OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::GLES2DynamicBuffer Class Reference

GL3+ doesn't support mapping the same buffer twice even if the regions don't overlap. More...

#include <OgreGLES2DynamicBuffer.h>

Public Member Functions

 GLES2DynamicBuffer (GLuint vboName, GLuint vboSize, GLES2VaoManager *vaoManager, BufferType persistentMethod)
 ~GLES2DynamicBuffer ()
void flush (size_t ticket, size_t start, size_t count)
 Flushes the region of the given ticket. start is 0-based. More...
GLuint getVboName () const
void *RESTRICT_ALIAS_RETURN map (size_t start, size_t count, size_t &outTicket)
 Assumes mVboName is already bound to GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER!!! More...
void unmap (size_t ticket)
 Unmaps given ticket (got from. More...

Detailed Description

GL3+ doesn't support mapping the same buffer twice even if the regions don't overlap.

For performance we keep many buffers as one big buffer, but for compatibility reasons (with GL3/DX10 HW) we treat them as separate buffers.

This class takes care of mapping buffers once while allowing BufferInterface to map subregions of it as if they were separate buffers.
This is a very thin/lightweight wrapper around OpenGL glMapBufferRange, thus: Caller is responsible for flushing regions before unmapping. Caller is responsible for proper synchronization. No check is performed to see if two map calls overlap.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GLES2DynamicBuffer()

Ogre::GLES2DynamicBuffer::GLES2DynamicBuffer ( GLuint  vboName,
GLuint  vboSize,
GLES2VaoManager vaoManager,
BufferType  persistentMethod 

◆ ~GLES2DynamicBuffer()

Ogre::GLES2DynamicBuffer::~GLES2DynamicBuffer ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ flush()

void Ogre::GLES2DynamicBuffer::flush ( size_t  ticket,
size_t  start,
size_t  count 

Flushes the region of the given ticket. start is 0-based.

◆ getVboName()

GLuint Ogre::GLES2DynamicBuffer::getVboName ( ) const

◆ map()

void* RESTRICT_ALIAS_RETURN Ogre::GLES2DynamicBuffer::map ( size_t  start,
size_t  count,
size_t &  outTicket 

Assumes mVboName is already bound to GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER!!!

◆ unmap()

void Ogre::GLES2DynamicBuffer::unmap ( size_t  ticket)

Unmaps given ticket (got from.

See also
map). Assumes mVboName is already bound to GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER!!! The ticket becomes invalid after this.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: