| VulkanHardwareVertexBuffer (VulkanHardwareBufferManagerBase *mgr, size_t vertexSize, size_t numVertices, HardwareBuffer::Usage usage, bool useShadowBuffer) |
| ~VulkanHardwareVertexBuffer () override |
void | _notifyDeviceStalled () |
void | _updateFromShadow () override |
| Updates the real buffer from the shadow buffer, if required.
void | copyData (HardwareBuffer &srcBuffer, size_t srcOffset, size_t dstOffset, size_t length, bool discardWholeBuffer=false) override |
| Copy data from another buffer into this one.
VkBuffer | getBufferName (size_t &outOffset) |
| Returns the actual API buffer, but first sets mLastFrameUsed as we assume you're calling this function to use the buffer in the GPU.
VkBuffer | getBufferNameForGpuWrite (size_t &outOffset) |
void * | getRenderSystemData () override |
| An internal function that should be used only by a render system for internal use.
void | readData (size_t offset, size_t length, void *pDest) override |
| Reads data from the buffer and places it in the memory pointed to by pDest.
void | writeData (size_t offset, size_t length, const void *pSource, bool discardWholeBuffer=false) override |
| Writes data to the buffer from an area of system memory; note that you must ensure that your buffer is big enough.
| HardwareVertexBuffer (HardwareBufferManagerBase *mgr, size_t vertexSize, size_t numVertices, HardwareBuffer::Usage usage, bool useSystemMemory, bool useShadowBuffer) |
| Should be called by HardwareBufferManager.
| ~HardwareVertexBuffer () |
size_t | getInstanceDataStepRate () const |
| Get the number of instances to draw using the same per-instance data before advancing in the buffer by one element.
bool | getIsInstanceData () const |
| Get if this vertex buffer is an "instance data" buffer (per instance)
HardwareBufferManagerBase * | getManager () const |
| Return the manager of this buffer, if any.
size_t | getNumVertices () const |
| Get the number of vertices in this buffer.
size_t | getVertexSize () const |
| Gets the size in bytes of a single vertex in this buffer.
void | setInstanceDataStepRate (const size_t val) |
| Set the number of instances to draw using the same per-instance data before advancing in the buffer by one element.
void | setIsInstanceData (const bool val) |
| Set if this vertex buffer is an "instance data" buffer (per instance)
| HardwareBuffer (Usage usage, bool systemMemory, bool useShadowBuffer) |
| Constructor, to be called by HardwareBufferManager only.
virtual | ~HardwareBuffer () |
virtual void | copyData (HardwareBuffer &srcBuffer) |
| Copy all data from another buffer into this one.
size_t | getSizeInBytes () const |
| Returns the size of this buffer in bytes.
Usage | getUsage () const |
| Returns the Usage flags with which this buffer was created.
bool | hasShadowBuffer () const |
| Returns whether this buffer has a system memory shadow for quicker reading.
bool | isLocked () const |
| Returns whether or not this buffer is currently locked.
bool | isSystemMemory () const |
| Returns whether this buffer is held in system memory.
void * | lock (LockOptions options) |
| Lock the entire buffer for (potentially) reading / writing.
virtual void * | lock (size_t offset, size_t length, LockOptions options) |
| Lock the buffer for (potentially) reading / writing.
void | suppressHardwareUpdate (bool suppress) |
| Pass true to suppress hardware upload of shadow buffer changes.
virtual void | unlock () |
| Releases the lock on this buffer.