| CompositorShadowNodeDef (const String &name, CompositorManager2 *compositorManager) |
| ~CompositorShadowNodeDef () override |
virtual void | _validateAndFinish () |
| Checks that paremeters are correctly set, and finalizes whatever needs to be done, probably because not enough data was available at the time of creation.
void | addBufferInput (size_t inputChannel, IdString name) override |
| Buffers.
ShadowTextureDefinition * | addShadowTextureDefinition (size_t lightIdx, size_t split, const String &name, const Vector2 &uvOffset, const Vector2 &uvLength, uint8 arrayIdx) |
| Adds a new ShadowTexture definition.
IdString | addTextureSourceName (const String &name, size_t index, TextureSource textureSource) override |
| Overloaded to prevent creating input channels.
size_t | getNumShadowTextureDefinitions () const |
| Gets the number of shadow texture definitions in this node.
const ShadowTextureDefinition * | getShadowTextureDefinition (size_t texIndex) const |
| Retrieves a shadow texture definition by its index.
ShadowTextureDefinition * | getShadowTextureDefinitionNonConst (size_t texIndex) |
void | postInitializePassDef (CompositorPassDef *passDef) override |
| Called right after we create a pass definition.
void | setDefaultTechnique (ShadowMapTechniques techn) |
void | setNumShadowTextureDefinitions (size_t numTex) |
| Reserves enough memory for all texture definitions.
| CompositorNodeDef (const String &name, CompositorManager2 *compositorManager) |
virtual | ~CompositorNodeDef () |
CompositorTargetDef * | addTargetPass (const String &renderTargetName, uint32 rtIndex=0) |
| Adds a new Target pass.
size_t | calculateNumPasses () const |
| Calculates the total number of passes in this node.
CompositorManager2 * | getCompositorManager () const |
IdString | getName () const |
String | getNameStr () const |
size_t | getNumOutputChannels () const |
| Returns the number of output channels.
size_t | getNumTargetPasses () const |
| Gets the number of target passes in this node.
size_t | getPassNumber (const CompositorPassDef *passDef) const |
| Returns the pass # of the given pass definition in this node.
bool | getStartEnabled () const |
CompositorTargetDef * | getTargetPass (size_t passIndex) |
| Retrieves an existing pass by it's given index.
const CompositorTargetDef * | getTargetPass (size_t passIndex) const |
void | getTextureSource (IdString name, size_t &index, TextureSource &textureSource) const |
| See http://www.research.att.com/~bs/bs_faq2.html#overloadderived.
void | getTextureSource (size_t outputChannel, size_t &index, TextureSource &textureSource) const |
| Retrieves in which container to look for when wanting to know the output texture using the mappings from input/local texture -> output.
void | mapOutputBufferChannel (size_t outChannel, IdString bufferName) |
| Maps the output channel to the given buffer name which can be either a local buffer or a reference to an input channel.
void | mapOutputChannel (size_t outChannel, IdString textureName) |
| Maps the output channel to the given texture name, which can be either a local texture or a reference to an input channel.
void | removeTexture (IdString name) override |
| WARNING: Be very careful with this function.
void | setNumOutputBufferChannels (size_t numOuts) |
| Reserves enough memory for all output channel mappings (efficient allocation, better than using linked lists or other containers with two level of indirections)
void | setNumOutputChannels (size_t numOuts) |
| Reserves enough memory for all output channel mappings (efficient allocation, better than using linked lists or other containers with two level of indirections)
void | setNumTargetPass (size_t numPasses) |
| Reserves enough memory for all passes.
void | setStartEnabled (bool enabled) |
| Whether the node should be start as enabled when instantiated.
| TextureDefinitionBase (TextureSource defaultSource) |
TextureDefinition * | _addTextureDefinition (const IdString hashedName) |
| For internal use. Don't call this directly.
void | _addTextureSourceName (const IdString hashedName, size_t index, TextureSource textureSource) |
| For internal use. Don't call this directly.
void | addBufferDefinition (IdString name, size_t numElements, uint32 bytesPerElement, uint32 bindFlags, float widthFactor, float heightFactor) |
| Creates an UAV buffer.
RenderTargetViewDef * | addRenderTextureView (IdString name) |
TextureDefinition * | addTextureDefinition (const String &name) |
| Creates a TextureDefinition with a given name, must be unique.
const BufferDefinitionVec & | getLocalBufferDefinitions () const |
BufferDefinitionVec & | getLocalBufferDefinitionsNonConst () |
| Returns the local buffer definitions.
const TextureDefinitionVec & | getLocalTextureDefinitions () const |
TextureDefinitionVec & | getLocalTextureDefinitionsNonConst () |
| Returns the local texture definitions.
const NameToChannelMap & | getNameToChannelMap () const |
size_t | getNumInputBufferChannels () const |
size_t | getNumInputChannels () const |
| This has O(N) complexity! (not cached, we look in mNameToChannelMap)
const RenderTargetViewDef * | getRenderTargetViewDef (IdString name) const |
RenderTargetViewDef * | getRenderTargetViewDefNonConstNoThrow (IdString name) |
void | getTextureSource (IdString name, size_t &index, TextureSource &textureSource) const |
| Retrieves in which container to look for when looking to which texture is a given name associated with.
void | removeAllRenderTextureViews () |
virtual void | removeBuffer (IdString name) |
| Remove a buffer. Buffer can come from an input channel, or a locally defined one.
void | removeRenderTextureView (IdString name) |
void | renameBuffer (IdString oldName, const String &newName) |
| Changes the name of a buffer.
void | renameTexture (IdString oldName, const String &newName) |
| Changes the name of a texture.
void | setNumLocalBufferDefinitions (size_t numTDs) |
| Reserves enough memory for all texture definitions.
void | setNumLocalTextureDefinitions (size_t numTDs) |
| Reserves enough memory for all texture definitions.