OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::HlmsCompute Class Reference

HLMS implementation that handles compute shaders. More...

#include <OgreHlmsCompute.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::HlmsCompute:

Public Member Functions

 HlmsCompute (AutoParamDataSource *autoParamDataSource)
 ~HlmsCompute () override
void _changeRenderSystem (RenderSystem *newRs) override
void clearShaderCache () override
 Destroys the shader cache from all jobs, causing us to reload shaders from file again. More...
HlmsComputeJobcreateComputeJob (IdString datablockName, const String &refName, const String &sourceFilename, const StringVector &includedPieceFiles)
 An HlmsComputeJob is very similar to an HlmsDatablock, except it contains a compute job instead. More...
HlmsDatablockcreateDefaultDatablock () override
void destroyAllComputeJobs ()
 Destroys all jobs created via. More...
void destroyComputeJob (IdString name)
 Destroys a specific Compute Job. More...
void dispatch (HlmsComputeJob *job, SceneManager *sceneManager, Camera *camera)
 Main function for dispatching a compute job. More...
uint32 fillBuffersFor (const HlmsCache *cache, const QueuedRenderable &queuedRenderable, bool casterPass, uint32 lastCacheHash, uint32 lastTextureHash) override
 Fills the constant buffers. More...
uint32 fillBuffersForV1 (const HlmsCache *cache, const QueuedRenderable &queuedRenderable, bool casterPass, uint32 lastCacheHash, CommandBuffer *commandBuffer) override
uint32 fillBuffersForV2 (const HlmsCache *cache, const QueuedRenderable &queuedRenderable, bool casterPass, uint32 lastCacheHash, CommandBuffer *commandBuffer) override
HlmsComputeJobfindComputeJob (IdString datablockName) const
 Finds an existing Compute Job. If none found, throws an exception. More...
HlmsComputeJobfindComputeJobNoThrow (IdString datablockName) const
 Finds an existing Compute Job. If none found, returns null. More...
const StringgetJobNameStr (IdString name) const
 Returns the string name associated with its hashed name (this was passed as refName in createComputeJob()). More...
void reloadFrom (Archive *newDataFolder, ArchiveVec *libraryFolders=0) override
 Destroys all the cached shaders and in the next opportunity will recreate them from the new location. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Hlms
 Hlms (HlmsTypes type, const String &typeName, Archive *dataFolder, ArchiveVec *libraryFolders)
virtual ~Hlms ()
void _clearShaderCache ()
virtual void _collectSamplerblocks (set< const HlmsSamplerblock * >::type &outSamplerblocks, const HlmsDatablock *datablock) const
void _compileShaderFromPreprocessedSource (const RenderableCache &mergedCache, const String source[NumShaderTypes])
int32 _getProperty (IdString key, int32 defaultVal=0) const
virtual void _loadJson (const rapidjson::Value &jsonValue, const HlmsJson::NamedBlocks &blocks, HlmsDatablock *datablock, const String &resourceGroup, HlmsJsonListener *listener, const String &additionalTextureExtension) const
 Loads datablock values from a JSON value. More...
void _notifyManager (HlmsManager *manager)
virtual void _saveJson (const HlmsDatablock *datablock, String &outString, HlmsJsonListener *listener, const String &additionalTextureExtension) const
void _setProperty (IdString key, int32 value)
 For debugging stuff. I.e. the Command line uses it for testing manually set properties. More...
void _setTextureReg (ShaderType shaderType, const char *texName, int32 texUnit)
virtual void analyzeBarriers (BarrierSolver &barrierSolver, ResourceTransitionArray &resourceTransitions, Camera *renderingCamera, const bool bCasterPass)
virtual void calculateHashFor (Renderable *renderable, uint32 &outHash, uint32 &outCasterHash)
 Called by the renderable when either it changes the material, or its properties change (e.g. More...
void compileShaderCode (ShaderCodeCache &codeCache)
 Compiles input properties and adds it to the shader code cache. More...
HlmsDatablockcreateDatablock (IdString name, const String &refName, const HlmsMacroblock &macroblockRef, const HlmsBlendblock &blendblockRef, const HlmsParamVec &paramVec, bool visibleToManager=true, const String &filename=BLANKSTRING, const String &resourceGroup=BLANKSTRING)
 Creates a unique datablock that can be shared by multiple renderables. More...
void destroyAllDatablocks ()
 Destroys all datablocks created with createDatablock(). More...
void destroyDatablock (IdString name)
 Destroys a datablocks given its name. More...
virtual void frameEnded ()
 Called when the frame has fully ended (ALL passes have been executed to all RTTs) More...
uint16 getAreaLightsApproxLimit () const
uint16 getAreaLightsLtcLimit () const
HlmsDatablockgetDatablock (IdString name) const
 Finds an existing datablock based on its name (. More...
const HlmsDatablockMapgetDatablockMap () const
 Returns all datablocks owned by this Hlms, including the default one. More...
ArchivegetDataFolder ()
HlmsDatablockgetDefaultDatablock () const
 Datablock to use when another datablock failed or none was specified. More...
bool getFastShaderBuildHack () const
 Returns true if shaders are being compiled with Fast Shader Build Hack (D3D11 only) More...
void getFilenameAndResourceGroup (IdString name, String const **outFilename, String const **outResourceGroup) const
 Returns the filaname & resource group a datablock was created from, and is associated with its hashed name (this was passed as in createDatablock()). More...
HlmsManagergetHlmsManager () const
HlmsListenergetListener () const
 Returns the current listener. More...
const HlmsCachegetMaterial (HlmsCache const *lastReturnedValue, const HlmsCache &passCache, const QueuedRenderable &queuedRenderable, bool casterPass)
 Retrieves an HlmsCache filled with the GPU programs to be used by the given renderable. More...
uint16 getMaxNonCasterDirectionalLights () const
const StringgetNameStr (IdString name) const
 Returns the string name associated with its hashed name (this was passed as refName in createDatablock()). More...
const LibraryVecgetPiecesLibrary () const
ArchiveVec getPiecesLibraryAsArchiveVec () const
PrecisionMode getPrecisionMode () const
 Returns requested precision mode (i.e. More...
RenderSystemgetRenderSystem () const
const ShaderCodeCacheVec & getShaderCodeCache () const
const StringgetShaderProfile () const
IdString getShaderSyntax () const
bool getStaticBranchingLights () const
PrecisionMode getSupportedPrecisionMode () const
 Some GPUs don't support all precision modes. More...
void getTemplateChecksum (uint64 outHash[2]) const
HlmsTypes getType () const
IdString getTypeName () const
const StringgetTypeNameStr () const
bool parseOffline (const String &filename, String &inBuffer, String &outBuffer)
 For standalone parsing. More...
virtual void postCommandBufferExecution (CommandBuffer *commandBuffer)
 This gets called after executing the command buffer. More...
virtual void preCommandBufferExecution (CommandBuffer *commandBuffer)
 This gets called right before executing the command buffer. More...
virtual HlmsCache preparePassHash (const Ogre::CompositorShadowNode *shadowNode, bool casterPass, bool dualParaboloid, SceneManager *sceneManager)
 Called every frame by the Render Queue to cache the properties needed by this pass. More...
void saveAllTexturesFromDatablocks (const String &folderPath, set< String >::type &savedTextures, bool saveOitd, bool saveOriginal, HlmsTextureExportListener *listener)
void setAreaLightForwardSettings (uint16 areaLightsApproxLimit, uint16 areaLightsLtcLimit)
 Area lights use regular Forward. More...
void setDebugOutputPath (bool enableDebugOutput, bool outputProperties, const String &path=BLANKSTRING)
 Call to output the automatically generated shaders (which are usually made from templates) on the given folder for inspection, analyzing, debugging, etc. More...
void setListener (HlmsListener *listener)
 Sets a listener to extend an existing Hlms implementation's with custom code, without having to rewrite it or modify the source code directly. More...
void setMaxNonCasterDirectionalLights (uint16 maxLights)
 Non-caster directional lights are hardcoded into shaders. More...
void setPrecisionMode (PrecisionMode precisionMode)
 Sets the precision mode of Hlms. More...
virtual void setStaticBranchingLights (bool staticBranchingLights)
 By default shadow-caster spot and point lights are hardcoded into shaders. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Ogre::Hlms
typedef std::map< IdString, DatablockEntryHlmsDatablockMap
typedef vector< Library >::type LibraryVec
enum  LightGatheringMode { LightGatherForward , LightGatherForwardPlus , LightGatherDeferred , LightGatherNone }
enum  PrecisionMode { PrecisionFull32 , PrecisionMidf16 , PrecisionRelaxed }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Hlms
static bool findParamInVec (const HlmsParamVec &paramVec, IdString key, String &inOut)
 Finds the parameter with key 'key' in the given 'paramVec'. More...
static int32 getProperty (const HlmsPropertyVec &properties, IdString key, int32 defaultVal=0)
 Utility helper, mostly useful to HlmsListener implementations. More...
static void setProperty (HlmsPropertyVec &properties, IdString key, int32 value)
 Utility helper, mostly useful to HlmsListener implementations. More...

Detailed Description

HLMS implementation that handles compute shaders.

It isn't registered in the usual way to the HlmsManager.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HlmsCompute()

Ogre::HlmsCompute::HlmsCompute ( AutoParamDataSource autoParamDataSource)

◆ ~HlmsCompute()

Ogre::HlmsCompute::~HlmsCompute ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _changeRenderSystem()

void Ogre::HlmsCompute::_changeRenderSystem ( RenderSystem newRs)

Reimplemented from Ogre::Hlms.

◆ clearShaderCache()

void Ogre::HlmsCompute::clearShaderCache ( )

Destroys the shader cache from all jobs, causing us to reload shaders from file again.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Hlms.

◆ createComputeJob()

HlmsComputeJob* Ogre::HlmsCompute::createComputeJob ( IdString  datablockName,
const String refName,
const String sourceFilename,
const StringVector includedPieceFiles 

An HlmsComputeJob is very similar to an HlmsDatablock, except it contains a compute job instead.

If multiple HlmsComputeJob end up having the same compute shader (i.e. the resulting source code is the same); they will share the same shader.

datablockNameName to assign to the job, for lookup.
refNameUser-friendly readable name of the job. Normally should match the datablockName
sourceFilenameMain file to use for compiling.
includedPieceFilesIncluded files, to be parsed to defined pieces for the main file to use (can be empty).
A new job.

◆ createDefaultDatablock()

HlmsDatablock* Ogre::HlmsCompute::createDefaultDatablock ( )

Reimplemented from Ogre::Hlms.

◆ destroyAllComputeJobs()

void Ogre::HlmsCompute::destroyAllComputeJobs ( )

Destroys all jobs created via.

See also

◆ destroyComputeJob()

void Ogre::HlmsCompute::destroyComputeJob ( IdString  name)

Destroys a specific Compute Job.

You are responsible for ensuring is not in use anywhere (otherwise a dangling pointer will ensue)

◆ dispatch()

void Ogre::HlmsCompute::dispatch ( HlmsComputeJob job,
SceneManager sceneManager,
Camera camera 

Main function for dispatching a compute job.

◆ fillBuffersFor()

uint32 Ogre::HlmsCompute::fillBuffersFor ( const HlmsCache cache,
const QueuedRenderable queuedRenderable,
bool  casterPass,
uint32  lastCacheHash,
uint32  lastTextureHash 

Fills the constant buffers.

Gets executed right before drawing the mesh.

cacheCurrent cache of Shaders to be used.
queuedRenderableThe Renderable-MovableObject pair about to be rendered.
casterPassWhether this is a shadow mapping caster pass.
lastCacheHashThe hash of the cache of shaders that was the used by the previous renderable.
lastTextureHashLast Texture Hash, used to let the Hlms know whether the textures should be changed again
New Texture hash (may be equal or different to lastTextureHash).

Implements Ogre::Hlms.

◆ fillBuffersForV1()

uint32 Ogre::HlmsCompute::fillBuffersForV1 ( const HlmsCache cache,
const QueuedRenderable queuedRenderable,
bool  casterPass,
uint32  lastCacheHash,
CommandBuffer commandBuffer 

Implements Ogre::Hlms.

◆ fillBuffersForV2()

uint32 Ogre::HlmsCompute::fillBuffersForV2 ( const HlmsCache cache,
const QueuedRenderable queuedRenderable,
bool  casterPass,
uint32  lastCacheHash,
CommandBuffer commandBuffer 

Implements Ogre::Hlms.

◆ findComputeJob()

HlmsComputeJob* Ogre::HlmsCompute::findComputeJob ( IdString  datablockName) const

Finds an existing Compute Job. If none found, throws an exception.

◆ findComputeJobNoThrow()

HlmsComputeJob* Ogre::HlmsCompute::findComputeJobNoThrow ( IdString  datablockName) const

Finds an existing Compute Job. If none found, returns null.

◆ getJobNameStr()

const String* Ogre::HlmsCompute::getJobNameStr ( IdString  name) const

Returns the string name associated with its hashed name (this was passed as refName in createComputeJob()).

Returns null ptr if not found. The reason this String doesn't live in HlmsComputeJob is to prevent cache trashing (jobs are hot iterated every frame, and the full name is rarely ever used)

◆ reloadFrom()

void Ogre::HlmsCompute::reloadFrom ( Archive newDataFolder,
ArchiveVec libraryFolders = 0 

Destroys all the cached shaders and in the next opportunity will recreate them from the new location.

This is very useful for fast iteration and real-time editing of Hlms shader templates.

Calling with null pointer is possible and will only invalidate existing shaders but you should provide a valid pointer before we start generating the first shader (or else crash).
Existing datablock materials won't be reloaded from files, so their properties won't change (i.e. changed from blue to red), but the shaders will.
libraryFoldersWhen null pointer, the library folders paths won't be changed at all (but still will be reloaded). When non-null pointer, the library folders will be overwriten. Pass an empty container if you want to stop using libraries.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Hlms.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: