![]() |
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Implementation of GL ES 2.x as a rendering system. More...
Classes | |
class | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem |
Implementation of GL ES 2.x as a rendering system. More... | |
Functions | |
Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::GLES2RenderSystem () | |
virtual | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::~GLES2RenderSystem () |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_beginFrame (void) |
Signifies the beginning of a frame, i.e. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_bindVao (GLContext *context, uint32 vao) |
Bind VAO, context should be equal to current context, as VAOs are not shared. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_copyContentsToMemory (Viewport *vp, const Box &src, const PixelBox &dst, RenderWindow::FrameBuffer buffer) |
Copies the current contents of the render target to a pixelbox. More... | |
DepthBuffer * | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_createDepthBufferFor (RenderTarget *renderTarget) |
Creates a DepthBuffer that can be attached to the specified RenderTarget. More... | |
RenderWindow * | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_createRenderWindow (const String &name, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool fullScreen, const NameValuePairList *miscParams=0) |
Creates a new rendering window. More... | |
uint32 | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_createVao () |
Create VAO on current context. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_destroyDepthBuffer (RenderTarget *pRenderWnd) |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_destroyFbo (GLContext *context, uint32 fbo) |
Destroy FBO immediately or defer if it was created on other context. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_destroyVao (GLContext *context, uint32 vao) |
Destroy VAO immediately or defer if it was created on other context. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_endFrame (void) |
Ends rendering of a frame to the current viewport. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_getDepthStencilFormatFor (PixelFormat internalColourFormat, GLenum *depthFormat, GLenum *stencilFormat) |
Mimics D3D9RenderSystem::_getDepthStencilFormatFor, if no FBO RTT manager, outputs GL_NONE. More... | |
GLES2StateCacheManager * | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_getStateCacheManager () |
RenderWindow * | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_initialise (bool autoCreateWindow, const String &windowTitle="OGRE Render NativeWindowType") |
Start up the renderer using the settings selected (Or the defaults if none have been selected). More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_oneTimeContextInitialization () |
One time initialization for the RenderState of a context. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_render (const RenderOperation &op) |
Render something to the active viewport. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setAlphaRejectSettings (CompareFunction func, unsigned char value, bool alphaToCoverage) |
Sets the global alpha rejection approach for future renders. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setColourBufferWriteEnabled (bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha) |
Sets whether or not colour buffer writing is enabled, and for which channels. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setCullingMode (CullingMode mode) |
Sets the culling mode for the render system based on the 'vertex winding'. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setDepthBias (float constantBias, float slopeScaleBias) |
Sets the depth bias, NB you should use the Material version of this. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setDepthBufferCheckEnabled (bool enabled=true) |
Sets whether or not the depth buffer check is performed before a pixel write. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setDepthBufferFunction (CompareFunction func=CMPF_LESS_EQUAL) |
Sets the comparison function for the depth buffer check. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setDepthBufferParams (bool depthTest=true, bool depthWrite=true, CompareFunction depthFunction=CMPF_LESS_EQUAL) |
Sets the mode of operation for depth buffer tests from this point onwards. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setDepthBufferWriteEnabled (bool enabled=true) |
Sets whether or not the depth buffer is updated after a pixel write. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setPolygonMode (PolygonMode level) |
Sets how to rasterise triangles, as points, wireframe or solid polys. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setRenderTarget (RenderTarget *target) |
Set current render target to target, enabling its GL context if needed. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setSceneBlending (SceneBlendFactor sourceFactor, SceneBlendFactor destFactor, SceneBlendOperation op) |
Sets the global blending factors for combining subsequent renders with the existing frame contents. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setSceneBlendingOperation (SceneBlendOperation op) |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setSeparateSceneBlending (SceneBlendFactor sourceFactor, SceneBlendFactor destFactor, SceneBlendFactor sourceFactorAlpha, SceneBlendFactor destFactorAlpha, SceneBlendOperation op, SceneBlendOperation alphaOp) |
Sets the global blending factors for combining subsequent renders with the existing frame contents. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setSeparateSceneBlendingOperation (SceneBlendOperation op, SceneBlendOperation alphaOp) |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setTexture (size_t unit, bool enabled, const TexturePtr &tex) |
