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Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock Class Reference

Contains information needed by PBS (Physically Based Shading) for OpenGL 3+ & D3D11+. More...

#include <OgreHlmsPbsDatablock.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock:

Public Types

enum  TransparencyModes { None , Transparent , Fade , Refractive }
enum  Workflows { SpecularWorkflow , SpecularAsFresnelWorkflow , MetallicWorkflow }

Public Member Functions

 HlmsPbsDatablock (IdString name, HlmsPbs *creator, const HlmsMacroblock *macroblock, const HlmsBlendblock *blendblock, const HlmsParamVec &params)
 Valid parameters in params:
 ~HlmsPbsDatablock () override
bool _hasEmissive () const
 Returns true if getEmissive is non-zero or if there is an emissive texture set.
void calculateHash () override
ColourValue getBackgroundDiffuse () const
uint32 getBrdf () const
float getClearCoat () const
float getClearCoatRoughness () const
CubemapProbegetCubemapProbe () const
PbsBlendModes getDetailMapBlendMode (uint8 detailMapIdx) const
Vector4 getDetailMapOffsetScale (uint8 detailMap) const
Real getDetailMapWeight (uint8 detailMap) const
Real getDetailNormalWeight (uint8 detailNormalMapIdx) const
 Returns the detail normal maps' weight.
Vector3 getDiffuse () const
ColourValue getDiffuseColour () const override
TextureGpugetDiffuseTexture () const override
Vector3 getEmissive () const
ColourValue getEmissiveColour () const override
TextureGpugetEmissiveTexture () const override
Vector3 getFresnel () const
 Returns the current fresnel.
float getMetalness () const
Real getNormalMapWeight () const
 Returns the detail normal maps' weight.
bool getReceiveShadows () const
float getRefractionStrength () const
float getRoughness () const
Vector3 getSpecular () const
uint8 getTextureUvSource (PbsTextureTypes sourceType) const
float getTransparency () const
TransparencyModes getTransparencyMode () const
bool getTwoSidedLighting () const
bool getUseAlphaFromTextures () const
bool getUseDiffuseMapAsGrayscale () const
bool getUseEmissiveAsLightmap () const
Vector4 getUserValue (uint8 userValueIdx) const
Workflows getWorkflow () const
bool hasEmissiveConstant () const
 Returns true iif getEmissive is non-zero.
bool hasSeparateFresnel () const
 Whether the same fresnel term is used for RGB, or individual ones for each channel.
void importUnity (const Vector3 &colour, Real metallic, Real roughness, bool changeBrdf)
 Helper function to import values from Unity (metallic workflow).
void importUnity (const Vector3 &diffuse, const Vector3 &specular, Real roughness, bool changeBrdf)
 Helper function to import & convert values from Unity (specular workflow).
void notifyTextureChanged (TextureGpu *texture, TextureGpuListener::Reason reason, void *extraData) override
void setAlphaTest (CompareFunction compareFunction, bool shadowCasterOnly=false, bool useAlphaFromTextures=true) override
void setAlphaTestThreshold (float threshold) override
void setBackgroundDiffuse (const ColourValue &bgDiffuse)
 Sets the diffuse background colour.
void setBrdf (PbsBrdf::PbsBrdf brdf)
 Changes the BRDF in use.
void setClearCoat (float clearCoat)
 Sets the strength of the of the clear coat layer and its roughness.
void setClearCoatRoughness (float roughness)
void setCubemapProbe (CubemapProbe *probe)
 Manually set a probe to affect this particular material.
void setDetailMapBlendMode (uint8 detailMapIdx, PbsBlendModes blendMode)
 Changes the blend mode of the detail map.
void setDetailMapOffsetScale (uint8 detailMap, const Vector4 &offsetScale)
 Sets the scale and offset of the detail map.
void setDetailMapWeight (uint8 detailMap, Real weight)
 Sets the weight of detail map.
void setDetailNormalWeight (uint8 detailNormalMapIdx, Real weight)
 Sets the normal mapping weight.
void setDiffuse (const Vector3 &diffuseColour)
 Sets the diffuse colour (final multiplier).
void setEmissive (const Vector3 &emissiveColour)
 Sets emissive colour (e.g.
void setFresnel (const Vector3 &fresnel, bool separateFresnel)
 Sets the fresnel (F0) directly, instead of using the IOR.
void setIndexOfRefraction (const Vector3 &refractionIdx, bool separateFresnel)
 Calculates fresnel (F0 in most books) based on the IOR.
void setMetalness (float metalness)
 Sets the metalness in a metallic workflow.
void setNormalMapWeight (Real weight)
 See setDetailNormalWeight(). This is the same, but for the main normal map.
void setReceiveShadows (bool receiveShadows)
 When false, objects with this material will not receive shadows (independent of whether they case shadows or not)
void setRefractionStrength (float strength)
 Sets the strength of the refraction, i.e.
void setRoughness (float roughness)
 Sets the roughness.
void setSpecular (const Vector3 &specularColour)
 Sets the specular colour.
void setTexture (PbsTextureTypes texUnit, const String &name, const HlmsSamplerblock *refParams=0)
void setTextureUvSource (PbsTextureTypes sourceType, uint8 uvSet)
 Sets which UV set to use for the given texture.
void setTransparency (float transparency, TransparencyModes mode=Transparent, bool useAlphaFromTextures=true, bool changeBlendblock=true)
 Makes the material transparent, and sets the amount of transparency.
void setTwoSidedLighting (bool twoSided, bool changeMacroblock=true, CullingMode oneSidedShadowCast=CULL_NONE)
 Allows support for two sided lighting.
void setUseDiffuseMapAsGrayscale (bool bUseDiffuseMapAsGrayscale)
 When set, it treats the diffuse map as a grayscale map; which means it will spread red component to all rgb channels.
void setUseEmissiveAsLightmap (bool bUseEmissiveAsLightmap)
 When set, it treats the emissive map as a lightmap; which means it will be multiplied against the diffuse component.
void setUserValue (uint8 userValueIdx, const Vector4 &value)
 Sets the value of the userValue, this can be used in a custom piece.
void setWorkflow (Workflows workflow)
 Sets whether to use a specular workflow, or a metallic workflow.
uint32 suggestFiltersForType (PbsTextureTypes type) const
bool suggestUsingSRGB (PbsTextureTypes type) const
 Suggests the TextureMapType (aka texture category) for each type of texture (i.e.

