OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::Root Class Reference

The root class of the Ogre system. More...

#include <OgreRoot.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::Root:

Public Types

typedef ConstMapIterator< MovableObjectFactoryMap > MovableObjectFactoryIterator
typedef vector< Plugin * >::type PluginInstanceList
typedef vector< DynLib * >::type PluginLibList

Public Member Functions

 Root (const AbiCookie *abiCookie=0, const String &pluginFileName="plugins" OGRE_BUILD_SUFFIX ".cfg", const String &configFileName="ogre.cfg", const String &logFileName="Ogre.log", const String &appName="")
 Constructor. More...
 ~Root ()
bool _fireFrameEnded ()
 Method for raising frame ended events. More...
bool _fireFrameEnded (FrameEvent &evt)
 Method for raising frame ended events. More...
bool _fireFrameRenderingQueued ()
 Method for raising frame rendering queued events. More...
bool _fireFrameRenderingQueued (FrameEvent &evt)
 Method for raising frame rendering queued events. More...
bool _fireFrameStarted ()
 Method for raising frame started events. More...
bool _fireFrameStarted (FrameEvent &evt)
 Method for raising frame started events. More...
SceneManager_getCurrentSceneManager () const
 Returns the scene manager currently being used to render a frame. More...
void _notifyRenderingFrameStarted ()
void _popCurrentSceneManager (SceneManager *sm)
 Pops the scene manager currently being used to render. More...
void _pushCurrentSceneManager (SceneManager *sm)
 Pushes the scene manager currently being used to render. More...
void _renderingFrameEnded ()
void _setLightProfilesInvHeight (float invHeight)
bool _updateAllRenderTargets ()
 Internal method used for updating all RenderTarget objects (windows, renderable textures etc) which are set to auto-update. More...
bool _updateAllRenderTargets (FrameEvent &evt)
 Internal method used for updating all RenderTarget objects (windows, renderable textures etc) which are set to auto-update, with a custom time passed to the frameRenderingQueued events. More...
void addFrameListener (FrameListener *newListener)
 Registers a FrameListener which will be called back every frame. More...
void addMovableObjectFactory (MovableObjectFactory *fact, bool overrideExisting=false)
 Register a new MovableObjectFactory which will create new MovableObject instances of a particular type, as identified by the getType() method. More...
void addRenderSystem (RenderSystem *newRend)
 Adds a new rendering subsystem to the list of available renderers. More...
void addResourceLocation (const String &name, const String &locType, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, bool recursive=false)
 Adds a location to the list of searchable locations for a Resource type. More...
void addSceneManagerFactory (SceneManagerFactory *fact)
 Register a new SceneManagerFactory, a factory object for creating instances of specific SceneManagers. More...
void clearEventTimes ()
 Clears the history of all event times. More...
void convertColourValue (const ColourValue &colour, uint32 *pDest)
 Generates a packed data version of the passed in ColourValue suitable for use with the current RenderSystem. More...
DataStreamPtr createFileStream (const String &filename, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, bool overwrite=false, const String &locationPattern=BLANKSTRING)
 Helper method to assist you in creating writeable file streams. More...
WindowcreateRenderWindow (const String &name, uint32 width, uint32 height, bool fullScreen, const NameValuePairList *miscParams=0)
 Creates a new rendering window. More...
bool createRenderWindows (const RenderWindowDescriptionList &renderWindowDescriptions, WindowList &createdWindows)
 Creates multiple rendering windows. More...
SceneManagercreateSceneManager (const String &typeName, size_t numWorkerThreads, const String &instanceName=BLANKSTRING)
 Create a SceneManager instance of a given type. More...
SceneManagercreateSceneManager (SceneTypeMask typeMask, size_t numWorkerThreads, const String &instanceName=BLANKSTRING)
 Create a SceneManager instance based on scene type support. More...
void destroySceneManager (SceneManager *sm)
 Destroy an instance of a SceneManager. More...
bool endRenderingQueued ()
 Check for planned end of rendering. More...
const StringgetAppName () const
WindowgetAutoCreatedWindow ()
 Retrieves a pointer to the window that was created automatically. More...
const RenderSystemListgetAvailableRenderers ()
 Retrieve a list of the available render systems. More...
CompositorManager2getCompositorManager2 () const
Real getDefaultMinPixelSize ()
 Get the default minimum pixel size for object to be rendered by. More...
unsigned int getDisplayMonitorCount () const
 Gets the number of display monitors. More...
String getErrorDescription (long errorNumber)
 Utility function for getting a better description of an error code. More...
Real getFrameSmoothingPeriod () const
 Gets the period over which OGRE smooths out fluctuations in frame times. More...
const FrameStatsgetFrameStats () const
HlmsManagergetHlmsManager () const
 Gets the HlmsManager, which is needed to register generators at startup. More...
const PluginInstanceListgetInstalledPlugins () const
 Gets a read-only list of the currently installed plugins. More...
float getLightProfilesInvHeight () const
v1::MeshManagergetMeshManagerV1 ()
 Retrieves a reference to the current MeshManager. More...
MovableObjectFactorygetMovableObjectFactory (const String &typeName)
 Get a MovableObjectFactory for the given type. More...
MovableObjectFactoryIterator getMovableObjectFactoryIterator () const
 Return an iterator over all the MovableObjectFactory instances currently registered. More...
unsigned long getNextFrameNumber () const
 Gets the number of the next frame to be rendered. More...
bool getRemoveRenderQueueStructuresOnClear () const
 Get whether the entire render queue structure should be emptied on clearing, or whether just the objects themselves should be cleared. More...
RenderSystemgetRenderSystem ()
 Retrieve a pointer to the currently selected render system. More...
RenderSystemgetRenderSystemByName (const String &name)
 Retrieve a pointer to the render system by the given name. More...
SceneManagergetSceneManager (const String &instanceName) const
 Get an existing SceneManager instance that has already been created, identified by the instance name. More...
SceneManagerEnumerator::SceneManagerIterator getSceneManagerIterator ()
 Get an iterator over all the existing SceneManager instances. More...
const SceneManagerMetaDatagetSceneManagerMetaData (const String &typeName) const
 Get more information about a given type of SceneManager. More...
SceneManagerEnumerator::MetaDataIterator getSceneManagerMetaDataIterator () const
 Iterate over all types of SceneManager available for construction, providing some information about each one. More...
TimergetTimer ()
 Gets a pointer to the central timer used for all OGRE timings. More...
WorkQueuegetWorkQueue () const
 Get the WorkQueue for processing background tasks. More...
bool hasMovableObjectFactory (const String &typeName) const
 Checks whether a factory is registered for a given MovableObject type. More...
bool hasSceneManager (const String &instanceName) const
 Determines if a given SceneManager already exists. More...
Windowinitialise (bool autoCreateWindow, const String &windowTitle="OGRE Render Window", const String &customCapabilitiesConfig=BLANKSTRING)
 Initialises the renderer. More...
void installPlugin (Plugin *plugin, const NameValuePairList *options)
 Install a new plugin. More...
bool isBlendIndicesGpuRedundant () const
 Returns whether blend indices information needs to be passed to the GPU see setBlendIndicesGpuRedundant() for more information. More...
bool isBlendWeightsGpuRedundant () const
 Returns whether blend weights information needs to be passed to the GPU see setBlendWeightsGpuRedundant() for more information. More...
bool isInitialised () const
 Returns whether the system is initialised or not. More...
void loadPlugin (const String &pluginName, const bool bOptional, const NameValuePairList *options)
 Manually load a Plugin contained in a DLL / DSO. More...
DataStreamPtr openFileStream (const String &filename, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, const String &locationPattern=BLANKSTRING)
 Helper method to assist you in accessing readable file streams. More...
void queueEndRendering (bool state=true)
 Queues the end of rendering. More...
void removeFrameListener (FrameListener *oldListener)
 Removes a FrameListener from the list of listening classes. More...
void removeMovableObjectFactory (MovableObjectFactory *fact)
 Removes a previously registered MovableObjectFactory. More...
void removeResourceLocation (const String &name, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME)
 Removes a resource location from the list. More...
void removeSceneManagerFactory (SceneManagerFactory *fact)
 Unregister a SceneManagerFactory. More...
bool renderOneFrame ()
 Render one frame. More...
bool renderOneFrame (Real timeSinceLastFrame)
 Render one frame, with custom frame time information. More...
bool restoreConfig ()
 Checks for saved video/sound/etc settings. More...
void saveConfig ()
 Saves the details of the current configuration. More...
void setBlendIndicesGpuRedundant (bool redundant)
 Sets whether blend indices information needs to be passed to the GPU. More...
void setBlendWeightsGpuRedundant (bool redundant)
 Sets whether blend weights information needs to be passed to the GPU. More...
void setDefaultMinPixelSize (Real pixelSize)
 Set the default minimum pixel size for object to be rendered by. More...
void setFrameSmoothingPeriod (Real period)
 Sets the period over which OGRE smooths out fluctuations in frame times. More...
void setRemoveRenderQueueStructuresOnClear (bool r)
 Set whether the entire render queue structure should be emptied on clearing, or whether just the objects themselves should be cleared. More...
void setRenderSystem (RenderSystem *system)
 Sets the rendering subsystem to be used. More...
void setWorkQueue (WorkQueue *queue)
 Replace the current work queue with an alternative. More...
bool showConfigDialog (ConfigDialog *aCustomDialog=0)
 Displays a dialog asking the user to choose system settings. More...
void shutdown ()
 Shuts down the system manually. More...
void startRendering ()
 Starts / restarts the automatic rendering cycle. More...
void uninstallPlugin (Plugin *plugin)
 Uninstall an existing plugin. More...
void unloadPlugin (const String &pluginName)
 Manually unloads a Plugin contained in a DLL / DSO. More...
void useCustomRenderSystemCapabilities (RenderSystemCapabilities *capabilities)
 Requests active RenderSystem to use custom RenderSystemCapabilities. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Singleton< Root >
 Singleton ()
 ~Singleton ()

