OGRE 2.1
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
No Matches
Ogre::ResourceManager::ResourcePool Member List

This is the complete list of members for Ogre::ResourceManager::ResourcePool, including all inherited members.

addItem(const ResourcePtr &i)Ogre::Pool< ResourcePtr >inlinevirtual
AllocatedObject()Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >inlineexplicit
getName() constOgre::ResourceManager::ResourcePool
operator delete(void *ptr)Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >inline
operator delete(void *ptr, void *)Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >inline
operator delete(void *ptr, const char *, int, const char *)Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >inline
operator delete[](void *ptr)Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >inline
operator delete[](void *ptr, const char *, int, const char *)Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >inline
operator new(size_t sz, const char *file, int line, const char *func)Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >inline
operator new(size_t sz)Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >inline
operator new(size_t sz, void *ptr)Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >inline
operator new[](size_t sz, const char *file, int line, const char *func)Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >inline
operator new[](size_t sz)Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >inline
Pool()Ogre::Pool< ResourcePtr >inline
removeItem()Ogre::Pool< ResourcePtr >inlinevirtual
ResourcePool(const String &name)Ogre::ResourceManager::ResourcePool
~AllocatedObject()Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >inline
~Pool()Ogre::Pool< ResourcePtr >inlinevirtual