Static Public Attributes

static const uint32 MaterialSizeInGpu
static const uint32 MaterialSizeInGpuAligned

Detailed Description

Contains information needed by PBS (Physically Based Shading) for OpenGL 3+ & D3D11+.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ TransparencyModes


No alpha blending. Default.


Realistic transparency that preserves lighting reflections (particularly specular on the edges).

Great for glass, transparent plastic, most stuff. Note that at transparency = 0 the object may not be fully invisible.


Good 'ol regular alpha blending.

Ideal for just fading out an object until it completely disappears.


Similar to transparent, but also performs refractions.

The compositor scene pass must be set to render refractive objects in its own pass.

See Samples/2.0/ApiUsage/Refractions

◆ Workflows


Specular workflow.

Many popular PBRs use SpecularAsFresnelWorkflow though.

See also

Specular workflow where the specular texture is addressed to the fresnel instead of kS.

This is normally referred as simply Specular workflow in many other PBRs.

See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HlmsPbsDatablock()

Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::HlmsPbsDatablock ( IdString  name,
HlmsPbs creator,
const HlmsMacroblock macroblock,
const HlmsBlendblock blendblock,
const HlmsParamVec params 

Valid parameters in params:

  • fresnel <value [g, b]> The IOR. See setIndexOfRefraction() When specifying three values, the fresnel is separate for each colour component
  • fresnel_coeff <value [g, b]> Directly sets the fresnel values, instead of using IORs "F0" in most books about PBS
  • roughness <value> Specifies the roughness value. Should be in range (0; inf) Note: Values extremely close to zero could cause NaNs and INFs in the pixel shader, also depends on the GPU's precision.
  • background_diffuse <r g b a> Specifies diffuse colour to use as a background when diffuse texture are not present. Does not replace 'diffuse <r g b>' Default: background_diffuse 1 1 1 1
  • diffuse <r g b> Specifies the RGB diffuse colour. "kD" in most books about PBS Default: diffuse 1 1 1 1 Note: Internally the diffuse colour is divided by PI.
  • diffuse_map <texture name> Name of the diffuse texture for the base image (optional)
  • diffuse_map_grayscale <true, false> When set to true diffuse map would be sampled with .rrra swizzle Default: false
  • specular <r g b> Specifies the RGB specular colour. "kS" in most books about PBS Default: specular 1 1 1 1
  • specular_map <texture name> Name of the specular texture for the base image (optional).
  • roughness_map <texture name> Name of the roughness texture for the base image (optional) Note: Only the Red channel will be used, and the texture will be converted to an efficient monochrome representation.
  • normal_map <texture name> Name of the normal texture for the base image (optional) for normal mapping
  • detail_weight_map <texture name> Texture that when present, will be used as mask/weight for the 4 detail maps. The R channel is used for detail map #0; the G for detail map #1, B for #2, and Alpha for #3. This affects both the diffuse and normal-mapped detail maps.
  • detail_map0 <texture name> Similar: detail_map1, detail_map2, detail_map3 Name of the detail map to be used on top of the diffuse colour. There can be gaps (i.e. set detail maps 0 and 2 but not 1)
  • detail_blend_mode0 <blend_mode> Similar: detail_blend_mode1, detail_blend_mode2, detail_blend_mode3 Blend mode to use for each detail map. Valid values are: "NormalNonPremul", "NormalPremul", "Add", "Subtract", "Multiply", "Multiply2x", "Screen", "Overlay", "Lighten", "Darken", "GrainExtract", "GrainMerge", "Difference"
  • detail_offset_scale0 <offset_u> <offset_v> <scale_u> <scale_v> Similar: detail_offset_scale1, detail_offset_scale2, detail_offset_scale3 Sets the UV offset and scale of the detail maps.
  • detail_normal_map0 <texture name> Similar: detail_normal_map1, detail_normal_map2, detail_normal_map3 Name of the detail map's normal map to be used. It's not affected by blend mode. May be used even if there is no detail_map
  • detail_normal_offset_scale0 <offset_u> <offset_v> <scale_u> <scale_v> Similar: detail_normal_offset_scale1, detail_normal_offset_scale2, detail_normal_offset_scale3 Sets the UV offset and scale of the detail normal maps.
  • reflection_map <texture name> Name of the reflection map. Must be a cubemap. Doesn't use an UV set because the tex. coords are automatically calculated.
  • uv_diffuse_map <uv> Similar: uv_specular_map, uv_normal_map, uv_detail_mapN, uv_detail_normal_mapN, uv_detail_weight_map where N is a number between 0 and 3. UV set to use for the particular texture map. The UV value must be in range [0; 8)
  • transparency <value> Specifies the transparency amount. Value in range [0; 1] where 0 = full transparency and 1 = fully opaque.
  • transparency_mode <transparent, none, fade> Specifies the transparency mode.
See also
  • alpha_from_textures <true, false> When set to false transparency calculations ignore the alpha channel in the textures

◆ ~HlmsPbsDatablock()

Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::~HlmsPbsDatablock ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _hasEmissive()

bool Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::_hasEmissive ( ) const

Returns true if getEmissive is non-zero or if there is an emissive texture set.

◆ calculateHash()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::calculateHash ( )

◆ getBackgroundDiffuse()

ColourValue Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getBackgroundDiffuse ( ) const

◆ getBrdf()

uint32 Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getBrdf ( ) const

◆ getClearCoat()

float Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getClearCoat ( ) const

◆ getClearCoatRoughness()

float Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getClearCoatRoughness ( ) const

◆ getCubemapProbe()

CubemapProbe * Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getCubemapProbe ( ) const

◆ getDetailMapBlendMode()

PbsBlendModes Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getDetailMapBlendMode ( uint8  detailMapIdx) const

◆ getDetailMapOffsetScale()

Vector4 Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getDetailMapOffsetScale ( uint8  detailMap) const

◆ getDetailMapWeight()

Real Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getDetailMapWeight ( uint8  detailMap) const

◆ getDetailNormalWeight()

Real Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getDetailNormalWeight ( uint8  detailNormalMapIdx) const

Returns the detail normal maps' weight.

◆ getDiffuse()

Vector3 Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getDiffuse ( ) const

◆ getDiffuseColour()

ColourValue Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getDiffuseColour ( ) const

◆ getDiffuseTexture()

TextureGpu * Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getDiffuseTexture ( ) const

◆ getEmissive()

Vector3 Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getEmissive ( ) const

◆ getEmissiveColour()

ColourValue Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getEmissiveColour ( ) const

◆ getEmissiveTexture()

TextureGpu * Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getEmissiveTexture ( ) const

◆ getFresnel()

Vector3 Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getFresnel ( ) const

Returns the current fresnel.

Note: when hasSeparateFresnel returns false, the Y and Z components still correspond to mFresnelG & mFresnelB just in case you want to preserve this data (i.e. toggling separate fresnel often (which is not a good idea though, in terms of performance)

◆ getMetalness()

float Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getMetalness ( ) const

◆ getNormalMapWeight()

Real Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getNormalMapWeight ( ) const

Returns the detail normal maps' weight.

◆ getReceiveShadows()

bool Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getReceiveShadows ( ) const

◆ getRefractionStrength()

float Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getRefractionStrength ( ) const

◆ getRoughness()

float Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getRoughness ( ) const

◆ getSpecular()

Vector3 Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getSpecular ( ) const

◆ getTextureUvSource()

uint8 Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getTextureUvSource ( PbsTextureTypes  sourceType) const

◆ getTransparency()

float Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getTransparency ( ) const

◆ getTransparencyMode()

TransparencyModes Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getTransparencyMode ( ) const

◆ getTwoSidedLighting()

bool Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getTwoSidedLighting ( ) const

◆ getUseAlphaFromTextures()

bool Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getUseAlphaFromTextures ( ) const

◆ getUseDiffuseMapAsGrayscale()

bool Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getUseDiffuseMapAsGrayscale ( ) const

◆ getUseEmissiveAsLightmap()

bool Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getUseEmissiveAsLightmap ( ) const

◆ getUserValue()

Vector4 Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getUserValue ( uint8  userValueIdx) const

◆ getWorkflow()

Workflows Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::getWorkflow ( ) const

◆ hasEmissiveConstant()

bool Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::hasEmissiveConstant ( ) const

Returns true iif getEmissive is non-zero.

◆ hasSeparateFresnel()

bool Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::hasSeparateFresnel ( ) const

Whether the same fresnel term is used for RGB, or individual ones for each channel.

◆ importUnity() [1/2]

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::importUnity ( const Vector3 colour,
Real  metallic,
Real  roughness,
bool  changeBrdf 

Helper function to import values from Unity (metallic workflow).

The metallic parameter will be converted to a specular workflow.

◆ importUnity() [2/2]

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::importUnity ( const Vector3 diffuse,
const Vector3 specular,
Real  roughness,
bool  changeBrdf 

Helper function to import & convert values from Unity (specular workflow).

changeBrdfTrue if you want us to select a BRDF that closely matches that of Unity. It will change the BRDF to PbsBrdf::DefaultUncorrelated. For best realism though, it is advised that you use that you actually use PbsBrdf::Default.

◆ notifyTextureChanged()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::notifyTextureChanged ( TextureGpu texture,
TextureGpuListener::Reason  reason,
void *  extraData 

◆ setAlphaTest()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setAlphaTest ( CompareFunction  compareFunction,
bool  shadowCasterOnly = false,
bool  useAlphaFromTextures = true 

◆ setAlphaTestThreshold()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setAlphaTestThreshold ( float  threshold)
See also
Alpha testing works on the alpha channel of the diffuse texture. If there is no diffuse texture, the first diffuse detail map after applying the blend weights (texture + params) is used. If there are no diffuse nor detail-diffuse maps, the alpha test is compared against the value 1.0

◆ setBackgroundDiffuse()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setBackgroundDiffuse ( const ColourValue bgDiffuse)

Sets the diffuse background colour.

When no diffuse texture is present, this solid colour replaces it, and can act as a background for the detail maps.

◆ setBrdf()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setBrdf ( PbsBrdf::PbsBrdf  brdf)

Changes the BRDF in use.

Calling this function may trigger an HlmsDatablock::flushRenderables

◆ setClearCoat()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setClearCoat ( float  clearCoat)

Sets the strength of the of the clear coat layer and its roughness.

clearCoatThis should be treated as a binary value, set to either 0 or 1. Intermediate values are useful to control transitions between parts of the surface that have a clear coat layers and parts that don't.

◆ setClearCoatRoughness()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setClearCoatRoughness ( float  roughness)

◆ setCubemapProbe()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setCubemapProbe ( CubemapProbe probe)

Manually set a probe to affect this particular material.

PCC (Parallax Corrected Cubemaps) have two main forms of operation: Auto and manual. They both have advantages and disadvantages. This method allows you to enable the manual mode of operation.
Manual Advantages:
  • It's independent of camera position.
  • The reflections are always visible and working on the object.
  • Works best for static objects
  • Also works well on dynamic objects that you can guarantee are going to be constrained to the probe's area. Manual Disadvantages:
  • Needs to be manually applied on the material by the user.
  • Can produce harsh lighting/reflection seams when two objects affected by different probes are close together.
  • Sucks for dynamic objects.

To use manual probes just call: datablock->setCubemapProbe( probe );

Auto Advantages:
  • Smoothly blends between probes, making smooth transitions
  • Avoids seams.
  • No need to change anything on the material or the object, you don't need to do anything.
  • Works best for dynamic objects (eg. characters)
  • Also works well on static objects if the camera is inside rooms/corridors, thus blocking the view from distant rooms that aren't receiving reflections. Auto Disadvantages:
  • Objects that are further away won't have reflections as only one probe can be active.
  • It depends on the camera's position.
  • Doesn't work well if the user can see many distant objects at once, as they won't have reflections until you get close.

To use Auto you don't need to do anything. Just enable PCC: hlmsPbs->setParallaxCorrectedCubemap( mParallaxCorrectedCubemap ); and leave PBSM_REFLECTION empty and don't enable manual mode.

When other reflection methods can be used as fallback (Planar reflections, SSR), then usually auto will be the preferred choice. But if multiple reflections/fallbacks aren't available, you'll likely have to make good use of manual and auto
probeThe probe that should affect this material to enable manual mode. Null pointer to disable manual mode and switch to auto.

◆ setDetailMapBlendMode()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setDetailMapBlendMode ( uint8  detailMapIdx,
PbsBlendModes  blendMode 

Changes the blend mode of the detail map.

Calling this function triggers a HlmsDatablock::flushRenderables even if you never use detail maps (they affect the cache's hash)

This parameter only affects the diffuse detail map. Not the normal map.
detailMapIdxValue in the range [0; 4)
blendModeBlend mode

◆ setDetailMapOffsetScale()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setDetailMapOffsetScale ( uint8  detailMap,
const Vector4 offsetScale 

Sets the scale and offset of the detail map.

A value of Vector4( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) will cause a flushRenderables as we remove the code from the shader.
detailMapValue in the range [0; 4)
offsetScaleXY = Contains the UV offset. ZW = Constains the UV scale. Default value is Vector4( 0, 0, 1, 1 )

◆ setDetailMapWeight()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setDetailMapWeight ( uint8  detailMap,
Real  weight 

Sets the weight of detail map.

Affects both diffuse and normal at the same time.

A value of 1 will cause a flushRenderables as we remove the code from the shader. The weight from setNormalMapWeight() is multiplied against this value when it comes to the detail normal map.
detailMapValue in the range [0; 4)
weightThe weight for the detail map. Usual values are in range [0; 1] but any value is accepted and valid. Default value is 1

◆ setDetailNormalWeight()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setDetailNormalWeight ( uint8  detailNormalMapIdx,
Real  weight 

Sets the normal mapping weight.

The range doesn't necessarily have to be in [0; 1]

An exact value of 1 will generate a shader without the weighting math, while any other value will generate another shader that uses this weight (i.e. will cause a flushRenderables)
detailNormalMapIdxValue in the range [0; 4)
weightThe weight for the normal map. A value of 0 means no effect (tangent space normal is 0, 0, 1); and would be the same as disabling the normal map texture. A value of 1 means full normal map effect. A value outside the [0; 1] range extrapolates. Default value is 1.

◆ setDiffuse()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setDiffuse ( const Vector3 diffuseColour)

Sets the diffuse colour (final multiplier).

The colour will be divided by PI for energy conservation.

◆ setEmissive()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setEmissive ( const Vector3 emissiveColour)

Sets emissive colour (e.g.

a firefly). Emissive colour has no physical basis. Though in HDR, if you're working in lumens, this value should probably be in lumens too. To disable emissive, setEmissive( Vector3::ZERO ) and unset any texture in PBSM_EMISSIVE slot.

◆ setFresnel()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setFresnel ( const Vector3 fresnel,
bool  separateFresnel 

Sets the fresnel (F0) directly, instead of using the IOR.

See setIndexOfRefraction().

If "separateFresnel" was different from the current setting, it will call HlmsDatablock::flushRenderables. If the another shader must be created, it could cause a stall.
refractionIdxThe fresnel of the material for each colour component. When separateFresnel = false, the Y and Z components are ignored.
separateFresnelWhether to use the same fresnel term for RGB channel, or individual ones.

◆ setIndexOfRefraction()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setIndexOfRefraction ( const Vector3 refractionIdx,
bool  separateFresnel 

Calculates fresnel (F0 in most books) based on the IOR.

The formula used is ( (1 - idx) / (1 + idx) )²

If "separateFresnel" was different from the current setting, it will call HlmsDatablock::flushRenderables(). If the another shader must be created, it could cause a stall.
refractionIdxThe index of refraction of the material for each colour component. When separateFresnel = false, the Y and Z components are ignored.
separateFresnelWhether to use the same fresnel term for RGB channel, or individual ones.

◆ setMetalness()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setMetalness ( float  metalness)

Sets the metalness in a metallic workflow.

Overrides any fresnel value. Should be in Metallic mode.
See also
metalnessValue in range [0; 1]

◆ setNormalMapWeight()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setNormalMapWeight ( Real  weight)

See setDetailNormalWeight(). This is the same, but for the main normal map.

◆ setReceiveShadows()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setReceiveShadows ( bool  receiveShadows)

When false, objects with this material will not receive shadows (independent of whether they case shadows or not)

Changing this parameter will cause a flushRenderables Shadow casting lights (which are normally processed in a Forward way) will still lit the object, it just won't have shadows in it.
receiveShadowsWhether to enable or disable receiving shadows.

◆ setRefractionStrength()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setRefractionStrength ( float  strength)

Sets the strength of the refraction, i.e.

how much displacement in screen space.

This value is not physically based. Only used when HlmsPbsDatablock::setTransparency was set to HlmsPbsDatablock::Refractive

strengthRefraction strength. Useful range is often (0; 1) but any value is valid (even negative), but the bigger the number, the more likely glitches will appear (with large values we have to fallback to regular alpha blending due to the screen space pixel landing outside the screen)

◆ setRoughness()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setRoughness ( float  roughness)

Sets the roughness.

◆ setSpecular()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setSpecular ( const Vector3 specularColour)

Sets the specular colour.

◆ setTexture()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setTexture ( PbsTextureTypes  texUnit,
const String name,
const HlmsSamplerblock refParams = 0 

◆ setTextureUvSource()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setTextureUvSource ( PbsTextureTypes  sourceType,
uint8  uvSet 

Sets which UV set to use for the given texture.

Calling this function triggers a HlmsDatablock::flushRenderables.

sourceTypeSource texture to modify. Note that we don't enforce PBSM_SOURCE_DETAIL0 = PBSM_SOURCE_DETAIL_NM0, but you probably want to have both textures using the same UV source. Must be lower than NUM_PBSM_SOURCES.
uvSetUV coordinate set. Value must be between in range [0; 8)

◆ setTransparency()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setTransparency ( float  transparency,
TransparencyModes  mode = Transparent,
bool  useAlphaFromTextures = true,
bool  changeBlendblock = true 

Makes the material transparent, and sets the amount of transparency.

transparencyValue in range [0; 1] where 0 = full transparency and 1 = fully opaque.
modesee TransparencyModes
useAlphaFromTexturesWhen false, the alpha channel of the diffuse maps and detail maps will be ignored. It's a GPU performance optimization.
changeBlendblockWhen true, the routine prepares the ideal blendblock to use according to the selected mode. When false, the user is expected to change the blendblock manually before calling this function to prevent false warnings. Useful for advanced experiments or artistic license.

◆ setTwoSidedLighting()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setTwoSidedLighting ( bool  twoSided,
bool  changeMacroblock = true,
CullingMode  oneSidedShadowCast = CULL_NONE 

Allows support for two sided lighting.

Disabled by default (faster)

Changing this parameter will cause a flushRenderables
twoSidedWhether to enable or disable.
changeMacroblockWhether to change the current macroblock for one that has cullingMode = CULL_NONE or set it to false to leave the current macroblock as is.
oneSidedShadowCastIf changeMacroblock == true; this parameter controls the culling mode of the shadow caster. While oneSidedShadowCast == CULL_NONE is usually the "correct" option, setting oneSidedShadowCast=CULL_ANTICLOCKWISE can prevent ugly self-shadowing on interiors.

◆ setUseDiffuseMapAsGrayscale()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setUseDiffuseMapAsGrayscale ( bool  bUseDiffuseMapAsGrayscale)

When set, it treats the diffuse map as a grayscale map; which means it will spread red component to all rgb channels.

With this option you can use PFG_R8_UNORM for diffuse map in the same way as old PF_L8 format

◆ setUseEmissiveAsLightmap()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setUseEmissiveAsLightmap ( bool  bUseEmissiveAsLightmap)

When set, it treats the emissive map as a lightmap; which means it will be multiplied against the diffuse component.

Note that HlmsPbsDatablock::setEmissive still applies, thus set it to 1 to avoid surprises.

◆ setUserValue()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setUserValue ( uint8  userValueIdx,
const Vector4 value 

Sets the value of the userValue, this can be used in a custom piece.

userValueIdxWhich userValue to modify, in the range [0; 3)

◆ setWorkflow()

void Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::setWorkflow ( Workflows  workflow)

Sets whether to use a specular workflow, or a metallic workflow.

The texture types PBSM_SPECULAR & PBSM_METALLIC map to the same value.
When in metal workflow, the texture is used as a metallic texture, and is expected to be a monochrome texture. Global specularity's strength can still be affected via setSpecular. The fresnel settings should not be used (metalness is stored where fresnel used to).
When in specular workflow, the texture is used as a specular texture, and is expected to be either coloured or monochrome. setMetalness should not be called in this mode.
If "workflow" was different from the current setting, it will call HlmsDatablock::flushRenderables. If the another shader must be created, it could cause a stall.

◆ suggestFiltersForType()

uint32 Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::suggestFiltersForType ( PbsTextureTypes  type) const

◆ suggestUsingSRGB()

bool Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::suggestUsingSRGB ( PbsTextureTypes  type) const

Suggests the TextureMapType (aka texture category) for each type of texture (i.e.

normals should load from TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMALS).

Remember that if "myTexture" was loaded as TEXTURE_TYPE_DIFFUSE and then you try to load it as TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMALS, the first one will prevail until it's removed. You could create an alias however, and thus have two copies of the same texture with different loading parameters.

Member Data Documentation

◆ MaterialSizeInGpu

const uint32 Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::MaterialSizeInGpu

◆ MaterialSizeInGpuAligned

const uint32 Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock::MaterialSizeInGpuAligned

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