| ManualObjectSection (ManualObject *parent, const MaterialPtr &mat, RenderOperation::OperationType opType) |
| ManualObjectSection (ManualObject *parent, const String &materialName, RenderOperation::OperationType opType, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME) |
virtual | ~ManualObjectSection () |
void | convertToSubMesh (SubMesh *sm) const |
| convert this section to a SubMesh More...
bool | get32BitIndices () const |
| Get whether we need 32-bit indices. More...
const LightList & | getLights (void) const |
| Gets a list of lights, ordered relative to how close they are to this renderable. More...
const MaterialPtr & | getMaterial (void) const |
| Retrieves a weak reference to the material this renderable object uses. More...
const String & | getMaterialGroup (void) const |
| Retrieve the material group in use. More...
const String & | getMaterialName (void) const |
| Retrieve the material name in use. More...
void | getRenderOperation (RenderOperation &op) |
| Gets the render operation required to send this object to the frame buffer. More...
RenderOperation * | getRenderOperation (void) |
| Retrieve render operation for manipulation. More...
Real | getSquaredViewDepth (const Ogre::Camera *) const |
| Returns the squared distance between the camera and this renderable. More...
void | getWorldTransforms (Matrix4 *xform) const |
| Gets the world transform matrix / matrices for this renderable object. More...
void | set32BitIndices (bool n32) |
| Set whether we need 32-bit indices. More...
void | setMaterial (const MaterialPtr &mat) |
| Update the material in use. More...
void | setMaterialName (const String &name, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME) |
| update the material name in use More...
| Renderable () |
virtual | ~Renderable () |
| Virtual destructor needed as class has virtual methods. More...
virtual void | _updateCustomGpuParameter (const GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry &constantEntry, GpuProgramParameters *params) const |
| Update a custom GpuProgramParameters constant which is derived from information only this Renderable knows. More...
virtual bool | getCastsShadows (void) const |
| Method which reports whether this renderable would normally cast a shadow. More...
const Vector4 & | getCustomParameter (size_t index) const |
| Gets the custom value associated with this Renderable at the given index. More...
virtual unsigned short | getNumWorldTransforms (void) const |
| Returns the number of world transform matrices this renderable requires. More...
bool | getPolygonModeOverrideable (void) const |
| Gets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting. More...
const RenderSystemDataPtr & | getRenderSystemData () const |
virtual Technique * | getTechnique (void) const |
| Retrieves a pointer to the Material Technique this renderable object uses. More...
bool | getUseIdentityProjection (void) const |
| Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' projection. More...
bool | getUseIdentityView (void) const |
| Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' view. More...
const Any & | getUserAny (void) const |
UserObjectBindings & | getUserObjectBindings () |
| Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
const UserObjectBindings & | getUserObjectBindings () const |
| Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
bool | hasCustomParameter (size_t index) const |
| Checks whether a custom value is associated with this Renderable at the given index. More...
virtual void | postRender (SceneManager *sm, RenderSystem *rsys) |
| Called immediately after the Renderable has been rendered. More...
virtual bool | preRender (SceneManager *sm, RenderSystem *rsys) |
| Called just prior to the Renderable being rendered. More...
void | removeCustomParameter (size_t index) |
| Removes a custom value which is associated with this Renderable at the given index. More...
void | setCustomParameter (size_t index, const Vector4 &value) |
| Sets a custom parameter for this Renderable, which may be used to drive calculations for this specific Renderable, like GPU program parameters. More...
void | setPolygonModeOverrideable (bool override) |
| Sets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting. More...
void | setRenderSystemData (RenderSystemDataPtr val) const |
void | setUseIdentityProjection (bool useIdentityProjection) |
| Sets whether or not to use an 'identity' projection. More...
void | setUseIdentityView (bool useIdentityView) |
| Sets whether or not to use an 'identity' view. More...
void | setUserAny (const Any &anything) |
Built, renderable section of geometry.