| GL3PlusTextureGpuRenderTarget (GpuPageOutStrategy::GpuPageOutStrategy pageOutStrategy, VaoManager *vaoManager, IdString name, uint32 textureFlags, TextureTypes::TextureTypes initialType, TextureGpuManager *textureManager) |
| ~GL3PlusTextureGpuRenderTarget () override |
void | _setDepthBufferDefaults (uint16 depthBufferPoolId, bool preferDepthTexture, PixelFormatGpu desiredDepthBufferFormat) override |
| These 3 values are used as defaults for the compositor to use, but they may be explicitly overriden by a RenderPassDescriptor.
uint16 | getDepthBufferPoolId () const override |
PixelFormatGpu | getDesiredDepthBufferFormat () const override |
OrientationMode | getOrientationMode () const override |
bool | getPreferDepthTexture () const override |
void | setOrientationMode (OrientationMode orientationMode) override |
| Sets the given orientation.
| GL3PlusTextureGpu (GpuPageOutStrategy::GpuPageOutStrategy pageOutStrategy, VaoManager *vaoManager, IdString name, uint32 textureFlags, TextureTypes::TextureTypes initialType, TextureGpuManager *textureManager) |
| ~GL3PlusTextureGpu () override |
void | _autogenerateMipmaps (CopyEncTransitionMode::CopyEncTransitionMode transitionMode=CopyEncTransitionMode::Auto) override |
| Tells the API to let the HW autogenerate mipmaps.
bool | _isDataReadyImpl () const override |
| For internal use.
void | _notifyTextureSlotChanged (const TexturePool *newPool, uint16 slice) override |
void | _setToDisplayDummyTexture () override |
void | copyTo (TextureGpu *dst, const TextureBox &dstBox, uint8 dstMipLevel, const TextureBox &srcBox, uint8 srcMipLevel, bool keepResolvedTexSynced=true, CopyEncTransitionMode::CopyEncTransitionMode srcTransitionMode=CopyEncTransitionMode::Auto, CopyEncTransitionMode::CopyEncTransitionMode dstTransitionMode=CopyEncTransitionMode::Auto) override |
void | getCustomAttribute (IdString name, void *pData) override |
GLuint | getDisplayTextureName () const |
| Returns the GLuid of the texture that is being displayed.
GLuint | getFinalTextureName () const |
| Always returns the internal handle that belongs to this texture.
GLenum | getGlTextureTarget () const |
| Returns GL_TEXTURE_2D / GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY / etc.
GLuint | getMsaaFramebufferName () const |
| If MSAA > 1u and TextureFlags::MsaaExplicitResolve is not set, this returns the handle to the temporary MSAA renderbuffer used for rendering, which will later be resolved into the resolve texture.
void | getSubsampleLocations (vector< Vector2 >::type locations) override |
| Get the MSAA subsample locations.
void | notifyDataIsReady () override |
| Notifies it is safe to use the real data. Everything has been uploaded.
void | setTextureType (TextureTypes::TextureTypes textureType) override |
| TextureGpu (GpuPageOutStrategy::GpuPageOutStrategy pageOutStrategy, VaoManager *vaoManager, IdString name, uint32 textureFlags, TextureTypes::TextureTypes initialType, TextureGpuManager *textureManager) |
| ~TextureGpu () override |
uint8 * | _getSysRamCopy (uint8 mipLevel) |
TextureBox | _getSysRamCopyAsBox (uint8 mipLevel) |
size_t | _getSysRamCopyBytesPerImage (uint8 mipLevel) |
| Note: Returns non-zero even if there is no system ram copy.
uint32 | _getSysRamCopyBytesPerRow (uint8 mipLevel) |
| Note: Returns non-zero even if there is no system ram copy.
bool | _isManualTextureFlagPresent () const |
void | _notifySysRamDownloadIsReady (uint8 *sysRamPtr, bool resyncOnly) |
| Do not call directly.
void | _resetTextureManager () |
void | _resolveTo (TextureGpu *resolveTexture) |
| Immediately resolves this texture to the resolveTexture argument.
virtual void | _setNextLayout (ResourceLayout::Layout layout) |
| Sets the layout the texture should be transitioned to after the next copy operation (once the copy encoder gets closed)
void | _setSampleDescription (SampleDescription desc, SampleDescription validatedSampleDesc) |
| For internal use.
void | _setSourceType (uint8 type) |
void | _syncGpuResidentToSystemRam () |
| Forces downloading data from GPU to CPU, usually because the data on GPU changed and we're in strategy AlwaysKeepSystemRamCopy.
void | _transitionTo (GpuResidency::GpuResidency newResidency, uint8 *sysRamCopy, bool autoDeleteSysRamCopy=true) |
| This function may be called manually (if user is manually managing a texture) or automatically (e.g.
void | addListener (TextureGpuListener *listener) |
bool | allowsAutoMipmaps () const |
void | copyContentsToMemory (TextureBox src, TextureBox dst, PixelFormatGpu dstFormat, bool automaticResolve=true) |
| Writes the current contents of the render target to the memory.
void | copyParametersFrom (TextureGpu *src) |
virtual ResourceLayout::Layout | getCurrentLayout () const |
ResourceLayout::Layout | getDefaultLayout (bool bIgnoreDiscardableFlag=false) const |
uint32 | getDepth () const |
| For TypeCube & TypeCubeArray, this value returns 1.
uint32 | getDepthOrSlices () const |
TextureBox | getEmptyBox (uint8 mipLevel) |
uint32 | getHeight () const |
uint32 | getInternalHeight () const |
| Real API height accounting for TextureGpu::getOrientationMode. See getInternalWidth.
uint16 | getInternalSliceStart () const |
TextureTypes::TextureTypes | getInternalTextureType () const |
uint32 | getInternalWidth () const |
| Real API width accounting for TextureGpu::getOrientationMode If orientation mode is 90° or 270° then getInternalWidth returns the height and getInternalHeight returns the width.
const vector< TextureGpuListener * >::type & | getListeners () const |
String | getNameStr () const override |
| Note: This returns the alias name of the texture.
uint8 | getNumMipmaps () const |
uint32 | getNumSlices () const |
| For TypeCube this value returns 6.
PixelFormatGpu | getPixelFormat () const |
virtual String | getRealResourceNameStr () const |
| Returns the real name (e.g. disk in file) of the resource.
SampleDescription | getRequestedSampleDescription () const |
| Returns original requested sample description, i.e. the raw input to setSampleDescription.
virtual String | getResourceGroupStr () const |
SampleDescription | getSampleDescription () const |
| Returns effective sample description supported by the API.
String | getSettingsDesc () const |
size_t | getSizeBytes () const |
| Returns total size in bytes used in GPU by this texture (not by its pool) including mipmaps.
uint8 | getSourceType () const |
| This setting is for where the texture is created, e.g.
TextureGpuManager * | getTextureManager () const |
const TexturePool * | getTexturePool () const |
uint32 | getTexturePoolId () const |
TextureTypes::TextureTypes | getTextureType () const |
uint32 | getWidth () const |
bool | hasAutomaticBatching () const |
bool | hasAutoMipmapAuto () const |
bool | hasEquivalentParameters (TextureGpu *other) const |
bool | hasMsaaExplicitResolves () const |
bool | isDataReady () const |
| True if this texture is fully ready to be used for displaying.
bool | isDiscardableContent () const |
bool | isManualTexture () const |
bool | isMetadataReady () const |
| It is threadsafe to call this function from main thread.
virtual bool | isMsaaPatternSupported (MsaaPatterns::MsaaPatterns pattern) |
bool | isMultisample () const |
virtual bool | isOpenGLRenderWindow () const |
| OpenGL RenderWindows are a bit specific:
bool | isPoolOwner () const |
bool | isReinterpretable () const |
bool | isRenderToTexture () const |
bool | isRenderWindowSpecific () const |
bool | isTexture () const |
bool | isTextureGpu () const override |
bool | isTilerMemoryless () const |
bool | isUav () const |
void | notifyAllListenersTextureChanged (uint32 reason, void *extraData=0) |
bool | prefersLoadingFromFileAsSRGB () const |
void | removeListener (TextureGpuListener *listener) |
bool | requiresTextureFlipping () const |
void | scheduleReupload (Image2 *image=0, bool autoDeleteImage=true, bool bSkipMultiload=false) |
| There are times where you want to reload a texture again (e.g.
void | scheduleTransitionTo (GpuResidency::GpuResidency nextResidency, Image2 *image=0, bool autoDeleteImage=true, bool bSkipMultiload=false) |
| Same as unsafeScheduleTransitionTo, but first checks if we're already in the residency state we want to go to, or if it has already been scheduled; thus it can be called multiple times.
void | setNumMipmaps (uint8 numMipmaps) |
void | setPixelFormat (PixelFormatGpu pixelFormat) |
| Sets the pixel format.
void | setResolution (uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 depthOrSlices=1u) |
void | setSampleDescription (SampleDescription desc) |
void | setTexturePoolId (uint32 poolId) |
| 2D Texture with automatic batching will be merged with other textures into the same pool as one big 2D Array texture behind the scenes.
virtual bool | supportsAsDepthBufferFor (TextureGpu *colourTarget) const |
virtual void | swapBuffers () |
| Only valid for TextureGpu classes.
void | unsafeScheduleTransitionTo (GpuResidency::GpuResidency nextResidency, Image2 *image=0, bool autoDeleteImage=true, bool bSkipMultiload=false) |
| Schedules an async transition in residency.
void | waitForData () |
| Blocks main thread until data is ready.
void | waitForMetadata () |
| Blocks main thread until metadata is ready.
void | writeContentsToFile (const String &filename, uint8 minMip, uint8 maxMip, bool automaticResolve=true) |
| Writes the current contents of the render target to the named file.
virtual | ~GpuTrackedResource () |
| GpuResource (GpuPageOutStrategy::GpuPageOutStrategy pageOutStrategy, VaoManager *vaoManager, IdString name) |
virtual | ~GpuResource () |
void | _addPendingResidencyChanges (uint32 value) |
void | _setNextResidencyStatus (GpuResidency::GpuResidency nextResidency) |
GpuPageOutStrategy::GpuPageOutStrategy | getGpuPageOutStrategy () const |
IdString | getName () const |
GpuResidency::GpuResidency | getNextResidencyStatus () const |
| When getResidencyStatus() != getNextResidencyStatus(), residency changes happen in the main thread, while some preparation may be happening in the background.
uint32 | getPendingResidencyChanges () const |
| Returns the number of pending residency changes.
GpuResidency::GpuResidency | getResidencyStatus () const |