParseEnded (const Ogre::String &scriptName, bool skipped) |
void | scriptParseStarted (const Ogre::String &scriptName, bool &skipThisScript) |
void | setListener (TrayListener *listener) |
void | setTrayPadding (Ogre::Real padding) |
void | setTrayWidgetAlignment (TrayLocation trayLoc, Ogre::GuiHorizontalAlignment gha) |
| Sets horizontal alignment of a tray's contents. More...
void | setWidgetPadding (Ogre::Real padding) |
void | setWidgetSpacing (Ogre::Real spacing) |
void | showAll () |
void | showBackdrop (const Ogre::String &materialName=Ogre::BLANKSTRING) |
| Displays specified material on backdrop, or the last material used if none specified. More...
void | showCursor (const Ogre::String &materialName=Ogre::BLANKSTRING) |
| Displays specified material on cursor, or the last material used if none specified. More...
void | showFrameStats (TrayLocation trayLoc, size_t place=-1) |
| Shows frame statistics widget set in the specified location. More...
void | showLoadingBar (unsigned int numGroupsInit=1, unsigned int numGroupsLoad=1, Ogre::Real initProportion=0.7f) |
| Shows loading bar. More...
void | showLogo (TrayLocation trayLoc, size_t place=-1) |
| Shows logo in the specified location. More...
void | showOkDialog (const Ogre::DisplayString &caption, const Ogre::DisplayString &message) |
| Pops up a message dialog with an OK button. More...
void | showTrays () |
void | showYesNoDialog (const Ogre::DisplayString &caption, const Ogre::DisplayString &question) |
| Pops up a question dialog with Yes and No buttons. More...
void | toggleAdvancedFrameStats () |
| Toggles visibility of advanced statistics. More...
void | windowUpdate () |
void | worldGeometryStageEnded () |
| This event is fired when a stage of loading linked world geometry has been completed. More...
void | worldGeometryStageStarted (const Ogre::String &description) |
virtual | ~TrayListener () |
virtual void | checkBoxToggled (CheckBox *box) |
virtual void | itemSelected (SelectMenu *menu) |
virtual void | okDialogClosed (const Ogre::DisplayString &message) |
virtual void | sliderMoved (Slider *slider) |
virtual void | yesNoDialogClosed (const Ogre::DisplayString &question, bool yesHit) |
virtual | ~ResourceGroupListener () |
virtual void | resourceCreated (const ResourcePtr &resource) |
| This event is fired when a resource was just created. More...
virtual void | resourceGroupLoadEnded (const String &groupName) |
| This event is fired when a resource group finished loading. More...
virtual void | resourceGroupLoadStarted (const String &groupName, size_t resourceCount) |
| This event is fired when a resource group begins loading. More...
virtual void | resourceGroupPrepareEnded (const String &groupName) |
| This event is fired when a resource group finished preparing. More...
virtual void | resourceGroupPrepareStarted (const String &groupName, size_t resourceCount) |
| This event is fired when a resource group begins preparing. More...
virtual void | resourceGroupScriptingEnded (const String &groupName) |
| This event is fired when a resource group finished parsing scripts. More...
virtual void | resourceGroupScriptingStarted (const String &groupName, size_t scriptCount) |
| This event is fired when a resource group begins parsing scripts. More...
virtual void | resourcePrepareEnded (void) |
| This event is fired when the resource has been prepared. More...
virtual void | resourcePrepareStarted (const ResourcePtr &resource) |
| This event is fired when a declared resource is about to be prepared. More...
virtual void | resourceRemove (const ResourcePtr &resource) |
| This event is fired when a resource is about to be removed. More...
virtual void | scriptParseEnded (const String &scriptName, bool skipped) |
| This event is fired when the script has been fully parsed. More...
virtual void | scriptParseStarted (const String &scriptName, bool &skipThisScript) |
| This event is fired when a script is about to be parsed. More...
virtual void | worldGeometryStageStarted (const String &description) |
| This event is fired when a stage of loading linked world geometry is about to start. More...
virtual | ~InputListener () |
virtual bool | axisMoved (const AxisEvent &evt) |
virtual bool | buttonPressed (const ButtonEvent &evt) |
virtual bool | buttonReleased (const ButtonEvent &evt) |
virtual bool | keyPressed (const KeyboardEvent &evt) |
virtual bool | keyReleased (const KeyboardEvent &evt) |
virtual bool | textInput (const TextInputEvent &evt) |
virtual bool | touchMoved (const TouchFingerEvent &evt) |
virtual bool | touchPressed (const TouchFingerEvent &evt) |
virtual bool | touchReleased (const TouchFingerEvent &evt) |
Main class to manage a cursor, backdrop, trays and widgets.