OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::StoreAction Namespace Reference


enum  StoreAction {
  DontCare , Store , MultisampleResolve , StoreAndMultisampleResolve ,

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ StoreAction


Discard the contents after we're done with the current pass.

Useful if you only want colour and don't care what happens with the depth & stencil buffers. Discarding contents either improves framerate or battery duration (particularly important in mobile), or makes rendering friendlier for SLI/Crossfire.


Keep the contents of what we've just rendered.


Resolve MSAA rendering into resolve texture.

Contents of MSAA texture are discarded. It is invalid to use this flag without an MSAA texture.


Resolve MSAA rendering into resolve texture.

Contents of MSAA texture are kept. It is valid to use this flag without an MSAA texture.


If texture is MSAA, has same effects as MultisampleResolve.

If texture is not MSAA, has same effects as Store. There is one exception: If texture is MSAA w/ explicit resolves, but no resolve texture was set, it has same effects as Store

To be used only by the Compositor. Should not be used in the actual RenderPassDescriptor directly.