OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance Class Reference

A OldSkeletonInstance is a single instance of a Skeleton used by a world object. More...

#include <OgreOldSkeletonInstance.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance:

Public Member Functions

 OldSkeletonInstance (const SkeletonPtr &masterCopy)
 Constructor, don't call directly, this will be created automatically when you create an Entity based on a skeletally animated Mesh. More...
 ~OldSkeletonInstance () override
Animation_getAnimationImpl (const String &name, const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource **linker=0) const override
 Internal accessor for animations (returns null if animation does not exist) More...
void _initAnimationState (AnimationStateSet *animSet) override
 Initialise an animation set suitable for use with this skeleton. More...
void _refreshAnimationState (AnimationStateSet *animSet) override
 Refresh an animation set suitable for use with this skeleton. More...
void addLinkedSkeletonAnimationSource (const String &skelName, Real scale=1.0f) override
 Allows you to use the animations from another Skeleton object to animate this skeleton. More...
AnimationcreateAnimation (const String &name, Real length) override
 Creates a new Animation object for animating this skeleton. More...
TagPointcreateTagPointOnBone (OldBone *bone, const Quaternion &offsetOrientation=Quaternion::IDENTITY, const Vector3 &offsetPosition=Vector3::ZERO)
 Creates a TagPoint ready to be attached to a bone. More...
void freeTagPoint (TagPoint *tagPoint)
 Frees a TagPoint that already attached to a bone. More...
AnimationgetAnimation (const String &name, const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource **linker=0) const override
 Returns the named Animation object. More...
AnimationgetAnimation (unsigned short index) const override
 Gets a single animation by index. More...
const StringgetGroup () const override
 Gets the group which this resource is a member of. More...
ResourceHandle getHandle () const override
LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceIterator getLinkedSkeletonAnimationSourceIterator () const override
 Get an iterator over the linked skeletons used as animation sources. More...
const StringgetName () const override
 Gets resource name. More...
unsigned short getNumAnimations () const override
 Gets the number of animations on this skeleton. More...
void removeAllLinkedSkeletonAnimationSources () override
 Remove all links to other skeletons for the purposes of sharing animation. More...
void removeAnimation (const String &name) override
 Removes an Animation from this skeleton. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::v1::Skeleton
 Skeleton (ResourceManager *creator, const String &name, ResourceHandle handle, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0)
 Constructor, don't call directly, use SkeletonManager. More...
 ~Skeleton () override
virtual void _buildMapBoneByHandle (const Skeleton *source, BoneHandleMap &boneHandleMap) const
 Build the bone handle map to use with Skeleton::_mergeSkeletonAnimations. More...
virtual void _buildMapBoneByName (const Skeleton *source, BoneHandleMap &boneHandleMap) const
 Build the bone handle map to use with Skeleton::_mergeSkeletonAnimations. More...
virtual void _getBoneMatrices (Matrix4 *pMatrices)
 Populates the passed in array with the bone matrices based on the current position. More...
virtual void _mergeSkeletonAnimations (const Skeleton *source, const BoneHandleMap &boneHandleMap, const StringVector &animations=StringVector())
 Merge animations from another Skeleton object into this skeleton. More...
virtual void _notifyManualBonesDirty ()
 Internal method for marking the manual bones as dirty. More...
virtual void _notifyManualBoneStateChange (OldBone *bone)
 Internal method for notifying that a bone is manual. More...
virtual void _updateTransforms ()
 Updates all the derived transforms in the skeleton. More...
AnimationcreateAnimation (const String &name, Real length) override
 Creates a new Animation object for animating this skeleton. More...
virtual OldBonecreateBone ()
 Creates a brand new OldBone owned by this Skeleton. More...
virtual OldBonecreateBone (const String &name)
 Creates a brand new OldBone owned by this Skeleton. More...
virtual OldBonecreateBone (const String &name, unsigned short handle)
 Creates a brand new OldBone owned by this Skeleton. More...
virtual OldBonecreateBone (unsigned short handle)
 Creates a brand new OldBone owned by this Skeleton. More...
AnimationgetAnimation (const String &name) const override
 Returns the named Animation object. More...
AnimationgetAnimation (unsigned short index) const override
 Gets a single animation by index. More...
virtual SkeletonAnimationBlendMode getBlendMode () const
 Gets the animation blending mode which this skeleton will use. More...
virtual OldBonegetBone (const String &name) const
 Gets a bone by it's name. More...
virtual OldBonegetBone (unsigned short handle) const
 Gets a bone by it's handle. More...
virtual BoneIterator getBoneIterator ()
 Get an iterator over all the bones in the skeleton. More...
ConstBoneIterator getBoneIteratorConst () const
virtual bool getManualBonesDirty () const
 Have manual bones been modified since the skeleton was last updated? More...
unsigned short getNumAnimations () const override
 Gets the number of animations on this skeleton. More...
virtual unsigned short getNumBones () const
 Returns the number of bones in this skeleton. More...
virtual OldBonegetRootBone () const
 Gets the root bone of the skeleton: deprecated in favour of getRootBoneIterator. More...
virtual BoneIterator getRootBoneIterator ()
 Get an iterator over the root bones in the skeleton, ie those with no parents. More...
bool hasAnimation (const String &name) const override
 Returns whether this skeleton contains the named animation. More...
virtual bool hasBone (const String &name) const
 Returns whether this skeleton contains the named bone. More...
virtual bool hasManualBones () const
 Are there any manually controlled bones? More...
virtual void optimiseAllAnimations (bool preservingIdentityNodeTracks=false)
 Optimise all of this skeleton's animations. More...
void removeAnimation (const String &name) override
 Removes an Animation from this skeleton. More...
virtual void reset (bool resetManualBones=false)
 Resets the position and orientation of all bones in this skeleton to their original binding position. More...
virtual void setAnimationState (const AnimationStateSet &animSet)
 Changes the state of the skeleton to reflect the application of the passed in collection of animations. More...
virtual void setBindingPose ()
 Sets the current position / orientation to be the 'binding pose' i.e. More...
virtual void setBlendMode (SkeletonAnimationBlendMode state)
 Sets the animation blending mode this skeleton will use. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Resource
 Resource (ResourceManager *creator, const String &name, ResourceHandle handle, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0)
 Standard constructor. More...
virtual ~Resource ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
virtual void _dirtyState ()
 Manually mark the state of this resource as having been changed. More...
virtual void _fireLoadingComplete (bool wasBackgroundLoaded)
 Firing of loading complete event. More...
virtual void _firePreparingComplete (bool wasBackgroundLoaded)
 Firing of preparing complete event. More...
virtual void _fireUnloadingComplete ()
 Firing of unloading complete event. More...
virtual void _notifyOrigin (const String &origin)
 Notify this resource of it's origin. More...
virtual void addListener (Listener *lis)
 Register a listener on this resource. More...
virtual void changeGroupOwnership (const String &newGroup)
 Change the resource group ownership of a Resource. More...
virtual void escalateLoading ()
 Escalates the loading of a background loaded resource. More...
virtual ResourceManagergetCreator ()
 Gets the manager which created this resource. More...
virtual LoadingState getLoadingState () const
 Returns the current loading state. More...
virtual const StringgetOrigin () const
 Get the origin of this resource, e.g. More...
virtual size_t getSize () const
 Retrieves info about the size of the resource. More...
virtual size_t getStateCount () const
 Returns the number of times this resource has changed state, which generally means the number of times it has been loaded. More...
virtual bool isBackgroundLoaded () const
 Returns whether this Resource has been earmarked for background loading. More...
virtual bool isLoaded () const
 Returns true if the Resource has been loaded, false otherwise. More...
virtual bool isLoading () const
 Returns whether the resource is currently in the process of background loading. More...
virtual bool isManuallyLoaded () const
 Is this resource manually loaded? More...
virtual bool isPrepared () const
 Returns true if the Resource has been prepared, false otherwise. More...
virtual bool isReloadable () const
 Returns true if the Resource is reloadable, false otherwise. More...
virtual void load (bool backgroundThread=false)
 Loads the resource, if it is not already. More...
bool markForReload ()
virtual void prepare (bool backgroundThread=false)
 Prepares the resource for load, if it is not already. More...
virtual void reload (LoadingFlags flags=LF_DEFAULT)
 Reloads the resource, if it is already loaded. More...
virtual void removeListener (Listener *lis)
 Remove a listener on this resource. More...
virtual void setBackgroundLoaded (bool bl)
 Tells the resource whether it is background loaded or not. More...
virtual void setManuallyLoaded (bool isManual)
 Set "Is this resource manually loaded?". More...
virtual void setToLoaded ()
 Change the Resource loading state to loaded. More...
virtual void touch ()
 'Touches' the resource to indicate it has been used. More...
virtual void unload ()
 Unloads the resource; this is not permanent, the resource can be reloaded later if required. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::StringInterface
 StringInterface ()
virtual ~StringInterface ()
 Virtual destructor, see Effective C++. More...
virtual void copyParametersTo (StringInterface *dest) const
 Method for copying this object's parameters to another object. More...
ParamDictionarygetParamDictionary ()
 Retrieves the parameter dictionary for this class. More...
const ParamDictionarygetParamDictionary () const
virtual String getParameter (const String &name) const
 Generic parameter retrieval method. More...
const ParameterListgetParameters () const
 Retrieves a list of parameters valid for this object. More...
virtual bool setParameter (const String &name, const String &value)
 Generic parameter setting method. More...
virtual void setParameterList (const NameValuePairList &paramList)
 Generic multiple parameter setting method. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::v1::AnimationContainer
virtual ~AnimationContainer ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Ogre::v1::Skeleton
typedef vector< ushort >::type BoneHandleMap
 Map to translate bone handle from one skeleton to another skeleton. More...
typedef VectorIterator< BoneListBoneIterator
typedef vector< OldBone * >::type BoneList
typedef ConstVectorIterator< BoneListConstBoneIterator
typedef ConstVectorIterator< LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceListLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceIterator
typedef vector< LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource >::type LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList
- Public Types inherited from Ogre::Resource
enum  LoadingFlags {
 Enum that allow to choose subset of unloaded/reloaded resources and to adjust reloading behavior. More...
enum  LoadingState {
 Enum identifying the loading state of the resource. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::StringInterface
static void cleanupDictionary ()
 Cleans up the static 'msDictionary' required to reset Ogre, otherwise the containers are left with invalid pointers, which will lead to a crash as soon as one of the ResourceManager implementers (e.g. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Ogre::Resource

Detailed Description

A OldSkeletonInstance is a single instance of a Skeleton used by a world object.

The difference between a Skeleton and a OldSkeletonInstance is that the Skeleton is the 'master' version much like Mesh is a 'master' version of Entity. Many OldSkeletonInstance objects can be based on a single Skeleton, and are copies of it when created. Any changes made to this are not reflected in the master copy. The exception is animations; these are shared on the Skeleton itself and may not be modified here.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OldSkeletonInstance()

Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::OldSkeletonInstance ( const SkeletonPtr masterCopy)

Constructor, don't call directly, this will be created automatically when you create an Entity based on a skeletally animated Mesh.

◆ ~OldSkeletonInstance()

Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::~OldSkeletonInstance ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _getAnimationImpl()

Animation* Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::_getAnimationImpl ( const String name,
const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource **  linker = 0 
) const

Internal accessor for animations (returns null if animation does not exist)

Reimplemented from Ogre::v1::Skeleton.

◆ _initAnimationState()

void Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::_initAnimationState ( AnimationStateSet animSet)

Initialise an animation set suitable for use with this skeleton.

Only recommended for use inside the engine, not by applications.

Reimplemented from Ogre::v1::Skeleton.

◆ _refreshAnimationState()

void Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::_refreshAnimationState ( AnimationStateSet animSet)

Refresh an animation set suitable for use with this skeleton.

Only recommended for use inside the engine, not by applications.

Reimplemented from Ogre::v1::Skeleton.

◆ addLinkedSkeletonAnimationSource()

void Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::addLinkedSkeletonAnimationSource ( const String skelName,
Real  scale = 1.0f 

Allows you to use the animations from another Skeleton object to animate this skeleton.

If you have skeletons of identical structure (that means identically named bones with identical handles, and with the same hierarchy), but slightly different proportions or binding poses, you can re-use animations from one in the other. Because animations are actually stored as changes to bones from their bind positions, it's possible to use the same animation data for different skeletons, provided the skeletal structure matches and the 'deltas' stored in the keyframes apply equally well to the other skeletons bind position (so they must be roughly similar, but don't have to be identical). You can use the 'scale' option to adjust the translation and scale keyframes where there are large differences in size between the skeletons.
This method takes a skeleton name, rather than a more specific animation name, for two reasons; firstly it allows some validation of compatibility of skeletal structure, and secondly skeletons are the unit of loading. Linking a skeleton to another in this way means that the linkee will be prevented from being destroyed until the linker is destroyed.

You cannot set up cyclic relationships, e.g. SkeletonA uses SkeletonB's animations, and SkeletonB uses SkeletonA's animations. This is because it would set up a circular dependency which would prevent proper unloading - make one of the skeletons the 'master' in this case.

skelNameName of the skeleton to link animations from. This skeleton will be loaded immediately if this skeleton is already loaded, otherwise it will be loaded when this skeleton is.
scaleA scale factor to apply to translation and scaling elements of the keyframes in the other skeleton when applying the animations to this one. Compensates for skeleton size differences.

Reimplemented from Ogre::v1::Skeleton.

◆ createAnimation()

Animation* Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::createAnimation ( const String name,
Real  length 

Creates a new Animation object for animating this skeleton.

This method updates the reference skeleton, not just this instance!
nameThe name of this animation
lengthThe length of the animation in seconds

Implements Ogre::v1::AnimationContainer.

◆ createTagPointOnBone()

TagPoint* Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::createTagPointOnBone ( OldBone bone,
const Quaternion offsetOrientation = Quaternion::IDENTITY,
const Vector3 offsetPosition = Vector3::ZERO 

Creates a TagPoint ready to be attached to a bone.

◆ freeTagPoint()

void Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::freeTagPoint ( TagPoint tagPoint)

Frees a TagPoint that already attached to a bone.

◆ getAnimation() [1/2]

Animation* Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::getAnimation ( const String name,
const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource **  linker = 0 
) const

Returns the named Animation object.

Reimplemented from Ogre::v1::Skeleton.

◆ getAnimation() [2/2]

Animation* Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::getAnimation ( unsigned short  index) const

Gets a single animation by index.

Implements Ogre::v1::AnimationContainer.

◆ getGroup()

const String& Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::getGroup ( ) const

Gets the group which this resource is a member of.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Resource.

◆ getHandle()

ResourceHandle Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::getHandle ( ) const

Reimplemented from Ogre::Resource.

◆ getLinkedSkeletonAnimationSourceIterator()

LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceIterator Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::getLinkedSkeletonAnimationSourceIterator ( ) const

Get an iterator over the linked skeletons used as animation sources.

Reimplemented from Ogre::v1::Skeleton.

◆ getName()

const String& Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::getName ( ) const

Gets resource name.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Resource.

◆ getNumAnimations()

unsigned short Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::getNumAnimations ( ) const

Gets the number of animations on this skeleton.

Implements Ogre::v1::AnimationContainer.

◆ removeAllLinkedSkeletonAnimationSources()

void Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::removeAllLinkedSkeletonAnimationSources ( )

Remove all links to other skeletons for the purposes of sharing animation.

Reimplemented from Ogre::v1::Skeleton.

◆ removeAnimation()

void Ogre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance::removeAnimation ( const String name)

Removes an Animation from this skeleton.

This method updates the reference skeleton, not just this instance!

Implements Ogre::v1::AnimationContainer.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: