| CompositorShadowNode (IdType id, const CompositorShadowNodeDef *definition, CompositorWorkspace *workspace, RenderSystem *renderSys, TextureGpu *finalTarget) |
| ~CompositorShadowNode () override |
bool | _shouldUpdateShadowMapIdx (uint32 shadowMapIdx) const |
void | _update (Camera *camera, const Camera *lodCamera, SceneManager *sceneManager) |
| Renders into the shadow map, executes passes.
void | finalTargetResized01 (const TextureGpu *finalTarget) override |
| Called by CompositorManager2 when (i.e.) the RenderWindow was resized, thus our RTs that depend on their resolution need to be recreated.
const LightsBitSet & | getAffectedLightsBitSet () const |
const AxisAlignedBox & | getCastersBox () const |
const TextureGpuVec & | getContiguousShadowMapTex () const |
const CompositorShadowNodeDef * | getDefinition () const |
uint32 | getIndexToContiguousShadowMapTex (size_t shadowMapIdx) const |
const Light * | getLightAssociatedWith (size_t shadowMapIdx) const |
| Note: May return null if there is no such shadowMapIdx, or if there is no light that could be linked with that shadow map index.
void | getMinMaxDepthRange (const Frustum *shadowMapCamera, Real &outMin, Real &outMax) const |
| Outputs the min & max depth range for the given camera.
void | getMinMaxDepthRange (size_t shadowMapIdx, Real &outMin, Real &outMax) const |
float | getNormalOffsetBias (const size_t shadowMapIdx) const |
size_t | getNumActiveShadowCastingLights () const |
| The return value may change in the future, which happens when the number of lights changes to or from a value lower than the supported shadow casting lights by the definition.
const vector< Real >::type * | getPssmBlends (size_t shadowMapIdx) const |
| Returns a list of points with the blend band boundaries of the closest N-1 PSSM split in projection space for the given shadow map index.
const Real * | getPssmFade (size_t shadowMapIdx) const |
| Returns the fade point of the last PSSM split in projection space for the given shadow map index.
const vector< Real >::type * | getPssmSplits (size_t shadowMapIdx) const |
| Returns a list of points with the limits of each PSSM split in projection space for the given shadow map index.
const LightClosestArray & | getShadowCastingLights () const |
uint8 | getShadowMapLightTypeMask (uint32 shadowMapIdx) const |
| Do not call this if isShadowMapIdxActive == false or isShadowMapIdxInValidRange == false.
const Matrix4 & | getViewMatrix (size_t shadowMapIdx) const |
| Returns the texture view matrix for the given shadow map index.
Matrix4 | getViewProjectionMatrix (size_t shadowMapIdx) const |
| Returns the texture view projection matrix for the given shadow map index.
bool | isShadowMapIdxActive (size_t shadowMapIdx) const |
| Returns true if the shadow map index is not active.
bool | isShadowMapIdxInValidRange (uint32 shadowMapIdx) const |
void | postInitializePass (CompositorPass *pass) override |
| We derive so we can override the camera with ours.
void | setLightFixedToShadowMap (size_t shadowMapIdx, Light *light) |
| Marks a shadow map as statically updated, and ties the given light to always use that shadow map.
void | setStaticShadowMapDirty (size_t shadowMapIdx, bool includeLinked=true) |
| Tags a static shadow map as dirty, causing Ogre to update it on the next time this Shadow node gets executed.
| CompositorNode (IdType id, IdString name, const CompositorNodeDef *definition, CompositorWorkspace *workspace, RenderSystem *renderSys, TextureGpu *finalTarget) |
| The Id must be unique across all engine so we can create unique named textures.
virtual | ~CompositorNode () |
const CompositorPassVec & | _getPasses () const |
void | _notifyCleared () |
| Internal Use.
void | _update (const Camera *lodCamera, SceneManager *sceneManager) |
| Calling this function every frame will cause us to execute all our passes (ie.
bool | areAllInputsConnected () const |
void | connectBufferTo (size_t outChannelA, CompositorNode *nodeB, size_t inChannelB) |
| Connects this node (let's call it node 'A') to node 'B', mapping the output channel from A into the input channel from B (buffer version)
void | connectExternalBuffer (UavBufferPacked *buffer, size_t inChannelA) |
| Connects (injects) an external buffer into the given channel.
void | connectExternalRT (TextureGpu *externalTexture, size_t inChannelA) |
| Connects (injects) an external RT into the given channel.
void | connectTo (size_t outChannelA, CompositorNode *nodeB, size_t inChannelB) |
| Connects this node (let's call it node 'A') to node 'B', mapping the output channel from A into the input channel from B (texture version)
void | createPasses () |
| Creates all passes based on our definition.
void | destroyAllPasses () |
virtual void | finalTargetResized02 (const TextureGpu *finalTarget) |
UavBufferPacked * | getDefinedBuffer (IdString bufferName) const |
| Returns the buffer pointer of a buffer based on it's name.
UavBufferPacked * | getDefinedBufferNoThrow (IdString bufferName) const |
TextureGpu * | getDefinedTexture (IdString textureName) const |
| Returns the texture pointer of a texture based on it's name & mrt index.
const CompositorNodeDef * | getDefinition () const |
bool | getEnabled () const |
| Returns if this instance is enabled.
const CompositorChannelVec & | getInputChannel () const |
const CompositorChannelVec & | getLocalTextures () const |
IdString | getName () const |
size_t | getPassNumber (CompositorPass *pass) const |
| See CompositorNodeDef::getPassNumber.
RenderSystem * | getRenderSystem () const |
CompositorWorkspace * | getWorkspace () |
| Returns our parent workspace.
const CompositorWorkspace * | getWorkspace () const |
| Returns our parent workspace.
void | notifyDestroyed (const UavBufferPacked *buffer) |
void | notifyDestroyed (TextureGpu *channel) |
| Call this function when caller has destroyed a RenderTarget in which the callee may have a reference to that pointer, so that we can clean it up.
void | notifyRecreated (const UavBufferPacked *oldBuffer, UavBufferPacked *newBuffer) |
void | notifyRecreated (TextureGpu *channel) |
| Call this function when you're replacing the textures from oldChannel with the ones in newChannel.
void | resetAllNumPassesLeft () |
| Resets the number of passes left for every pass (see CompositorPassDef::mNumInitialPasses) Useful when you have a few starting 'initialization' passes and you want to reset them.
void | setEnabled (bool bEnabled) |
| Enables or disables all instances of this node.
| IdObject (IdType id) |
| We don't call generateNewId() here, to prevent objects in the stack (i.e.
IdType | getId () const |
| Get the unique id of this object.
bool | operator() (const IdObject &left, const IdObject &right) |
bool | operator() (const IdObject *left, const IdObject *right) |