OGRE  1.12.13
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine


class  Ogre::Billboard
 A billboard is a primitive which always faces the camera in every frame. More...
class  Ogre::BillboardChain
 Allows the rendering of a chain of connected billboards. More...
class  Ogre::BillboardChainFactory
 Factory object for creating BillboardChain instances. More...
class  Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer
 Specialisation of ParticleSystemRenderer to render particles using a BillboardSet. More...
class  Ogre::BillboardParticleRendererFactory
 Factory class for BillboardParticleRenderer. More...
class  Ogre::BillboardSet
 A collection of billboards (faces which are always facing the given direction) with the same (default) dimensions, material and which are fairly close proximity to each other. More...
class  Ogre::BillboardSetFactory
 Factory object for creating BillboardSet instances. More...
class  Ogre::CompositionPass
 Object representing one pass or operation in a composition sequence. More...
class  Ogre::CompositionTargetPass
 Object representing one render to a RenderTarget or Viewport in the Ogre Composition framework. More...
class  Ogre::CompositionTechnique
 Base composition technique, can be subclassed in plugins. More...
class  Ogre::Compositor
 Class representing a Compositor object. More...
class  Ogre::CompositorChain
 Chain of compositor effects applying to one viewport. More...
class  Ogre::CompositorInstance
 An instance of a Compositor object for one Viewport. More...
class  Ogre::CompositorLogic
 Interface for compositor logics, which can be automatically binded to compositors, allowing per-compositor logic (such as attaching a relevant listener) to happen automatically. More...
class  Ogre::CompositorManager
 Class for managing Compositor settings for Ogre. More...
class  Ogre::CustomCompositionPass
 Interface for custom composition passes, allowing custom operations (in addition to the quad, scene and clear operations) in composition passes. More...
class  Ogre::Particle
 Class representing a single particle instance. More...
class  Ogre::ParticleAffector
 Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle affectors. More...
class  Ogre::ParticleAffectorFactory
 Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by creators of ParticleAffector subclasses. More...
class  Ogre::ParticleEmitter
 Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle emitters. More...
class  Ogre::ParticleEmitterFactory
 Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by creators of ParticleEmitter subclasses. More...
class  Ogre::ParticleIterator
class  Ogre::ParticleSystem
 Class defining particle system based special effects. More...
class  Ogre::ParticleSystemFactory
 Factory object for creating ParticleSystem instances. More...
class  Ogre::ParticleSystemManager
 Manages particle systems, particle system scripts (templates) and the available emitter & affector factories. More...
class  Ogre::ParticleSystemRenderer
 Abstract class defining the interface required to be implemented by classes which provide rendering capability to ParticleSystem instances. More...
class  Ogre::ParticleVisualData
class  Ogre::RibbonTrail
 Subclass of BillboardChain which automatically leaves a trail behind one or more Node instances. More...
class  Ogre::RibbonTrailFactory
 Factory object for creating RibbonTrail instances. More...


enum  Ogre::BillboardOrigin {
 Enum covering what exactly a billboard's position means (center, top-left etc). More...
enum  Ogre::BillboardRotationType { Ogre::BBR_VERTEX, Ogre::BBR_TEXCOORD }
 The rotation type of billboard. More...
enum  Ogre::BillboardType {
 The type of billboard to use. More...

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BillboardOrigin

Enum covering what exactly a billboard's position means (center, top-left etc).

This setting controls the fine tuning of where a billboard appears in relation to it's position. It could be that a billboard's position represents it's center (e.g. for fireballs), it could mean the center of the bottom edge (e.g. a tree which is positioned on the ground), the top-left corner (e.g. a cursor).


◆ BillboardRotationType

The rotation type of billboard.

By default, billboard particles will rotate the texture coordinates to according with particle rotation. But rotate texture coordinates has some disadvantage, e.g. the corners of the texture will lost after rotate, and the corners of the billboard will fill with unwanted texture area when using wrap address mode or sub-texture sampling. This settings allow you specifying other rotation type.


Rotate the billboard's vertices around their facing direction.


Rotate the billboard's texture coordinates.

◆ BillboardType

The type of billboard to use.


Standard point billboard (default), always faces the camera completely and is always upright.


Billboards are oriented around a shared direction vector (used as Y axis) and only rotate around this to face the camera.


Billboards are oriented around their own direction vector (their own Y axis) and only rotate around this to face the camera.


Billboards are perpendicular to a shared direction vector (used as Z axis, the facing direction) and X, Y axis are determined by a shared up-vertor.


Billboards are perpendicular to their own direction vector (their own Z axis, the facing direction) and X, Y axis are determined by a shared up-vertor.