Static Public Member Functions

static RootgetSingleton ()
 Override standard Singleton retrieval. More...
static RootgetSingletonPtr ()
 Override standard Singleton retrieval. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Singleton< Root >
static RootgetSingleton ()
static RootgetSingletonPtr ()

Detailed Description

The root class of the Ogre system.

The Ogre::Root class represents a starting point for the client application. From here, the application can gain access to the fundamentals of the system, namely the rendering systems available, management of saved configurations, logging, and access to other classes in the system. Acts as a hub from which all other objects may be reached. An instance of Root must be created before any other Ogre operations are called. Once an instance has been created, the same instance is accessible throughout the life of that object by using Root::getSingleton (as a reference) or Root::getSingletonPtr (as a pointer).

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ MovableObjectFactoryIterator

◆ PluginInstanceList

typedef vector<Plugin *>::type Ogre::Root::PluginInstanceList

◆ PluginLibList

typedef vector<DynLib *>::type Ogre::Root::PluginLibList

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Root()

Ogre::Root::Root ( const AbiCookie abiCookie = 0,
const String pluginFileName = "plugins" OGRE_BUILD_SUFFIX ".cfg",
const String configFileName = "ogre.cfg",
const String logFileName = "Ogre.log",
const String appName = "" 


abiCookieABI Cookie for catching ABI mismatches (highly recommended!) Can be nullptr to skip ABI check. See generateAbiCookie See testAbiCookie
pluginFileNameThe file that contains plugins information. Defaults to "plugins.cfg" in release build and to "plugins_d.cfg" in debug build. May be left blank to ignore.
configFileNameThe file that contains the configuration to be loaded. Defaults to "ogre.cfg", may be left blank to load nothing.
logFileNameThe logfile to create, defaults to Ogre.log, may be left blank if you've already set up LogManager & Log yourself
appNameName for this app. Use this string so driver vendors can create custom driver profiles (e.g. through NVIDIA's or AMD's control panel)

◆ ~Root()

Ogre::Root::~Root ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _fireFrameEnded() [1/2]

bool Ogre::Root::_fireFrameEnded ( )

Method for raising frame ended events.

