OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::VulkanRootLayout Class Referencefinal

#include <OgreVulkanRootLayout.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::VulkanRootLayout:

Public Member Functions

 VulkanRootLayout (VulkanGpuProgramManager *programManager)
 ~VulkanRootLayout ()
void bind (VulkanDevice *device, VulkanVaoManager *vaoManager, const VulkanGlobalBindingTable &table)
 Takes an emulated D3D11/Metal-style table and binds it according to this layout's rules. More...
void copyFrom (const RootLayout &rootLayout, bool bIncludeArrayBindings=true)
 Copies all our parameters from 'other' Does NOT call validate() More...
void copyTo (RootLayout &outRootLayout, bool bIncludeArrayBindings)
 Performs outRootLayout.copyFrom( this ) This function is necessary because RootLayout is a protected base class. More...
VkPipelineLayout createVulkanHandles ()
 Creates most of our Vulkan handles required to build a PSO. More...
void dump (String &outJson) const
 Dumps the current RootLayout to a JSON string. More...
bool findBindingIndex (const uint32 setIdx, const uint32 targetBindingIdx, DescBindingTypes::DescBindingTypes &outType, size_t &outRelativeSlotIndex) const
 O( N ) search to find DescBindingRange via its flattened vulkan binding idx (i.e. More...
bool findParamsBuffer (uint32 shaderStage, size_t &outSetIdx, size_t &outBindingIdx) const
 Retrieves the set and binding idx of the params buffer. More...
void generateRootLayoutMacros (uint32 shaderStage, ShaderSyntax shaderType, String &inOutString) const
 Generates all the macros for compiling shaders, based on our layout. More...
const DescBindingRangegetDescBindingRanges (size_t setIdx) const
const DescBindingRangegetDescBindingRanges (size_t setIdx) const
bool operator< (const VulkanRootLayout &other) const
void parseRootLayout (const char *rootLayout, const bool bCompute, const String &filename)
 Parses a root layout definition from a JSON string The JSON string: More...
void validateArrayBindings (const RootLayout &groundTruth, const String &filename) const
 Validates that the array bindings in groundTruth.mArrayRanges are included in this->mArrayRanges. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static VulkanRootLayoutfindBest (VulkanRootLayout *a, VulkanRootLayout *b)
 Two root layouts can be incompatible. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VulkanRootLayout()

Ogre::VulkanRootLayout::VulkanRootLayout ( VulkanGpuProgramManager programManager)

◆ ~VulkanRootLayout()

Ogre::VulkanRootLayout::~VulkanRootLayout ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ bind()

void Ogre::VulkanRootLayout::bind ( VulkanDevice device,
VulkanVaoManager vaoManager,
const VulkanGlobalBindingTable table 

Takes an emulated D3D11/Metal-style table and binds it according to this layout's rules.

This updates N descriptors (1 for each set) and binds them

vaoManagerThe VaoManager so we can grab new VulkanDescriptorPools shall we need them
tableThe emulated table to bind it

◆ copyFrom()

void Ogre::VulkanRootLayout::copyFrom ( const RootLayout rootLayout,
bool  bIncludeArrayBindings = true 

Copies all our parameters from 'other' Does NOT call validate()

bIncludeArrayBindingsWhen false, mArrayRanges are not included

◆ copyTo()

void Ogre::VulkanRootLayout::copyTo ( RootLayout outRootLayout,
bool  bIncludeArrayBindings 

Performs outRootLayout.copyFrom( this ) This function is necessary because RootLayout is a protected base class.

◆ createVulkanHandles()

VkPipelineLayout Ogre::VulkanRootLayout::createVulkanHandles ( )

Creates most of our Vulkan handles required to build a PSO.

This function is not called by parseRootLayout because if two Root Layouts are identical, then after calling a->parseRootLayout(), instead of calling a->createVulkanHandles() we first must look for an already existing VulkanRootLayout and reuse it.

VkPipelineLayout handle for building the PSO.

◆ dump()

void Ogre::RootLayout::dump

Dumps the current RootLayout to a JSON string.

◆ findBest()

static VulkanRootLayout* Ogre::VulkanRootLayout::findBest ( VulkanRootLayout a,
VulkanRootLayout b 

Two root layouts can be incompatible.

If so, we return nullptr

If a and b are compatible, we return the best one (one that can satisfy both a and b).

a or b can be nullptr

◆ findBindingIndex()

bool Ogre::VulkanRootLayout::findBindingIndex ( const uint32  setIdx,
const uint32  targetBindingIdx,
DescBindingTypes::DescBindingTypes outType,
size_t &  outRelativeSlotIndex 
) const

O( N ) search to find DescBindingRange via its flattened vulkan binding idx (i.e.

reverse search)

outType[out] The type located. Not touched if not found
outRelativeSlotIndex[out] The slot index expressed in the respective DescBindingTypes. Not touched if not found
False if not found

◆ findParamsBuffer()

bool Ogre::RootLayout::findParamsBuffer

Retrieves the set and binding idx of the params buffer.

shaderStageSee GpuProgramType
outSetIdx[out] Set in which it is located Value will not be modified if we return false
outBindingIdx[out] Binding index in which it is located Value will not be modified if we return false
True if there is a params buffer False otherwise and output params won't be modified

◆ generateRootLayoutMacros()

void Ogre::VulkanRootLayout::generateRootLayoutMacros ( uint32  shaderStage,
ShaderSyntax  shaderType,
String inOutString 
) const

Generates all the macros for compiling shaders, based on our layout.

e.g. a layout like this:

"0" :
"has_params" : true
"const_buffers" : [2, 4]
"tex_buffers" : [0, 1]
"samplers" : [1, 2],
"textures" : [1, 2]

will generate the following:

#define ogre_P0 set = 0, binding = 0 // Params buffer
#define ogre_B2 set = 0, binding = 1 // Const buffer at slot 2
#define ogre_B3 set = 0, binding = 2
#define ogre_T0 set = 0, binding = 3 // Tex buffer at slot 0
#define ogre_t1 set = 0, binding = 4 // Texture at slot 1
// (other APIs share tex buffer & texture slots)
#define ogre_s1 set = 0, binding = 5 // Sampler at slot 1
shaderStageSee GpuProgramType
inOutString[in/out] String to output our macros

◆ getDescBindingRanges() [1/2]

const DescBindingRange* Ogre::RootLayout::getDescBindingRanges

◆ getDescBindingRanges() [2/2]

const DescBindingRange* Ogre::VulkanRootLayout::getDescBindingRanges ( size_t  setIdx) const

◆ operator<()

bool Ogre::VulkanRootLayout::operator< ( const VulkanRootLayout other) const

◆ parseRootLayout()

void Ogre::VulkanRootLayout::parseRootLayout ( const char *  rootLayout,
const bool  bCompute,
const String filename 

Parses a root layout definition from a JSON string The JSON string:

"0" :
"has_params" : ["all", "vs", "gs", "hs", "ds", "ps", "cs"],
"const_buffers" : [0, 16],
"tex_buffers" : [1, 16],
"textures" : [0, 1],
"samplers" : [0, 1],
"uav_buffers" : [0, 16]
"uav_textures" : [16, 32],
"baked" : false
"arrays" :
"tex_buffers" : [[4, 5], [10, 2]],

has_params can establish which shader stages allow parameters.

  • "all" means all shader stages (vs through ps for graphics, cs for compute)

Note that for compatibility with other APIs, textures and tex_buffers cannot overlap Same with uav_buffers and uav_textures

rootLayoutJSON string containing root layout
bComputeTrue if this is meant for compute. False for graphics
filenameFilename for logging purposes if errors are found

◆ validateArrayBindings()

void Ogre::RootLayout::validateArrayBindings

Validates that the array bindings in groundTruth.mArrayRanges are included in this->mArrayRanges.

Will throw otherwise

groundTruthRoot Layout to compare against. Its data should've been obtrained through reflection
filenameFilename for logging purposes if errors are found

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