class | Animation |
| An animation sequence. More...
class | AnimationContainer |
| An animation container interface, which allows generic access to sibling animations. More...
class | AnimationState |
| Represents the state of an animation and the weight of its influence. More...
class | AnimationStateControllerValue |
| ControllerValue wrapper class for AnimationState. More...
class | AnimationStateSet |
| Class encapsulating a set of AnimationState objects. More...
class | AnimationTrack |
| A 'track' in an animation sequence, i.e. More...
class | Billboard |
| A billboard is a primitive which always faces the camera in every frame. More...
class | BillboardChain |
| Allows the rendering of a chain of connected billboards. More...
class | BillboardChainFactory |
| Factory object for creating BillboardChain instances. More...
class | BillboardParticleRenderer |
| Specialisation of ParticleSystemRenderer to render particles using a BillboardSet. More...
class | BillboardParticleRendererFactory |
| Factory class for BillboardParticleRenderer. More...
class | BillboardSet |
| A collection of billboards (faces which are always facing the given direction) with the same (default) dimensions, material and which are fairly close proximity to each other. More...
class | BillboardSetFactory |
| Factory object for creating BillboardSet instances. More...
class | BorderPanelOverlayElement |
| A specialisation of the PanelOverlayElement to provide a panel with a border. More...
class | BorderPanelOverlayElementFactory |
| Factory for creating BorderPanelOverlayElement instances. More...
class | BorderRenderable |
| Class for rendering the border of a BorderPanelOverlayElement. More...
struct | CbDrawCall |
struct | CbDrawCallIndexed |
struct | CbDrawCallStrip |
struct | CbRenderOp |
struct | CbStartV1LegacyRendering |
class | D3D11HardwareBuffer |
| Base implementation of a D3D11 buffer, dealing with all the common aspects. More...
class | D3D11HardwareBufferManager |
| D3D11HardwareBufferManagerBase as a Singleton. More...
class | D3D11HardwareBufferManagerBase |
| Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for D3D11. More...
class | D3D11HardwareIndexBuffer |
class | D3D11HardwareVertexBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for D3D11. More...
class | DefaultHardwareBufferManager |
| DefaultHardwareBufferManager as a Singleton. More...
class | DefaultHardwareBufferManagerBase |
| Specialisation of HardwareBufferManagerBase to emulate hardware buffers. More...
class | DefaultHardwareIndexBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareIndexBuffer for emulation. More...
class | DefaultHardwareVertexBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for emulation. More...
class | EdgeData |
| This class contains the information required to describe the edge connectivity of a given set of vertices and indexes. More...
class | EdgeListBuilder |
| General utility class for building edge lists for geometry. More...
class | Entity |
| Defines an instance of a discrete, movable object based on a Mesh. More...
class | EntityFactory |
| Factory object for creating Entity instances. More...
class | GL3PlusDefaultHardwareBufferManager |
| GL3PlusDefaultHardwareBufferManagerBase as a Singleton. More...
class | GL3PlusDefaultHardwareBufferManagerBase |
| Specialisation of HardwareBufferManager to emulate hardware buffers. More...
class | GL3PlusDefaultHardwareIndexBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareIndexBuffer for emulation. More...
class | GL3PlusDefaultHardwareVertexBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for emulation. More...
class | GL3PlusHardwareBufferManager |
| GL3PlusHardwareBufferManagerBase as a Singleton. More...
class | GL3PlusHardwareBufferManagerBase |
| Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for OpenGL. More...
class | GL3PlusHardwareIndexBuffer |
class | GL3PlusHardwareVertexBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for OpenGL. More...
class | GLES2DefaultHardwareBufferManager |
| GLES2DefaultHardwareBufferManagerBase as a Singleton. More...
class | GLES2DefaultHardwareBufferManagerBase |
| Specialisation of HardwareBufferManager to emulate hardware buffers. More...
class | GLES2DefaultHardwareIndexBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareIndexBuffer for emulation. More...
class | GLES2DefaultHardwareUniformBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareUniformBuffer for emulation. More...
class | GLES2DefaultHardwareVertexBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for emulation. More...
class | GLES2HardwareBufferManager |
| GLES2HardwareBufferManagerBase as a Singleton. More...
class | GLES2HardwareBufferManagerBase |
| Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for OpenGL ES. More...
class | GLES2HardwareIndexBuffer |
class | GLES2HardwarePixelBuffer |
class | GLES2HardwareUniformBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareUniformBuffer for OpenGL. More...
class | GLES2HardwareVertexBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for OpenGL ES. More...
class | GLES2RenderBuffer |
| Renderbuffer surface. More...
class | GLES2RenderToVertexBuffer |
class | GLES2TextureBuffer |
| Texture surface. More...
class | HardwareBuffer |
| Abstract class defining common features of hardware buffers. More...
class | HardwareBufferLicensee |
| Abstract interface representing a 'licensee' of a hardware buffer copy. More...
struct | HardwareBufferLockGuard |
| Locking helper. More...
class | HardwareBufferManager |
| Singleton wrapper for hardware buffer manager. More...
class | HardwareBufferManagerBase |
| Base definition of a hardware buffer manager. More...
class | HardwareIndexBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareBuffer for vertex index buffers, still abstract. More...
class | HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr |
| Shared pointer implementation used to share index buffers. More...
class | HardwareVertexBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareBuffer for a vertex buffer. More...
class | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr |
| Shared pointer implementation used to share vertex buffers. More...
class | IndexData |
| Summary class collecting together index data source information. More...
class | KeyFrame |
| A key frame in an animation sequence defined by an AnimationTrack. More...
struct | LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource |
| Link to another skeleton to share animations. More...
class | ManualObject |
| Class providing a much simplified interface to generating manual objects with custom geometry. More...
class | ManualObjectFactory |
| Factory object for creating ManualObject instances. More...
class | Mesh |
| Resource holding data about 3D mesh. More...
struct | MeshLodUsage |
| A way of recording the way each LODs is recorded this Mesh. More...
class | MeshManager |
| Handles the management of mesh resources. More...
class | MeshSerializer |
| Class for serialising mesh data to/from an OGRE .mesh file. More...
class | MeshSerializerImpl |
| Internal implementation of Mesh reading / writing for the latest version of the .mesh format. More...
class | MeshSerializerImpl_v1_1 |
| Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.1 of the .mesh format. More...
class | MeshSerializerImpl_v1_10 |
| Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.10 of the .mesh format. More...
class | MeshSerializerImpl_v1_2 |
| Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.2 of the .mesh format. More...
class | MeshSerializerImpl_v1_3 |
| Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.3 of the .mesh format. More...
class | MeshSerializerImpl_v1_4 |
| Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.4 of the .mesh format. More...
class | MeshSerializerImpl_v1_41 |
| Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.41 of the .mesh format. More...
class | MeshSerializerImpl_v1_8 |
| Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.8 of the .mesh format. More...
class | MeshSerializerListener |
class | MetalHardwareBufferCommon |
| Common buffer operations for most v1 buffer interfaces used in Metal This implementation treats: Ignores STATIC and DYNAMIC bit in buffers Lack of WRITE_ONLY and DISCARDABLE buffer puts it in slowest path. More...
class | MetalHardwareBufferManager |
| MetalHardwareBufferManagerBase as a Singleton. More...
class | MetalHardwareBufferManagerBase |
| Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for Metal. More...
class | MetalHardwareIndexBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareIndexBuffer for Metal. More...
class | MetalHardwareVertexBuffer |
| Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for Metal. More...
class | NodeAnimationTrack |
| Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with node transforms. More...
class | NumericAnimationTrack |
| Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with generic animable values. More...
class | NumericKeyFrame |
| Specialised KeyFrame which stores any numeric value. More...
class | OldBone |
| A bone in a skeleton. More...
class | OldNode |
| Class representing a general-purpose OldNode an articulated scene graph. More...
class | OldNodeAnimationTrack |
| Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with node transforms. More...
class | OldSkeletonInstance |
| A OldSkeletonInstance is a single instance of a Skeleton used by a world object. More...
class | OldSkeletonManager |
| Handles the management of skeleton resources. More...
class | Overlay |
| Represents a layer which is rendered on top of the 'normal' scene contents. More...
class | OverlayContainer |
| A 2D element which contains other OverlayElement instances. More...
class | OverlayElement |
| Abstract definition of a 2D element to be displayed in an Overlay. More...
class | OverlayElementFactory |
| Defines the interface which all components wishing to supply OverlayElement subclasses must implement. More...
class | OverlayManager |
| Manages Overlay objects, parsing them from .overlay files and storing a lookup library of them. More...
class | OverlayProfileSessionListener |
| Concrete impl. More...
class | OverlaySystem |
| This class simplify initialization / finalization of the overlay system. More...
class | PanelOverlayElement |
| OverlayElement representing a flat, single-material (or transparent) panel which can contain other elements. More...
class | PanelOverlayElementFactory |
| Factory for creating PanelOverlayElement instances. More...
class | PatchMesh |
| Patch specialisation of Mesh. More...
class | PatchSurface |
| A surface which is defined by curves of some kind to form a patch, e.g. More...
class | Pose |
| A pose is a linked set of vertex offsets applying to one set of vertex data. More...
class | PrefabFactory |
| A factory class that can create various mesh prefabs. More...
class | Rectangle2D |
| Allows the rendering of a simple 2D rectangle This class renders a simple 2D rectangle; this rectangle has no depth and therefore is best used with 'depth_write off' materials. More...
class | Rectangle2DFactory |
| Factory object for creating Entity instances. More...
class | RenderOperation |
| 'New' rendering operation using vertex buffers. More...
class | RibbonTrail |
| Subclass of BillboardChain which automatically leaves a trail behind one or more Node instances. More...
class | RibbonTrailFactory |
| Factory object for creating RibbonTrail instances. More...
class | SimpleRenderable |
| Simple implementation of MovableObject and Renderable for single-part custom objects. More...
class | Skeleton |
| A collection of OldBone objects used to animate a skinned mesh. More...
class | SkeletonSerializer |
| Class for serialising skeleton data to/from an OGRE .skeleton file. More...
class | SubEntity |
| Utility class which defines the sub-parts of an Entity. More...
class | SubMesh |
| Defines a part of a complete mesh. More...
class | TagPoint |
| A tagged point on a skeleton, which can be used to attach entities to on specific other entities. More...
class | TangentSpaceCalc |
| Class for calculating a tangent space basis. More...
class | TempBlendedBufferInfo |
| Structure for recording the use of temporary blend buffers. More...
class | TextAreaOverlayElement |
| This class implements an overlay element which contains simple unformatted text. More...
class | TextAreaOverlayElementFactory |
| Factory for creating TextAreaOverlayElement instances. More...
class | TimeIndex |
| Time index object used to search keyframe at the given position. More...
class | TransformKeyFrame |
| Specialised KeyFrame which stores a full transform. More...
class | VertexAnimationTrack |
| Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with changing vertex position information. More...
struct | VertexBoneAssignment_s |
| Records the assignment of a single vertex to a single bone with the corresponding weight. More...
class | VertexBufferBinding |
| Records the state of all the vertex buffer bindings required to provide a vertex declaration with the input data it needs for the vertex elements. More...
class | VertexCacheProfiler |
| Vertex cache profiler. More...
class | VertexData |
| Summary class collecting together vertex source information. More...
class | VertexDeclaration |
| This class declares the format of a set of vertex inputs, which can be issued to the rendering API through a RenderOperation. More...
class | VertexElement |
| This class declares the usage of a single vertex buffer as a component of a complete VertexDeclaration. More...
class | VertexMorphKeyFrame |
| Specialised KeyFrame which stores absolute vertex positions for a complete buffer, designed to be interpolated with other keys in the same track. More...
class | VertexPoseKeyFrame |
| Specialised KeyFrame which references a Mesh::Pose at a certain influence level, which stores offsets for a subset of the vertices in a buffer to provide a blendable pose. More...
class | VertexShadowMapHelper |
class | VulkanHardwareBufferCommon |
class | VulkanHardwareBufferManager |
class | VulkanHardwareBufferManagerBase |
class | VulkanHardwareIndexBuffer |
class | VulkanHardwareVertexBuffer |
class | WireBoundingBox |
| Allows the rendering of a wireframe bounding box. More...