This method is only for internal use when you use OGRE's inbuilt rendering loop (Root::startRendering). However, if you run your own rendering loop then you should call this method to ensure that FrameListener objects are notified of frame events; processes like texture animation and particle systems rely on this.
This method calculates the frame timing information for you based on the elapsed time. If you want to specify elapsed times yourself you should call the other version of this method which takes event details as a parameter.
False if one or more frame listeners elected that the rendering loop should be terminated, true otherwise.

◆ _fireFrameEnded() [2/2]

bool Ogre::Root::_fireFrameEnded ( FrameEvent evt)

Method for raising frame ended events.

This method is only for internal use when you use OGRE's inbuilt rendering loop (Root::startRendering). However, if you run your own rendering loop then you should call this method to ensure that FrameListener objects are notified of frame events; processes like texture animation and particle systems rely on this.
This method takes an event object as a parameter, so you can specify the times yourself. If you are happy for OGRE to automatically calculate the frame time for you, then call the other version of this method with no parameters.
evtEvent object which includes all the timing information which you have calculated for yourself
False if one or more frame listeners elected that the rendering loop should be terminated, true otherwise.

◆ _fireFrameRenderingQueued() [1/2]

bool Ogre::Root::_fireFrameRenderingQueued ( )

Method for raising frame rendering queued events.

This method is only for internal use when you use OGRE's inbuilt rendering loop (Root::startRendering). However, if you run your own rendering loop then you you may want to call this method too, although nothing in OGRE relies on this particular event. Really if you're running your own rendering loop at this level of detail then you can get the same effect as doing your updates in a frameRenderingQueued callback by just calling RenderWindow::update with the 'swapBuffers' option set to false.

◆ _fireFrameRenderingQueued() [2/2]

bool Ogre::Root::_fireFrameRenderingQueued ( FrameEvent evt)

Method for raising frame rendering queued events.

This method is only for internal use when you use OGRE's inbuilt rendering loop (Root::startRendering). However, if you run your own rendering loop then you should call this method too, to ensure that all state is updated correctly. You should call it after the windows have been updated but before the buffers are swapped, or if you are not separating the update and buffer swap, then after the update just before _fireFrameEnded.

◆ _fireFrameStarted() [1/2]

bool Ogre::Root::_fireFrameStarted ( )

Method for raising frame started events.

This method is only for internal use when you use OGRE's inbuilt rendering loop (Root::startRendering). However, if you run your own rendering loop then you should call this method to ensure that FrameListener objects are notified of frame events; processes like texture animation and particle systems rely on this.
Calling this method also increments the frame number, which is important for keeping some elements of the engine up to date.
This method calculates the frame timing information for you based on the elapsed time. If you want to specify elapsed times yourself you should call the other version of this method which takes event details as a parameter.
False if one or more frame listeners elected that the rendering loop should be terminated, true otherwise.

◆ _fireFrameStarted() [2/2]

bool Ogre::Root::_fireFrameStarted ( FrameEvent evt)

Method for raising frame started events.

This method is only for internal use when you use OGRE's inbuilt rendering loop (Root::startRendering). However, if you run your own rendering loop then you should call this method to ensure that FrameListener objects are notified of frame events; processes like texture animation and particle systems rely on this.
Calling this method also increments the frame number, which is important for keeping some elements of the engine up to date.
This method takes an event object as a parameter, so you can specify the times yourself. If you are happy for OGRE to automatically calculate the frame time for you, then call the other version of this method with no parameters.
evtEvent object which includes all the timing information which you have calculated for yourself
False if one or more frame listeners elected that the rendering loop should be terminated, true otherwise.

◆ _getCurrentSceneManager()

SceneManager* Ogre::Root::_getCurrentSceneManager ( ) const

Returns the scene manager currently being used to render a frame.

This is only intended for internal use; it is only valid during the rendering of a frame.

◆ _notifyRenderingFrameStarted()

void Ogre::Root::_notifyRenderingFrameStarted ( )

◆ _popCurrentSceneManager()

void Ogre::Root::_popCurrentSceneManager ( SceneManager sm)

Pops the scene manager currently being used to render.

This is only intended for internal use.

◆ _pushCurrentSceneManager()

void Ogre::Root::_pushCurrentSceneManager ( SceneManager sm)

Pushes the scene manager currently being used to render.

This is only intended for internal use.

◆ _renderingFrameEnded()

void Ogre::Root::_renderingFrameEnded ( )

◆ _setLightProfilesInvHeight()

void Ogre::Root::_setLightProfilesInvHeight ( float  invHeight)

◆ _updateAllRenderTargets() [1/2]

bool Ogre::Root::_updateAllRenderTargets ( )

Internal method used for updating all RenderTarget objects (windows, renderable textures etc) which are set to auto-update.

You don't need to use this method if you're using Ogre's own internal rendering loop (Root::startRendering). If you're running your own loop you may wish to call it to update all the render targets which are set to auto update (RenderTarget::setAutoUpdated). You can also update individual RenderTarget instances using their own update() method.
false if a FrameListener indicated it wishes to exit the render loop

◆ _updateAllRenderTargets() [2/2]

bool Ogre::Root::_updateAllRenderTargets ( FrameEvent evt)

Internal method used for updating all RenderTarget objects (windows, renderable textures etc) which are set to auto-update, with a custom time passed to the frameRenderingQueued events.

You don't need to use this method if you're using Ogre's own internal rendering loop (Root::startRendering). If you're running your own loop you may wish to call it to update all the render targets which are set to auto update (RenderTarget::setAutoUpdated). You can also update individual RenderTarget instances using their own update() method.
false if a FrameListener indicated it wishes to exit the render loop

◆ addFrameListener()

void Ogre::Root::addFrameListener ( FrameListener newListener)

Registers a FrameListener which will be called back every frame.

A FrameListener is a class which implements methods which will be called every frame.
See the FrameListener class for more details on the specifics It is imperitive that the instance passed to this method is not destroyed before either the rendering loop ends, or the class is removed from the listening list using removeFrameListener.

This method can only be called after Root::initialise has been called.
See also
FrameListener, Root::removeFrameListener

◆ addMovableObjectFactory()

void Ogre::Root::addMovableObjectFactory ( MovableObjectFactory fact,
bool  overrideExisting = false 

Register a new MovableObjectFactory which will create new MovableObject instances of a particular type, as identified by the getType() method.

Plugin creators can create subclasses of MovableObjectFactory which construct custom subclasses of MovableObject for insertion in the scene. This is the primary way that plugins can make custom objects available.
factPointer to the factory instance
overrideExistingSet this to true to override any existing factories which are registered for the same type. You should only change this if you are very sure you know what you're doing.

◆ addRenderSystem()

void Ogre::Root::addRenderSystem ( RenderSystem newRend)

Adds a new rendering subsystem to the list of available renderers.

Intended for use by advanced users and plugin writers only! Calling this method with a pointer to a valid RenderSystem (subclass) adds a rendering API implementation to the list of available ones. Typical examples would be an OpenGL implementation and a Direct3D implementation.

This should usually be called from the dllStartPlugin() function of an extension plug-in.

◆ addResourceLocation()

void Ogre::Root::addResourceLocation ( const String name,
const String locType,
const String groupName = ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME,
bool  recursive = false 

Adds a location to the list of searchable locations for a Resource type.

Resource files (textures, models etc) need to be loaded from specific locations. By calling this method, you add another search location to the list. Locations added first are preferred over locations added later.
Locations can be folders, compressed archives, even perhaps remote locations. Facilities for loading from different locations are provided by plugins which provide implementations of the Archive class. All the application user has to do is specify a 'loctype' string in order to indicate the type of location, which should map onto one of the provided plugins. Ogre comes configured with the 'FileSystem' (folders) and 'Zip' (archive compressed with the pkzip / WinZip etc utilities) types.
You can also supply the name of a resource group which should have this location applied to it. The ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME group is the default, and one resource group which will always exist. You should consider defining resource groups for your more specific resources (e.g. per level) so that you can control loading / unloading better.
nameThe name of the location, e.g. './data' or '/compressed/gamedata.zip'
locTypeA string identifying the location type, e.g. 'FileSystem' (for folders), 'Zip' etc. Must map to a registered plugin which deals with this type (FileSystem and Zip should always be available)
groupNameType of name of the resource group which this location should apply to; defaults to the General group which applies to all non-specific resources.
recursiveIf the resource location has a concept of recursive directory traversal, enabling this option will mean you can load resources in subdirectories using only their unqualified name. The default is to disable this so that resources in subdirectories with the same name are still unique.
See also

◆ addSceneManagerFactory()

void Ogre::Root::addSceneManagerFactory ( SceneManagerFactory fact)

Register a new SceneManagerFactory, a factory object for creating instances of specific SceneManagers.

Plugins should call this to register as new SceneManager providers.

◆ clearEventTimes()

void Ogre::Root::clearEventTimes ( )

Clears the history of all event times.

OGRE stores a history of the last few event times in order to smooth out any inaccuracies and temporary fluctuations. However, if you pause or don't render for a little while this can cause a lurch, so if you're resuming rendering after a break, call this method to reset the stored times

◆ convertColourValue()

void Ogre::Root::convertColourValue ( const ColourValue colour,
uint32 pDest 

Generates a packed data version of the passed in ColourValue suitable for use with the current RenderSystem.

Since different render systems have different colour data formats (eg RGBA for GL, ARGB for D3D) this method allows you to use 1 method for all.
colourThe colour to convert
pDestPointer to location to put the result.

◆ createFileStream()

DataStreamPtr Ogre::Root::createFileStream ( const String filename,
const String groupName = ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME,
bool  overwrite = false,
const String locationPattern = BLANKSTRING 

Helper method to assist you in creating writeable file streams.

This is a high-level utility method which you can use to find a place to save a file more easily. If the filename you specify is either an absolute or relative filename (ie it includes path separators), then the file will be created in the normal filesystem using that specification. If it doesn't, then the method will look for a writeable resource location via ResourceGroupManager::createResource using the other params provided.
filenameThe name of the file to create. If it includes path separators, the filesystem will be accessed direct. If no path separators are present the resource system is used, falling back on the raw filesystem after.
groupNameThe name of the group in which to create the file, if the resource system is used
overwriteIf true, an existing file will be overwritten, if false an error will occur if the file already exists
locationPatternIf the resource group contains multiple locations, then usually the file will be created in the first writable location. If you want to be more specific, you can include a location pattern here and only locations which match that pattern (as determined by StringUtil::match) will be considered candidates for creation.

◆ createRenderWindow()

Window* Ogre::Root::createRenderWindow ( const String name,
uint32  width,
uint32  height,
bool  fullScreen,
const NameValuePairList miscParams = 0 

Creates a new rendering window.

This method creates a new rendering window as specified by the paramteters. The rendering system could be responible for only a single window (e.g. in the case of a game), or could be in charge of multiple ones (in the case of a level editor). The option to create the window as a child of another is therefore given. This method will create an appropriate subclass of RenderWindow depending on the API and platform implementation.
After creation, this window can be retrieved using getRenderTarget().
nameThe name of the window. Used in other methods later like setRenderTarget and getRenderTarget.
widthThe width of the new window.
heightThe height of the new window.
fullScreenSpecify true to make the window full screen without borders, title bar or menu bar.
miscParamsA NameValuePairList describing the other parameters for the new rendering window. Options are case sensitive. Unrecognised parameters will be ignored silently. These values might be platform dependent, but these are present for all platforms unless indicated otherwise:
Key Type/Values Default Description Notes
title Any string RenderTarget name The title of the window that will appear in the title bar  
colourDepth 16, 32 Desktop depth Colour depth of the resulting rendering window; only applies if fullScreen Win32 Specific
left Positive integers Centred Screen x coordinate from left  
top Positive integers Centred Screen y coordinate from left  
depthBuffer true, false true Use depth buffer DirectX9 specific
externalWindowHandle Win32: HWND as integer
GLX: poslong:posint:poslong (display*:screen:windowHandle) or poslong:posint:poslong:poslong (display*:screen:windowHandle:XVisualInfo*)
OS X Cocoa: OgreGLView address as an integer. You can pass NSView or NSWindow too, but should perform OgreGLView callbacks into the Ogre manually. iOS: UIWindow address as an integer
0 (none) External window handle, for embedding the OGRE render in an existing window  
externalGLControl true, false false Let the external window control OpenGL i.e. don't select a pixel format for the window, do not change v-sync and do not swap buffer. When set to true, the calling application is responsible of OpenGL initialization and buffer swapping. It should also create an OpenGL context for its own rendering, Ogre will create one for its use. Then the calling application must also enable Ogre OpenGL context before calling any Ogre function and restore its OpenGL context after these calls. OpenGL specific
externalGLContext Context as Unsigned Long 0 (create own context) Use an externally created GL context OpenGL Specific
parentWindowHandle Win32: HWND as integer
GLX: poslong:posint:poslong (display*:screen:windowHandle) or poslong:posint:poslong:poslong (display*:screen:windowHandle:XVisualInfo*)
0 (none) Parent window handle, for embedding the OGRE in a child of an external window  
contentScalingFactor Positive Float greater than 1.0 The default content scaling factor of the screen Specifies the CAEAGLLayer content scaling factor. Only supported on iOS 4 or greater. This can be useful to limit the resolution of the OpenGL ES backing store. For example, the iPhone 4's native resolution is 960 x 640. Windows are always 320 x 480, if you would like to limit the display to 720 x 480, specify 1.5 as the scaling factor. iOS Specific  
externalViewHandle UIView pointer as an integer 0 External view handle, for rendering OGRE render in an existing view iOS Specific  
externalViewControllerHandle UIViewController pointer as an integer 0 External view controller handle, for embedding OGRE in an existing view controller iOS Specific  
externalSharegroup EAGLSharegroup pointer as an integer 0 External sharegroup, used to shared GL resources between contexts iOS Specific  
Full Screen true, false false Specify whether to create the window in full screen mode OS X Specific  
MSAA Positive integer (usually 1, 2, 4, 8, 16) 1 Multisample antialiasing factor  
MSAA_Quality Depends on RenderSystem and hardware. Currently supports:
0 ... infinite number (depends on HW)
Blank Full screen antialiasing hint  
displayFrequency Refresh rate in Hertz (e.g. 60, 75, 100) Desktop vsync rate Display frequency rate, for fullscreen mode  
vsync true, false false Synchronize buffer swaps to monitor vsync, eliminating tearing at the expense of a fixed frame rate  
vsyncInterval 1, 2, 3, 4 1 If vsync is enabled, the minimum number of vertical blanks that should occur between renders. For example if vsync is enabled, the refresh rate is 60 and this is set to 2, then the frame rate will be locked at 30.  
border none, fixed, resize resize The type of window border (in windowed mode)  
outerDimensions true, false false Whether the width/height is expressed as the size of the outer window, rather than the content area  
useNVPerfHUD true, false false Enable the use of nVidia NVPerfHUD  
gamma true, false false Enable hardware conversion from linear colour space to gamma colour space on rendering to the window.  
enableDoubleClick true, false false Enable the window to keep track and transmit double click messages. Win32 Specific
MSAA Positive integer (usually 0, 2, 4, 8, 16) 0 Full screen antialiasing factor Android Specific
CSAA Positive integer (usually 0, 2, 4, 8, 16) 0 Coverage sampling factor (https://www.khronos.org/registry/egl/extensions/NV/EGL_NV_coverage_sample.txt) Android Specific
maxColourBufferSize Positive integer (usually 16, 32) 32 Max EGL_BUFFER_SIZE Android Specific
minColourBufferSize Positive integer (usually 16, 32) 16 Min EGL_BUFFER_SIZE Android Specific
maxStencilBufferSize Positive integer (usually 0, 8) 0 EGL_STENCIL_SIZE Android Specific
maxDepthBufferSize Positive integer (usually 0, 16, 24) 16 EGL_DEPTH_SIZE Android Specific

◆ createRenderWindows()

bool Ogre::Root::createRenderWindows ( const RenderWindowDescriptionList renderWindowDescriptions,
WindowList createdWindows 

Creates multiple rendering windows.

renderWindowDescriptionsArray of structures containing the descriptions of each render window. The structure's members are the same as the parameters of _createRenderWindow:
  • name
  • width
  • height
  • fullScreen
  • miscParams
See _createRenderWindow for details about each member.
createdWindowsThis array will hold the created render windows.
true on success.

◆ createSceneManager() [1/2]

SceneManager* Ogre::Root::createSceneManager ( const String typeName,
size_t  numWorkerThreads,
const String instanceName = BLANKSTRING 

Create a SceneManager instance of a given type.

You can use this method to create a SceneManager instance of a given specific type. You may know this type already, or you may have discovered it by looking at the results from getMetaDataIterator.
This method throws an exception if the named type is not found.
typeNameString identifying a unique SceneManager type
instanceNameOptional name to given the new instance that is created. If you leave this blank, an auto name will be assigned.
numWorkerThreadsNumber of worker threads. You should not oversubscribe the system. I.e. if the system has 4 cores and you intend to run your logic 100% in one of the cores, set this value to 3. If you intend to fully use 2 cores for your own stuff, set this value to 2.

A value of 0 means there will be no worker threads, and all tasks will run in the main thread. Use this value on platforms that do not support it (i.e. Emscripten) or to troubleshoot very specific issues (e.g. some Debuggers don't work correctly when threads are involved)

◆ createSceneManager() [2/2]

SceneManager* Ogre::Root::createSceneManager ( SceneTypeMask  typeMask,
size_t  numWorkerThreads,
const String instanceName = BLANKSTRING 

Create a SceneManager instance based on scene type support.

Creates an instance of a SceneManager which supports the scene types identified in the parameter. If more than one type of SceneManager has been registered as handling that combination of scene types, in instance of the last one registered is returned.
This method always succeeds, if a specific scene manager is not found, the default implementation is always returned.
typeMaskA mask containing one or more SceneType flags
instanceNameOptional name to given the new instance that is created. If you leave this blank, an auto name will be assigned.
numWorkerThreadsNumber of worker threads. Must be greater than 0; you should not oversubscribe the system. I.e. if the system has 4 cores and you intend to run your logic 100% in one of the cores, set this value to 3. If you intend to fully use 2 cores for your own stuff, set this value to 2.

◆ destroySceneManager()

void Ogre::Root::destroySceneManager ( SceneManager sm)

Destroy an instance of a SceneManager.

◆ endRenderingQueued()

bool Ogre::Root::endRenderingQueued ( )

Check for planned end of rendering.

This method return true if queueEndRendering() was called before.
See also
Root, Root::queueEndRendering, Root::startRendering

◆ getAppName()

const String& Ogre::Root::getAppName ( ) const

◆ getAutoCreatedWindow()

Window* Ogre::Root::getAutoCreatedWindow ( )

Retrieves a pointer to the window that was created automatically.

When Root is initialised an optional window is created. This method retrieves a pointer to that window.
returns a null pointer when Root has not been initialised with the option of creating a window.

◆ getAvailableRenderers()

const RenderSystemList& Ogre::Root::getAvailableRenderers ( )

Retrieve a list of the available render systems.

Retrieves a pointer to the list of available renderers as a list of RenderSystem subclasses. Can be used to build a custom settings dialog.

◆ getCompositorManager2()

CompositorManager2* Ogre::Root::getCompositorManager2 ( ) const

◆ getDefaultMinPixelSize()

Real Ogre::Root::getDefaultMinPixelSize ( )

Get the default minimum pixel size for object to be rendered by.

◆ getDisplayMonitorCount()

unsigned int Ogre::Root::getDisplayMonitorCount ( ) const

Gets the number of display monitors.

◆ getErrorDescription()

String Ogre::Root::getErrorDescription ( long  errorNumber)

Utility function for getting a better description of an error code.

◆ getFrameSmoothingPeriod()

Real Ogre::Root::getFrameSmoothingPeriod ( ) const

Gets the period over which OGRE smooths out fluctuations in frame times.

◆ getFrameStats()

const FrameStats* Ogre::Root::getFrameStats ( ) const

◆ getHlmsManager()

HlmsManager* Ogre::Root::getHlmsManager ( ) const

Gets the HlmsManager, which is needed to register generators at startup.

◆ getInstalledPlugins()

const PluginInstanceList& Ogre::Root::getInstalledPlugins ( ) const

Gets a read-only list of the currently installed plugins.

◆ getLightProfilesInvHeight()

float Ogre::Root::getLightProfilesInvHeight ( ) const

◆ getMeshManagerV1()

v1::MeshManager* Ogre::Root::getMeshManagerV1 ( )

Retrieves a reference to the current MeshManager.

This performs the same function as MeshManager::getSingleton and is provided for convenience to scripting engines.

◆ getMovableObjectFactory()

MovableObjectFactory* Ogre::Root::getMovableObjectFactory ( const String typeName)

Get a MovableObjectFactory for the given type.

◆ getMovableObjectFactoryIterator()

MovableObjectFactoryIterator Ogre::Root::getMovableObjectFactoryIterator ( ) const

Return an iterator over all the MovableObjectFactory instances currently registered.

◆ getNextFrameNumber()

unsigned long Ogre::Root::getNextFrameNumber ( ) const

Gets the number of the next frame to be rendered.

Note that this is 'next frame' rather than 'current frame' because it indicates the frame number that current changes made to the scene will take effect. It is incremented after all rendering commands for the current frame have been queued, thus reflecting that if you start performing changes then, you will actually see them in the next frame.

◆ getRemoveRenderQueueStructuresOnClear()

bool Ogre::Root::getRemoveRenderQueueStructuresOnClear ( ) const

Get whether the entire render queue structure should be emptied on clearing, or whether just the objects themselves should be cleared.

◆ getRenderSystem()

RenderSystem* Ogre::Root::getRenderSystem ( )

Retrieve a pointer to the currently selected render system.

Referenced by Ogre::CompositorPassSceneDef::CompositorPassSceneDef().

◆ getRenderSystemByName()

RenderSystem* Ogre::Root::getRenderSystemByName ( const String name)

Retrieve a pointer to the render system by the given name.

nameName of the render system intend to retrieve.
A pointer to the render system, NULL if no found.

◆ getSceneManager()

SceneManager* Ogre::Root::getSceneManager ( const String instanceName) const

Get an existing SceneManager instance that has already been created, identified by the instance name.

instanceNameThe name of the instance to retrieve.

◆ getSceneManagerIterator()

SceneManagerEnumerator::SceneManagerIterator Ogre::Root::getSceneManagerIterator ( )

Get an iterator over all the existing SceneManager instances.

◆ getSceneManagerMetaData()

const SceneManagerMetaData* Ogre::Root::getSceneManagerMetaData ( const String typeName) const

Get more information about a given type of SceneManager.

The metadata returned tells you a few things about a given type of SceneManager, which can be created using a factory that has been registered already.
typeNameThe type name of the SceneManager you want to enquire on. If you don't know the typeName already, you can iterate over the metadata for all types using getMetaDataIterator.

◆ getSceneManagerMetaDataIterator()

SceneManagerEnumerator::MetaDataIterator Ogre::Root::getSceneManagerMetaDataIterator ( ) const

Iterate over all types of SceneManager available for construction, providing some information about each one.

