OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor Class Reference

#include <OgreRenderPassDescriptor.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor:

Public Types

enum  EntryTypes {
  Colour0 = 1u << 0u , Colour1 = 1u << 1u , Colour2 = 1u << 2u , Colour3 = 1u << 3u ,
  Colour4 = 1u << 4u , Colour5 = 1u << 5u , Colour6 = 1u << 6u , Colour7 = 1u << 7u ,
  Depth = 1u << 30u , Stencil = 1u << 31u , Colour = Colour0 | Colour1 | Colour2 | Colour3 | Colour4 | Colour5 | Colour6 | Colour7 , All = Colour | Depth | Stencil

Public Member Functions

 RenderPassDescriptor ()
virtual ~RenderPassDescriptor ()
void checkWarnIfRtvWasFlushed (uint32 entriesToFlush)
virtual void entriesModified (uint32 entryTypes)
 Call this when you're done modified mColour. More...
void findAnyTexture (TextureGpu **outAnyTargetTexture, uint8 &outAnyMipLevel)
 Finds the first non-null texture and outputs it May return nullptr if nothing is bound. More...
virtual void getCustomAttribute (IdString name, void *pData, uint32 extraParam)
uint8 getNumColourEntries () const
bool hasAttachment (const TextureGpu *texture) const
virtual bool hasSameAttachments (const RenderPassDescriptor *otherPassDesc) const
bool hasStencilFormat () const
 Returns true if either Stencil is set, or if Depth is set with depth-stencil attachment. More...
bool requiresTextureFlipping () const
virtual void setClearColour (const ColourValue &clearColour)
 Sets the clear colour to all entries. More...
virtual void setClearColour (uint8 idx, const ColourValue &clearColour)
 Sets the clear colour to specific entry. More...
virtual void setClearDepth (Real clearDepth)
virtual void setClearStencil (uint32 clearStencil)

Public Attributes

RenderPassDepthTarget mDepth
bool mInformationOnly
 When true, beginRenderPassDescriptor & endRenderPassDescriptor won't actually load/store this pass descriptor; but will still set the mCurrentRenderPassDescriptor so we have required information by some passes. More...
bool mReadyWindowForPresent
 When true, if we have a RenderWindow among our colour entries, then this pass is the last one to render to it and should ready the surface for presentation/swapping. More...
RenderPassStencilTarget mStencil

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EntryTypes


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RenderPassDescriptor()

Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::RenderPassDescriptor ( )

◆ ~RenderPassDescriptor()

virtual Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::~RenderPassDescriptor ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkWarnIfRtvWasFlushed()

void Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::checkWarnIfRtvWasFlushed ( uint32  entriesToFlush)

◆ entriesModified()

virtual void Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::entriesModified ( uint32  entryTypes)

Call this when you're done modified mColour.

Note there must be no gaps, e.g. mColour[1] is empty but mColour[0] & mColour[2] are not.

Values that are modified by calling setClearColour et al don't need to call entriesModified. Prefer changing those values using those calls since it's faster.
entryTypesBitmask. See EntryTypes

Reimplemented in Ogre::VulkanRenderPassDescriptor, Ogre::MetalRenderPassDescriptor, Ogre::GL3PlusRenderPassDescriptor, and Ogre::D3D11RenderPassDescriptor.

◆ findAnyTexture()

void Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::findAnyTexture ( TextureGpu **  outAnyTargetTexture,
uint8 outAnyMipLevel 

Finds the first non-null texture and outputs it May return nullptr if nothing is bound.

◆ getCustomAttribute()

virtual void Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::getCustomAttribute ( IdString  name,
void *  pData,
uint32  extraParam 
nameWhen it's set to "ID3D11RenderTargetView", extraParam must be in range [0;OGRE_MAX_MULTIPLE_RENDER_TARGETS) When it's set to "ID3D11DepthStencilView", extraParam can be any value
extraParamSee name

Reimplemented in Ogre::D3D11RenderPassDescriptor.

◆ getNumColourEntries()

uint8 Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::getNumColourEntries ( ) const

◆ hasAttachment()

bool Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::hasAttachment ( const TextureGpu texture) const

◆ hasSameAttachments()

virtual bool Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::hasSameAttachments ( const RenderPassDescriptor otherPassDesc) const

◆ hasStencilFormat()

bool Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::hasStencilFormat ( ) const

Returns true if either Stencil is set, or if Depth is set with depth-stencil attachment.

◆ requiresTextureFlipping()

bool Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::requiresTextureFlipping ( ) const

◆ setClearColour() [1/2]

virtual void Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::setClearColour ( const ColourValue clearColour)

Sets the clear colour to all entries.

In some APIs may be faster than calling setClearColour( idx, clearColour ) for each entry individually.

Reimplemented in Ogre::VulkanRenderPassDescriptor, and Ogre::GL3PlusRenderPassDescriptor.

◆ setClearColour() [2/2]

virtual void Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::setClearColour ( uint8  idx,
const ColourValue clearColour 

Sets the clear colour to specific entry.

Reimplemented in Ogre::VulkanRenderPassDescriptor, Ogre::MetalRenderPassDescriptor, and Ogre::GL3PlusRenderPassDescriptor.

◆ setClearDepth()

virtual void Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::setClearDepth ( Real  clearDepth)

◆ setClearStencil()

virtual void Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::setClearStencil ( uint32  clearStencil)

Member Data Documentation

◆ mColour

RenderPassColourTarget Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::mColour[OGRE_MAX_MULTIPLE_RENDER_TARGETS]

◆ mDepth

RenderPassDepthTarget Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::mDepth

◆ mInformationOnly

bool Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::mInformationOnly

When true, beginRenderPassDescriptor & endRenderPassDescriptor won't actually load/store this pass descriptor; but will still set the mCurrentRenderPassDescriptor so we have required information by some passes.

Examples of these are stencil passes.

◆ mReadyWindowForPresent

bool Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::mReadyWindowForPresent

When true, if we have a RenderWindow among our colour entries, then this pass is the last one to render to it and should ready the surface for presentation/swapping.

After changing this flag you MUST call entriesModified( Colour );

This value will be automatically reset to false if no entry is a RenderWindow

◆ mStencil

RenderPassStencilTarget Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::mStencil

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: