| D3D11TextureGpuManager (VaoManager *vaoManager, RenderSystem *renderSystem, D3D11Device &device) |
| ~D3D11TextureGpuManager () override |
void | _createD3DResources () |
void | _destroyD3DResources () |
TextureGpu * | createTextureGpuWindow (bool fromFlipModeSwapchain, Window *window) |
| Creates a special D3D11TextureGpuWindow pointer, to be used by Ogre::Window.
TextureGpu * | createWindowDepthBuffer () |
ID3D11Resource * | getBlankTextureD3dName (TextureTypes::TextureTypes textureType) const |
ID3D11ShaderResourceView * | getBlankTextureSrv (TextureTypes::TextureTypes textureType) const |
D3D11Device & | getDevice () |
| TextureGpuManager (VaoManager *vaoManager, RenderSystem *renderSystem) |
| ~TextureGpuManager () override |
void | _queueDownloadToRam (TextureGpu *texture, bool resyncOnly) |
void | _releaseSlotFromTexture (TextureGpu *texture) |
| Must be called from main thread.
void | _removeMetadataCacheEntry (TextureGpu *texture) |
void | _reserveSlotForTexture (TextureGpu *texture) |
| Must be called from main thread.
void | _scheduleTransitionTo (TextureGpu *texture, GpuResidency::GpuResidency targetResidency, Image2 *image, bool autoDeleteImage, bool reuploadOnly, bool bSkipMultiload) |
void | _scheduleUpdate (TextureGpu *texture, uint32 filters, Image2 *image, bool autoDeleteImage, bool skipMetadataCache=false, uint32 sliceOrDepth=std::numeric_limits< uint32 >::max()) |
void | _setIgnoreScheduledTasks (bool ignoreSchedTasks) |
| When true we will ignore all tasks in mScheduledTasks and execute transitions immediately Caller is responsible for ensuring this is safe to do.
bool | _update (bool syncWithWorkerThread) |
| Returns true if there is no more streaming work to be done yet (if false, calls to _update could be needed once again) See waitForStreamingCompletion.
void | _updateMetadataCache (TextureGpu *texture) |
void | _updateStreaming () |
unsigned long | _updateStreamingWorkerThread (ThreadHandle *threadHandle) |
unsigned long | _updateTextureMultiLoadWorkerThread (ThreadHandle *threadHandle) |
| Implements multiload.
void | _waitFor (TextureGpu *texture, bool metadataOnly) |
| Do not use directly. See TextureGpu::waitForMetadata & TextureGpu::waitForDataReady.
void | _waitForPendingGpuToCpuSyncs (TextureGpu *texture) |
| Do not use directly. See TextureGpu::waitForPendingSyncs.
bool | allowMemoryless () const |
virtual bool | checkSupport (PixelFormatGpu format, TextureTypes::TextureTypes textureType, uint32 textureFlags) const |
| Checks if the given format with the texture flags combination is supported.
AsyncTextureTicket * | createAsyncTextureTicket (uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 depthOrSlices, TextureTypes::TextureTypes textureType, PixelFormatGpu pixelFormatFamily) |
| Creates an AsyncTextureTicket that can be used to download data GPU -> CPU from a TextureGpu.
TextureGpu * | createOrRetrieveTexture (const String &name, const String &aliasName, GpuPageOutStrategy::GpuPageOutStrategy pageOutStrategy, CommonTextureTypes::CommonTextureTypes type, const String &resourceGroup=BLANKSTRING, uint32 poolId=0) |
| Helper function to call createOrRetrieveTexture with common parameters used for 2D diffuse textures loaded from file.
TextureGpu * | createOrRetrieveTexture (const String &name, const String &aliasName, GpuPageOutStrategy::GpuPageOutStrategy pageOutStrategy, uint32 textureFlags, TextureTypes::TextureTypes initialType, const String &resourceGroup=BLANKSTRING, uint32 filters=0, uint32 poolId=0) |
TextureGpu * | createOrRetrieveTexture (const String &name, GpuPageOutStrategy::GpuPageOutStrategy pageOutStrategy, CommonTextureTypes::CommonTextureTypes type, const String &resourceGroup=BLANKSTRING, uint32 poolId=0) |
TextureGpu * | createOrRetrieveTexture (const String &name, GpuPageOutStrategy::GpuPageOutStrategy pageOutStrategy, uint32 textureFlags, TextureTypes::TextureTypes initialType, const String &resourceGroup=BLANKSTRING, uint32 filters=0, uint32 poolId=0) |
TextureGpu * | createTexture (const String &name, const String &aliasName, GpuPageOutStrategy::GpuPageOutStrategy pageOutStrategy, uint32 textureFlags, TextureTypes::TextureTypes initialType, const String &resourceGroup=BLANKSTRING, uint32 filters=0, uint32 poolId=0) |
TextureGpu * | createTexture (const String &name, GpuPageOutStrategy::GpuPageOutStrategy pageOutStrategy, uint32 textureFlags, TextureTypes::TextureTypes initialType, const String &resourceGroup=BLANKSTRING, uint32 filters=0, uint32 poolId=0) |
void | destroyAllAsyncTextureTicket () |
void | destroyAsyncTextureTicket (AsyncTextureTicket *ticket) |
void | destroyTexture (TextureGpu *texture) |
| Destroys a texture.
void | dumpMemoryUsage (Log *log, Ogre::uint32 mask=ResidencyMask::All) const |
void | dumpStats () const |
void | exportTextureMetadataCache (String &outJson) |
const String * | findAliasNameStr (IdString idName) const |
| This function CAN be called from any thread.
const String * | findResourceGroupStr (IdString idName) const |
| This function CAN be called from any thread.
const String * | findResourceNameStr (IdString idName) const |
| This function CAN be called from any thread.
TextureGpu * | findTextureNoThrow (IdString name) const |
const BudgetEntryVec & | getBudget () const |
DefaultMipmapGen::DefaultMipmapGen | getDefaultMipmapGeneration () const |
DefaultMipmapGen::DefaultMipmapGen | getDefaultMipmapGenerationCubemaps () const |
const ResourceEntryMap & | getEntries () const |
uint64 | getLoadRequestsCounter () const |
| Calling waitForStreamingCompletion before Root::renderOneFrame should guarantee the render is perfect.
void | getMemoryStats (size_t &outTextureBytesCpu, size_t &outTextureBytesGpu, size_t &outUsedStagingTextureBytes, size_t &outAvailableStagingTextureBytes) |
bool | getProfileLoadingTime () const |
RenderSystem * | getRenderSystem () const |
StagingTexture * | getStagingTexture (uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 depth, uint32 slices, PixelFormatGpu pixelFormat, size_t minConsumptionRatioThreshold=25u) |
| Creates a StagingTexture which is required to upload data CPU -> GPU into a TextureGpu.
VaoManager * | getVaoManager () const |
bool | hasPoolId (uint32 poolId, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint8 numMipmaps, PixelFormatGpu pixelFormat) const |
bool | hasTextureResource (const String &aliasName, const String &resourceGroup) const |
| Returns true if a texture with the given aliasName exists, or if a ResourceGroupListener provides such texture, or if such texture exists (i.e.
void | importTextureMetadataCache (const String &filename, const char *jsonString, bool bCreateReservedPools) |
bool | isDoneStreaming () const |
| Returns true if we're done loading all textures based on the return value of the last call to TextureGpuManager::_update and whether new tasks have been scheduled since then.
void | notifyTextureChanged (TextureGpu *texture, TextureGpuListener::Reason reason, void *extraData) override |
void | removeStagingTexture (StagingTexture *stagingTexture) |
TextureGpu * | reservePoolId (uint32 poolId, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 numSlices, uint8 numMipmaps, PixelFormatGpu pixelFormat) |
| Reserves and preallocates a pool with the given parameters Returns the master texture that owns the pool.
void | saveTexture (TextureGpu *texture, const String &folderPath, set< String >::type &savedTextures, bool saveOitd, bool saveOriginal, HlmsTextureExportListener *listener) |
void | setAllowMemoryless (const bool bAllowMemoryLess) |
| When false, TextureFlags::TilerMemoryless will be ignored (including implicit MSAA surfaces).
void | setDefaultMipmapGeneration (DefaultMipmapGen::DefaultMipmapGen defaultMipmapGen, DefaultMipmapGen::DefaultMipmapGen defaultMipmapGenCubemaps) |
| Whether to use HW or SW mipmap generation when specifying TextureFilter::TypeGenerateDefaultMipmaps for loading files from textures.
void | setMultiLoadPool (uint32 numThreads) |
| OgreNext always performs background streaming to load textures in a worker thread.
void | setProfileLoadingTime (bool bProfile) |
| When enabled, we will profile the time it takes a texture to go from Resident to Ready and Log it.
void | setStagingTextureMaxBudgetBytes (size_t stagingTextureMaxBudgetBytes) |
| At a high level, texture loading works like this:
void | setTextureGpuManagerListener (TextureGpuManagerListener *listener) |
| Sets a new listener.
void | setTrylockMutexFailureLimit (uint32 tryLockFailureLimit) |
| The main thread tries to acquire a lock from the background thread, do something very quick, and release it.
void | setWorkerThreadMaxPerStagingTextureRequestBytes (size_t maxPerStagingTextureRequestBytes) |
| The worker thread tracks how many data it is loading so the Main thread can request additional StagingTextures if necessary.
void | setWorkerThreadMaxPreloadBytes (size_t maxPreloadBytes) |
| The worker thread first loads the texture from disk to RAM (aka "preload", and then copies from RAM to StagingTexture.
void | setWorkerThreadMinimumBudget (const BudgetEntryVec &budget, uint32 maxSplitResolution=0) |
| Background streaming works by having a bunch of preallocated StagingTextures so we're ready to start uploading as soon as we see a request to load a texture from file.
void | shutdown () |
void | waitForStreamingCompletion () |
| Blocks main thread until all pending textures are fully loaded.
virtual | ~TextureGpuListener () |
virtual bool | shouldStayLoaded (TextureGpu *texture) |
| Return true if this TextureGpu should likely stay loaded or else graphical changes could occur.