Sets the texture to bind to a given texture unit. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setTextureAddressingMode (size_t stage, const TextureUnitState::UVWAddressingMode &uvw) |
Sets the texture addressing mode for a texture unit. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setTextureBorderColour (size_t stage, const ColourValue &colour) |
Sets the texture border colour for a texture unit. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setTextureCoordSet (size_t stage, size_t index) |
Sets the texture coordinate set to use for a texture unit. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setTextureLayerAnisotropy (size_t unit, unsigned int maxAnisotropy) |
Sets the maximal anisotropy for the specified texture unit. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setTextureMipmapBias (size_t unit, float bias) |
Sets the mipmap bias value for a given texture unit. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setTextureUnitCompareEnabled (size_t unit, bool compare) |
Sets whether the compare func is enabled or not for this texture unit. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setTextureUnitCompareFunction (size_t unit, CompareFunction function) |
Sets the compare function to use for a given texture unit. More... | |
virtual void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setTextureUnitFiltering (size_t unit, FilterOptions minFilter, FilterOptions magFilter, FilterOptions mipFilter) |
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setTextureUnitFiltering (size_t unit, FilterType ftype, FilterOptions filter) |
Sets a single filter for a given texture unit. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setViewport (Viewport *vp) |
Sets the provided viewport as the active one for future rendering operations. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_switchContext (GLContext *context) |
Switch GL context, dealing with involved internal cached states too. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_unregisterContext (GLContext *context) |
Unregister a render target->context mapping. More... | |
bool | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::areFixedFunctionLightsInViewSpace () const |
Are fixed-function lights provided in view space? Affects optimisation. More... | |
virtual void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::beginProfileEvent (const String &eventName) |
This marks the beginning of an event for GPU profiling. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::bindGpuProgram (GpuProgram *prg) |
Binds a given GpuProgram (but not the parameters). More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::bindGpuProgramParameters (GpuProgramType gptype, GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params, uint16 mask) |
Bind Gpu program parameters. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::bindGpuProgramPassIterationParameters (GpuProgramType gptype) |
Only binds Gpu program parameters used for passes that have more than one iteration rendering. More... | |
bool | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::checkExtension (const String &ext) const |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::clearFrameBuffer (unsigned int buffers, const ColourValue &colour=ColourValue::Black, Real depth=1.0f, unsigned short stencil=0) |
Clears one or more frame buffers on the active render target. More... | |
GLint | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::convertCompareFunction (CompareFunction func) const |
GLint | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::convertStencilOp (StencilOperation op, bool invert=false) const |
HardwareOcclusionQuery * | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::createHardwareOcclusionQuery (void) |
Create an object for performing hardware occlusion queries. More... | |
virtual MultiRenderTarget * | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::createMultiRenderTarget (const String &name) |
Create a MultiRenderTarget, which is a render target that renders to multiple RenderTextures at once. More... | |
virtual RenderSystemCapabilities * | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::createRenderSystemCapabilities () const |
Query the real capabilities of the GPU and driver in the RenderSystem. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::destroyRenderWindow (const String &name) |
Destroys a render window. More... | |
virtual void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::endProfileEvent (void) |
Ends the currently active GPU profiling event. More... | |
ConfigOptionMap & | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::getConfigOptions (void) |
Returns the details of this API's configuration options. More... | |
unsigned int | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::getDisplayMonitorCount () const |
Gets the number of display monitors. More... | |
GLES2Support * | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::getGLSupportRef () |
const String & | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::getName (void) const |
Returns the name of the rendering system. More... | |
virtual bool | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::hasAnisotropicMipMapFilter () const |
Determines if the system has anisotropic mip map filter support. More... | |
bool | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::hasMinGLVersion (int major, int minor) const |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::initialiseContext (RenderWindow *primary) |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::initialiseFromRenderSystemCapabilities (RenderSystemCapabilities *caps, RenderTarget *primary) |
Initialize the render system from the capabilities. More... | |
virtual void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::markProfileEvent (const String &eventName) |
Marks an instantaneous event for graphics profilers. More... | |
Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::OGRE_MUTEX (mThreadInitMutex) | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::postExtraThreadsStarted () |
Tell the rendersystem to perform any tasks it needs to directly after other threads which might access the rendering API are registered. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::preExtraThreadsStarted () |
Tell the rendersystem to perform any prep tasks it needs to directly before other threads which might access the rendering API are registered. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::registerThread () |
Register the an additional thread which may make calls to rendersystem-related objects. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::setClipPlanesImpl (const Ogre::PlaneList &planeList) |
Internal method used to set the underlying clip planes when needed. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::setConfigOption (const String &name, const String &value) |
Sets an option for this API. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::setScissorTest (bool enabled, size_t left=0, size_t top=0, size_t right=800, size_t bottom=600) |
Sets the 'scissor region' i.e. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::setStencilBufferParams (CompareFunction func=CMPF_ALWAYS_PASS, uint32 refValue=0, uint32 compareMask=0xFFFFFFFF, uint32 writeMask=0xFFFFFFFF, StencilOperation stencilFailOp=SOP_KEEP, StencilOperation depthFailOp=SOP_KEEP, StencilOperation passOp=SOP_KEEP, bool twoSidedOperation=false, bool readBackAsTexture=false) |
Determines if this system supports hardware accelerated stencil buffer. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::setStencilCheckEnabled (bool enabled) |
Turns depth-stencil buffer checking on or off. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::shutdown (void) |
Shutdown the renderer and cleanup resources. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::unbindGpuProgram (GpuProgramType gptype) |
Unbinds GpuPrograms of a given GpuProgramType. More... | |
void | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::unregisterThread () |
Unregister an additional thread which may make calls to rendersystem-related objects. More... | |
String | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::validateConfigOptions (void) |
Validates the options set for the rendering system, returning a message if there are problems. More... | |
Friends | |
class | Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::ShaderGeneratorTechniqueResolverListener |
Implementation of GL ES 2.x as a rendering system.
Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::GLES2RenderSystem | ( | ) |
virtual |
virtual |
Returns the name of the rendering system.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Returns the details of this API's configuration options.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
Sets an option for this API.
name | The name of the option to alter. |
value | The value to set the option to. |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Validates the options set for the rendering system, returning a message if there are problems.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Start up the renderer using the settings selected (Or the defaults if none have been selected).
autoCreateWindow | If true, creates a render window automatically, based on settings chosen so far. This saves an extra call to _createRenderWindow for the main render window. |
windowTitle | Sets the app window title |
Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Query the real capabilities of the GPU and driver in the RenderSystem.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Initialize the render system from the capabilities.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Shutdown the renderer and cleanup resources.
Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Creates a new rendering window.
name | The name of the window. Used in other methods later like setRenderTarget and getRenderTarget. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
width | The width of the new window. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
height | The height of the new window. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
fullScreen | Specify true to make the window full screen without borders, title bar or menu bar. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
miscParams | A NameValuePairList describing the other parameters for the new rendering window. Options are case sensitive. Unrecognised parameters will be ignored silently. These values might be platform dependent, but these are present for all platforms unless indicated otherwise:
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Creates a DepthBuffer that can be attached to the specified RenderTarget.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
void Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_getDepthStencilFormatFor | ( | PixelFormat | internalColourFormat, |
GLenum * | depthFormat, | ||
GLenum * | stencilFormat | ||
) |
Mimics D3D9RenderSystem::_getDepthStencilFormatFor, if no FBO RTT manager, outputs GL_NONE.
virtual |
Create a MultiRenderTarget, which is a render target that renders to multiple RenderTextures at once.