◆ getSingleton()

static Root& Ogre::Root::getSingleton ( )

Override standard Singleton retrieval.

Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll.
This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors.

Referenced by Ogre::CompositorPassSceneDef::CompositorPassSceneDef().

◆ getSingletonPtr()

static Root* Ogre::Root::getSingletonPtr ( )

Override standard Singleton retrieval.

Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll.
This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors.

◆ getTimer()

Timer* Ogre::Root::getTimer ( )

Gets a pointer to the central timer used for all OGRE timings.

◆ getWorkQueue()

WorkQueue* Ogre::Root::getWorkQueue ( ) const

Get the WorkQueue for processing background tasks.

You are free to add new requests and handlers to this queue to process your custom background tasks using the shared thread pool. However, you must remember to assign yourself a new channel through which to process your tasks.

◆ hasMovableObjectFactory()

bool Ogre::Root::hasMovableObjectFactory ( const String typeName) const

Checks whether a factory is registered for a given MovableObject type.

◆ hasSceneManager()

bool Ogre::Root::hasSceneManager ( const String instanceName) const

Determines if a given SceneManager already exists.

instanceNameThe name of the instance to retrieve.

◆ initialise()

Window* Ogre::Root::initialise ( bool  autoCreateWindow,
const String windowTitle = "OGRE Render Window",
const String customCapabilitiesConfig = BLANKSTRING 

Initialises the renderer.

This method can only be called after a renderer has been selected with Root::setRenderSystem, and it will initialise the selected rendering system ready for use.
autoCreateWindowIf true, a rendering window will automatically be created (saving a call to Root::createRenderWindow). The window will be created based on the options currently set on the render system.
A pointer to the automatically created window, if requested, otherwise NULL.

◆ installPlugin()

void Ogre::Root::installPlugin ( Plugin plugin,
const NameValuePairList options 

Install a new plugin.

This installs a new extension to OGRE. The plugin itself may be loaded from a DLL / DSO, or it might be statically linked into your own application. Either way, something has to call this method to get it registered and functioning. You should only call this method directly if your plugin is not in a DLL that could otherwise be loaded with loadPlugin, since the DLL function dllStartPlugin should call this method when the DLL is loaded.

◆ isBlendIndicesGpuRedundant()

bool Ogre::Root::isBlendIndicesGpuRedundant ( ) const

Returns whether blend indices information needs to be passed to the GPU see setBlendIndicesGpuRedundant() for more information.

◆ isBlendWeightsGpuRedundant()

bool Ogre::Root::isBlendWeightsGpuRedundant ( ) const

Returns whether blend weights information needs to be passed to the GPU see setBlendWeightsGpuRedundant() for more information.

◆ isInitialised()

bool Ogre::Root::isInitialised ( ) const

Returns whether the system is initialised or not.

◆ loadPlugin()

void Ogre::Root::loadPlugin ( const String pluginName,
const bool  bOptional,
const NameValuePairList options 

Manually load a Plugin contained in a DLL / DSO.

Plugins embedded in DLLs can be loaded at startup using the plugin configuration file specified when you create Root. This method allows you to load plugin DLLs directly in code. The DLL in question is expected to implement a dllStartPlugin method which instantiates a Plugin subclass and calls Root::installPlugin. It should also implement dllStopPlugin (see Root::unloadPlugin)
pluginNameName of the plugin library to load
bOptionalWhen true, we will skip it if it fails to initialize
optionsOptions to pass onto the loading plugin. Can be nullptr

◆ openFileStream()

DataStreamPtr Ogre::Root::openFileStream ( const String filename,
const String groupName = ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME,
const String locationPattern = BLANKSTRING 

Helper method to assist you in accessing readable file streams.

This is a high-level utility method which you can use to find a place to open a file more easily. It checks the resource system first, and if that fails falls back on accessing the file system directly.
filenameThe name of the file to open.
groupNameThe name of the group in which to create the file, if the resource system is used
locationPatternIf the resource group contains multiple locations, then usually the file will be created in the first writable location. If you want to be more specific, you can include a location pattern here and only locations which match that pattern (as determined by StringUtil::match) will be considered candidates for creation.

◆ queueEndRendering()

void Ogre::Root::queueEndRendering ( bool  state = true)

Queues the end of rendering.

This method will do nothing unless startRendering() has been called, in which case before the next frame is rendered the rendering loop will bail out.
See also
Root, Root::startRendering

◆ removeFrameListener()

void Ogre::Root::removeFrameListener ( FrameListener oldListener)

Removes a FrameListener from the list of listening classes.

See also
FrameListener, Root::addFrameListener

◆ removeMovableObjectFactory()

void Ogre::Root::removeMovableObjectFactory ( MovableObjectFactory fact)

Removes a previously registered MovableObjectFactory.

All instances of objects created by this factory will be destroyed before removing the factory (by calling back the factories 'destroyInstance' method). The plugin writer is responsible for actually destroying the factory.

◆ removeResourceLocation()

void Ogre::Root::removeResourceLocation ( const String name,
const String groupName = ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME 

Removes a resource location from the list.

See also
nameThe name of the resource location as specified in addResourceLocation
groupNameThe name of the resource group to which this location was assigned.

◆ removeSceneManagerFactory()

void Ogre::Root::removeSceneManagerFactory ( SceneManagerFactory fact)

Unregister a SceneManagerFactory.

◆ renderOneFrame() [1/2]

bool Ogre::Root::renderOneFrame ( )

Render one frame.

Updates all the render targets automatically and then returns, raising frame events before and after.

◆ renderOneFrame() [2/2]

bool Ogre::Root::renderOneFrame ( Real  timeSinceLastFrame)

Render one frame, with custom frame time information.

Updates all the render targets automatically and then returns, raising frame events before and after - all per-frame times are based on the time value you pass in.

◆ restoreConfig()

bool Ogre::Root::restoreConfig ( )

Checks for saved video/sound/etc settings.

This method checks to see if there is a valid saved configuration from a previous run. If there is, the state of the system will be restored to that configuration.
If a valid configuration was found, true is returned.
If there is no saved configuration, or if the system failed with the last config settings, false is returned.

◆ saveConfig()

void Ogre::Root::saveConfig ( )

Saves the details of the current configuration.

Stores details of the current configuration so it may be restored later on.

◆ setBlendIndicesGpuRedundant()

void Ogre::Root::setBlendIndicesGpuRedundant ( bool  redundant)

Sets whether blend indices information needs to be passed to the GPU.

When entities use software animation they remove blend information such as indices and weights from the vertex buffers sent to the graphic card. This function can be used to limit which information is removed.

redundantSet to true to remove blend indices information.

◆ setBlendWeightsGpuRedundant()

void Ogre::Root::setBlendWeightsGpuRedundant ( bool  redundant)

Sets whether blend weights information needs to be passed to the GPU.

When entities use software animation they remove blend information such as indices and weights from the vertex buffers sent to the graphic card. This function can be used to limit which information is removed.

redundantSet to true to remove blend weights information.

◆ setDefaultMinPixelSize()

void Ogre::Root::setDefaultMinPixelSize ( Real  pixelSize)

Set the default minimum pixel size for object to be rendered by.

To use this feature see Camera::setUseMinPixelSize()

◆ setFrameSmoothingPeriod()

void Ogre::Root::setFrameSmoothingPeriod ( Real  period)

Sets the period over which OGRE smooths out fluctuations in frame times.

OGRE by default gives you the raw frame time, but can optionally smooths it out over several frames, in order to reduce the noticeable effect of occasional hiccups in framerate. These smoothed values are passed back as parameters to FrameListener calls.
This method allow you to tweak the smoothing period, and is expressed in seconds. Setting it to 0 will result in completely unsmoothed frame times (the default).

◆ setRemoveRenderQueueStructuresOnClear()

void Ogre::Root::setRemoveRenderQueueStructuresOnClear ( bool  r)

Set whether the entire render queue structure should be emptied on clearing, or whether just the objects themselves should be cleared.

◆ setRenderSystem()

void Ogre::Root::setRenderSystem ( RenderSystem system)

Sets the rendering subsystem to be used.

This method indicates to OGRE which rendering system is to be used (e.g. Direct3D, OpenGL etc). This is called automatically by the default config dialog, and when settings are restored from a previous configuraion. If used manually it could be used to set the renderer from a custom settings dialog. Once this has been done, the renderer can be initialised using Root::initialise.
This method is also called by render systems if they are initialised directly.
systemPointer to the render system to use.
See also

◆ setWorkQueue()

void Ogre::Root::setWorkQueue ( WorkQueue queue)

Replace the current work queue with an alternative.

You can use this method to replace the internal implementation of WorkQueue with your own, e.g. to externalise the processing of background events. Doing so will delete the existing queue and replace it with this one.

queueThe new WorkQueue instance. Root will delete this work queue at shutdown, so do not destroy it yourself.

◆ showConfigDialog()

bool Ogre::Root::showConfigDialog ( ConfigDialog aCustomDialog = 0)

Displays a dialog asking the user to choose system settings.

aCustomDialogIf left null ogre will use the default config dialog. Otherwise it will use the one provided.
This method displays the default dialog allowing the user to choose the rendering system, video mode etc. If there is are any settings saved already, they will be restored automatically before displaying the dialogue. When the user accepts a group of settings, this will automatically call Root::setRenderSystem, RenderSystem::setConfigOption and Root::saveConfig with the user's choices. This is the easiest way to get the system configured.
If the user clicked 'Ok', true is returned.
If they clicked 'Cancel' (in which case the app should strongly consider terminating), false is returned.

◆ shutdown()

void Ogre::Root::shutdown ( )

Shuts down the system manually.

This is normally done by Ogre automatically so don't think you have to call this yourself. However this is here for convenience, especially for dealing with unexpected errors or for systems which need to shut down Ogre on demand.

◆ startRendering()

void Ogre::Root::startRendering ( )

Starts / restarts the automatic rendering cycle.

This method begins the automatic rendering of the scene. It will NOT return until the rendering cycle is halted.
During rendering, any FrameListener classes registered using addFrameListener will be called back for each frame that is to be rendered, These classes can tell OGRE to halt the rendering if required, which will cause this method to return.

Users of the OGRE library do not have to use this automatic rendering loop. It is there as a convenience and is most useful for high frame rate applications e.g. games. For applications that don't need to constantly refresh the rendering targets (e.g. an editor utility), it is better to manually refresh each render target only when required by calling RenderTarget::update, or if you want to run your own render loop you can update all targets on demand using Root::renderOneFrame.
This frees up the CPU to do other things in between refreshes, since in this case frame rate is less important.
This method can only be called after Root::initialise has been called.

◆ uninstallPlugin()

void Ogre::Root::uninstallPlugin ( Plugin plugin)

Uninstall an existing plugin.

This uninstalls an extension to OGRE. Plugins are automatically uninstalled at shutdown but this lets you remove them early. If the plugin was loaded from a DLL / DSO you should call unloadPlugin which should result in this method getting called anyway (if the DLL is well behaved).

◆ unloadPlugin()

void Ogre::Root::unloadPlugin ( const String pluginName)

Manually unloads a Plugin contained in a DLL / DSO.

Plugin DLLs are unloaded at shutdown automatically. This method allows you to unload plugins in code, but make sure their dependencies are decoupled first. This method will call the dllStopPlugin method defined in the DLL, which in turn should call Root::uninstallPlugin.
pluginNameName of the plugin library to unload

◆ useCustomRenderSystemCapabilities()

void Ogre::Root::useCustomRenderSystemCapabilities ( RenderSystemCapabilities capabilities)

Requests active RenderSystem to use custom RenderSystemCapabilities.

This is useful for testing how the RenderSystem would behave on a machine with less advanced GPUs. This method MUST be called before creating the first RenderWindow

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