| Ogre::ShaderGenerator::Expression::Expression () |
| Ogre::HlmsDatablock::HlmsDatablock (GpuProgramType type, PropertyMap *propertyMap) |
| Ogre::HlmsManager::HlmsManager (SceneManager *sceneManager, const String &pieseFilesResorceGroup=ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME) |
| Ogre::HlmsMaterialBase::HlmsMaterialBase () |
| Ogre::PbsMaterial::PbsMaterial () |
| Ogre::PbsMaterial::PbsMaterial (const PbsMaterial &obj) |
| Ogre::PropertyMap::Property::Property (IdString _keyName, int32 _value) |
| Ogre::PropertyMap::PropertyMap () |
| Ogre::PbsMaterial::SamplerContainer::SamplerContainer () |
| Ogre::ShaderManager::ShaderManager (const String &pieseFilesResorceGroup) |
| Ogre::ShaderPiecesManager::ShaderPiecesManager (const String &pieceFilesResorceGroup) |
| Ogre::ShaderTemplate::ShaderTemplate () |
| Ogre::PbsMaterial::TextureAddressing::TextureAddressing () |
| Ogre::PbsMaterial::TextureAddressing::TextureAddressing (TextureAddressingMode inU, TextureAddressingMode inV) |
virtual | Ogre::HlmsManager::~HlmsManager () |
virtual | Ogre::HlmsMaterialBase::~HlmsMaterialBase () |
virtual | Ogre::PbsMaterial::~PbsMaterial () |
virtual | Ogre::PropertyMap::~PropertyMap () |
| Ogre::ShaderManager::~ShaderManager () |
void | Ogre::HlmsDatablock::addProfile (const String &profile) |
void | Ogre::HlmsManager::bind (Renderable *rend, HlmsMaterialBase *material, const String &passName) |
uint32 | Ogre::calcHash (const String &str) |
uint32 | Ogre::calcHash (const StringVector &vec) |
uint32 | Ogre::calcHash (const void *data, size_t size) |
static GpuProgramPtr | Ogre::ShaderManager::createGpuProgram (const String &name, const String &code, HlmsDatablock *dataBlock) |
virtual void | Ogre::HlmsMaterialBase::createTextureUnits (Pass *pass) |
| this is called once per frame if the shader has changed. (it is guaranteed that there are not texture units in the pass) More...
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::createTextureUnits (Pass *pass) |
| this is called once per frame if the shader has changed. (it is guaranteed that there are not texture units in the pass) More...
void | Ogre::ShaderPiecesManager::enumeratePieceFiles () |
ColourValue | Ogre::PbsMaterial::getAlbedo () |
ColourValue | Ogre::PbsMaterial::getF0 () |
HlmsDatablock * | Ogre::HlmsMaterialBase::getFragmentDatablock () |
GpuProgramPtr | Ogre::ShaderManager::getGpuProgram (HlmsDatablock *dataBlock) |
uint32 | Ogre::ShaderTemplate::getHash () |
uint32 | Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getHash () |
uint32 | Ogre::PropertyMap::getHash () |
const String & | Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getLanguage () |
Real | Ogre::PbsMaterial::getLightRoughnessOffset () |
const StringVector & | Ogre::ShaderPiecesManager::getPieces (const String &language, GpuProgramType shaderType, bool reload=false) |
const StringVector & | Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getProfileList () |
int32 | Ogre::PropertyMap::getProperty (IdString key, int32 defaultVal=0) |
PropertyMap * | Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getPropertyMap () |
PropertyMap & | Ogre::HlmsMaterialBase::getPropertyMap () |
Real | Ogre::PbsMaterial::getRoughness () |
GpuProgramType | Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getShaderType () |
const String & | Ogre::ShaderTemplate::getTemplate () |
ShaderTemplate * | Ogre::HlmsDatablock::getTemplate () |
const String & | Ogre::ShaderTemplate::getTemplateFileName () |
HlmsDatablock * | Ogre::HlmsMaterialBase::getVertexDatablock () |
bool | Ogre::HlmsManager::hasBinding (Renderable *rend, const String &passName) |
bool | Ogre::PropertyMap::hasProperty (IdString key) |
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::SamplerContainer::init (String n, bool hasBlendFu=false, bool hasBlendFc1=false, bool hasBlendFc2=false, bool needsGammaCorrect=false, bool hasIntens=false, bool hasMipmapC=false, TextureType texType=TEX_TYPE_2D) |
void | Ogre::ShaderTemplate::load () |
virtual void | Ogre::HlmsManager::notifyRenderSingleObject (Renderable *rend, const Pass *pass, const AutoParamDataSource *source, const LightList *pLightList, bool suppressRenderStateChanges) |
| Event raised when render single object started. More...
bool | Ogre::PropertyMap::Property::operator== (const Property &_r) const |
bool | Ogre::PbsMaterial::TextureAddressing::operator== (const TextureAddressing &b) |
bool | Ogre::OrderParamVecByKey (const std::pair< IdString, String > &_left, const std::pair< IdString, String > &_right) |
static String | Ogre::ShaderGenerator::parse (String &inBuffer, PropertyMap &properties, const StringVector &pieceFiles) |
virtual void | Ogre::HlmsManager::preFindVisibleObjects (SceneManager *source, SceneManager::IlluminationRenderStage irs, Viewport *v) |
| Called prior to searching for visible objects in this SceneManager. More...
void | Ogre::PropertyMap::removeProperty (IdString key) |
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::setAlbedo (ColourValue val) |
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::setAlbedoTexture (MapSlot mapSlot, TexturePtr tex, TextureAddressing textureAddressing=TextureAddressing(), BlendFunction blendFunc=BF_ALPHA, float blendFactor=1) |
void | Ogre::PropertyMap::setCommonProperties () |
| Inserts common properties about the current Renderable, such as hlms_skeleton hlms_uv_count, etc. More...
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::setEnvironmentMap (TexturePtr tex, float intensityFactor=1.0f) |
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::setF0 (ColourValue val) |
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::setF0Texture (MapSlot mapSlot, TexturePtr tex, TextureAddressing textureAddressing=TextureAddressing(), BlendFunction blendFunc=BF_ALPHA, float blendFactor=1) |
void | Ogre::HlmsDatablock::setLanguage (const String &language) |
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::setLightRoughnessOffset (Real val) |
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::setNormalRTexture (MapSlot mapSlot, TexturePtr tex, TextureAddressing textureAddressing=TextureAddressing(), float normalBlendFactor=1, float rBlendFactor=0) |
| set texture containing normals and roughness More...
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::setOffsetAndScale (MapSlot mapSlot, Vector2 offset, Vector2 scale) |
void | Ogre::PropertyMap::setProperty (IdString key, int32 value) |
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::setRoughness (Real val) |
void | Ogre::ShaderTemplate::setTemplateFileName (const String &templateFileName) |
void | Ogre::HlmsDatablock::setTemplateName (const String &tamplateName) |
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::setUvSetIndex (MapSlot mapSlot, uint index) |
void | Ogre::HlmsManager::unbind (Renderable *rend, const String &passName) |
void | Ogre::HlmsManager::unbindAll (const String &passName) |
virtual void | Ogre::HlmsMaterialBase::updatePropertyMap (Camera *camera, const LightList *pLightList) |
| this is called once per frame More...
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::updatePropertyMap (Camera *camera, const LightList *pLightList) |
| this is called once per frame More...
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::updateTextureUnits (TextureUnitState *textureUnitState, GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr fragmentParams, SamplerContainer &s, int index) |
virtual void | Ogre::HlmsMaterialBase::updateUniforms (const Pass *pass, const AutoParamDataSource *source, const LightList *pLightList) |
| this is called for every renderable before it is renderd with the given pass More...
void | Ogre::PbsMaterial::updateUniforms (const Pass *pass, const AutoParamDataSource *source, const LightList *pLightList) |
| this is called for every renderable before it is renderd with the given pass More...
High-level Material-System.