OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::v1::SubMesh Class Reference

Defines a part of a complete mesh. More...

#include <OgreSubMesh.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::v1::SubMesh:

Public Types

typedef ConstMapIterator< AliasTextureNamePairListAliasTextureIterator
typedef MapIterator< VertexBoneAssignmentListBoneAssignmentIterator
typedef FastArray< unsigned short > IndexMap
 Dedicated index map for translate blend index to bone index (only valid if useSharedVertices = false). More...
typedef vector< IndexData * >::type LODFaceList
typedef multimap< size_t, VertexBoneAssignment >::type VertexBoneAssignmentList
 Multimap of verex bone assignments (orders by vertex index) More...

Public Member Functions

 SubMesh ()
 ~SubMesh ()
void _compileBoneAssignments ()
 Must be called once to compile bone assignments into geometry buffer. More...
void _getRenderOperation (RenderOperation &rend, ushort lodIndex, bool casterPass)
 Returns a RenderOperation structure required to render this mesh. More...
void addBoneAssignment (const VertexBoneAssignment &vertBoneAssign)
 Assigns a vertex to a bone with a given weight, for skeletal animation. More...
void addTextureAlias (const String &aliasName, const String &textureName)
 Adds the alias or replaces an existing one and associates the texture name to it. More...
void arrangeEfficient (bool halfPos, bool halfTexCoords, bool qTangents)
void clearBoneAssignments ()
 Removes all bone assignments for this mesh. More...
SubMeshclone (const String &newName, Mesh *parentMesh=0)
 Makes a copy of this submesh object and gives it a new name. More...
void dearrangeToInefficient ()
void generateExtremes (size_t count)
 Generate the submesh extremes (. More...
AliasTextureIterator getAliasTextureIterator () const
 Gets an constant iterator to access all texture alias names assigned to this submesh. More...
BoneAssignmentIterator getBoneAssignmentIterator ()
 Gets an iterator for access all bone assignments. More...
const VertexBoneAssignmentListgetBoneAssignments ()
 Gets a const reference to the list of bone assignments. More...
const StringgetMaterialName () const
size_t getTextureAliasCount () const
 Gets the number of texture aliases assigned to the sub mesh. More...
bool getVertexAnimationIncludesNormals () const
 Returns whether animation on dedicated vertex data includes normals. More...
VertexAnimationType getVertexAnimationType () const
 Get the type of any vertex animation used by dedicated geometry. More...
bool hasTextureAliases () const
 returns true if the sub mesh has texture aliases More...
void importFromV2 (Ogre::SubMesh *subMesh)
 Imports a v2 SubMesh. More...
bool isBuildEdgesEnabled () const
 Returns true(by default) if the submesh should be included in the mesh EdgeList, otherwise returns false. More...
bool isMatInitialised () const
 Returns true if a material has been assigned to the submesh, otherwise returns false. More...
void removeAllTextureAliases ()
 removes all texture aliases from the sub mesh More...
void removeTextureAlias (const String &aliasName)
 Remove a specific texture alias name from the sub mesh. More...
void setBuildEdgesEnabled (bool b)
void setMaterialName (const String &matName, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME)
 Sets the name of the Material which this SubMesh will use. More...
bool updateMaterialUsingTextureAliases ()
 The current material used by the submesh is copied into a new material and the submesh's texture aliases are applied if the current texture alias names match those found in the original material. More...

Public Attributes

IndexMap blendIndexToBoneIndexMap
vector< Vector3 >::type extremityPoints
 A list of extreme points on the submesh (optional). More...
IndexDataindexData [NumVertexPass]
 Face index data. More...
LODFaceList mLodFaceList [NumVertexPass]
OperationType operationType
 The render operation type used to render this submesh. More...
 Reference to parent Mesh (not a smart pointer so child does not keep parent alive). More...
uint32 renderOpMeshIndex
bool useSharedVertices
 Indicates if this submesh shares vertex data with other meshes or whether it has it's own vertices. More...
VertexDatavertexData [NumVertexPass]
 Dedicated vertex data (only valid if useSharedVertices = false). More...

Detailed Description

Defines a part of a complete mesh.

Meshes which make up the definition of a discrete 3D object are made up of potentially multiple parts. This is because different parts of the mesh may use different materials or use different vertex formats, such that a rendering state change is required between them.
Like the Mesh class, instantiations of 3D objects in the scene share the SubMesh instances, and have the option of overriding their material differences on a per-object basis if required. See the SubEntity class for more information.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AliasTextureIterator

◆ BoneAssignmentIterator

◆ IndexMap

typedef FastArray<unsigned short> Ogre::v1::SubMesh::IndexMap

Dedicated index map for translate blend index to bone index (only valid if useSharedVertices = false).

This data is completely owned by this submesh.
We collect actually used bones of all bone assignments, and build the blend index in 'packed' form, then the range of the blend index in vertex data VES_BLEND_INDICES element is continuous, with no gaps. Thus, by minimising the world matrix array constants passing to GPU, we can support more bones for a mesh when hardware skinning is used. The hardware skinning support limit is applied to each set of vertex data in the mesh, in other words, the hardware skinning support limit is applied only to the actually used bones of each SubMeshes, not all bones across the entire Mesh.
Because the blend index is different to the bone index, therefore, we use the index map to translate the blend index to bone index.
The use of shared or non-shared index map is determined when model data is converted to the OGRE .mesh format.

◆ LODFaceList

typedef vector<IndexData *>::type Ogre::v1::SubMesh::LODFaceList

◆ VertexBoneAssignmentList

Multimap of verex bone assignments (orders by vertex index)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SubMesh()

Ogre::v1::SubMesh::SubMesh ( )

◆ ~SubMesh()

Ogre::v1::SubMesh::~SubMesh ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _compileBoneAssignments()

void Ogre::v1::SubMesh::_compileBoneAssignments ( )

Must be called once to compile bone assignments into geometry buffer.

◆ _getRenderOperation()

void Ogre::v1::SubMesh::_getRenderOperation ( RenderOperation rend,
ushort  lodIndex,
bool  casterPass 

Returns a RenderOperation structure required to render this mesh.

rendReference to a RenderOperation structure to populate.
lodIndexThe index of the LOD to use.

◆ addBoneAssignment()

void Ogre::v1::SubMesh::addBoneAssignment ( const VertexBoneAssignment vertBoneAssign)

Assigns a vertex to a bone with a given weight, for skeletal animation.

This method is only valid after calling setSkeletonName. Since this is a one-off process there exists only 'addBoneAssignment' and 'clearBoneAssignments' methods, no 'editBoneAssignment'. You should not need to modify bone assignments during rendering (only the positions of bones) and OGRE reserves the right to do some internal data reformatting of this information, depending on render system requirements.
This method is for assigning weights to the dedicated geometry of the SubMesh. To assign weights to the shared Mesh geometry, see the equivalent methods on Mesh.

Referenced by Ogre::VerticesRemapInfo::performBoneAssignmentRemap().

◆ addTextureAlias()

void Ogre::v1::SubMesh::addTextureAlias ( const String aliasName,
const String textureName 

Adds the alias or replaces an existing one and associates the texture name to it.

The submesh uses the texture alias to replace textures used in the material applied to the submesh.
aliasNameis the name of the alias.
textureNameis the name of the texture to be associated with the alias

◆ arrangeEfficient()

void Ogre::v1::SubMesh::arrangeEfficient ( bool  halfPos,
bool  halfTexCoords,
bool  qTangents 

◆ clearBoneAssignments()

void Ogre::v1::SubMesh::clearBoneAssignments ( )

Removes all bone assignments for this mesh.

This method is for assigning weights to the dedicated geometry of the SubMesh. To assign weights to the shared Mesh geometry, see the equivalent methods on Mesh.

◆ clone()

SubMesh* Ogre::v1::SubMesh::clone ( const String newName,
Mesh parentMesh = 0 

Makes a copy of this submesh object and gives it a new name.

newNameThe name to give the clone.
parentMeshOptional mesh to make the parent of the newly created clone. If you leave this blank, the clone will be parented to the same Mesh as the original.

◆ dearrangeToInefficient()

void Ogre::v1::SubMesh::dearrangeToInefficient ( )

◆ generateExtremes()

void Ogre::v1::SubMesh::generateExtremes ( size_t  count)

Generate the submesh extremes (.

See also
countNumber of extreme points to compute for the submesh.

◆ getAliasTextureIterator()

AliasTextureIterator Ogre::v1::SubMesh::getAliasTextureIterator ( ) const

Gets an constant iterator to access all texture alias names assigned to this submesh.

◆ getBoneAssignmentIterator()

BoneAssignmentIterator Ogre::v1::SubMesh::getBoneAssignmentIterator ( )

Gets an iterator for access all bone assignments.

Only valid if this SubMesh has dedicated geometry.

◆ getBoneAssignments()

const VertexBoneAssignmentList& Ogre::v1::SubMesh::getBoneAssignments ( )

Gets a const reference to the list of bone assignments.

◆ getMaterialName()

const String& Ogre::v1::SubMesh::getMaterialName ( ) const

◆ getTextureAliasCount()

size_t Ogre::v1::SubMesh::getTextureAliasCount ( ) const

Gets the number of texture aliases assigned to the sub mesh.

◆ getVertexAnimationIncludesNormals()

bool Ogre::v1::SubMesh::getVertexAnimationIncludesNormals ( ) const

Returns whether animation on dedicated vertex data includes normals.

◆ getVertexAnimationType()

VertexAnimationType Ogre::v1::SubMesh::getVertexAnimationType ( ) const

Get the type of any vertex animation used by dedicated geometry.

◆ hasTextureAliases()

bool Ogre::v1::SubMesh::hasTextureAliases ( ) const

returns true if the sub mesh has texture aliases

◆ importFromV2()

void Ogre::v1::SubMesh::importFromV2 ( Ogre::SubMesh subMesh)

Imports a v2 SubMesh.

See also

◆ isBuildEdgesEnabled()

bool Ogre::v1::SubMesh::isBuildEdgesEnabled ( ) const

Returns true(by default) if the submesh should be included in the mesh EdgeList, otherwise returns false.

◆ isMatInitialised()

bool Ogre::v1::SubMesh::isMatInitialised ( ) const

Returns true if a material has been assigned to the submesh, otherwise returns false.

◆ removeAllTextureAliases()

void Ogre::v1::SubMesh::removeAllTextureAliases ( )

removes all texture aliases from the sub mesh

◆ removeTextureAlias()

void Ogre::v1::SubMesh::removeTextureAlias ( const String aliasName)

Remove a specific texture alias name from the sub mesh.

aliasNameis the name of the alias to be removed. If it is not found then it is ignored.

◆ setBuildEdgesEnabled()

void Ogre::v1::SubMesh::setBuildEdgesEnabled ( bool  b)

◆ setMaterialName()

void Ogre::v1::SubMesh::setMaterialName ( const String matName,
const String groupName = ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME 

Sets the name of the Material which this SubMesh will use.

◆ updateMaterialUsingTextureAliases()

bool Ogre::v1::SubMesh::updateMaterialUsingTextureAliases ( )

The current material used by the submesh is copied into a new material and the submesh's texture aliases are applied if the current texture alias names match those found in the original material.

The submesh's texture aliases must be setup prior to calling this method. If a new material has to be created, the subMesh autogenerates the new name. The new name is the old name + "_" + number.
True if texture aliases were applied and a new material was created.

Member Data Documentation

◆ blendIndexToBoneIndexMap

IndexMap Ogre::v1::SubMesh::blendIndexToBoneIndexMap

◆ extremityPoints

vector<Vector3>::type Ogre::v1::SubMesh::extremityPoints

A list of extreme points on the submesh (optional).

These points are some arbitrary points on the mesh that are used by engine to better sort submeshes by depth. This doesn't matter much for non-transparent submeshes, as Z-buffer takes care of invisible surface culling anyway, but is pretty useful for semi-transparent submeshes because the order in which transparent submeshes must be rendered cannot be always correctly deduced from entity position.
These points are intelligently chosen from the points that make up the submesh, the criteria for choosing them should be that these points somewhat characterize the submesh outline, e.g. they should not be close to each other, and they should be on the outer hull of the submesh. They can be stored in the .mesh file, or generated at runtime (see generateExtremes ()).
If this array is empty, submesh sorting is done like in older versions - by comparing the positions of the owning entity.

◆ indexData

IndexData* Ogre::v1::SubMesh::indexData[NumVertexPass]

Face index data.

Referenced by Ogre::Lod0Stripifier::StripLod0Vertices().

◆ mLodFaceList

LODFaceList Ogre::v1::SubMesh::mLodFaceList[NumVertexPass]

◆ operationType

OperationType Ogre::v1::SubMesh::operationType

The render operation type used to render this submesh.

◆ parent

Mesh* Ogre::v1::SubMesh::parent

Reference to parent Mesh (not a smart pointer so child does not keep parent alive).

◆ renderOpMeshIndex

uint32 Ogre::v1::SubMesh::renderOpMeshIndex

◆ useSharedVertices

bool Ogre::v1::SubMesh::useSharedVertices

Indicates if this submesh shares vertex data with other meshes or whether it has it's own vertices.

Referenced by Ogre::Lod0Stripifier::StripLod0Vertices().

◆ vertexData

VertexData* Ogre::v1::SubMesh::vertexData[NumVertexPass]

Dedicated vertex data (only valid if useSharedVertices = false).

[0] is for the regular pass, [1] is for the caster. Note that vertexData[0] = vertexData[1] is possible, but if one submesh has vertexData[0] = vertexData[1], then all submeshes in the mesh must have vertexData[0] = vertexData[1] as well for the sake of simplicity.

This data is completely owned by this submesh.
The use of shared or non-shared buffers is determined when model data is converted to the OGRE .mesh format.

Referenced by Ogre::Lod0Stripifier::StripLod0Vertices().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: