OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::SceneNode Class Reference

Class representing a node in the scene graph. More...

#include <OgreSceneNode.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::SceneNode:

Public Types

typedef ConstVectorIterator< ObjectVecConstObjectIterator
typedef VectorIterator< ObjectVecObjectIterator
typedef vector< MovableObject * >::type ObjectVec
- Public Types inherited from Ogre::Node
typedef ConstVectorIterator< NodeVecConstNodeVecIterator
typedef vector< Node * >::type NodeVec
typedef VectorIterator< NodeVecNodeVecIterator
enum  TransformSpace { TS_LOCAL , TS_PARENT , TS_WORLD }
 Enumeration denoting the spaces which a transform can be relative to. More...

Public Member Functions

 SceneNode (const Transform &transformPtrs)
 Don't use this constructor unless you know what you're doing. More...
 SceneNode (IdType id, SceneManager *creator, NodeMemoryManager *nodeMemoryManager, SceneNode *parent)
 Constructor, only to be called by the creator SceneManager. More...
 ~SceneNode () override
virtual_l1 void _attachBone (SkeletonInstance *skeletonInstance, Bone *bone)
 Attaches a bone to this SceneNode. More...
void _callMemoryChangeListeners () override
 Internal use, notifies all attached objects that our memory pointers (i.e. More...
virtual_l1 void _detachAllBones (SkeletonInstance *skeletonInstance)
 Detaches all bones from this SceneNode that belong to the given SkeletonInstance. More...
virtual_l1 void _detachBone (SkeletonInstance *skeletonInstance, Bone *bone)
 Detaches a bone from this SceneNode. More...
void _notifyStaticDirty () const override
 Called by SceneManager when it is telling we're a static node being dirty Don't call this directly. More...
virtual_l2 void attachObject (MovableObject *obj)
 Adds an instance of a scene object to this node. More...
virtual SceneNodecreateChildSceneNode (SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_DYNAMIC, const Vector3 &translate=Vector3::ZERO, const Quaternion &rotate=Quaternion::IDENTITY)
 Creates an unnamed new SceneNode as a child of this node. More...
virtual void detachAllBones ()
 Detaches all bones from from this SceneNode. It is safe to use directly. More...
virtual void detachAllObjects ()
 Detaches all objects attached to this node. More...
virtual_l2 void detachObject (MovableObject *obj)
 Detaches an object by pointer. More...
virtual void flipVisibility (bool cascade=true)
 Inverts the visibility of all objects attached to this node. More...
MovableObjectgetAttachedObject (const String &name)
 Retrieves a pointer to an attached object. More...
MovableObjectgetAttachedObject (size_t index)
 Retrieves a pointer to an attached object. More...
virtual ObjectIterator getAttachedObjectIterator ()
 Retrieves an iterator which can be used to efficiently step through the objects attached to this node. More...
virtual ConstObjectIterator getAttachedObjectIterator () const
 Retrieves an iterator which can be used to efficiently step through the objects attached to this node. More...
const ObjectVecgetAttachments ()
SceneManagergetCreator () const
 Gets the creator of this scene node. More...
NodeMemoryManagergetDefaultNodeMemoryManager (SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType) override
 As Node::getDebugRenderable, except scaling is automatically determined. More...
SceneNodegetParentSceneNode () const
 Gets the parent of this SceneNode. More...
bool isYawFixed () const
virtual void lookAt (const Vector3 &targetPoint, TransformSpace relativeTo, const Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z)
 Points the local -Z direction of this node at a point in space. More...
size_t numAttachedObjects () const
 Reports the number of objects attached to this node. More...
virtual void removeAndDestroyAllChildren ()
 Removes and destroys all children of this node. More...
virtual void removeAndDestroyChild (SceneNode *sceneNode)
 This method removes and destroys the child and all of its children. More...
virtual void setAutoTracking (bool enabled, SceneNode *const target=0, const Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z, const Vector3 &offset=Vector3::ZERO)
 Enables / disables automatic tracking of another SceneNode. More...
virtual void setDirection (const Vector3 &vec, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL, const Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z)
 Sets the node's direction vector ie it's local -z. More...
virtual void setDirection (Real x, Real y, Real z, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL, const Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z)
 Sets the node's direction vector ie it's local -z. More...
void setFixedYawAxis (bool useFixed, const Vector3 &fixedAxis=Vector3::UNIT_Y)
 Tells the node whether to yaw around it's own local Y axis or a fixed axis of choice. More...
void setListener (Listener *listener) override
 Sets a listener for this Node. More...
bool setStatic (bool bStatic) override
 Turns this Node into static or dynamic. More...
virtual void setVisible (bool visible, bool cascade=true)
 Makes all objects attached to this node become visible / invisible. More...
void yaw (const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL)
 Rotate the node around the Y-axis. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Node
 Node (const Transform &transformPtrs)
 Don't use this constructor unless you know what you're doing. More...
 Node (IdType id, NodeMemoryManager *nodeMemoryManager, Node *parent)
 Constructor, should only be called by parent, not directly. More...
virtual ~Node ()
virtual_l2 Quaternion _getDerivedOrientation () const
 Gets the orientation of the node as derived from all parents. More...
virtual_l2 Quaternion _getDerivedOrientationUpdated ()
 Gets the orientation of the node as derived from all parents. More...
virtual_l2 Vector3 _getDerivedPosition () const
 Gets the position of the node as derived from all parents. More...
virtual_l2 Vector3 _getDerivedPositionUpdated ()
 Gets the position of the node as derived from all parents. More...
virtual_l2 Vector3 _getDerivedScale () const
 Gets the scaling factor of the node as derived from all parents. More...
virtual_l2 Vector3 _getDerivedScaleUpdated ()
 Gets the scalling factor of the node as derived from all parents. More...
virtual_l2 FORCEINLINE const Matrix4_getFullTransform () const
 Gets the full transformation matrix for this node. More...
virtual_l2 const Matrix4_getFullTransformUpdated ()
 See _getDerivedScaleUpdated() remarks. More...
Transform_getTransform ()
 Returns a direct access to the Transform state. More...
virtual_l2 void _setDerivedOrientation (const Quaternion &q)
 Sets the final world orientation of the node directly. More...
virtual_l2 void _setDerivedPosition (const Vector3 &pos)
 Sets the final world position of the node directly. More...
void _setNullNodeMemoryManager ()
 Manually set the mNodeMemoryManager to a null ptr. More...
void _updateChildren ()
 Helper method to update the Node and all children. More...
void addChild (Node *child)
 Adds a (precreated) child scene node to this node. More...
virtual_l2 Vector3 convertLocalToWorldDirection (const Vector3 &localDir, bool useScale)
 Gets the world direction of a point in the node local space useful for simple transforms that don't require a child node. More...
Vector3 convertLocalToWorldDirectionUpdated (const Vector3 &localDir, bool useScale)
virtual_l2 Quaternion convertLocalToWorldOrientation (const Quaternion &localOrientation)
 Gets the world orientation of an orientation in the node local space useful for simple transforms that don't require a child node. More...
Quaternion convertLocalToWorldOrientationUpdated (const Quaternion &localOrientation)
virtual_l2 Vector3 convertLocalToWorldPosition (const Vector3 &localPos)
 Gets the world position of a point in the node local space useful for simple transforms that don't require a child node. More...
Vector3 convertLocalToWorldPositionUpdated (const Vector3 &localPos)
virtual_l2 Vector3 convertWorldToLocalDirection (const Vector3 &worldDir, bool useScale)
 Gets the local direction, relative to this node, of the given world-space direction. More...
Vector3 convertWorldToLocalDirectionUpdated (const Vector3 &worldDir, bool useScale)
virtual_l2 Quaternion convertWorldToLocalOrientation (const Quaternion &worldOrientation)
 Gets the local orientation, relative to this node, of the given world-space orientation. More...
Quaternion convertWorldToLocalOrientationUpdated (const Quaternion &worldOrientation)
virtual_l2 Vector3 convertWorldToLocalPosition (const Vector3 &worldPos)
 Gets the local position, relative to this node, of the given world-space position. More...
Vector3 convertWorldToLocalPositionUpdated (const Vector3 &worldPos)
virtual NodecreateChild (SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_DYNAMIC, const Vector3 &translate=Vector3::ZERO, const Quaternion &rotate=Quaternion::IDENTITY)
 Creates an unnamed new Node as a child of this node. More...
NodegetChild (size_t index)
 Gets a pointer to a child node. More...
const NodegetChild (size_t index) const
NodeVecIterator getChildIterator ()
 Retrieves an iterator for efficiently looping through all children of this node. More...
ConstNodeVecIterator getChildIterator () const
 Retrieves an iterator for efficiently looping through all children of this node. More...
uint16 getDepthLevel () const
 Returns how deep in the hierarchy we are (eg. 0 -> root node, 1 -> child of root) More...
bool getIndestructibleByClearScene () const
virtual_l2 bool getInheritOrientation () const
 Returns true if this node is affected by orientation applied to the parent node. More...
virtual_l2 bool getInheritScale () const
 Returns true if this node is affected by scaling factors applied to the parent node. More...
ListenergetListener () const
 Gets the current listener for this Node. More...
virtual_l2 Matrix3 getLocalAxes () const
 Gets a matrix whose columns are the local axes based on the nodes orientation relative to it's parent. More...
const StringgetName () const
 Returns the name of the node. More...
virtual_l2 Quaternion getOrientation () const
 Returns a quaternion representing the nodes orientation. More...
NodegetParent () const
 Gets this node's parent (NULL if this is the root). More...
virtual_l2 Vector3 getPosition () const
 Gets the position of the node relative to it's parent. More...
virtual_l2 Vector3 getScale () const
 Gets the scaling factor of this node. More...
virtual Real getSquaredViewDepth (const Camera *cam) const
 Helper function, get the squared view depth. More...
virtual OGRE_DEPRECATED const AnygetUserAny () const
UserObjectBindingsgetUserObjectBindings ()
 Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
const UserObjectBindingsgetUserObjectBindings () const
 Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
bool isStatic () const
 Checks whether this node is static. More...
void migrateTo (NodeMemoryManager *nodeMemoryManager)
 Migrates the node and all of its children to the new memory manager, at the same depth level. More...
size_t numChildren () const
 Reports the number of child nodes under this one. More...
virtual_l2 void pitch (const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL)
 Rotate the node around the X-axis. More...
virtual void removeAllChildren ()
 Removes all child Nodes attached to this node. More...
virtual void removeChild (Node *child)
 Drops the specified child from this node. More...
virtual_l1 void resetOrientation ()
 Resets the nodes orientation (local axes as world axes, no rotation). More...
virtual_l2 void roll (const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL)
 Rotate the node around the Z-axis. More...
virtual_l2 void rotate (const Quaternion &q, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL)
 Rotate the node around an arbitrary axis using a Quarternion. More...
virtual_l2 void rotate (const Vector3 &axis, const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL)
 Rotate the node around an arbitrary axis. More...
virtual_l2 void scale (const Vector3 &scale)
 Scales the node, combining it's current scale with the passed in scaling factor. More...
virtual_l2 void scale (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Scales the node, combining it's current scale with the passed in scaling factor. More...
void setIndestructibleByClearScene (bool indestructible)
 Calling SceneManager::clearScene won't destroy this node nor detach its objects (but may still destroy parent and children nodes if they're not indestructible) when this is true. More...
virtual_l2 void setInheritOrientation (bool inherit)
 Tells the node whether it should inherit orientation from it's parent node. More...
virtual_l2 void setInheritScale (bool inherit)
 Tells the node whether it should inherit scaling factors from it's parent node. More...
void setName (const String &name)
 Sets a custom name for this node. More...
virtual_l1 void setOrientation (Quaternion q)
 Sets the orientation of this node via a quaternion. More...
virtual_l1 void setOrientation (Real w, Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Sets the orientation of this node via quaternion parameters. More...
virtual_l1 void setPosition (const Vector3 &pos)
 Sets the position of the node relative to it's parent. More...
virtual_l1 void setPosition (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Sets the position of the node relative to it's parent. More...
virtual_l1 void setScale (const Vector3 &scale)
 Sets the scaling factor applied to this node. More...
virtual_l1 void setScale (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Sets the scaling factor applied to this node. More...
virtual OGRE_DEPRECATED void setUserAny (const Any &anything)
virtual_l2 void translate (const Matrix3 &axes, const Vector3 &move, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT)
 Moves the node along arbitrary axes. More...
virtual_l2 void translate (const Matrix3 &axes, Real x, Real y, Real z, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT)
 Moves the node along arbitrary axes. More...
virtual_l2 void translate (const Vector3 &d, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT)
 Moves the node along the Cartesian axes. More...
virtual_l2 void translate (Real x, Real y, Real z, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT)
 Moves the node along the Cartesian axes. More...
virtual_l2 void yaw (const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL)
 Rotate the node around the Y-axis. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::IdObject
 IdObject (IdType id)
 We don't call generateNewId() here, to prevent objects in the stack (i.e. More...
IdType getId () const
 Get the unique id of this object. More...
bool operator() (const IdObject &left, const IdObject &right)
bool operator() (const IdObject *left, const IdObject *right)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Node
static void updateAllTransforms (const size_t numNodes, Transform t)
- Public Attributes inherited from Ogre::Node
size_t mGlobalIndex
 Index in the vector holding this node reference (could be our parent node, or a global array tracking all created nodes to avoid memory leaks). More...
size_t mParentIndex
 Index in the vector holding this node reference (could be our parent node, or a global array tracking all created nodes to avoid memory leaks). More...

Detailed Description

Class representing a node in the scene graph.

A SceneNode is a type of Node which is used to organise objects in a scene. It has the same hierarchical transformation properties of the generic Node class, but also adds the ability to attach world objects to the node, and stores hierarchical bounding volumes of the nodes in the tree. Child nodes are contained within the bounds of the parent, and so on down the tree, allowing for fast culling.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstObjectIterator

◆ ObjectIterator

◆ ObjectVec

typedef vector<MovableObject *>::type Ogre::SceneNode::ObjectVec

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SceneNode() [1/2]

Ogre::SceneNode::SceneNode ( IdType  id,
SceneManager creator,
NodeMemoryManager nodeMemoryManager,
SceneNode parent 

Constructor, only to be called by the creator SceneManager.

◆ SceneNode() [2/2]

Ogre::SceneNode::SceneNode ( const Transform transformPtrs)

Don't use this constructor unless you know what you're doing.

See also

◆ ~SceneNode()

Ogre::SceneNode::~SceneNode ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _attachBone()

virtual_l1 void Ogre::SceneNode::_attachBone ( SkeletonInstance skeletonInstance,
Bone bone 

Attaches a bone to this SceneNode.

Don't use directly.

See also

◆ _callMemoryChangeListeners()

void Ogre::SceneNode::_callMemoryChangeListeners ( )

Internal use, notifies all attached objects that our memory pointers (i.e.

Transform) may have changed (e.g. during cleanups, change of parent, etc)

Implements Ogre::Node.

◆ _detachAllBones()

virtual_l1 void Ogre::SceneNode::_detachAllBones ( SkeletonInstance skeletonInstance)

Detaches all bones from this SceneNode that belong to the given SkeletonInstance.

Don't use directly.

See also

◆ _detachBone()

virtual_l1 void Ogre::SceneNode::_detachBone ( SkeletonInstance skeletonInstance,
Bone bone 

Detaches a bone from this SceneNode.

Don't use directly.

See also

◆ _notifyStaticDirty()

void Ogre::SceneNode::_notifyStaticDirty ( ) const

Called by SceneManager when it is telling we're a static node being dirty Don't call this directly.

See also

Reimplemented from Ogre::Node.

◆ attachObject()

virtual_l2 void Ogre::SceneNode::attachObject ( MovableObject obj)

Adds an instance of a scene object to this node.

Scene objects can include Entity objects, Camera objects, Light objects, ParticleSystem objects etc. Anything that subclasses from MovableObject.

◆ createChildSceneNode()

virtual SceneNode* Ogre::SceneNode::createChildSceneNode ( SceneMemoryMgrTypes  sceneType = SCENE_DYNAMIC,
const Vector3 translate = Vector3::ZERO,
const Quaternion rotate = Quaternion::IDENTITY 

Creates an unnamed new SceneNode as a child of this node.

translateInitial translation offset of child relative to parent
rotateInitial rotation relative to parent

◆ detachAllBones()

virtual void Ogre::SceneNode::detachAllBones ( )

Detaches all bones from from this SceneNode. It is safe to use directly.

◆ detachAllObjects()

virtual void Ogre::SceneNode::detachAllObjects ( )

Detaches all objects attached to this node.

◆ detachObject()

virtual_l2 void Ogre::SceneNode::detachObject ( MovableObject obj)

Detaches an object by pointer.

It's fast, takes only O(1)

◆ flipVisibility()

virtual void Ogre::SceneNode::flipVisibility ( bool  cascade = true)

Inverts the visibility of all objects attached to this node.

This is a shortcut to calling setVisible(!isVisible()) on the objects attached to this node, and optionally to all objects attached to child nodes.
cascadeIf true, this setting cascades into child nodes too.

◆ getAttachedObject() [1/2]

MovableObject* Ogre::SceneNode::getAttachedObject ( const String name)

Retrieves a pointer to an attached object.

Retrieves by object name, see alternate version to retrieve by index. Retrieving by name forces a linear search O(N), prefer using the index, which is O(1)

◆ getAttachedObject() [2/2]

MovableObject* Ogre::SceneNode::getAttachedObject ( size_t  index)

Retrieves a pointer to an attached object.

Retrieves by index, see alternate version to retrieve by name. The index of an object may change as other objects are added / removed.

◆ getAttachedObjectIterator() [1/2]

virtual ObjectIterator Ogre::SceneNode::getAttachedObjectIterator ( )

Retrieves an iterator which can be used to efficiently step through the objects attached to this node.

This is a much faster way to go through all the objects attached to the node than using getAttachedObject. But the iterator returned is only valid until a change is made to the collection (ie an addition or removal) so treat the returned iterator as transient, and don't add / remove items as you go through the iterator, save changes until the end, or retrieve a new iterator after making the change. Making changes to the object returned through the iterator is OK though.

◆ getAttachedObjectIterator() [2/2]

virtual ConstObjectIterator Ogre::SceneNode::getAttachedObjectIterator ( ) const

Retrieves an iterator which can be used to efficiently step through the objects attached to this node.

This is a much faster way to go through all the objects attached to the node than using getAttachedObject. But the iterator returned is only valid until a change is made to the collection (ie an addition or removal) so treat the returned iterator as transient, and don't add / remove items as you go through the iterator, save changes until the end, or retrieve a new iterator after making the change. Making changes to the object returned through the iterator is OK though.

◆ getAttachments()

const ObjectVec& Ogre::SceneNode::getAttachments ( )

◆ getCreator()

SceneManager* Ogre::SceneNode::getCreator ( ) const

Gets the creator of this scene node.

This method returns the SceneManager which created this node. This can be useful for destroying this node.

◆ getDefaultNodeMemoryManager()

NodeMemoryManager* Ogre::SceneNode::getDefaultNodeMemoryManager ( SceneMemoryMgrTypes  sceneType)

As Node::getDebugRenderable, except scaling is automatically determined.

Implements Ogre::Node.

◆ getParentSceneNode()

SceneNode* Ogre::SceneNode::getParentSceneNode ( ) const

Gets the parent of this SceneNode.

◆ isYawFixed()

bool Ogre::SceneNode::isYawFixed ( ) const

◆ lookAt()

virtual void Ogre::SceneNode::lookAt ( const Vector3 targetPoint,
TransformSpace  relativeTo,
const Vector3 localDirectionVector = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z 

Points the local -Z direction of this node at a point in space.

targetPointA vector specifying the look at point.
relativeToThe space in which the point resides
localDirectionVectorThe vector which normally describes the natural direction of the node, usually -Z

◆ numAttachedObjects()

size_t Ogre::SceneNode::numAttachedObjects ( ) const

Reports the number of objects attached to this node.

◆ removeAndDestroyAllChildren()

virtual void Ogre::SceneNode::removeAndDestroyAllChildren ( )

Removes and destroys all children of this node.

Use this to destroy all child nodes of this node and remove them from the scene graph. Note that all objects attached to this node will be detached but will not be destroyed.

◆ removeAndDestroyChild()

virtual void Ogre::SceneNode::removeAndDestroyChild ( SceneNode sceneNode)

This method removes and destroys the child and all of its children.

Unlike removeChild, which removes a single child from this node but does not destroy it, this method destroys the child and all of it's children.
Use this if you wish to recursively destroy a node as well as detaching it from it's parent. Note that any objects attached to the nodes will be detached but will not themselves be destroyed.
sceneNodeSceneNode, must be a child of ours

◆ setAutoTracking()

virtual void Ogre::SceneNode::setAutoTracking ( bool  enabled,
SceneNode *const  target = 0,
const Vector3 localDirectionVector = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z,
const Vector3 offset = Vector3::ZERO 

Enables / disables automatic tracking of another SceneNode.

If you enable auto-tracking, this SceneNode will automatically rotate to point it's -Z at the target SceneNode every frame, no matter how it or the other SceneNode move. Note that by default the -Z points at the origin of the target SceneNode, if you want to tweak this, provide a vector in the 'offset' parameter and the target point will be adjusted.
enabledIf true, tracking will be enabled and the next parameter cannot be null. If false tracking will be disabled and the current orientation will be maintained.
targetPointer to the SceneNode to track. Make sure you don't delete this SceneNode before turning off tracking (e.g. SceneManager::clearScene will delete it so be careful of this). Can be null if and only if the enabled param is false.
localDirectionVectorThe local vector considered to be the usual 'direction' of the node; normally the local -Z but can be another direction.
offsetIf supplied, this is the target point in local space of the target node instead of the origin of the target node. Good for fine tuning the look at point.

◆ setDirection() [1/2]

virtual void Ogre::SceneNode::setDirection ( const Vector3 vec,
TransformSpace  relativeTo = TS_LOCAL,
const Vector3 localDirectionVector = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z 

Sets the node's direction vector ie it's local -z.

Note that the 'up' vector for the orientation will automatically be recalculated based on the current 'up' vector (i.e. the roll will remain the same). If you need more control, use setOrientation.
vecThe direction vector
relativeToThe space in which this direction vector is expressed
localDirectionVectorThe vector which normally describes the natural direction of the node, usually -Z

◆ setDirection() [2/2]

virtual void Ogre::SceneNode::setDirection ( Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z,
TransformSpace  relativeTo = TS_LOCAL,
const Vector3 localDirectionVector = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z 

Sets the node's direction vector ie it's local -z.

Note that the 'up' vector for the orientation will automatically be recalculated based on the current 'up' vector (i.e. the roll will remain the same). If you need more control, use setOrientation.
x,y,zThe components of the direction vector
relativeToThe space in which this direction vector is expressed
localDirectionVectorThe vector which normally describes the natural direction of the node, usually -Z

◆ setFixedYawAxis()

void Ogre::SceneNode::setFixedYawAxis ( bool  useFixed,
const Vector3 fixedAxis = Vector3::UNIT_Y 

Tells the node whether to yaw around it's own local Y axis or a fixed axis of choice.

This method allows you to change the yaw behaviour of the node - by default, it yaws around it's own local Y axis when told to yaw with TS_LOCAL, this makes it yaw around a fixed axis. You only really need this when you're using auto tracking (see setAutoTracking, because when you're manually rotating a node you can specify the TransformSpace in which you wish to work anyway.
useFixedIf true, the axis passed in the second parameter will always be the yaw axis no matter what the node orientation. If false, the node returns to it's default behaviour.
fixedAxisThe axis to use if the first parameter is true.

◆ setListener()

void Ogre::SceneNode::setListener ( Listener listener)

Sets a listener for this Node.

Note for size and performance reasons only one listener per node is allowed.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Node.

◆ setStatic()

bool Ogre::SceneNode::setStatic ( bool  bStatic)

Turns this Node into static or dynamic.

Switching between dynamic and static has some overhead and forces to update all static scene when converted to static. So don't do it frequently. Static objects are not updated every frame, only when requested explicitly. Use this feature if you plan to have this object unaltered for a very long times
Changing this attribute to a node will cause to switch the attribute to all attached entities (but not children or parent nodes; it's perfectly valid and useful to have dynamic children of a static parent; although the opposite (static children, dynamic parent) is probably a bug.
True if setStatic made an actual change. False otherwise. Can fail because the object was already static/dynamic, or because switching is not supported

Reimplemented from Ogre::Node.

◆ setVisible()

virtual void Ogre::SceneNode::setVisible ( bool  visible,
bool  cascade = true 

Makes all objects attached to this node become visible / invisible.

This is a shortcut to calling setVisible() on the objects attached to this node, and optionally to all objects attached to child nodes.
visibleWhether the objects are to be made visible or invisible
cascadeIf true, this setting cascades into child nodes too.

◆ yaw()

void Ogre::SceneNode::yaw ( const Radian angle,
TransformSpace  relativeTo = TS_LOCAL 

Rotate the node around the Y-axis.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: