| SceneNode (const Transform &transformPtrs) |
| Don't use this constructor unless you know what you're doing.
| SceneNode (IdType id, SceneManager *creator, NodeMemoryManager *nodeMemoryManager, SceneNode *parent) |
| Constructor, only to be called by the creator SceneManager.
| ~SceneNode () override |
virtual_l1 void | _attachBone (SkeletonInstance *skeletonInstance, Bone *bone) |
| Attaches a bone to this SceneNode.
void | _callMemoryChangeListeners () override |
| Internal use, notifies all attached objects that our memory pointers (i.e.
virtual_l1 void | _detachAllBones (SkeletonInstance *skeletonInstance) |
| Detaches all bones from this SceneNode that belong to the given SkeletonInstance.
virtual_l1 void | _detachBone (SkeletonInstance *skeletonInstance, Bone *bone) |
| Detaches a bone from this SceneNode.
void | _notifyStaticDirty () const override |
| Called by SceneManager when it is telling we're a static node being dirty Don't call this directly.
void | _setCachedTransformOutOfDate () override |
virtual_l2 void | attachObject (MovableObject *obj) |
| Adds an instance of a scene object to this node.
virtual SceneNode * | createChildSceneNode (SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_DYNAMIC, const Vector3 &translate=Vector3::ZERO, const Quaternion &rotate=Quaternion::IDENTITY) |
| Creates an unnamed new SceneNode as a child of this node.
virtual void | detachAllBones () |
| Detaches all bones from from this SceneNode. It is safe to use directly.
virtual void | detachAllObjects () |
| Detaches all objects attached to this node.
virtual_l2 void | detachObject (MovableObject *obj) |
| Detaches an object by pointer.
virtual void | flipVisibility (bool cascade=true) |
| Inverts the visibility of all objects attached to this node.
MovableObject * | getAttachedObject (const String &name) |
| Retrieves a pointer to an attached object.
MovableObject * | getAttachedObject (size_t index) |
| Retrieves a pointer to an attached object.
virtual ObjectIterator | getAttachedObjectIterator () |
| Retrieves an iterator which can be used to efficiently step through the objects attached to this node.
virtual ConstObjectIterator | getAttachedObjectIterator () const |
| Retrieves an iterator which can be used to efficiently step through the objects attached to this node.
const ObjectVec & | getAttachments () |
SceneManager * | getCreator () const |
| Gets the creator of this scene node.
NodeMemoryManager * | getDefaultNodeMemoryManager (SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType) override |
| As Node::getDebugRenderable, except scaling is automatically determined.
SceneNode * | getParentSceneNode () const |
| Gets the parent of this SceneNode.
bool | isYawFixed () const |
virtual void | lookAt (const Vector3 &targetPoint, TransformSpace relativeTo, const Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z) |
| Points the local -Z direction of this node at a point in space.
size_t | numAttachedObjects () const |
| Reports the number of objects attached to this node.
virtual void | removeAndDestroyAllChildren () |
| Removes and destroys all children of this node.
virtual void | removeAndDestroyChild (SceneNode *sceneNode) |
| This method removes and destroys the child and all of its children.
virtual void | setAutoTracking (bool enabled, SceneNode *const target=0, const Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z, const Vector3 &offset=Vector3::ZERO) |
| Enables / disables automatic tracking of another SceneNode.
virtual void | setDirection (const Vector3 &vec, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL, const Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z) |
| Sets the node's direction vector ie it's local -z.
virtual void | setDirection (Real x, Real y, Real z, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL, const Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z) |
| Sets the node's direction vector ie it's local -z.
void | setFixedYawAxis (bool useFixed, const Vector3 &fixedAxis=Vector3::UNIT_Y) |
| Tells the node whether to yaw around it's own local Y axis or a fixed axis of choice.
void | setListener (Listener *listener) override |
| Sets a listener for this Node.
bool | setStatic (bool bStatic) override |
| Turns this Node into static or dynamic.
virtual void | setVisible (bool visible, bool cascade=true) |
| Makes all objects attached to this node become visible / invisible.
void | yaw (const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL) |
| Rotate the node around the Y-axis.
| Node (const Transform &transformPtrs) |
| Don't use this constructor unless you know what you're doing.
| Node (IdType id, NodeMemoryManager *nodeMemoryManager, Node *parent) |
| Constructor, should only be called by parent, not directly.
virtual | ~Node () |
virtual_l2 Quaternion | _getDerivedOrientation () const |
| Gets the orientation of the node as derived from all parents.
virtual_l2 Quaternion | _getDerivedOrientationUpdated () |
| Gets the orientation of the node as derived from all parents.
virtual_l2 Vector3 | _getDerivedPosition () const |
| Gets the position of the node as derived from all parents.
virtual_l2 Vector3 | _getDerivedPositionUpdated () |
| Gets the position of the node as derived from all parents.
virtual_l2 Vector3 | _getDerivedScale () const |
| Gets the scaling factor of the node as derived from all parents.
virtual_l2 Vector3 | _getDerivedScaleUpdated () |
| Gets the scalling factor of the node as derived from all parents.
virtual_l2 FORCEINLINE const Matrix4 & | _getFullTransform () const |
| Gets the full transformation matrix for this node.
virtual_l2 const Matrix4 & | _getFullTransformUpdated () |
| See _getDerivedScaleUpdated() remarks.
Transform & | _getTransform () |
| Returns a direct access to the Transform state.
virtual_l2 void | _setDerivedOrientation (const Quaternion &q) |
| Sets the final world orientation of the node directly.
virtual_l2 void | _setDerivedPosition (const Vector3 &pos) |
| Sets the final world position of the node directly.
void | _setNullNodeMemoryManager () |
| Manually set the mNodeMemoryManager to a null ptr.
void | _updateChildren () |
| Helper method to update the Node and all children.
void | addChild (Node *child) |
| Adds a (precreated) child scene node to this node.
virtual_l2 Vector3 | convertLocalToWorldDirection (const Vector3 &localDir, bool useScale) |
| Gets the world direction of a point in the node local space useful for simple transforms that don't require a child node.
Vector3 | convertLocalToWorldDirectionUpdated (const Vector3 &localDir, bool useScale) |
virtual_l2 Quaternion | convertLocalToWorldOrientation (const Quaternion &localOrientation) |
| Gets the world orientation of an orientation in the node local space useful for simple transforms that don't require a child node.
Quaternion | convertLocalToWorldOrientationUpdated (const Quaternion &localOrientation) |
virtual_l2 Vector3 | convertLocalToWorldPosition (const Vector3 &localPos) |
| Gets the world position of a point in the node local space useful for simple transforms that don't require a child node.
Vector3 | convertLocalToWorldPositionUpdated (const Vector3 &localPos) |
virtual_l2 Vector3 | convertWorldToLocalDirection (const Vector3 &worldDir, bool useScale) |
| Gets the local direction, relative to this node, of the given world-space direction.
Vector3 | convertWorldToLocalDirectionUpdated (const Vector3 &worldDir, bool useScale) |
virtual_l2 Quaternion | convertWorldToLocalOrientation (const Quaternion &worldOrientation) |
| Gets the local orientation, relative to this node, of the given world-space orientation.
Quaternion | convertWorldToLocalOrientationUpdated (const Quaternion &worldOrientation) |
virtual_l2 Vector3 | convertWorldToLocalPosition (const Vector3 &worldPos) |
| Gets the local position, relative to this node, of the given world-space position.
Vector3 | convertWorldToLocalPositionUpdated (const Vector3 &worldPos) |
virtual Node * | createChild (SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_DYNAMIC, const Vector3 &translate=Vector3::ZERO, const Quaternion &rotate=Quaternion::IDENTITY) |
| Creates an unnamed new Node as a child of this node.
Node * | getChild (size_t index) |
| Gets a pointer to a child node.
const Node * | getChild (size_t index) const |
NodeVecIterator | getChildIterator () |
| Retrieves an iterator for efficiently looping through all children of this node.
ConstNodeVecIterator | getChildIterator () const |
| Retrieves an iterator for efficiently looping through all children of this node.
uint16 | getDepthLevel () const |
| Returns how deep in the hierarchy we are (eg. 0 -> root node, 1 -> child of root)
bool | getIndestructibleByClearScene () const |
virtual_l2 bool | getInheritOrientation () const |
| Returns true if this node is affected by orientation applied to the parent node.
virtual_l2 bool | getInheritScale () const |
| Returns true if this node is affected by scaling factors applied to the parent node.
Listener * | getListener () const |
| Gets the current listener for this Node.
virtual_l2 Matrix3 | getLocalAxes () const |
| Gets a matrix whose columns are the local axes based on the nodes orientation relative to it's parent.
const String & | getName () const |
| Returns the name of the node.
virtual_l2 Quaternion | getOrientation () const |
| Returns a quaternion representing the nodes orientation.
Node * | getParent () const |
| Gets this node's parent (NULL if this is the root).
virtual_l2 Vector3 | getPosition () const |
| Gets the position of the node relative to it's parent.
virtual_l2 Vector3 | getScale () const |
| Gets the scaling factor of this node.
virtual Real | getSquaredViewDepth (const Camera *cam) const |
| Helper function, get the squared view depth.
virtual OGRE_DEPRECATED const Any & | getUserAny () const |
UserObjectBindings & | getUserObjectBindings () |
| Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class.
const UserObjectBindings & | getUserObjectBindings () const |
| Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class.
bool | isCachedTransformOutOfDate () const |
bool | isStatic () const |
| Checks whether this node is static.
void | migrateTo (NodeMemoryManager *nodeMemoryManager) |
| Migrates the node and all of its children to the new memory manager, at the same depth level.
size_t | numChildren () const |
| Reports the number of child nodes under this one.
virtual_l2 void | pitch (const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL) |
| Rotate the node around the X-axis.
virtual void | removeAllChildren () |
| Removes all child Nodes attached to this node.
virtual void | removeChild (Node *child) |
| Drops the specified child from this node.
virtual_l1 void | resetOrientation () |
| Resets the nodes orientation (local axes as world axes, no rotation).
virtual_l2 void | roll (const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL) |
| Rotate the node around the Z-axis.
virtual_l2 void | rotate (const Quaternion &q, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL) |
| Rotate the node around an arbitrary axis using a Quarternion.
virtual_l2 void | rotate (const Vector3 &axis, const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL) |
| Rotate the node around an arbitrary axis.
virtual_l2 void | scale (const Vector3 &scale) |
| Scales the node, combining it's current scale with the passed in scaling factor.
virtual_l2 void | scale (Real x, Real y, Real z) |
| Scales the node, combining it's current scale with the passed in scaling factor.
void | setIndestructibleByClearScene (bool indestructible) |
| Calling SceneManager::clearScene won't destroy this node nor detach its objects (but may still destroy parent and children nodes if they're not indestructible) when this is true.
virtual_l2 void | setInheritOrientation (bool inherit) |
| Tells the node whether it should inherit orientation from it's parent node.
virtual_l2 void | setInheritScale (bool inherit) |
| Tells the node whether it should inherit scaling factors from it's parent node.
void | setName (const String &name) |
| Sets a custom name for this node.
virtual_l1 void | setOrientation (Quaternion q) |
| Sets the orientation of this node via a quaternion.
virtual_l1 void | setOrientation (Real w, Real x, Real y, Real z) |
| Sets the orientation of this node via quaternion parameters.
virtual_l1 void | setPosition (const Vector3 &pos) |
| Sets the position of the node relative to it's parent.
virtual_l1 void | setPosition (Real x, Real y, Real z) |
| Sets the position of the node relative to it's parent.
virtual_l1 void | setScale (const Vector3 &scale) |
| Sets the scaling factor applied to this node.
virtual_l1 void | setScale (Real x, Real y, Real z) |
| Sets the scaling factor applied to this node.
virtual OGRE_DEPRECATED void | setUserAny (const Any &anything) |
virtual_l2 void | translate (const Matrix3 &axes, const Vector3 &move, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT) |
| Moves the node along arbitrary axes.
virtual_l2 void | translate (const Matrix3 &axes, Real x, Real y, Real z, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT) |
| Moves the node along arbitrary axes.
virtual_l2 void | translate (const Vector3 &d, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT) |
| Moves the node along the Cartesian axes.
virtual_l2 void | translate (Real x, Real y, Real z, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT) |
| Moves the node along the Cartesian axes.
virtual_l2 void | yaw (const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL) |
| Rotate the node around the Y-axis.
| IdObject (IdType id) |
| We don't call generateNewId() here, to prevent objects in the stack (i.e.
IdType | getId () const |
| Get the unique id of this object.
bool | operator() (const IdObject &left, const IdObject &right) |
bool | operator() (const IdObject *left, const IdObject *right) |