OGRE  14.2
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
OgreProperty.h File Reference
#include "OgrePropertyPrerequisites.h"
#include "OgreAny.h"
#include "OgreString.h"
#include "OgreException.h"
#include "OgreQuaternion.h"
#include "OgreMatrix4.h"
#include <functional>
#include <sstream>


class  Ogre::Property< T >
 Property instance with passthrough calls to a given object. More...
class  Ogre::PropertyBase
 Base interface for an instance of a property. More...
class  Ogre::PropertyDef
 Definition of a property of an object. More...
class  Ogre::PropertySet
 Defines a complete set of properties for a single object instance. More...
struct  Ogre::PropertyValue
 A simple structure designed just as a holder of property values between the instances of objects they might target. More...




typedef GeneralAllocatedObject Ogre::PropertyAlloc
typedef std::map< String, PropertyDef > Ogre::PropertyDefMap
 Map from property name to shared definition. More...
typedef std::map< String, PropertyValue > Ogre::PropertyValueMap
 Defines a transferable map of properties using wrapped value types (Ogre::Any) More...


enum  Ogre::PropertyType {
  Ogre::PROP_SHORT = 0 , Ogre::PROP_UNSIGNED_SHORT = 1 , Ogre::PROP_INT = 2 , Ogre::PROP_UNSIGNED_INT = 3 ,
  Ogre::PROP_LONG = 4 , Ogre::PROP_UNSIGNED_LONG = 5 , Ogre::PROP_REAL = 6 , Ogre::PROP_STRING = 7 ,
  Ogre::PROP_VECTOR2 = 8 , Ogre::PROP_VECTOR3 = 9 , Ogre::PROP_VECTOR4 = 10 , Ogre::PROP_COLOUR = 11 ,
  Ogre::PROP_BOOL = 12 , Ogre::PROP_QUATERNION = 13 , Ogre::PROP_MATRIX3 = 14 , Ogre::PROP_MATRIX4 = 15 ,
  Ogre::PROP_UNKNOWN = 999
 The type of a property. More...