Surfaces can be bound and unbound at will. This fails if mCapabilities->getNumMultiRenderTargets() is smaller than 2.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Destroys a render window.
Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.
inlinevirtual |
Are fixed-function lights provided in view space? Affects optimisation.
Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets the texture to bind to a given texture unit.
User processes would not normally call this direct unless rendering primitives themselves.
unit | The index of the texture unit to modify. Multitexturing hardware can support multiple units (see RenderSystemCapabilites::getNumTextureUnits) |
enabled | Boolean to turn the unit on/off |
texPtr | Pointer to the texture to use. |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets the texture coordinate set to use for a texture unit.
Meant for use internally - not generally used directly by apps - the Material and TextureUnitState classes let you manage textures far more easily.
unit | Texture unit as above |
index | The index of the texture coordinate set to use. |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets the texture addressing mode for a texture unit.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
inlinevirtual |
Sets the texture border colour for a texture unit.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
inlinevirtual |
Sets the mipmap bias value for a given texture unit.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
References Ogre::CMPF_ALWAYS_PASS, Ogre::CMPF_LESS_EQUAL, and Ogre::SOP_KEEP.
virtual |
Sets the provided viewport as the active one for future rendering operations.
This viewport is aware of it's own camera and render target. Must be implemented by subclass.
vp | Pointer to the appropriate viewport. |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Signifies the beginning of a frame, i.e.
the start of rendering on a single viewport. Will occur several times per complete frame if multiple viewports exist.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Ends rendering of a frame to the current viewport.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets the culling mode for the render system based on the 'vertex winding'.
A typical way for the rendering engine to cull triangles is based on the 'vertex winding' of triangles. Vertex winding refers to the direction in which the vertices are passed or indexed to in the rendering operation as viewed from the camera, and will wither be clockwise or anticlockwise (that's 'counterclockwise' for you Americans out there ;) The default is CULL_CLOCKWISE i.e. that only triangles whose vertices are passed/indexed in anticlockwise order are rendered - this is a common approach and is used in 3D studio models for example. You can alter this culling mode if you wish but it is not advised unless you know what you are doing. You may wish to use the CULL_NONE option for mesh data that you cull yourself where the vertex winding is uncertain.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets the mode of operation for depth buffer tests from this point onwards.
Sometimes you may wish to alter the behaviour of the depth buffer to achieve special effects. Because it's unlikely that you'll set these options for an entire frame, but rather use them to tweak settings between rendering objects, this is an internal method (indicated by the '_' prefix) which will be used by a SceneManager implementation rather than directly from the client application. If this method is never called the settings are automatically the same as the default parameters.
depthTest | If true, the depth buffer is tested for each pixel and the frame buffer is only updated if the depth function test succeeds. If false, no test is performed and pixels are always written. |
depthWrite | If true, the depth buffer is updated with the depth of the new pixel if the depth test succeeds. If false, the depth buffer is left unchanged even if a new pixel is written. |
depthFunction | Sets the function required for the depth test. |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets whether or not the depth buffer check is performed before a pixel write.
enabled | If true, the depth buffer is tested for each pixel and the frame buffer is only updated if the depth function test succeeds. If false, no test is performed and pixels are always written. |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets whether or not the depth buffer is updated after a pixel write.
enabled | If true, the depth buffer is updated with the depth of the new pixel if the depth test succeeds. If false, the depth buffer is left unchanged even if a new pixel is written. |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets the comparison function for the depth buffer check.
