| AutoParamDataSource () |
virtual | ~AutoParamDataSource () |
const Light & | _getBlankLight () const |
const ColourValue & | getAmbientLightColour () const |
const Vector4 & | getCameraPosition () const |
const Vector4 & | getCameraPositionObjectSpace () const |
Real | getCosTime_0_1 (Real x) const |
Real | getCosTime_0_2Pi (Real x) const |
Real | getCosTime_0_X (Real x) const |
const Camera * | getCurrentCamera () const |
const HlmsComputeJob * | getCurrentJob () const |
const Pass * | getCurrentPass () const |
const Renderable * | getCurrentRenderable () const |
const RenderPassDescriptor * | getCurrentRenderPassDesc () const |
ColourValue | getDerivedAmbientLightColour () const |
ColourValue | getDerivedSceneColour () const |
Real | getFarClipDistance () const |
const ColourValue & | getFogColour () const |
const Vector4 & | getFogParams () const |
Real | getFOV () const |
Real | getFPS () const |
Real | getFrameTime () const |
Matrix4 | getInverseProjectionMatrix () const |
Vector4 | getInverseTextureSize (size_t index) const |
Matrix4 | getInverseTransposeProjectionMatrix () const |
Matrix4 | getInverseTransposeViewMatrix () const |
Matrix4 | getInverseTransposeViewProjMatrix () const |
const Matrix4 & | getInverseTransposeWorldMatrix () const |
const Matrix4 & | getInverseTransposeWorldViewMatrix () const |
Matrix4 | getInverseTransposeWorldViewProjMatrix () const |
Vector4 | getInverseUavSize (size_t index) const |
const Matrix4 & | getInverseViewMatrix () const |
Real | getInverseViewportHeight () const |
Real | getInverseViewportWidth () const |
Matrix4 | getInverseViewProjMatrix () const |
const Matrix4 & | getInverseWorldMatrix () const |
const Matrix4 & | getInverseWorldViewMatrix () const |
Matrix4 | getInverseWorldViewProjMatrix () const |
Vector4 | getLightAs4DVector (size_t index) const |
Vector4 | getLightAttenuation (size_t index) const |
float | getLightCastsShadows (size_t index) const |
float | getLightCount () const |
const ColourValue & | getLightDiffuseColour (size_t index) const |
const ColourValue | getLightDiffuseColourWithPower (size_t index) const |
Vector3 | getLightDirection (size_t index) const |
Vector3 | getLightPosition (size_t index) const |
Real | getLightPowerScale (size_t index) const |
const ColourValue & | getLightSpecularColour (size_t index) const |
const ColourValue | getLightSpecularColourWithPower (size_t index) const |
const Vector4 & | getLodCameraPosition () const |
const Vector4 & | getLodCameraPositionObjectSpace () const |
Real | getNearClipDistance () const |
Vector4 | getPackedTextureSize (size_t index) const |
Vector4 | getPackedUavSize (size_t index) const |
int | getPassNumber () const |
const Matrix4 & | getProjectionMatrix () const |
const vector< Real >::type & | getPssmBlends (size_t shadowMapIdx) const |
Real | getPssmFade (size_t shadowMapIdx) const |
const vector< Real >::type & | getPssmSplits (size_t shadowMapIdx) const |
const Vector2 | getRSDepthRange () const |
const Vector4 & | getSceneDepthRange () const |
const ColourValue & | getShadowColour () const |
Real | getShadowExtrusionDistance () const |
const Vector4 & | getShadowSceneDepthRange (size_t index) const |
Real | getSinTime_0_1 (Real x) const |
Real | getSinTime_0_2Pi (Real x) const |
Real | getSinTime_0_X (Real x) const |
Vector4 | getSpotlightParams (size_t index) const |
const Matrix4 & | getSpotlightViewProjMatrix (size_t index) const |
const Matrix4 & | getSpotlightWorldViewProjMatrix (size_t index) const |
Real | getSurfaceAlphaRejectionValue () const |
const ColourValue & | getSurfaceAmbientColour () const |
const ColourValue & | getSurfaceDiffuseColour () const |
const ColourValue & | getSurfaceEmissiveColour () const |
Real | getSurfaceShininess () const |
const ColourValue & | getSurfaceSpecularColour () const |
Real | getTanTime_0_1 (Real x) const |
Real | getTanTime_0_2Pi (Real x) const |
Real | getTanTime_0_X (Real x) const |
Vector4 | getTextureSize (size_t index) const |
const Matrix4 & | getTextureTransformMatrix (size_t index) const |
const Matrix4 & | getTextureViewProjMatrix (size_t index) const |
const Matrix4 & | getTextureWorldViewProjMatrix (size_t index) const |
Real | getTime () const |
Real | getTime_0_1 (Real x) const |
Vector4 | getTime_0_1_packed (Real x) const |
Real | getTime_0_2Pi (Real x) const |
Vector4 | getTime_0_2Pi_packed (Real x) const |
Real | getTime_0_X (Real x) const |
Vector4 | getTime_0_X_packed (Real x) const |
Matrix4 | getTransposeProjectionMatrix () const |
Matrix4 | getTransposeViewMatrix () const |
Matrix4 | getTransposeViewProjMatrix () const |
Matrix4 | getTransposeWorldMatrix () const |
Matrix4 | getTransposeWorldViewMatrix () const |
Matrix4 | getTransposeWorldViewProjMatrix () const |
Vector4 | getUavSize (size_t index) const |
Vector3 | getViewDirection () const |
const Matrix4 & | getViewMatrix () const |
Real | getViewportHeight () const |
Real | getViewportWidth () const |
const Matrix4 & | getViewProjectionMatrix () const |
Vector3 | getViewSideVector () const |
Vector3 | getViewUpVector () const |
const Matrix4 & | getWorldMatrix () const |
const Matrix4 * | getWorldMatrixArray () const |
size_t | getWorldMatrixCount () const |
const Matrix4 & | getWorldViewMatrix () const |
const Matrix4 & | getWorldViewProjMatrix () const |
bool | hasLightList () const |
void | incPassNumber () |
void | setAmbientLightColour (const ColourValue hemispheres[2], const Vector3 &hemisphereDir) |
void | setCurrentCamera (const Camera *cam) |
| Updates the current camera.
void | setCurrentJob (const HlmsComputeJob *job) |
void | setCurrentLightList (const LightList *ll) |
| Sets the light list that should be used, and it's base index from the global list.
void | setCurrentPass (const Pass *pass) |
| Sets the current pass.
void | setCurrentRenderable (const Renderable *rend) |
| Updates the current renderable.
void | setCurrentSceneManager (const SceneManager *sm) |
| Set the current scene manager for enquiring on demand.
void | setCurrentShadowNode (const CompositorShadowNode *sn) |
void | setCurrentViewport (const Viewport *viewport) |
| Sets the current viewport.
void | setFog (FogMode mode, const ColourValue &colour, Real expDensity, Real linearStart, Real linearEnd) |
void | setPassNumber (const int passNumber) |
void | setShadowDirLightExtrusionDistance (Real dist) |
| Sets the shadow extrusion distance to be used for point lights.
void | setTextureProjector (const Frustum *frust, size_t index) |
| Sets the current texture projector for a index.
void | setWorldMatrices (const Matrix4 *m, size_t count) |
| Sets the world matrices, avoid query from renderable again.
void | updateLightCustomGpuParameter (const GpuProgramParameters_AutoConstantEntry &constantEntry, GpuProgramParameters *params) const |