Advanced use only - allows you to choose the function applied to compare the depth values of new and existing pixels in the depth buffer. Only an issue if the deoth buffer check is enabled (see _setDepthBufferCheckEnabled)
func | The comparison between the new depth and the existing depth which must return true for the new pixel to be written. |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets the depth bias, NB you should use the Material version of this.
constantBias | The constant bias value, expressed as a value in homogeneous depth coordinates. |
slopeScaleBias | The bias value which is factored by the maximum slope of the polygon, see the description above. This is not supported by all cards. |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets whether or not colour buffer writing is enabled, and for which channels.
red,green,blue,alpha | Whether writing is enabled for each of the 4 colour channels. |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets how to rasterise triangles, as points, wireframe or solid polys.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Turns depth-stencil buffer checking on or off.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Determines if this system supports hardware accelerated stencil buffer.
(Reference Value & Mask) CompareFunction (Stencil Buffer Value & Mask)The result of this will cause one of 3 actions depending on whether the test fails, succeeds but with the depth buffer check still failing, or succeeds with the depth buffer check passing too.
func | The comparison function applied. |
refValue | The reference value used in the comparison |
compareMask | The bitmask applied to both the stencil value and the reference value before comparison |
writeMask | The bitmask the controls which bits from refValue will be written to stencil buffer (valid for operations such as SOP_REPLACE). the stencil |
stencilFailOp | The action to perform when the stencil check fails |
depthFailOp | The action to perform when the stencil check passes, but the depth buffer check still fails |
passOp | The action to take when both the stencil and depth check pass. |
twoSidedOperation | If set to true, then if you render both back and front faces (you'll have to turn off culling) then these parameters will apply for front faces, and the inverse of them will happen for back faces (keep remains the same). |
readBackAsTexture | D3D11 specific |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets the compare function to use for a given texture unit.
unit | The texture unit to set the filtering options for |
function | The comparison function |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets whether the compare func is enabled or not for this texture unit.
unit | The texture unit to set the filtering options for |
compare | The state (enabled/disabled) |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
unit | The texture unit to set the filtering options for |
minFilter | The filter used when a texture is reduced in size |
magFilter | The filter used when a texture is magnified |
mipFilter | The filter used between mipmap levels, FO_NONE disables mipmapping |
Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets a single filter for a given texture unit.
unit | The texture unit to set the filtering options for |
ftype | The filter type |
filter | The filter to be used |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets the maximal anisotropy for the specified texture unit.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
inlinevirtual |
Determines if the system has anisotropic mip map filter support.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
References Ogre::ColourValue::Black, and OGRE_MUTEX.
virtual |
Render something to the active viewport.
Low-level rendering interface to perform rendering operations. Unlikely to be used directly by client applications, since the SceneManager and various support classes will be responsible for calling this method. Can only be called between _beginScene and _endScene
op | A rendering operation instance, which contains details of the operation to be performed. |
Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets the 'scissor region' i.e.
the region of the target in which rendering can take place.
enabled | True to enable the scissor test, false to disable it. |
left,top,right,bottom | The location of the corners of the rectangle, expressed in pixels. |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Clears one or more frame buffers on the active render target.
buffers | Combination of one or more elements of FrameBufferType denoting which buffers are to be cleared |
colour | The colour to clear the colour buffer with, if enabled |
depth | The value to initialise the depth buffer with, if enabled |
stencil | The value to initialise the stencil buffer with, if enabled. |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Create an object for performing hardware occlusion queries.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::OGRE_MUTEX | ( | mThreadInitMutex | ) |
virtual |
Register the an additional thread which may make calls to rendersystem-related objects.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Unregister an additional thread which may make calls to rendersystem-related objects.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Tell the rendersystem to perform any prep tasks it needs to directly before other threads which might access the rendering API are registered.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Tell the rendersystem to perform any tasks it needs to directly after other threads which might access the rendering API are registered.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
inlinevirtual |
Internal method used to set the underlying clip planes when needed.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
inline |
bool Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::hasMinGLVersion | ( | int | major, |
int | minor | ||
) | const |
bool Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::checkExtension | ( | const String & | ext | ) | const |
inline |
virtual |
Create VAO on current context.
Reimplemented from Ogre::GLRenderSystemCommon.
Bind VAO, context should be equal to current context, as VAOs are not shared.
Reimplemented from Ogre::GLRenderSystemCommon.
Destroy VAO immediately or defer if it was created on other context.
Reimplemented from Ogre::GLRenderSystemCommon.
Destroy FBO immediately or defer if it was created on other context.
Reimplemented from Ogre::GLRenderSystemCommon.
virtual |
Unregister a render target->context mapping.
If the context of target is the current context, change the context to the main context so it can be destroyed safely.
Implements Ogre::GLRenderSystemCommon.
void Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_switchContext | ( | GLContext * | context | ) |
Switch GL context, dealing with involved internal cached states too.
void Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_oneTimeContextInitialization | ( | ) |
One time initialization for the RenderState of a context.
Things that only need to be set once, like the LightingModel can be defined here.
void Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::initialiseContext | ( | RenderWindow * | primary | ) |
virtual |
Set current render target to target, enabling its GL context if needed.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
GLint Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::convertCompareFunction | ( | CompareFunction | func | ) | const |
GLint Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::convertStencilOp | ( | StencilOperation | op, |
bool | invert = false |
) | const |
virtual |
Binds a given GpuProgram (but not the parameters).
Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Unbinds GpuPrograms of a given GpuProgramType.
Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Bind Gpu program parameters.
gptype | The type of program to bind the parameters to |
params | The parameters to bind |
variabilityMask | A mask of GpuParamVariability identifying which params need binding |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Only binds Gpu program parameters used for passes that have more than one iteration rendering.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets the global blending factors for combining subsequent renders with the existing frame contents.
The result of the blending operation is:
final = (texture * sourceFactor) + (pixel * destFactor)
Each of the factors is specified as one of a number of options, as specified in the SceneBlendFactor enumerated type. By changing the operation you can change addition between the source and destination pixels to a different operator.
sourceFactor | The source factor in the above calculation, i.e. multiplied by the texture colour components. |
destFactor | The destination factor in the above calculation, i.e. multiplied by the pixel colour components. |
op | The blend operation mode for combining pixels |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets the global blending factors for combining subsequent renders with the existing frame contents.
The result of the blending operation is:
final = (texture * sourceFactor) + (pixel * destFactor)
Each of the factors is specified as one of a number of options, as specified in the SceneBlendFactor enumerated type.
sourceFactor | The source factor in the above calculation, i.e. multiplied by the texture colour components. |
destFactor | The destination factor in the above calculation, i.e. multiplied by the pixel colour components. |
sourceFactorAlpha | The source factor in the above calculation for the alpha channel, i.e. multiplied by the texture alpha components. |
destFactorAlpha | The destination factor in the above calculation for the alpha channel, i.e. multiplied by the pixel alpha components. |
op | The blend operation mode for combining pixels |
alphaOp | The blend operation mode for combining pixel alpha values |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Sets the global alpha rejection approach for future renders.
By default images are rendered regardless of texture alpha. This method lets you change that.
func | The comparison function which must pass for a pixel to be written. |
value | The value to compare each pixels alpha value to (0-255) |
alphaToCoverage | Whether to enable alpha to coverage, if supported |
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Gets the number of display monitors.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
void Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setSceneBlendingOperation | ( | SceneBlendOperation | op | ) |
void Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_setSeparateSceneBlendingOperation | ( | SceneBlendOperation | op, |
SceneBlendOperation | alphaOp | ||
) |
void Ogre::GLES2RenderSystem::_destroyDepthBuffer | ( | RenderTarget * | pRenderWnd | ) |
virtual |
This marks the beginning of an event for GPU profiling.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Ends the currently active GPU profiling event.
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Marks an instantaneous event for graphics profilers.
This is equivalent to calling
Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.
virtual |
Copies the current contents of the render target to a pixelbox.
Implements Ogre::GLRenderSystemCommon.
friend |